Explore projects
hosting / fairmatrix / matrix / matrix_api_lite
MIT LicenseUpdated -
hosting / faircommons
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Relaunch RegisteredCommons as faircommons within the netidee project.
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hosting / chat / fairblue-chat-api
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterAPI for sending/receiving messages to a fairblue meeting chat.
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This project is to help us organize the creation and playing of the role-playing game for transitioning to a world of Distributed Cooperatives.
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Project to discuss about the security and improvements of the FairCoop opensource wallet
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emb / Display Europe / PeerTube / Plugins / peertube-plugin-transposer-connector
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0connects the transposer with peertube
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Embeddable video player with multi-lingual audio and caption support
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This is the preferred place to create an issue (left) for generic support requests (sign in top right). Or send an e-mail to support [ät] fairkom.eu Never put passwords in your message.
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SEPA data entries for FairCoin Stargate BotC
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