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% Encoding: UTF-8

  author       = {{Projekt Waldumbau SuK}},
  title        = {Projektskizze zu \glq{}Waldumbau in den Hoch- und Kammlagen des Thüringer Waldes\grq{}},
  year         = {2012},
  date         = {2012-07-31},
  subtitle     = {Entwurf -- ein Kooperationsbericht des: Service- und Kompetenzzentrum (SuK) von ThüringenForst AöR Gotha},
  howpublished = {internes Projektpapier},
  abstract     = {Projektentwurf zum Umbau Tieflandsfichten in Gebirgsfichten},
  owner        = {torsten},
  timestamp    = {2021-04-27},

  author    = {Schreiber, A. and Elmer, W. and Erlbeck, G.},
  date      = {1996},
  title     = {Die Orkankatastrophe und Borkenkäferkalamität im Thüringer Wald 1946-1954: Entstehung, Schadensbewältigung und Wiederbewaldung der Kahlflächenlandschaft im Mittleren Thüringer Wald},
  publisher = {Landesanst. für Wald und Forstwirtschaft Gotha},
  series    = {Mitteilungen der Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft},
  url       = {},
  groups    = {torsten:6},
  owner     = {torsten},
  timestamp = {2021-04-30},

  author = {Wikipedia},
  title  = {Globales Navigationssatellitensystem --- Wikipedia{,} die freie Enzyklopädie},
  note   = {[Online; Stand 28. Mai 2023]},
  url    = {\url{}},
  owner  = {torsten},
  year   = {2022},

  author       = {{Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG)}},
  date         = {2023-05-29},
  title        = {Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)},
  url          = {},
  organization = {Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG), vertreten durch den Präsidenten Prof. Dr. Paul Becker, Richard-Strauss-Allee 11, 60598 Frankfurt am Main},
  owner        = {torsten},

  author = {{Herbstakademie 2013}},
  date   = {2023-05-30},
  editor = {{Uni Osnabrück / IGF / Ursulaschule}},
  title  = {E-Learning GPS},
  url    = {},
  note   = {Angaben gemäß \S{} 5 TMG: Christian Plass, An der Stüveeiche 13a, 49205 Hasbergen},
  owner  = {torsten},

  author       = {{IVV Geowissenschaften}},
  date         = {2023-05-30},
  editor       = {{Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster}},
  title        = {GPS in den Geowissenschaften},
  url          = {},
  organization = {Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, IVV Geowissenschaften, Heisenbergstraße 2, 48149 Münster},
  owner        = {torsten},

  author = {Wikipedia},
  title  = {Assisted Global Positioning System --- Wikipedia{,} die freie Enzyklopädie},
  note   = {[Online; Stand 30. Mai 2023]},
  url    = {\url{}},
  owner  = {torsten},
  year   = {2023},

  date         = {2023-05-30},
  editor       = {{European Space Agency}},
  title        = {Antennas},
  url          = {},
  organization = {European Space Agency, 8/10 rue Mario Nikis, 75738 Paris cedex, France},
  urldate      = {2014-09-18},
  owner        = {torsten},

  author      = {Zimmermann, Florian},
  date        = {2019-10-08},
  institution = {Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn},
  title       = {Analysis and mitigation of site-dependent effects in static and kinematic GNSS applications},
  pagetotal   = {99},
  type        = {phdthesis},
  url         = {},
  urldate     = {2023-05-30},
  file        = {:/home/torsten/Dokumente/mbox/Documents/docs/GIS/Ortung/dissertation_zimmermann_2019.pdf:PDF},
  groups      = {gnss},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author       = {J. {Sanz Subirana} and J.M. {Juan Zornoza} and M. {Hernández-Pajares}},
  date         = {2023-05-30},
  editor       = {Technical University of Catalonia, Spain},
  title        = {Fundamentals - Multipath},
  url          = {},
  organization = {European Space Agency},
  urldate      = {2011-01-01},
  owner        = {torsten},

  author      = {Christian Rost},
  date        = {2011-07-11},
  institution = {Deutsche Geodätische Kommissionbei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften},
  title       = {Phasenmehrwegereduzierung basierend auf Signalqualitätsmessungen geodätischer GNSS-Empfänger},
  addendum    = {Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaftenin Kommission beim Verlag C. H. Beck},
  isbn        = {978-3-7696-5077-8},
  location    = {München},
  note        = {An der Fakultät für Forst-, Geo- und Hydrowissenschaftender Technischen Universität Dresdenvorgelegte Dissertation zur Erlangungdes akademischen Grades Doktor-Ingenieur (Dr.-Ing.)},
  pagetotal   = {170},
  titleaddon  = {Dissertation},
  url         = {},
  urldate     = {2023-05-30},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author       = {Xiaoguang Luo and Michael Mayer and Bernhard Heck},
  date         = {2008-02-01},
  journaltitle = {zfv},
  title        = {Erweiterung des stochastischen Modells von GNSS-Beobachtungen unter Verwendung der Signalqualität},
  pages        = {98--107},
  url          = {},
  urldate      = {2023-05-30},
  volume       = {133. Jg.},
  owner        = {torsten},

