... | ... | @@ -81,7 +81,9 @@ Yes. fairmeeting uses the WebRTC standard, which has [encryption built in](https |
### Can I record or stream a session?
Recording of a stream is not built in fairmeeting due to GDPR. Simply use the [RecordRTC](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/recordrtc/ndcljioonkecdnaaihodjgiliohngojp) extension for Chrome / Chromium browsers and record the tab.
Built-in recording or streaming is available for selected fairmeeting domains only. For example at `pro.fairmeeting.net` you may send a stream to YouTube or any other streaming platform. With fairstreaming use `rtmp://c1.fairmeeting.net:31100/show/streamname` as key and receive the stream at `https://rtmp.dev.osalliance.com/hls/streamname.m3u8` (see [this example page](https://repo.fairkom.net/best/) to embed the stream in your web page without ads or cookies).
You may simply use the [RecordRTC](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/recordrtc/ndcljioonkecdnaaihodjgiliohngojp) extension for Chrome / Chromium browsers and record the tab.
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