Explore projects
To talk and work about technical issues/features about the fair.coop main website / wiki and forum
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This is the project to follow track of the status of FreedoomCoop App to create invoices for members. It will be hosted here: invoices.freedoomcoop.eu Feel free to add requests and issues here...
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Audio- and Videoconference server based on Jitsi Meet. Provided as fairmeeting.net
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This is intended to be easy to access door to all projects related to education in FC
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Create FairCoin payment gate Pay your regulary bank transfers with FairCoin.
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Fork of Rocket.Chat react-native client for fairchat.net, replacing the fairchat Qt client.
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To talk and work about technical issues/features about the fair.coop main website / wiki and forum
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Smart and simple exchange managed by git issue tracking system.
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Conference rooms for teaching and hosting groups built with BigBlueButton