  author    = {Marios Smyrnaios and Steffen Schn and Marcos Liso},
  booktitle = {Geodetic Sciences - Observations, Modeling and Applications},
  date      = {2013-05},
  title     = {Multipath Propagation, Characterization and Modeling in {GNSS}},
  doi       = {10.5772/54567},
  publisher = {{InTech}},
  owner     = {torsten},

  author       = {Rainer Bischof and Jörg Föller},
  date         = {2018-04-02},
  journaltitle = {Forschungspapiere undFallstudien der VWA Hochschule für berufsbegleitendes Studium},
  title        = {Outdoor FunknavigationmittelsFunklaufzeitmessung},
  editor       = {VWA-Hochschule für berufsbegleitendes Studium},
  issn         = {2570-2459},
  number       = {No. 2018-04},
  pages        = {20},
  url          = {öller.pdf},
  urldate      = {2023-05-30},
  volume       = {Vol. 1},
  owner        = {torsten},

  author  = {Ronny Blum and Rainer Bischof and Udo H. Sauter and J. Foeller},
  title   = {Tests of reception of the combination of GPS and GLONASS signals under and above forest canopy in the Black Forest, Germany, using choke ring antennas},
  pages   = {14 - 2},
  volume  = {27},
  journal = {International Journal of Forest Engineering},
  owner   = {torsten},
  year    = {2016},

  author       = {Tamir, T.},
  date         = {1967-01-01},
  journaltitle = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
  title        = {On radio-wave propagation in forest environments},
  doi          = {10.1109/tap.1967.1139054},
  number       = {6},
  pages        = {806-817},
  url          = {},
  urldate      = {2023-05-30},
  volume       = {15},
  journal      = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation},
  owner        = {torsten},
  year         = {1967},

  author       = {N. Blaunstein and I. Z. Kovacs and Y. Ben-Shimol and J. Bach Andersen and D. Katz and P. C. F. Eggers and R. Giladi and K. Olesen},
  date         = {2003-06},
  journaltitle = {Radio Science},
  title        = {Prediction of {UHF} path loss for forest environments},
  doi          = {10.1029/2002rs002600},
  number       = {3},
  pages        = {n/a--n/a},
  volume       = {38},
  owner        = {torsten},
  publisher    = {American Geophysical Union ({AGU})},

  author       = {J. A. {Gay-Fern\'{a}ndez} and M. G. S\'{a}nchez and I. Cui\~{n}as and A. V. Alejos},
  date         = {2010-01-01},
  journaltitle = {Progress In Electromagnetics Research},
  pages        = {121--145},
  url          = {},
  urldate      = {2023-05-30},
  volume       = {Vol. 106,},
  owner        = {torsten},

  author      = {Elisabeth Riepel and Christoph Jobst},
  date        = {2009-03-07},
  institution = {Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurtan der Fakultät Kunststofftechnik und Vermessung},
  title       = {Einsatz von Geobasisdaten und GNSS in der Forstverwaltung},
  note        = {DiplomarbeitVorgelegt an der Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurtan der Fakultät Kunststofftechnik und Vermessungzum Abschluss des Studiums imStudiengang Vermessung und Geoinformatik},
  pagetotal   = {176},
  subtitle    = {DiplomarbeitVorgelegt an der Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurtan der Fakultät Kunststofftechnik und Vermessungzum Abschluss des Studiums imStudiengang Vermessung und Geoinformatik},
  type        = {mathesis},
  url         = {},
  urldate     = {2023-05-30},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author      = {Sebastian König},
  date        = {2018-05-21},
  institution = {Hochschule MainzFachbereich TechnikLehreinheit Geoinformatik und Vermessung},
  title       = {Innovative Vermessungsverfahrenfür die Waldflurbereinigung},
  subtitle    = {Bachelorarbeitzur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Bachelor of Science imStudiengang Geoinformatik und Vermessung},
  url         = {},
  urldate     = {2023-05-30},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author      = {Jan-Eric Christmann},
  date        = {2019-07-29},
  institution = {Hochschule MainzFachbereich TechnikLehreinheit Geoinformatik und Vermessung},
  title       = {Praxisvergleich der Leistungsfähigkeitvon ausgewählten Messmethoden nachAusbau der Wirtschaftswege in einerWaldflurbereinigung},
  pagetotal   = {120},
  subtitle    = {Bachelorarbeitzur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Bachelor of Science imStudiengang Geoinformatik und Vermessung},
  url         = {},
  urldate     = {2023-05-30},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author      = {Bernhard Krause},
  date        = {2015-04},
  institution = {Fachhochschule Erfurt; Studienrichtung: Forstwirtschaft und {\"O}kosystemmanagemement},
  title       = {GNSS-Ger{\"a}te im Wald; Genauigkeitsmessung verschiedener satellitengest{\"u}tzter Navigationssysteme im Wald},
  note        = {Vorgelegt bei: Prof. Dr. Anka Nicke (Erstgutachter) und Sergej Chmara (Zweitgutachter)},
  type        = {Freie wissenschaftliche Arbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)},
  abstract    = {14.04. eingereicht},
  groups      = {Imported bib.bib},
  owner       = {Torsten},
  timestamp   = {2015.08.25},

