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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Aug 08, 2019
  2. Jul 18, 2019
  3. Jun 28, 2019
    • Diego Mello's avatar
      [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012) · b3986b98
      Diego Mello authored
      * Update realm
      * View original and translate working
      * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
      * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
      * AutoTranslateView
      * Save language
      * Auto-translate switch
      * Translate message
  4. Jun 26, 2019
    • Djorkaeff Alexandre's avatar
      [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982) · 255ea845
      Djorkaeff Alexandre authored
      * :sparkles: Create user table
      * :sparkles: Introduce user table
      * :fire: Remove unused table
      * :heavy_plus_sign: Add userdefaults to storage data
      * :green_heart: Fix android build
      * :sparkles: Get credentials from iOS native client
      * :fire: Remove unused code
      * :rewind: Revert sign xcode
      * :bug: Fix first login-logout
      * :art: Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
      * :bug: Fix clear server-user-info on logout
      * :bug: Fix filter null value
      * :ambulance: Remove user object in logout
      * :sparkles: Fix get servers from native-client
      * :ambulance: Fix error on change server
  5. Jun 21, 2019
  6. Jun 10, 2019
    • Diego Mello's avatar
      [NEW] Read receipt (#975) · d68eb01b
      Diego Mello authored
      * switching to ubountu
      * added read Recipt functionality to the app
      fix: #542
      * placed the check icon on the end of timestamp
      * removed linting errors
      * updating snapshots
      * done requested changes
      * removed width scrollView
      * done required changes
      * fixed linting errors
      * added migrations
      * resolved conflicts and done requested changes
      * undone uneesasary changes
      * adding migrations
      * done requested changes
      * Add stories and fix some issues
    • Diego Mello's avatar
      [NEW] In-app notification (#964) · 467a2d40
      Diego Mello authored
      * added Notification badge
      * added notification to state
      * added condition not see notification of current room
      * fixed lint
      * fixed some bugs
      * fixed some bugs
      * removed navigation prop
      * fixed navigation bug
      * removed unessary changes
      * done requested chamges
      * made separate notification for ios and android
      * merged notification
      * Removed unnecessary sub
      * Animation
      * Layout changes
      * Refactor
    • Diego Mello's avatar
      [NEW] Directory and Federation (#967) · b7e6d361
      Diego Mello authored
      * Initial
      * Search working
      * Refactor layout
      * Layout and search working
      * Navigate
      * Remove inline styles and fix i18n
      * Federation setting
      * Missing i18n
      * Fix android style
      * Refactor
  7. May 30, 2019
  8. May 15, 2019
    • Diego Mello's avatar
      Switch toast lib (#898) · 28628b4d
      Diego Mello authored
      * removed toast from ios
      * changed showToast to showAlert
      * removed from android
      * fix lint
      * conflict resolved
      * fixed lint
      * Fix toast position
      * Change toast style
      * Use followMessage from rest
      * Temporary disable some visual toast tests
      * Unnecessary lib version change
  9. Apr 26, 2019
  10. Apr 24, 2019
  11. Apr 17, 2019
  12. Mar 29, 2019
  13. Mar 27, 2019
  14. Mar 12, 2019
  15. Jan 29, 2019
  16. Dec 05, 2018
  17. Nov 14, 2018
  18. Oct 29, 2018
  19. Sep 11, 2018
  20. Aug 31, 2018
    • Diego Mello's avatar
      [NEW] Create channel layout (#420) · de1a63c8
      Diego Mello authored
      * RoomsListView layout
      * Rooms list layout
      * Sort component
      * Header icons
      * Default header colors
      * Add server dropdown
      * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
      * UserItem
      * Room type icon
      * Search working
      * Tests updated
      * Android layout
      * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
      * Animation duration
      * Fixed render bug
      * - NewMessageView
      - backButtonTitle always empty
      - SearchBox created
      * New create channel layout
      * Search refactored
      * loginSuccess dismiss modal
