Modernisation of the Registered Commons Service
Registered Commons is a web-based service for the global Creative Commons community operated by fairkom. The service can be used to prove the ownership of digital works at a specific point in time.
Within the framework of faircommons, the registration process is to be simplified. Therefore a redevelopment of Registered Commons as faircommons / fairregister is planned. In addition to the web service, digital works are also to be secured and licensed via a faircommons app, which will be integrated into nextcloud. A suitable Creative Commons (CC) licence can simply be selected. The hash value of the file and its metadata are stored in a blockchain using distributed ledger technology.
The aim is to ensure legal certainty for works with CC licences. In addition, the faircommons project should contribute to more works being defined as commons and made available to the general public. faircommons should establish itself in the long term as a directory for licensed works.