FairSync API - Point Of Interests (POI) describes how POIs can be exchanged between maps and platforms. See also https://nlnet.nl/project/FairSync
In the past there was a lot of discussions about this topic and at least as many ideas. In order to make better progress this time, we try to find
a minimal set of requirements (Minimum Viable Product a.k.a MVP) that provide added value for the initial platforms:
a minimal set of requirements (Minimum Viable Product a.k.a MVP) that provide added value for the initial platforms, which both serve vital communities:
* https://wechange.de
* https://kartevonmorgen.org
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Stakeholder (in alphabetical order)
* @Helmut as ProductOwnder of kartevonmorgen (KVM)
* Ludwig as ProductOwner of WeChange
* Markus as Developer and Architect of KVM
*Roland ??
*@roland.alton as contact person to NLnet foundation at [fairkom](https://fairkom.eu), taking also care on legal issues, open source tools used and overall project focus and controlling
Collection of key points for the MVP
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ Glossary / Vocabulary
| POI | Point of Interest - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Points_of_interest |
| MVP | Minimum Viable Product |
| KVM | Karte von Morgen (https://kartevonmorgen.org) |
| NGI | Next Generation Internet |
| NLnet | NLnet foundation |
| use case | Use cases describe the behavior of a system from a user perspective. |
| user story | we use user story in the same manner as use case |
| journey | we use journey in the same manner as use case |