  author       = {B. Res},
  date         = {2001},
  journaltitle = {AVN - Allgmeine Vermessungsnachrichten},
  title        = {Praktische Untersuchungen zur Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit der mobile n Geodatenerfassung mit Freihandmesssystemen},
  number       = {Heft 7},
  pages        = {S. 246-253},
  booktitle    = {AVN - Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten},
  owner        = {torsten},

  author      = {M. Jackisch and M. Naumann},
  date        = {2001},
  institution = {TFH-Berlin},
  title       = {Untersuchungen zum Einsatz des GPS-Einsatzes f\"ur GIS-Anwendungen in der Forst},
  type        = {Diplomarbeit},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author      = {Dr. Peter Thomas and Dipl.-Biologe Peter Garbe},
  date        = {2003},
  institution = {Fachhochschule Stuttgart - Hochschule f\"ur Technik; Studiengang Vermessung und Geoinformatik},
  title       = {Suchen und Kartieren: Erfahrungen mit GPS-Ger\"aten in der Naturschutzpraxis},
  note        = {Download - zuletzt gepr\"uft 2016 03},
  url         = {},
  file        = {:E\:\\Dokumente\\Firma\\Projekte\\GNSS\\GNSS_Vergleich\\Lit\\Bericht_Thomas.pdf:PDF},
  keywords    = {GNSS},
  owner       = {Torsten},
  timestamp   = {2016-03-18},

  author      = {G. Kossert and P. Suhrbier},
  date        = {2003},
  institution = {TFH-Berlin},
  title       = {Untersuchungen von GPS-Code Empf\"angern im Wald},
  type        = {Diplomarbeit},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author       = {Hans-Joachim Klemmt and Michael Neubert},
  date         = {2011},
  journaltitle = {LWF aktuell - Wald-Wissenschaft-Praxis},
  title        = {Satelliten-Navigation für die Waldinventur - Die Bundeswaldinventur 3 f\"ur Bayern liefert bereits erste positive Erfahrungen},
  number       = {83},
  pages        = {50-52},
  url          = {},
  comment      = {zuletzt gepr\"uft 24.03.2016},
  file         = {\:http\\://},
  owner        = {Torsten},
  timestamp    = {2016-03-27},

  author    = {Wilfried Korth and Boris Resnik},
  booktitle = {18. Internationale geod\"atische Woche Obergul 2015},
  date      = {2015},
  title     = {Mobile Geodatenerfassung mit Handheld-GPS-Empf\"angern - Probleme und L\"osungsans\"atze},
  note      = {zuletzt gepr\"uft 2015 03},
  url       = {},
  file      = {:KorthResnik2015.pdf:PDF},
  owner     = {Torsten},
  timestamp = {2016-03-18},

  author      = {Tino Braun},
  date        = {2012},
  institution = {Fachhochschule Erfurt},
  title       = {Untersuchungen der Praxistauglichkeit einer GNSS - Real Time Kinematik L\"osung zur spurgenauen Leitung eines Forstmulchers unter eingeschr\"ankten Empfangsbedingungen im Wald},
  note        = {Freie wissenschaftliche Arbeit zur Erlangung des Akademischen Grades Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) in der Studienfachrichtung Forstwirtschaft und \"Okosystemmanagement der Fachhochschule Erfurt; vorgelegt bei Prof. Erik Findeisen (Erstgutachter) und Sergej Chmara (Zweitgutachter) am 09.07.2012},
  type        = {Bachelorarbeit},
  file        = {:E\:\\Dokumente\\Firma\\Projekte\\GNSS\\GNSS_Vergleich\\Lit\\Bachelorarbeit_Braun_Tino.pdf:PDF},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author = {Wikipedia-Streukreisradius},
  title  = {Streukreisradius --- Wikipedia{,} die freie Enzyklopädie},
  note   = {[Online; Stand 16. Juni 2023]},
  url    = {\url{}},
  owner  = {torsten},
  year   = {2022},

