Explore projects
Dokumentationen und Skripte zur Durchführung und Auswertung der BWI2022 in Brandenburg
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Conference rooms for teaching and hosting groups built with BigBlueButton
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connects the transposer with peertube
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board.net etherpad, used as stand-alone and in meet.fairchat.net WIKI: https://fairkom.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=cloudservices:admin:etherpadlite
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Automated speech recognition and language models, translations and editors
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nextcloud app integrating fairmeeting videoconferencing
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BigBlueButton advanced features
live translation support
audio sharing support
HTML5 module adoptions
Communication channel for project is https://fairchat.net/channel/bbb
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This is intended to be easy to access door to all projects related to education in FC
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To talk and work about technical issues/features about the fair.coop main website / wiki and forum