@@ -9,11 +9,54 @@ a minimal set of requirements (Minimum Viable Product a.k.a MVP) that provide ad
The goal is to start implementation as early as possible and gain experience. With this experience, we then optimize the functionality of the MVP and start analyzing new use cases.
Stakeholder (in alphabetical order)
* @naturzukunft (Fredy) as Developer and Architect of FairSync (platform indipendend instance)
* @Helmut as ProductOwnder of kartevonmorgen (KVM)
* Ludwig as ProductOwner of WeChange
* Markus as Developer and Architect of KVM
* Roland ??
Collection of key points for the MVP
* In MVP POI can only be a Organisation.
* In MVP POI can only be a Organisation (In KVM there are 2 kinds of Organisations called Initiatives and Enterprises).
Use Cases of the MVP
The MVP supports an exchange of data by [nightly-]batch. That means platform A gets all data they are interested in from platform B with one HTTP request.
Each platform is responsible to handle that requested data, that means for MVP each platform has to implement it's own check for duplicates (a.k.a Doubletten-Checker).
| Doubletten-Checker | A peace of code, that do a "check for duplicates" for a set of POIs of a foreign platfrom against your platform |
| platform | For example https://wechange.de |
| maps | For example a website, that shows POIs in a map, but the website is not a platform. |
| API | Aplication Programming Interface - a technical specification how data exchange works. In most cases a semantic description |
| POI | Point of Interest - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Points_of_interest |
| MVP | Minimum Viable Product |
| KVM | Karte von Morgen (https://kartevonmorgen.org) |
| use case | Use cases describe the behavior of a system from a user perspective. |
| user story | we use user story in the same manner as use case |
| journey | we use journey in the same manner as use case |
| Organisation | Organizations are social, relatively stable systems that consist of individuals who share common goals. Organisationen sind soziale, zeitlich relativ stabile Systeme, die aus Individuen bestehen, welche gemeinsame Ziele verfolgen. |