      * Tests working
    • Diego Mello's avatar
      [NEW] Rooms list layout (#413) · dc6d60b2
      Diego Mello authored
      * RoomsListView layout
      * Rooms list layout
      * Sort component
      * Header icons
      * Default header colors
      * Add server dropdown
      * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
      * UserItem
      * Room type icon
      * Search working
      * Tests updated
      * Android layout
      * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
      * Animation duration
      * Fixed render bug
  21. Jun 18, 2018
  22. Apr 24, 2018
    • Guilherme Gazzo's avatar
      Beta (#265) · 557e4856
      Guilherme Gazzo authored
      * Fabric iOS
      * Fabric configured on iOS and Android
      * - react-native-fabric configured
      - login tracked
      * README updated
      * Run scripts from README updated
      * README scripts
      * get rooms and messages by rest
      * user status
      * more improves
      * more improves
      * send pong on timeout
      * fix some methods
      * more tests
      * rest messages
      * Room actions (#266)
      * Toggle notifications
      * Search messages
      * Invite users
      * Mute/Unmute users in room
      * messages
      * Room topic layout fixed
      * Starred messages loading onEndReached
      * Room actions onEndReached
      * Unnecessary login request
      * Login loading
      * Login services fixed
      * User presence layout
      * ïmproves on room actions view
      * Removed unnecessary data from SelectedUsersView
      * load few messages on open room, search message improve
      * fix loading messages forever
      * Removed state from search
      * Custom message time format
      * secureTextEntry layout
      * Reduce android app size
      * Roles subscription fix
      * Public routes navigation
      * fix reconnect
      * - New login/register, login, register
      * proguard
      * Login flux
      * App init/restore
      * Android layout fixes
      * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
      * Nested attachments
      * Nested attachments
      * fix check status
      * New login layout (#269)
      * Public routes navigation
      * New login/register, login, register
      * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
      * Nested attachments
      * Button component
      * TextInput android layout fixed
      * Register fixed
      * Thinner close modal button
      * Requests /me after login only one time
      * Static images moved
      * fix reconnect
      * fix ddp
      * fix custom emoji
      * New message layout (#273)
      * Grouping messages
      * Message layout
      * Users typing animation
      * Image  attachment layout
  23. Mar 29, 2018
    • Diego Mello's avatar
      [NEW] Room info and Room info edit (#254) · 5d8ad1df
      Diego Mello authored
      * - Block user
      - Load room members async
      - fixed reactive change of room's read only flag
      * Snippet messages
      * - Room files
      - Dismiss Video component on back button press
      - Improvements on Image component
      * Improvement on Video component
      * Leave room
      * Missing message types
      * lint
      * - Room info (read only)
      - Missing message types
      * Room info scroll
      * - Tap on room header opens room info
      - Layout tweaks
      * - Room info edit
      - iOS Toast fixed
      * - Style not implemented actions as disabled
      * Edit room permission
      * - Save all room settings in a single call
      - Implemented roomType and readOnly
      * - Allow reacting when room is read only
      * Message type added: room_changed_privacy
      * Erase room
      * Created TextInput and SwitchContainer components for reuse and readability
      * - hasPermission method
      * - Archive/Unarchive room
      - Set Join Code
      * Twitter keyboard type on iOS
      * Archived room
      * reactWhenReadOnly permission on message
      * Active users refactored
      * User roles
      * - Subscribe to roles (in order to get role description info: e.g. 'core-team' to 'Rocket.Chat Team')
      - Save roles to realm (for offline access)
      - Save roles to redux (and get data from realm on app init)
      * Lint
      * code style
  24. Jan 16, 2018
  25. Dec 27, 2017
  26. Dec 13, 2017
  27. Dec 05, 2017
  28. Nov 24, 2017
  29. Aug 22, 2017
  30. Aug 13, 2017