This document provides instructions for developers to setup their
environment and work on the upcoming BBB 2.0 (tentative release version).
Follow the (install instructions)[] for 1.1.
Make sure you have a working BBB 1.1 before you proceed with the instructions below.
Setup your development environment following these (instructions)[]
Checkout the development branch `move-java-classes-from-bbb-web-to-bbb-common-web` from this (repository)[]
Open nine (9) terminal windows so you will dedicate one window for each bbb-component.
You can name them client, bbb-apps, apps-common, red5, akka-apps, akka-fsesl, bbb-web, common-web, and messages.
On you bbb-client terminal, run the following commands.
ant locale -DLOCALE=en_US
To build all locales
ant locales
This will take about 10 minutes (depending on the speed of your computer). Next, let's build the client
This will create a build of the BigBlueButton client in the `/home/firstuser/dev/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-client/client` directory.
You need to make `red5/webapps` writeable. Otherwise, you will get a permission error when you try to deploy into Red5.
sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/red5/webapps
On your message terminal, run the following commands. Other components depends on this, so build this first.
sbt publish
sbt publishLocal
### Build bbb-apps
We've split bbb-apps into bbb-apps-common and bigbluebutton-apps. We need to build bbb-apps-common first.
On your apps-common terminal, build the bbb-apps-common component.
# Force updating of bbb-commons-message
sbt clean
# Build and share library
sbt publish publishLocal
On your bbb-apps terminal, run the following commands.
# Force updating dependencies (bbb-apps-common)
gradle clean
Remove old `bbb-web` app from tomcat
sudo rm /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/bigbluebutton.war
## Manually start services
### Run Red5
cd /usr/share/red5
sudo -u red5 ./
### Run Akka Apps
cd ~/dev/bigbluebutton/akka-bbb-apps
sbt run
### Run Akka FSESL App
### Build bbb-web
We've split up bbb-web into bbb-common-web and bigbluebutton-web. We need to build
bbb-common-web first.
On your common-web terminal, run these commands
# Force updating of dependencies especially bbb-commons-message
sbt clean
sbt publish publishLocal
cd ~/dev/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-web
Get the salt and BBB URL from `/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/demo/bbb_api_conf.jsp`
Edit `grails-app/conf/` and change the following with
the salt and IP you got from above.
Start bbb-web
sudo chmod -R ugo+rwx /var/log/bigbluebutton
grails -Dserver.port=8888 run-war
If things started without errors, congrats!