  author       = {{Wikipedia contributors - CEP}},
  title        = {Circular error probable --- {Wikipedia}{,} The Free Encyclopedia},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  note         = {[Online; accessed 16-June-2023]},
  owner        = {torsten},
  year         = {2023},

  author      = {{Chief Information Officer}},
  date        = {2020-04-01},
  institution = {{Office of the Department of Defense Attn: Assistant for GPS, Positioning and Navigation 6000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-6000}},
  number      = {5th Edition},
  pagetotal   = {196},
  url         = {},
  urldate     = {2023-05-30},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author = {{Wikipedia-dop}},
  title  = {Dilution of Precision --- Wikipedia{,} die freie Enzyklopädie},
  note   = {[Online; Stand 16. Juni 2023]},
  url    = {\url{}},
  owner  = {torsten},
  year   = {2021},

  author  = {Fernández-Prades, Carles and Arribas, Javier and Majoral, Marc and Araujo, Gabriel and Arnold, Anthony and Avilés, Carlos and Branzanti, Mara and Cebrián-Juan, Álvaro and Cecilia-Luque, Andrés and Esteve, Luis and Fabra, Fran and Fehr, Daniel and Gupta, Piyush and LaMountain, Gerald and Lenhart, Malte and Melton, Jim and Miralles, Damian and Molina, Marc and Muñoz, Rodrigo and O'Driscoll, Cillian and Pääkkönen, Into and Pubill, David and Ramos, Antonio and Schindehette, Josh and Silberman, Will and Tonetto, Leonardo and van der Linden, Stefan},
  date    = {2023-04-06},
  title   = {{GNSS-SDR}},
  note    = {zuletzt besucht am 30.05.2023},
  type    = {software},
  url     = {},
  version = {0.0.18},
  license = {GPL-3.0-or-later},
  month   = apr,
  owner   = {torsten},
  year    = {2023},

  author = {{Geoscience Australia Positioning Australia program}},
  date   = {2023-05-30},
  editor = {Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia)},
  title  = {GINAN},
  note   = {The source code for the current version of Ginan is available for download from \url{}},
  type   = {software},
  url    = {},
  owner  = {torsten},

  author  = {Mirko Reguzzoni and Andrea Gatti and Eugenio Realini and Giulio Tagliaferro},
  date    = {2021-01-01},
  editor  = {goGPS-project},
  title   = {goGPS},
  note    = {siehe \url{}},
  type    = {software},
  url     = {},
  urldate = {2023-05-30},
  owner   = {torsten},

  author = {{QField Contributers}},
  date   = {2023-05-30},
  editor = {QField-Project},
  title  = {QField},
  type   = {software},
  url    = {},
  owner  = {torsten},

  author  = {{QGIS-Contributers}},
  date    = {2023-05-30},
  editor  = {QGIS-Project},
  title   = {QGIS},
  note    = {Sourcecode unter \url{}},
  type    = {software},
  url     = {},
  urldate = {2023-05-30},
  owner   = {torsten},

  author         = {Hou, Zunyao and Zhou, Feng},
  title          = {Assessing the Performance of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) with the Fully Serviceable Multi-GNSS Constellations: GPS, BDS-3, and Galileo},
  doi            = {10.3390/rs15030807},
  issn           = {2072-4292},
  number         = {3},
  url            = {},
  volume         = {15},
  abstract       = {{Nowadays, both BDS-3 and Galileo can provide global positioning and navigation services. This contribution carried out a comprehensive analysis and validation of positioning performance in terms of positioning accuracy (RMS) and convergence time, which are derived from BDS-3 and Galileo precise point positioning (PPP) solutions at a global scale. Meanwhile, the comparison with GPS was demonstrated. The performance and geographical distribution of RMS and convergence time for each satellite system were analyzed. GPS outperforms the other two systems on a global scale. Galileo and BDS-3, on the other hand, only perform moderately well in certain latitude zones. The combination of dual systems related to each single system is analyzed. For the dual-system combinations, the combination of systems presents a definite advantage over Galileo and BDS-3, and this advantage is more pronounced for the kinematic PPP. For GPS, the combination with Galileo and BDS-3 has little improvement in positioning performance. For the dual-system combination based on Galileo and BDS-3, the RMS and convergence time can be improved by 50\% compared with the single system. The influence of single-system kinematic PPP selection for precise products from different MGEX analysis centers on positioning performance was studied. Among the five precise products, grg products have the best positioning performance for GPS, while cod products have the best positioning performance for Galileo and BDS-3. The difference in RMS and convergence time between 2 cm and 15 min can be caused by different precise product selections.}},
  article-number = {807},
  journal        = {Remote Sensing},
  owner          = {torsten},
  year           = {2023},

