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  • Kolkup Nickola @nickolakozlyuk ·

    The CLEANHOME mop is recommended as one of the top selections for cleaning vinyl floors in 2022. It features a basic design with a long handle that can be adjusted using its telescopic feature. The mop's cleaning head is made of plastic and connected to the handle through a 360° rotatable joint, providing excellent maneuverability around obstacles and corners.

    The CLEANHOME mop comes with three different microfiber mopping pads for various cleaning purposes. The twisted microfiber pad is suitable for dry mopping, while the full polyester microfiber pad is ideal for wet mopping. For tackling tough stains and stubborn debris, the chenille microfiber mopping pad is recommended.

    Reviewers have reported that all three mopping pads performed exceptionally well during performance tests, effectively sweeping up dust and debris without causing any damage to vinyl floors.

    Overall, the CLEANHOME mop is a reliable choice for safely and effectively cleaning vinyl floors, offering versatility and excellent cleaning performance with its range of microfiber mopping pads.

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