diff --git a/app/constants/settings.js b/app/constants/settings.js
index 8e8e9b8c8ef55130f314a9b3780149bdefae848d..f22949ea0179076338b1086de6d534943f9d4cc5 100644
--- a/app/constants/settings.js
+++ b/app/constants/settings.js
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ export default {
 	CROWD_Enable: {
 		type: 'valueAsBoolean'
+	FEDERATION_Enabled: {
+		type: 'valueAsBoolean'
+	},
 	LDAP_Enable: {
 		type: 'valueAsBoolean'
diff --git a/app/containers/Check.js b/app/containers/Check.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30c9cbd31cca02ae5ee26d4fbb083060fe130c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/containers/Check.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
+import { CustomIcon } from '../lib/Icons';
+import sharedStyles from '../views/Styles';
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+	icon: {
+		width: 22,
+		height: 22,
+		marginHorizontal: 15,
+		...sharedStyles.textColorDescription
+	}
+const Check = React.memo(() => <CustomIcon style={styles.icon} size={22} name='check' />);
+export default Check;
diff --git a/app/containers/SearchBox.js b/app/containers/SearchBox.js
index 65a41d3ee323a3dd1083173e5ea2dbdcb9a197a9..87a3cd8e3a9f8c2dc586aa09063b6893618ee1d5 100644
--- a/app/containers/SearchBox.js
+++ b/app/containers/SearchBox.js
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
-const SearchBox = ({ onChangeText, testID }) => (
+const SearchBox = ({ onChangeText, onSubmitEditing, testID }) => (
 	<View style={styles.container}>
 		<View style={styles.searchBox}>
 			<CustomIcon name='magnifier' size={14} color='#8E8E93' />
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ const SearchBox = ({ onChangeText, testID }) => (
+				onSubmitEditing={onSubmitEditing}
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ const SearchBox = ({ onChangeText, testID }) => (
 SearchBox.propTypes = {
 	onChangeText: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+	onSubmitEditing: PropTypes.func,
 	testID: PropTypes.string
diff --git a/app/i18n/locales/en.js b/app/i18n/locales/en.js
index 62b4f117a7a829c6e31176f8577b15de551e6248..a426f0ddb4ee6763c68a0a902aeea2931362a62b 100644
--- a/app/i18n/locales/en.js
+++ b/app/i18n/locales/en.js
@@ -142,9 +142,10 @@ export default {
 	description: 'description',
 	Description: 'Description',
+	Directory: 'Directory',
+	Direct_Messages: 'Direct Messages',
 	Disable_notifications: 'Disable notifications',
 	Discussions: 'Discussions',
-	Direct_Messages: 'Direct Messages',
 	Dont_Have_An_Account: 'Don\'t have an account?',
 	Do_you_really_want_to_key_this_room_question_mark: 'Do you really want to {{key}} this room?',
 	edit: 'edit',
@@ -294,6 +295,9 @@ export default {
 	saving_settings: 'saving settings',
 	Search_Messages: 'Search Messages',
 	Search: 'Search',
+	Search_by: 'Search by',
+	Search_global_users: 'Search for global users',
+	Search_global_users_description: 'If you turn-on, you can search for any user from others companies or servers.',
 	Select_Avatar: 'Select Avatar',
 	Select_Users: 'Select Users',
 	Send: 'Send',
@@ -348,6 +352,7 @@ export default {
 	Updating: 'Updating...',
 	Uploading: 'Uploading',
 	Upload_file_question_mark: 'Upload file?',
+	Users: 'Users',
 	User_added_by: 'User {{userAdded}} added by {{userBy}}',
 	User_has_been_key: 'User has been {{key}}!',
 	User_is_no_longer_role_by_: '{{user}} is no longer {{role}} by {{userBy}}',
diff --git a/app/i18n/locales/pt-BR.js b/app/i18n/locales/pt-BR.js
index 859b4f2990a79a3ffbe6ee8bfb176bb9e5cef966..ef13d05cfec0803f080c77af1b32177e0ee927c9 100644
--- a/app/i18n/locales/pt-BR.js
+++ b/app/i18n/locales/pt-BR.js
@@ -146,11 +146,12 @@ export default {
 	delete: 'excluir',
 	Delete: 'Excluir',
+	Direct_Messages: 'Mensagens Diretas',
+	Directory: 'Diretório',
 	description: 'descrição',
 	Description: 'Descrição',
 	Disable_notifications: 'Desabilitar notificações',
 	Discussions: 'Discussões',
-	Direct_Messages: 'Mensagens Diretas',
 	Dont_Have_An_Account: 'Não tem uma conta?',
 	Do_you_really_want_to_key_this_room_question_mark: 'Você quer realmente {{key}} esta sala?',
 	edit: 'editar',
@@ -293,6 +294,9 @@ export default {