  label       = {JCGM 200:2012},
  note        = {2008 version with minor corrections},
  sortkey     = {JCGM 200:2012},
  title       = {International vocabulary ofmetrology – Basic and generalconcepts and associated terms(VIM)},
  year        = {2008},
  url         = {},
  urldate     = {2023-05-30},
  author      = {{Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology}},
  date        = {2008-01-01},
  institution = {BIPM, Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM)},
  owner       = {torsten},

  author       = {L. Hart and D.D. Basil and T. Oba},
  date         = {2021-10},
  journaltitle = {Nigerian Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology},
  title        = {Assessment of Adjustments Methods in Traverse Networks for Positioning},
  doi          = {10.36263/nijest.2021.02.0283},
  number       = {2},
  pages        = {354--364},
  volume       = {5},
  owner        = {torsten},
  publisher    = {University of Benin - Faculty of Environmental Sciences},

  author       = {Korpela, Ilkka and Tuomola, Tuukka and Valimaki, Esko},
  date         = {2007-03-01},
  journaltitle = {Silva Fennica},
  title        = {Mapping forest plots: an efficient method combining photogrammetry and field triangulation},
  doi          = {10.14214/sf.283},
  editor       = {{University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Resource Management}},
  issn         = {0037-5330},
  number       = {3},
  pages        = {457},
  url          = {},
  urldate      = {2023-06-18},
  volume       = {41},
  journal      = {Silva Fennica},
  owner        = {torsten},
  year         = {2007},

  author    = {Klaus von Gadow},
  date      = {2005-04-23},
  title     = {Forsteinrichtung},
  doi       = {10.17875/gup2005-248},
  isbn      = {3-938616-28-8},
  maintitle = {Forsteinrichtung},
  note      = {This work is licensed under the Creative Commons License 2.0 “by-nd”, allowing you to download, distribute and print the document in a few copies for private or educational use, given that the document stays unchanged and the creator is mentioned. You are not allowed to sell copies of the free version.},
  pagetotal = {355},
  publisher = {Universit{\"a}tsverlag G{\"o}ttingen},
  subtitle  = {Analyse und Entwurf der Waldentwicklung},
  abstract  = {Bedingt durch neue Anforderungen der nachhaltigen Nutzung von Waldökosystemen und mit Hilfe verbesserter Informationstechnik erlebte die alte Wissenschaftsdisziplin Forsteinrichtung in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wieder eine Blütezeit. Es ist notwendig und möglich geworden, das Wissen der Disziplinen zu bündeln und auf der Basis der gemeinsamen Erfahrung eine wissenschaftlich fundierte Steuerung der Waldentwicklung zu gewährleisten. Das vorliegende Manuskript enthält bewährte Methoden und neue Ansätze aus der Forsteinrichtungsforschung. Beispiele aus anderen Ländern belegen die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten der Steuerung und Analyse der Waldentwicklung.},
  groups    = {torsten:6},
  keywords  = {Forsteinrichtung},
  owner     = {torsten},
  timestamp = {2023-10-28},
  year      = {2005},

  author      = {LFB},
  title       = {Betriebliche Anweisung zur Forsteinrichtung des Landeswaldes im Land Brandenburg},
  institution = {{Landesbetrieb Forst Brandenburg (LFB)}},
  year        = {2013},
  date        = {2013-04-15},
  type        = {Betriebliche Anweisung},
  number      = {13/2011},
  pagetotal   = {533},
  owner       = {torsten},
  timestamp   = {2023-10-28},

  author           = {Suchant, Rudi and Burghardt, Friedrich and Calbrò, Sandra},
  date             = {2012-10},
  institution      = {Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg Abteilung Wald und Gesellschaft Arbeitsbereich Wildtierökologie},
  title            = {Beurtelung von {Wildverbiss} in {Naturverjüngungen}},
  location         = {Freiburg},
  pages            = {104},
  url              = {},
  urldate          = {2024-03-18},
  creationdate     = {2024-03-29T12:19:45},
  editor           = {{Ministerium für Ländlichen Raum, Ernährung und Verbraucherschutz, Baden-Württemberg (MLR)} and {Landesbetrieb Forst Baden-Württemberg - ForstBW} and {Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg (FVA)} and {Landesjagdverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. (LJV)} and {Forstkammer Baden-Württemberg}},
  file             = {woek_grosse_pflanzenfresser_wildverbiss_broschuere.pdf:/home/torsten/Zotero/storage/SJZFCXIW/woek_grosse_pflanzenfresser_wildverbiss_broschuere.pdf:application/pdf},
  modificationdate = {2024-03-29T12:22:21},
  owner            = {torsten},

