# FairCoin blockchain explorer
The service is made for/controlled by gitlab runner.
## Usage
1. Fork this project to your group/repositories where you have set up a gitlab-runner
1. change the gitlab-runner tags in .gitlab-ci.yml
1. add env files ( select Type = file ! ) to override defaults ./env_file , go to Gitlab **Settings** -> **CI/CD** -> **Variables**
You can read a full developer report of server preparation with gitlab-runner usage > [](
#### env files ( examples see env_file/... / select Type = file !) ######################
CCE_CONF # config
SERVER_CONF # config
FAIRCHAINS_CONF # conf file to run the faircoind or fairchains daemon
#### env vars ###########################################################################
MYSQL_USER # mysql user ( used to run the explorer )
MYSQL_PASSWORD # mysql user password
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD # mysql root user password ( used to admin the database )
LH_PORT_explorer # port running explorer by localhost ( default 8222 / use nginx proxy to make it available by remote )
1. run command, go to Gitlab **CI/CD** -> **Pipeline** and **Run Pipeline**
Enter variable name **CMD**
init # remove blockchain data and initialize sql database and faircoin/fairchains.conf
start # start container ( changes of scripts )
stop # stop container
install # runs build, init, start stages
uninstall # remove container without to delete the data
remove # remove all data
removeall # remove all data and docker images
### by SSH access <small>( manually without gitlab-runner )</small>
1. install docker and docker-compose ( )
1. clone this project
1. change configuration in ./env_file
1. Initialize env vars
1. run command from project root folder
some commands can be helpful getting shell access to container or get some status info
console/explorer # get access to container of explorer server app
console/db # get access to container of mysql database
console/faircoin # get access to container of faircoind
console/ps # list containers status info
console/status # list all ports / processes and faircoind info