Ghazi Triki authoredGhazi Triki authored
This document provides instructions for developers to setup their environment and work on the upcoming BBB 2.0 (tentative release version).
Install BBB 1.1
Follow the (install instructions)[http://docs.bigbluebutton.org/install/install.html] for 1.1.
Make sure you have a working BBB 1.1 before you proceed with the instructions below.
Setup development environment
Setup your development environment following these (instructions)[http://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/setup.html]
Checkout development branch
Checkout the development branch move-java-classes-from-bbb-web-to-bbb-common-web
from this (repository)[https://github.com/ritzalam/bigbluebutton]
Open nine (9) terminal windows so you will dedicate one window for each bbb-component. You can name them client, bbb-apps, apps-common, red5, akka-apps, akka-fsesl, bbb-web, common-web, and messages.
Building the client
On you bbb-client terminal, run the following commands.
cd ~/dev/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-client
Build build a specific locale (en_US default)
ant locale -DLOCALE=en_US
To build all locales
ant locales
This will take about 10 minutes (depending on the speed of your computer). Next, let's build the client
This will create a build of the BigBlueButton client in the /home/firstuser/dev/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-client/client