fairregister works metadata
Hash metadata
hash total metadata > which fields should not be hashed? > marked as (mutable)
hash every commitment > some fields are not changeable > marked as (immutable)
"title": "Mountains", // no special characters, not unique (immutable)
"registrar": "Lisa Kostrzewa", // who has registered, the work, we use an internal UUID which we map in the user metadata database // was field "creator", "registrar" (immutable)
"description": "A mountain landscape in Austria", (immutable)
"attribution": "LisK & Kira", // was field "contributors", to be used e.g. for giving attribution in CC license (mutable)
"publisher": "self", // (immutable)
"subject": " ", // we will not use that field anymore in the UI
"creation_date": 2022-03-15 10:00:31, // UTC? - see existing DB // date timestamp without time zone (mutable)
"type": "image", // set of: text, image, audio, video, mixed (immutable)
"license": "CC-BY-4.0", // (immutable) in frontend also show link to the SPDX-License-Identifier, which we should find in the SPDX database. If full copyright, field = NONE.
"license_dual": "GPLv3", // (mutable) less restrictive license then first license, could be added later, also as SPDX-License-Identifier
"license_addons": "", // e.g. additional rights, free text (mutable), e.g. Pixabay publishers, personal rights cleared (e.g. portrait)
"license_DALICC": "https://api.dalicc.net/licenselibrary/license/CC-BY-4.0" // (mutable) ) machine readable and custom license, copied from license field if available in DALICC,
"identifier": "", // e.g. ISBN number (mutable)
"IPFS": " ", // ipfs URI (immutable)
"NFT": " ", // NFT-UID, URI to data in ipfs (immutable)
"filename": " ", (immutable)
"hash": " ", // md5, we do not use that anymore
"hash_sha": " ", // sha256 (immutable)
"hash_sha512": " ", // NEW sha512 (immutable)
"revocation_date": " ", // additionally generate new hash? chain independent of the entries? design? java microservice revocation (mutable)
"revocation_reason": "", // revocation of a registration only under special circumstances e.g. proof of copyright infringement (mutable)
"registration_date": " ", // timestamp without time zone (immutable)
"tags": " ", (mutable)
"relation": " ", // also for collections (mutable)
"supersedes": " ", // new version of the work (mutable)
"counter": "3156", // subsequent number of work (immutable), not tight
"publishing_date":"2022-03-12", // date of broadcasting (mutable)
"grid": "RC-01-LIZ0000003156-2", // RC > FC / FR (immutable)
"public_certificate": "https://www.registeredcommons.org/document/1124800676.pdf", // if we generate some extra certificate, we put the URI here (immutable)
"language": "DE_de", // ISO ?? check DB (mutable)
"visibility": "yes", // work is public (mutable) The visibility can be changed afterwords.
"customkey0": "2022-02-12", // date of archiving, specific to a user / type of work: audio > duration
"customkey1": "", // free selectable attributes, sub-record in the DB, second table, attributes-array
// "attributes": [
{ "trait_type": "Base", "value": "Starfish" },
{ "trait_type": "Eyes", "value": "Big" },
{ "trait_type": "Mouth","value": "Surprised" },
"customkey2": "",
"customkey3": "",
"customkey4": "",
"customkey5": "",
"customkey6": "",
"customkey7": "",
"customkey8": "",
"customkey9": ""
Auf Arweave deployte Metadaten des "CHINA 2" NFT
"name": "CHINA 2",
"symbol": "",
"description": "HONEY",
"seller_fee_basis_points": 2000,
"image": "https://www.arweave.net/ziuegH7AdissNZfjbMObWXmXs1UkpFc1j4T0TdqRSvY?ext=png",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "background color",
"value": "red"
"trait_type": "text color",
"value": "yellow"
"trait_type": "animal",
"value": "bear"
"external_url": "",
"properties": {
"files": [
"uri": "https://www.arweave.net/ziuegH7AdissNZfjbMObWXmXs1UkpFc1j4T0TdqRSvY?ext=png",
"type": "image/png"
"category": "image",
"creators": [
"address": "HwEXrVG92WjeCRi1QsryP5yV76PCc7u9TuonhG4YUh63",
"share": 100
Users can issue a new version, then the supersedes field of the new version holds the GRID of the old version.