A. Flock:...
When offering both OnlyOffice and Collabora, our friends at librehost have created an app so that users can choose which editor to use https://lab....
php based, install instructions https://github.com/grommunio/grommunio-web
Canonical maintains a discourse operator https://github.com/canonical/discourse-k8s-operator/issues
Deploy in k8s with domain: collabora.fairkom.net in extra namespace collabora-prod + collabora-dev
An alternative could be Planka https://github.com/plankanban/planka - but seems to have less features than Wekan.
We have set up a dev environment for discourse https://git.fairkom.net/emb/displ.eu/fediverse/discourse/-/blob/main/README.md
maybe it makes sense to evaluate different tools with pros and cons before starting installing, setting up and then figuring out that another tool ...
There is also a WP plugin https://github.com/discourse/wp-discourse which adds a comment section. Here is an example page (scroll down, it is a lon...
Discourse is a mature discussion software with several plugins. Here we list some that may be relevant to Display Europe....
Will do! Already spoke to Christian, sounds very complicated what he did, not sure what the exact use case is, but I'm in touch with Nadine and hop...
We will continue documenting our tests and deployments with LiveKit in separate repos thttps://git.fairkom.net/hosting/conf/livekit...