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Welcome to faircloud

Access via Web browser at and use your fairlogin account (get one for free at )

faircloud features

faircloud is based on nextcloud and offers file management and syncing plus several hand selected apps

  • collaborative editing of documents, tables or presentations
  • calendar
  • addressbook
  • tasks
  • photos
  • bookmarks
  • deck (kanban board)
  • notes
  • file locking (useful in shared folders)
  • circles to manage groups (manage in contacts menu)
  • webmail client (basic & pro)
  • mind maps (pro)
  • whiteboard - collaborative drawing (basic & pro)
  • start a fairteaching meeting (right click on PDF uploads it as a presentation) (in free version with 2 participants only, for more order a videoconferencing package)
  • time tracker (pro)
  • appointments (pro) - allow others to book a timeslot in your calendar
  • forms for questionnaires (pro)
  • carnet (note pads, also available as Android app with full syncing)

Some features are only available with our fairapps basic or fairapps pro plans, see our comparison list.

In files you can have a file which is shown on the top. This enriches any folder with a kind of WIKI page, where you can describe the content of the folder or add links to other resources.

You can upload files up to 3 GB of size. Total available disk space depends on your plan:

If you use faircloud as an organization, we recommend that you set up one extra account YourOrganizationAdmin, which then shares all resources (calendar, folders etc) and not bind those to a person's account.

User manual

Nextcloud docs English

Nextcloud Dokumentation Deutsch

Below you find some extra hints for your daily use of faircloud.

Sync files

Install a sync client for your desktop or smartphone, choose Log in to your Nextcloud and use as server address and login with your fairlogin account. Then choose which folders you want to sync.

Renaming or moving a file may not touch the timestamp on your local device.

On your smartphone you can set uploading photo images automatically to your nextcloud.

Sync calendars, contacts, tasks


Install the app DavX5 to sync calendars and addressbooks. If you also want to sync tasks, also install jtx. Connect to server (in case this does not work use the full URL which you also find on the bottom left).


DavX5 setting

If you want to sync an existing calendar and addressbook which is local on your smartphone, you need to first export and import them to the new calendar and addressbook.

Known Issues:

  • Syncing tasks created by the deck app doesn't work. Use the the deck app instead.


  1. Add Account in Settings
  2. Choose Other
  3. Add CalDav Account
  4. Paste in
  5. Type in your Email address
  6. Paste your app password which can be generated here under Devices & sessions (must be generated and saved before pasting in Apple settings)
  7. click save


To connect your Nextcloud with macOS to synchronise calendars and contacts follow these instructions Important: No Whitespaces in your Username are allowed! If it doesn't sync try creating an app password in your Settings > Security and use this for your connection.


Please install CalDavSynchronizer - see the detailled instructions here

Subscribe calendar

You can subscribe a calendar from another calendar server like Google or TERMINO (read only).


You also can subscribe the other way round an existing nextcloud calendar into a new Google calendar. Open the share button and get a subscription link.


Syncing between a nextcloud and a Google calendar both ways with Caldav is not supported (see open issue).

Holiday calendars for AT and DE are offered for fairapps basic and pro users. Or create and import your own from here.


Since Thunderbird 102 there is no need to install an add-on for syncing calendars ir address books. Click on New Calendar and select On the Network. As Server URL enter Then all calendars are listed and choose which you want to sync. Same with address books, here you do a Add CardDav Address Book.

Alternatively, you can use the TBsync add-on, see

Or use the manual (old) method: follow this guide and use a link like this: - you find the correct link at each faircloud calendar behind the three dots.

Sync notes

Install nextcloud notes app for Android or iOS, select as a server your existing faircloud (or any other nextcloud account) which you had configured in the nextcloud file sync app and enjoy having all your notes on all devices.

Sync decks

If you use the Deck app for task or project management there is also a nice Android App, also available for F-Droid. Choose as server

Sync tasks

Syncing notes and tasks is best done with jtx - both in one app. The app OpenTasks is unmaintained at and currently not recommended.


faircloud has OnlyOffice embedded to collaborate on documents. OO prefers docx, pptx, xlsx file formats. The Open Document Foundation formats odt, odp, ods are also supported, but may be not fully compatible to rendering with the LibreOffice or Collabora editors.

Start an online meeting

faircloud allows to start a videoconference with 'Meet'. If selected from a PDF, it is used as the presentation slides. For more than 2 participants you need to obtain a package.

User Documentation

nextcloud user manual

Get your nextcloud client to sync files. You find the settings for calendar or addressbook clients (such as DavDroid) in the bottom left. You simply use your fairlogin account as credential.

For the Thunderbird Lightning Calendar you use the link behind the three dots (see #24 (closed)).



You can share a folder from another nextcloud instance to faircloud and vice versa. Check your federation ID in the user sharing settings. See also the nextcloud manual.


With the Circles function, users can create their own groups and manage their members. See the extra Circle for Groups WIKI page how to create, manage or invite to a circle.

Using faircloud in a team

For organisations, you should set up a special organisation-admin account, who is the owner of a main organisation folder. This user shares the main folder with the team members. An independent main folder owner is to prevent troubles, if a founding user would leave the organisation. In special cases, a fairkom system administrator could transfer the ownership of a folder to another user, though, with the commands: sudo -u www-data php occ files:transfer-ownership --path=“name of folder” usernamefrom usernameto.

If you have your own faircloud, you also can manage a team as a group - on our main instance this can be done with circles

Alternatively, the groupfolder app may be an option which could be installed on dedicated faircloud instances.

When collaborating on office documents, you can activate that you see all changes and approve or comment them.

When working with the OnlyOffice online editor, you can also start a chat or even a video conference while working on the same document (Plugin / Jitsi / Domain: / Room: enter a room name).


Check out other useful plugins in the OnlyOffice online editor such as thesaurus or translation!

Your own faircloud

Whoever uses the server is part of the fairkom user community. You can easily share resources with other faircloud users, e.g. a folder or invite to an event.

If you or your organisation require a more private environment, you may consider to order your own faircloud server which hosts only you and your team.

Using faircloud as a simple WIKI

Folders can be enriched with a box on top and at the bottom to describe what is in the folder or add some context information.

To add text on top of a folder view add a file with one of those mames:


To add text on the bottom of a folder view add a file:


Connect via webdav

You can also access your files with a WebDAV client (e.g. File Browser like Thunar or Dolphin). As webdav address use or davs://

Adding external storage

Any user can add an external storage, which support WebDAV or sftp. If you need additional storage within nextcloud just order it.

Deleting your Account

If you want your Account to be removed send us an inquiry to, prior to that make sure that you back up all the files on the cloud. You might want to transfer ownership of your folders to another user in your settings.


If you encounter a problem or have a wish, please submit an issue on the left. Check the closed issues first, maybe someone already asked the question.

We also offer support packages to guide you or your team. Here you find all fairkom support channels.

Technical Documentation

faircloud documentation for fairkom sysadmins


fairapps pro users can create forms for questionnaires. Several question types are available.