 	saving_settings: 'salvando configurações',
 	Search_Messages: 'Buscar Mensagens',
 	Search: 'Buscar',
+	Search_by: 'Buscar por',
+	Search_global_users: 'Busca por usuários globais',
+	Search_global_users_description: 'Caso ativado, busca por usuários de outras empresas ou servidores.',
 	Select_Avatar: 'Selecionar Avatar',
 	Select_Users: 'Selecionar Usuários',
 	Send: 'Enviar',
@@ -344,6 +348,7 @@ export default {
 	Updating: 'Atualizando...',
 	Uploading: 'Subindo arquivo',
 	Upload_file_question_mark: 'Enviar arquivo?',
+	Users: 'Usuários',
 	User_added_by: 'Usuário {{userAdded}} adicionado por {{userBy}}',
 	User_has_been_key: 'Usuário foi {{key}}!',
 	User_is_no_longer_role_by_: '{{user}} não pertence mais à {{role}} por {{userBy}}',
diff --git a/app/index.js b/app/index.js
index 9ee8cc9f853a8b9ac12ff9076c0e4607cfb934f3..33c4915614006ed98af3edc37cc9ecf389902557 100644
--- a/app/index.js
+++ b/app/index.js
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import AuthLoadingView from './views/AuthLoadingView';
 import RoomsListView from './views/RoomsListView';
 import RoomView from './views/RoomView';
 import NewMessageView from './views/NewMessageView';
+import DirectoryView from './views/DirectoryView';
 import LoginView from './views/LoginView';
 import Navigation from './lib/Navigation';
 import Sidebar from './views/SidebarView';
@@ -110,7 +111,8 @@ const ChatsStack = createStackNavigator({
-	MessagesView
+	MessagesView,
+	DirectoryView
 }, {
 	defaultNavigationOptions: defaultHeader
diff --git a/app/lib/rocketchat.js b/app/lib/rocketchat.js
index 9b7e16e2cb7003d12259695d6ec87aa616522b1d..3c7f622e5692ced6048954db7fea0b7b50ff7d6a 100644
--- a/app/lib/rocketchat.js
+++ b/app/lib/rocketchat.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { Rocketchat as RocketchatClient } from '@rocket.chat/sdk';
 import reduxStore from './createStore';
 import defaultSettings from '../constants/settings';
 import messagesStatus from '../constants/messagesStatus';
-import database, { safeAddListener } from './realm';
+import database from './realm';
 import log from '../utils/log';
 import { isIOS, getBundleId } from '../utils/deviceInfo';
 import EventEmitter from '../utils/events';
@@ -57,23 +57,6 @@ const RocketChat = {
 		// RC 0.51.0
 		return this.sdk.methodCall(type ? 'createPrivateGroup' : 'createChannel', name, users, readOnly, {}, { broadcast });
-	async createDirectMessageAndWait(username) {
-		const room = await RocketChat.createDirectMessage(username);
-		return new Promise((resolve) => {
-			const data = database.objects('subscriptions')
-				.filtered('rid = $1', room.rid);
-			if (data.length) {
-				return resolve(data[0]);
-			}
-			safeAddListener(data, () => {
-				if (!data.length) { return; }
-				data.removeAllListeners();
-				resolve(data[0]);
-			});
-		});
-	},
 	async getUserToken() {
 		try {
 			return await AsyncStorage.getItem(TOKEN_KEY);
@@ -849,6 +832,14 @@ const RocketChat = {
 				this.sdk.subscribe('stream-notify-logged', 'user-status');
+	},
+	getDirectory({
+		query, count, offset, sort
+	}) {
+		// RC 1.0
+		return this.sdk.get('directory', {
+			query, count, offset, sort
+		});
diff --git a/app/views/DirectoryView/DirectoryItem.js b/app/views/DirectoryView/DirectoryItem.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..620f5dae053e73bcda435b30bb276d4568ae5b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/DirectoryView/DirectoryItem.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import Avatar from '../../containers/Avatar';
+import Touch from '../../utils/touch';
+import RoomTypeIcon from '../../containers/RoomTypeIcon';
+import styles from './styles';
+const DirectoryItemLabel = React.memo(({ text }) => {
+	if (!text) {
+		return null;
+	}
+	return <Text style={styles.directoryItemLabel}>{text}</Text>;
+const DirectoryItem = ({
+	title, description, avatar, onPress, testID, style, baseUrl, user, rightLabel, type
+}) => (
+	<Touch onPress={onPress} style={styles.directoryItemButton} testID={testID}>
+		<View style={[styles.directoryItemContainer, style]}>
+			<Avatar
+				text={avatar}
+				size={30}
+				type={type}