  author           = {Gernot Bilke and Michael Duhr and Raimund Engel and Martina Heinitz and Eckhard Heuer and Hubertus Kraut and Eberhard Luft and Ralf Rüthnick and Tim Scherer and Andreas Schulze and Claus Seliger and Falk Stähr},
  date             = {2004-05-01},
  institution      = {Landesforstverwaltung Brandenburg},
  title            = {Waldbau-Richtlinie 2004 „Grüner Ordner“ der Landesforstverwaltung Brandenburg},
  pagetotal        = {143},
  type             = {Richtlinie},
  url              = {},
  urldate          = {2024-03-29},
  creationdate     = {2024-03-29T15:03:15},
  editor           = {Ministerium für Landwirtschaft,Umweltschutz und Raumordnung des Landes Brandenburg, Abteilung Forst},
  groups           = {waldbau},
  modificationdate = {2024-03-29T15:24:35},
  owner            = {torsten},
  publisher        = {Ministerium für Landwirtschaft,Umweltschutz und Raumordnung des Landes Brandenburg Referat Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, vierC digitalprint + mediafabrik GmbH Gubener Straße 47, 10243 Berlin},
  timestamp        = {2024-03-29},

  author           = {Dr. Thomas Riedel and Petra Hennig and Franz Kroiher and Dr. Heino Polley and Friedrich Schmitz and Frank Schwitzgebel},
  date             = {2017-11-08},
  institution      = {Johann Heinrich von Thünen–Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei,Thünen–Institut für Waldökosysteme},
  title            = {Die dritte Bundeswaldinventur (BWI 2012)},
  note             = {Thünen–Institut für Waldökosysteme,Alfred-Möller-Straße 1, Haus 41/42, 16225 Eberswalde},
  pagetotal        = {130},
  subtitle         = {Inventur- und Auswertungsmethoden},
  type             = {techreport},
  url              = {},
  urldate          = {2024-03-30},
  creationdate     = {2024-03-30T18:15:19},
  file             = {:bwi_meth2012 - Die Dritte Bundeswaldinventur (BWI 2012).pdf:PDF},
  groups           = {forstwirtschaft, inventur},
  keywords         = {Inventur, Waldinventur, Methoden},
  modificationdate = {2024-03-30T18:24:16},
  owner            = {torsten},
  timestamp        = {2024-03-30},

  author           = {Dr. Thomas Riedel and Petra Hennig and Dr. Heino Polley and Frank Schwitzgebel},
  date             = {2021-06-01},
  editor           = {{Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), Referat 515, Friedrich Schmitz, Postfach 140270, 53107 Bonn}},
  title            = {Aufnahmeanweisung für die vierte Bundeswaldinventur (2021 -- 2022)},
  pagetotal        = {138},
  url              = {},
  urldate          = {2024-04-01},
  version          = {1.40},
  creationdate     = {2024-04-01T20:58:09},
  groups           = {waldinventur},
  institution      = {Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei, Thünen-Institut für Waldökosysteme, Alfred-Möller-Straße 1, Haus 41/42, 16225 Eberswalde},
  modificationdate = {2024-04-01T21:09:33},
  owner            = {torsten},

  author       = {Arbeitsgruppe Ökologie in der Landesforstanstalt Baden-Württemberg},
  title        = {Merkblätter Waldökologie - Lebensraum Totholz - Vorschläge für die forstliche Praxis},
  year         = {1993},
  language     = {german},
  howpublished = {Merkblätter der Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg - Nr.45, 1993},
  pages        = {13},

  author    = {Röhrig, Ernst; Bartsch, Norbert; von Lüpke, Burghard},
  title     = {Waldbau auf ökologischer Grundlage (begründet von Dengler A.)},
  year      = {2006},
  editor    = {7},
  publisher = {Verlag Eugen ulmer Stuttgart},
  isbn      = {3-8252-8310-0},

  author  = {Rock, J.; Badeck, F. W.; Harmon, M.},
  title   = {Estimating decay rates for European tree species from literature sources},
  journal = {European Journal Of Forest Research 31 (5): 299 – 307},
  year    = {2008},
  url     = {

  author  = {Hararuk, O., Kurz, W. A. \& Didion, M.},
  title   = {Dynamics of dead wood decay in Swiss forests},
  journal = {Forest Ecosystems 7, 36},
  url     = {},

  author           = {Leibundgut, Hans},
  date             = {1982},
  title            = {Europaeische Urwaelder der Bergstufe},
  isbn             = {3258031665},
  location         = {Bern},
  note             = {Literaturverz. S. 191 - 194},
  pagetotal        = {308},
  publisher        = {Haupt},
  subtitle         = {Dargest. für Forstleute, Naturwissenschaftler und Freunde des Waldes},
  creationdate     = {2024-04-26T14:55:12},
  modificationdate = {2024-04-26T14:55:12},
  owner            = {torsten},
  ppn_gvk          = {025262637},
  timestamp        = {2024-04-29},

  author           = {Wikipedia-Inventur},
  date             = {2024-04-28},
  title            = {Inventur --- Wikipedia{,} die freie Enzyklopädie},
  note             = {[Online; Stand 28. April 2024]},
  url              = {},
  creationdate     = {2024-04-28T12:53:09},
  modificationdate = {2024-04-28T13:23:39},
  owner            = {torsten},
  year             = {2023},

