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    mac: Enable autoupdate by sign and notarize via github action (#581) · ae306f5c
    csett86 authored
    mac: Enable autoupdate by sign and notarize via github action
    Signed and notarized binaries are the precondition for autoupdates on
    mac. Additionally Gatekeeper on 10.15+ is happy and allows to open the
    app instead of blocking it.
    The notarize step is added unconditionally, as it only emits a warning if
    the notarization API key is not set, but it does not break the build.
    This is an upstreaming of
    where it worked since March 2020.
    On CI, only sign if not triggered by pull request, as these will fail (as secrets
    are not available to pull request builds).
    The required github secrets (signing key, cert and notarize API login, password and team id) are:
    Open the Keychain Access app. Export all certificates (Developer ID Certificate) related to your app into a single file (e.g. certs.p12) and set a strong password.
    Base64-encode your certificates using the following command: base64 -i certs.p12 -o encoded.txt
    In the GitHub repository, go to Settings → Secrets and add the following two variables:
        mac_certs: Your base64 encoded certificates, i.e. the content of the encoded.txt file you created before
        mac_certs_password: The password you set when exporting the certificates
    Create an app-specific password for your apple id:
    In the GitHub repository, go to Settings → Secrets and add the following three variables:
        apple_id: your apple id
        apple_id_password: the just created app-specific password for your apple id
        team_id: your team short name:
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSaúl Ibarra Corretgé <>