Make start page multilingual
We are getting more and more feedback why the fairmeeting start page is not in English. As described in issue #4 (closed) it's not trivial.
Redirection management, web page hosting, multi-language handling or update management etc is not trivial.
Can the effort be estimated? Would it be easier to build our own site? @christian.fischer
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- Kuehs Sebastian added nice to have label
added nice to have label
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@nikola offered to help.
How much people would we need? What kind of skills should they have? How much time would it take? How much money would it cost?
I would invest time and energy to assist to find money, and people. - Owner
should be appearing in the language of the browser setting (please check).There is already some text in more than a dozen of languages - but not exactly saying the same what the German text says.
Somebody has to translate the i18n variables
"title" (title on top)
"appDescription" (long text block in the middle)
in those languages:
main-af.json main-eo.json main-frCA.json main-it.json main-ko.json main-ptBR.json main-tr.json main-az.json main-deDISTRO.json main-es.json main-fr.json main-ja.json main-nb.json main-ru.json main-vi.json main-bg.json main-deFAIRMEETING.json main-esUS.json main-hr.json main.json main-nl.json main-sk.json main-zhCN.json main-ca.json main-de.json main-fa.json main-hu.json main-kab.json main-oc.json main-sl.json main-zhTW.json main-cs.json main-enGB.json main-fi.json main-hy.json main-km.json main-pl.json main-sv.json
- Author
@nikola do you want to translate the fairmeeting starting page to english? @christian.fischer gives you the content and he will implement it to json file If yoiu don't have time, just let me know ;)
Hi Sebastian, yes please. Send me the content and I will translate it. :)
- Kuehs Sebastian assigned to @christian.fischer
assigned to @christian.fischer @nikola you can find the welcomepage text under welcomepage - app description - use a html-software, f.e. sublimetext3, to open the files and save it
Edited by Buric Nikola@sebastian.kuehs I spoke with Christian. English version/translation in json looks good now. I will report again if people continue to complain.
Edited by Buric Nikola 1- Author
Great, thanks a lot for your engagement @nikola!
I'm closing this issue for now. If we want to add more languages, we can open it again.
Edited by Kuehs Sebastian - Kuehs Sebastian closed
- Owner
Duplicate issue of #36 (closed)
@nikola could you please check if the start page now appears in the language which you have set on your laptop / browser? We do have set
as default language, if we d not get this information from the browser. - Owner
It seems the translated language files have never been put in place.
What needs to be translated in
from the filemain-de.json
:"welcomepage": { "appDescription": "title": }
@christian.fischer please check if this has been translated and paste it to
- Roland Alton reopened
- Owner
We had a user from Italy who reported that he sees the page in German instead of English. MAybe we have somewhere a slash too much, seen this in the log ""
- Owner
The boxes welcomePageAdditionalCard.html and welcomePageAdditionalContent.html of the start page could be translated with a language declaration see
Edited by Roland Alton - Owner
Translation strings can be embedded if added to the translation library and then selected with
<span data-i18n="dialog.OK">OK</span>
For fairmeeting and pro we are using again standard
directory: - Owner
All key/value pairs in
(for EN) are compiled intoapp.bundle.min.js
and thus do not have any effect when changingmain.json
replace in
"Jitsi Meet" with "Start your conference now"
Edited by Roland Alton -
replace in