  author           = {Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski},
  booktitle        = {Organisationsinformatik und Digitale Bibliothek in der Wissenschaft: Wissenschaftsforschung Jahrbuch 2000},
  date             = {2001},
  title            = {Wissens-Ko-Produktion -Organisationsinformatik},
  bookauthor       = {KlausFuchs-Kittowski and Heinrich Parthey and WaltherUmstätter},
  edition          = {1. Aufl.},
  editor           = {Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski and Manfred Bonitz},
  editora          = {Roland Wagner-Döbler},
  isbn             = {3934682340},
  location         = {Berlin},
  number           = {2000},
  pages            = {9--88},
  publisher        = {Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschungc/o Prof. Dr. Walther Umstätter, Institut fürBibliothekswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsforschungc/o Prof. Dr. Walther Umstätter, Institut fürBibliothekswissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zuBerlin},
  series           = {Wissenschaftsforschung},
  url              = {},
  urldate          = {2024-04-28},
  comment          = {Mit Beiträgen von:
Manfred Bonitz • Christian Dahme • Klaus
Fuchs-Kittowski • Frank Havemann •
Heinrich Parthey • Andrea Scharnhorst •
Walther Umstätter •
Roland Wagner-Döbler},
  creationdate     = {2024-04-28T21:32:00},
  groups           = {wissenstheorie},
  modificationdate = {2024-04-28T21:52:39},
  owner            = {torsten},
  pagetotal        = {240},
  ppn_gvk          = {1603461302},

<<<<<<< LaTeX/bib/bibl.bib
  author           = {Wikipedia-Standard},
  date             = {2024-05-01},
  title            = {Standard --- Wikipedia{,} die freie Enzyklopädie},
  note             = {[Online; Stand 1. Mai 2024]},
  url              = {},
  creationdate     = {2024-05-01T20:17:01},
  modificationdate = {2024-05-01T20:17:39},
  owner            = {torsten},
  year             = {2023},

  author           = {Wikipedia-Normung},
  title            = {Normung --- Wikipedia{,} die freie Enzyklopädie},
  note             = {[Online; Stand 1. Mai 2024]},
  url              = {},
  creationdate     = {2024-05-01T20:26:00},
  modificationdate = {2024-05-01T20:26:39},
  owner            = {torsten},
  year             = {2024},

  author           = {Marc Kubatta-Große},
  date             = {2022-10-04},
  journaltitle     = {AFZ, der Wald: allgemeine Forstzeitschrift f{\"u}r Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge},
  title            = {Editorial},
  issn             = {1430-2713},
  language         = {de},
  number           = {5},
  volume           = {77},
  abstract         = {Editorial},
  creationdate     = {2024-05-01T21:13:08},
  journal          = {AFZ, der Wald: allgemeine Forstzeitschrift f{\"u}r Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge},
  modificationdate = {2024-05-01T21:17:11},
  owner            = {torsten},
  publisher        = {Dt. Landwirtschaftsverl.; BLV},

  author           = {Bolte, Andreas and Knapp, Nikolai T. and Oehmichen, Katja and Riedel, Thomas and Sanders, Tanja and Schnell, Sebastian and Wellbrock, Nicole},
  date             = {2022-10-04},
  journaltitle     = {AFZ, der Wald: allgemeine Forstzeitschrift f{\"u}r Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge},
  title            = {Digitalisierung im nationalen Waldmonitoring},
  issn             = {1430-2713},
  language         = {de},
  number           = {5},
  pages            = {44--46},
  volume           = {77},
  abstract         = {Digitalisierung und besonders Fernerkundung werden in der Waldbeobachtung einen immer wichtigeren Beitrag leisten. Schon jetzt laufen im Th{\"u}nen-Institut f{\"u}r Wald{\"o}kosysteme zusammen mit kooperierenden Partnereinrichtungen eine Vielzahl von Projekten und Aktivit{\"a}ten, um zuk{\"u}nftig Baumartenverteilung, Waldsch{\"a}den, Baumvitalit{\"a}t und Waldstrukturen mit innovativen, digitalen Methoden zu erfassen. Die Kopplung bestehender terrestrischer Erhebungen mit Fernerkundung (FE) und Verfahren der k{\"u}nstlichen Intelligenz (KI) liefert hierf{\"u}r den Schl{\"u}ssel.},
  creationdate     = {2024-05-01T21:14:52},
  file             = {:},
  journal          = {AFZ, der Wald: allgemeine Forstzeitschrift f{\"u}r Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge},
  modificationdate = {2024-05-01T21:16:34},
  owner            = {torsten},
  publisher        = {Dt. Landwirtschaftsverl.; BLV},

