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  1. Mar 02, 2020
  2. Aug 23, 2019
    • IlarionHalushka's avatar
      [CHORE] Bugsnag logging setup (#1145) · 59a71ffa
      IlarionHalushka authored
      * initial bugsnag setup
      * upload sourcemaps to bugsnag during ios-build job
      * fix: spacing in config.yml
      * add yarn global add react-native
      * add separate step: Upload sourcemaps to Bugsnag
      * add brew install watchman
      * install react-native-cli, remove install watchman
      * upload source maps for android build
      * add yarn add global react-native react-native-cli for android-build ci job
      * add working_directory to android-build
      * install npm i -g react-native react-native-cli
      * add Install Node step to android-build job
      * export path to node to bash_profile
      * add step Install React Native CLI to android build job
      * use yarn generate-source-maps in ci; exchange firebase log -> bugsnag log
      * implement send(toggle) crash reports button
      * move BUGSNAG_API_KEY to config file; remove generated source maps files
      * unlink bugsnag
      * add ios/Pods files connected to Bugsnag; fix ci android build job
      * export firebase analytics also from /utils/log
      * use `log(e)` instead of `log(error)`
      * API Key changes
      * pod install
      * Fix iOS build
      * Simulate error
      * lint
      * Add navigation
      * Use projectRoot
      * Revert project root
      * - Don't run on forks
      - Upload dSYMs
      * Remove error sim
      * Remove automatic dSYMs upload
      * Remove fastlane-plugin-bugsnag
  3. Jul 18, 2019
  4. Jul 04, 2019
    • IlarionHalushka's avatar
      [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029) · d8c557c3
      IlarionHalushka authored
      * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
      * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
      * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
      * uncomment ios build commands
      * run set up google services in ios folder
      * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
      * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
      * add save\restore cache for npm modules
      * group save_cache steps
      * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
      * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
      * fix: add missing colon
      * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
      * add names for save\restore steps
      * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
      * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
      * fix: add missing curly braces
      * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
      * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
      * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
      * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
      * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
      * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
  5. Jul 26, 2018
    • Diego Mello's avatar
      Added CocoaPods to manage react-native-image-crop-picker (#373) · caac4a73
      Diego Mello authored
      <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
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      react-native-image-crop-picker raised an error when uploading to TestFlight.
      The lib highly recommends CocoaPods for production builds.
  6. Mar 15, 2018
  7. Jan 10, 2018
  8. Nov 21, 2017
  9. Nov 06, 2017