@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Karte von Morgen Map queries possible against https://rdf.dev.osalliance.com/rdf
WECHANGE Map queries possible against https://rdf.dev.osalliance.com/rdf4j-server/repositories/weChange_loa
For manual map data provisioning a CSV uploader has been put online: https://loa.test.opensourceecology.de/ (uploaded LivingLines.at test data including organic farmers Bolsena area Italy, server may not always respond, test-setup!)
For manual map data provisioning a CSV uploader has been put online: https://loa.test.opensourceecology.de/ (uploaded LivingLines.at test data including organic farmers Bolsena area Italy, server may not always respond, test-setup!). A documentation for user registration and CSV import has been made available here https://gitlab.com/linkedopenactors/loa-application/-/blob/main/doc/Readme.md
WordPress Plugin is based on http://tools.livinglines.at/ll-tools/wpsparql-doku/
and the configuration can be done via LL-Tools (Admin permissions required)