  author      = {MLUK},
  date        = {2023-06-10},
  institution = {Land Brandenburg},
  title       = {Waldvision 2050},
  type        = {resreport},

  author       = {Ammer, Ulrich},
  date         = {1991-12-01},
  journaltitle = {Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt vereinigt mit Tharandter forstliches Jahrbuch},
  title        = {Konsequenzen aus den Ergebnissen der Totholzforschung für die forstliche Praxis},
  pages        = {149-157},
  volume       = {110},

  author       = {Thibault Lachat, Peter Brang, Markus Bolliger, Kurt Bollmann, UrsBeat Brändli, Rita Bütler, Steffen Herrmann,Olivier Schneider und Beat Wermelinger},
  date         = {2019-05},
  journaltitle = {Merkblatt für die Praxis - Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL},
  title        = {Totholz im Wald},
  pages        = {12},
  subtitle     = {Entstehung Bedeutung und Förderung},
  volume       = {52},


  author           = {Polley, Dr Heino and Keil, Detlef and Klatt, Susann and Müller, Jörg and Rose, Bernd},
  date             = {2018-09},
  title            = {Ergebnisse der ersten Landesweiten Waldinventur 2013 im Land Brandenburg},
  edition          = {{1. Auflage}},
  editor           = {{Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft des Landes Brandenburg}},
  language         = {de},
  location         = {Eberswalde},
  number           = {Band 66},
  pagetotal        = {185},
  publisher        = {DRUCKZONE GmbH \& Co. KG},
  series           = {Eberswalder {Forstliche} {Schriftenreihe}},
  subtitle         = {im Kontext mit der dritten Bundeswaldinventur 2012und der Waldentwicklungs- undHolzaufkommensmodellierung 2012 – 2052},
  url              = {},
  urldate          = {2024-06-18},
  creationdate     = {2024-07-05T23:54:24},
  file             = {Polley et al. - Ergebnisse der ersten Landesweiten Waldinventur 20.pdf:/home/torsten/Zotero/storage/8RKMI9DM/Polley et al. - Ergebnisse der ersten Landesweiten Waldinventur 20.pdf:application/pdf},
  groups           = {waldinventur, bwi},
  modificationdate = {2024-07-06T00:01:59},
  owner            = {torsten},

  author           = {{MLUL, Referat 34 – Wald und Forstwirtschaft, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit}},
  date             = {2015-10},
  title            = {Wälder Brandenburgs - Ergebnisse der ersten landesweiten Waldinventur in Brandenburg},
  editor           = {{Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft (MLUL)}},
  language         = {de},
  location         = {Potsdam},
  mainsubtitle     = {Ergebnisse der erstenlandesweiten Waldinventur},
  maintitle        = {Wälder Brandenburgs},
  pagetotal        = {36},
  publisher        = {Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg (LGB)},
  url              = {},
  urldate          = {2024-07-05},
  collaborator     = {{MLUL, Referat 34 – Wald und Forstwirtschaft}},
  creationdate     = {2024-07-06T00:22:23},
  file             = {Ergebnisse der ersten landesweiten Waldinventur in Brandenburg | Landesbetrieb Forst Brandenburg:/home/torsten/Zotero/storage/WY2NV8JF/~01-10-2015-ergebnisse-der-ersten-landesweiten-waldinventur-in-brandenburg.html:text/html;LWI_Broschuere2015.pdf:/home/torsten/Zotero/storage/GDP9Y4XI/LWI_Broschuere2015.pdf:application/pdf},
  modificationdate = {2024-07-06T00:45:01},
  owner            = {torsten},
  shorttitle       = {Wälder {Brandenburgs} - {Ergebnisse} der ersten landesweiten {Waldinventur}},

  author           = {{Institut für Waldökosysteme - Thomas Riedel}},
  date             = {2024-07},
  editor           = {Johann Heinrich von Thünen-InstitutBundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei},
  title            = {Thünen: Kohlenstoffinventur 2017},
  url              = {},
  language         = {de-DE},
  organization     = {Institut für Waldökosysteme},
  subtitle         = {Ergebnisse - Flyer - Kohlenstoffinventur 2017},
  urldate          = {2024-07-07},
  creationdate     = {2024-07-07T11:16:41},
  file             = {2019-04_FlyerKohlenstoffinventur2017_final.pdf:/home/torsten/Zotero/storage/DIC9HJ2J/2019-04_FlyerKohlenstoffinventur2017_final.pdf:application/pdf;Thünen\: Kohlenstoffinventur 2017:/home/torsten/Zotero/storage/B4GICI5A/kohlenstoffinventur-2017.html:text/html},
  journaltitle     = {Kohlenstoffinventur 2017},
  modificationdate = {2024-07-07T11:36:33},
  owner            = {torsten},

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