... | ... | @@ -7,17 +7,18 @@ Create your own board and a (secret) name for it here [https://board.net](https: |
* simultaneous writing
* share the URL with others (nobody else knows it and no search engine crawls on it)
* timeslider - view any previous board status
* bookmark versions
* bookmark versions
* whiteboard
* embed via iframe into your webpage
* optimized for printing
* text chat on each board
* headlines
* embed images (use the image to upload)
* various import / export formats
* slideshow (flip page per heading)
* embed images (paste image URL or upload)
* various import / export formats (tables or images may not render correctly)
* slideshow presentation mode (flip page per heading)
* scroll to line containing #anchor or line number based on a parameter of anchor or line number in the URL, e.g. http://board.net/p/foo#anchor=Cool
* comment on text and allow reply on comments
* allow to link directly to line numbers
* show Table of Contents (can be disabled in settings)
* show Table of Contents (enable in settings)
board.net is
... | ... | @@ -27,9 +28,9 @@ board.net is |
### board.net pricing
* asking private users and sustainability initiatives to [PayWhatYouCan](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5TQ33F5GUFLLE)
* commmercial users contact sales@fairkom.eu
* educational organisations order a [fairapps edu package](https://erp.fairkom.net/products/cloud-services/fairapps-edu)
* we are asking private users and sustainability initiatives to [PayWhatYouCan](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=5TQ33F5GUFLLE)
* organisations or comapnies contact sales@fairkom.eu
* educational organisations please order a [fairapps edu package](https://erp.fairkom.net/products/cloud-services/fairapps-edu)
### board.net shortcuts
... | ... | |