... | @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Recording of a stream is not built in fairmeeting due to GDPR. Simply use the [R |
... | @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Recording of a stream is not built in fairmeeting due to GDPR. Simply use the [R |
If you append `#config.iAmRecorder=true` to the URL, the own video window will be hidden in the conference.
If you append `#config.iAmRecorder=true` to the URL, the own video window will be hidden in the conference.
But you can record or stream your session perfectly with the great [Open Broadcaster Software](https://obsproject.com/). Here is a tuturial https://git.fairkom.net/hosting/fairmeeting/issues/20#note_21771 OBS even allows you also to insert scenes before or after your video conferencing sessions. Always ask all participants first!
You can stream your session perfectly with the great [Open Broadcaster Software](https://obsproject.com/). Here is a tutorial https://git.fairkom.net/hosting/fairmeeting/issues/20#note_21771 OBS even allows you also to insert scenes before or after your video conferencing sessions. Always ask all participants first!
### Can I play stereo?
### Can I play stereo?
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