We have users who loose saving latest version of documents to nextcloud, as one of the editors did not close the session.
I've tested the onlyoffice installation @faircloud by myself and in coop-work with another person (testing parallel work). And I can confirm, that this installation have some issues. We have not lost complete documents, but the content of tabs in a xlsx file. The file contains 10 tabs, 8 are with content, on 2 tabs the content was gone.
We've got some working OnlyOffice Instances with Nextcloud Integration and now starting with a test-phase - ie. high workloads and strange using of the service (like crashing while editing, multi-user editing etc. pp.). We'll keep you informed.
@cw ich habe deine Bedenken mit private key nicht verstanden. OnlyOffice bietet nur ein secret, keine asymmetrische Verschlüsselung. Das dient ja nur der Zugangsbeschränkung: https://api.onlyoffice.com/editors/signature
Armins Server hat gar keinen secret key,den kann seit einer geraumen Weile jede/r mit nextcloud benutzen und läuft ohne Beschwerden https://onlyoffice.felder-edv.at/
Hallo @armin.felder, kannst du mir bitte weiterhelfen - welcher Token wird für die Ausführung von OnlyOffice gebraucht?
Hier die Seite:
Hier der Code:
<script type="text/javascript"> window.docEditor = new DocsAPI.DocEditor("placeholder", {"document":{"fileType":"docx","key":"xxx","title":"Example Title.docx","url":"https:\/\/onlyoffice.fairkom.net\/assets\/docs\/samples\/demo.docx"},"documentType":"text","editorConfig":{"customization":{"feedback":{"visible":true},"hideRightMenu":true}},"height":"550px","token":"","width":"100%"} ); </script>