@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ Install OpenTasks and the DavX5 app to sync calendars, addressbooks and tasks. C
If you want to sync an existing calendar and addressbook which is local on your smartphone, you need to first export and import them to the new calendar and addressbook.
### iOSmacOS
### iOS
Connect to `https://faircloud.eu/nextcloud/remote.php/dav/principals/users/your_fairlogin_username/` - you find the correct link on the left bottom of the calendar tab in the webview of nextcloud.
### macOS
To connect your Nextcloud with macOS to synchronise calendars and contacts follow these instructions https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/user_manual/en/pim/sync_osx.html#setup-your-accounts
Important: No Whitespaces in your Username are allowed!
If it doesnt work try creating an app password in your Settings > Security.