Meetings: Fridays 11:00 am.
In this sub-area it has been decided, as the in rest of the areas of the OCW, to use mainly GitLab to manage the evolution of tasks and OCP to validate and register them so they can be paid.
Writers and translators should be registered in GitLab and OCP.
The language to write the contents will be English. It doesn't matter so much if you are not proficient, cos the result will always be checked by a native speaker. This is in order to facilitate the participation of more people in this tasks.
Better to write **short sentences and short paragraphs with simple different ideas **in any of them.
Always make sure that you write terms according to the style agreed in FairCoop:
-FairCoop -Freedom Coop -FairMarket -FairCoin (when talking about the currency; always singular) -faircoin (when talking about coins) -Use-FairCoin -etc.
Ideally, the translations shouldn't have to imply the need of any proofreading. Translators preferably speak the target language well, so better if they are native speakers or bilingual. When no native speakers are available, the doer should ideally look for someone proficient in the target language in order to revise the text.
When translating a text that includes some links, always try to substitute the original links for others in the target language you are writing, if possible.
Never translate proper names (OCP, Bank of the Commons, etc).
Be careful to respect the original formatting.
Content for publication will come from different sources:
1.The facilitator will be aware of what "official" news needs to be published
2.Anyone can put different proposals in the BACKLOG or propose them in the meetings
The CONTENTS and TRANSLATIONS group will decide in its Friday meetings which tasks are transferred from the BACKLOG to TO DO, and so, which ones will be budgeted each week. It should be done, depending on: 1.The urgency of each one. 2.The publication frequency established for the posts in the web (to make it more or less uniform). The ideal will be at the moment one post per week, to be published preferably every Thursday. 3.The budget available to remunerate them (in case this could be a problem at any time).
The facilitator will move them from the BACKLOG to TO DO
When the tasks are in TO DO, the facilitator:
- Will open the corresponding pad to write the content
- Will open the same tasks in GitLab and OCP
- Will add the links to the pad and the OCP process to the task in GitLab
- Will add the IN OCP label to the corresponding task so that the process is known to be available there
- Will open the corresponding task for the designers in GitLab
The person who assumes the task will:
Assign it to herself and put the date for the task to be done (both things in the right column)
Pass the task from TO DO to IN PROCESS
Once the task is done, the doer:
- Will comment in the comment box the work done to justify the time spent (if needed) and add the time spent in comments with no commands. Just like a normal comment (don't use the command /spend, here).
- Will move the task to the column TO REVISE (writers) or TO PUBLISH (translators)
Will assume the task in OCP (looking for it through the link to OCP in the instructions of the task) by clicking "I did some work on this". Here it is important to check that the date is ok and to mark the time spent.
Once this is done, the doer can go to kispagi in order to check that all has been registered accordingly.
At the moment, the facilitator is taking care of the validation process of the tasks opened by her.
If a task is going to be done by more than one person:
- One of them will take the task in GitLab. The collaboration of the other people will be mentioned in the section for comments on the corresponding task.
- All of them will explain their work and the time spent in OCP trough the button "I did some work on this"