FairCoin.Co faircoind
FairCoin daemon connected to FairCoin.Co services.
The service is made for/controlled by gitlab runner.
Go Gitlab CI/CD -> Pipeline and Run Pipeline
Enter variable name CMD
CMD - commands
build # build container ( changes of Dockerfile )
start # start container ( changes of scripts )
stop # stop container
uninstall # remove container without to delete the data
remove # remove all data
CI/CD Settings
Go Gitlab Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables
#### FairCoin.Co group variables ######################
FAIRCOIN_CONF # faircoin.conf file
FAIRCOIN_PORT # faircoind -port
GITLAB_RUNNER_UID # user id of gitlab-runner ssh account on server, check it with command (id -u)
GITLAB_RUNNER_GID # user id of gitlab-runner ssh account on server, check it with command (id -g)