+				style={styles.directoryItemAvatar}
+				baseUrl={baseUrl}
+				userId={user.id}
+				token={user.token}
+			/>
+			<View style={styles.directoryItemTextContainer}>
+				<View style={styles.directoryItemTextTitle}>
+					<RoomTypeIcon type='c' />
+					<Text style={styles.directoryItemName} numberOfLines={1}>{title}</Text>
+				</View>
+				<Text style={styles.directoryItemUsername} numberOfLines={1}>{description}</Text>
+			</View>
+			<DirectoryItemLabel text={rightLabel} />
+		</View>
+	</Touch>
+DirectoryItem.propTypes = {
+	title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+	description: PropTypes.string,
+	avatar: PropTypes.string,
+	type: PropTypes.string,
+	user: PropTypes.shape({
+		id: PropTypes.string,
+		token: PropTypes.string
+	}),
+	baseUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+	onPress: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+	testID: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
+	style: PropTypes.any,
+	rightLabel: PropTypes.string
+DirectoryItemLabel.propTypes = {
+	text: PropTypes.string
+export default DirectoryItem;
diff --git a/app/views/DirectoryView/Options.js b/app/views/DirectoryView/Options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..841484152e7300afc2f3780a59938668574bb51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/DirectoryView/Options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
+import {
+	View, Text, Animated, Easing, TouchableWithoutFeedback, Switch
+} from 'react-native';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import Touch from '../../utils/touch';
+import styles from './styles';
+import { CustomIcon } from '../../lib/Icons';
+import Check from '../../containers/Check';
+import I18n from '../../i18n';
+	easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),
+	useNativeDriver: true
+export default class DirectoryOptions extends PureComponent {
+	static propTypes = {
+		type: PropTypes.string,
+		globalUsers: PropTypes.bool,
+		isFederationEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
+		close: PropTypes.func,
+		changeType: PropTypes.func,
+		toggleWorkspace: PropTypes.func
+	}
+	constructor(props) {
+		super(props);
+		this.animatedValue = new Animated.Value(0);
+	}
+	componentDidMount() {
+		Animated.timing(
+			this.animatedValue,
+			{
+				toValue: 1,
+			},
+		).start();
+	}
+	close = () => {
+		const { close } = this.props;
+		Animated.timing(
+			this.animatedValue,
+			{
+				toValue: 0,
+			},
+		).start(() => close());
+	}
+	renderItem = (itemType) => {
+		const { changeType, type: propType } = this.props;
+		let text = 'Users';
+		let icon = 'user';
+		if (itemType === 'channels') {
+			text = 'Channels';
+			icon = 'hashtag';
+		}
+		return (
+			<Touch style={styles.dropdownItemButton} onPress={() => changeType(itemType)}>
+				<View style={styles.dropdownItemContainer}>
+					<CustomIcon style={styles.dropdownItemIcon} size={22} name={icon} />
+					<Text style={styles.dropdownItemText}>{I18n.t(text)}</Text>
+					{propType === itemType ? <Check /> : null}
+				</View>
+			</Touch>
+		);
+	}
+	render() {
+		const translateY = this.animatedValue.interpolate({
+			inputRange: [0, 1],
+			outputRange: [-326, 0]
+		});
+		const backdropOpacity = this.animatedValue.interpolate({
+			inputRange: [0, 1],
+			outputRange: [0, 0.3]
+		});
+		const { globalUsers, toggleWorkspace, isFederationEnabled } = this.props;
+		return (
+			<React.Fragment>
+				<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={this.close}>
+					<Animated.View style={[styles.backdrop, { opacity: backdropOpacity }]} />
+				</TouchableWithoutFeedback>
+				<Animated.View style={[styles.dropdownContainer, { transform: [{ translateY }] }]}>
+					<Touch
+						onPress={this.close}
+						style={styles.dropdownContainerHeader}
+					>
+						<View style={styles.dropdownItemContainer}>
+							<Text style={styles.dropdownToggleText}>{I18n.t('Search_by')}</Text>
+							<CustomIcon style={[styles.dropdownItemIcon, styles.inverted]} size={22} name='arrow-down' />
+						</View>
+					</Touch>
+					{this.renderItem('channels')}
+					{this.renderItem('users')}
+					{isFederationEnabled
+						? (
+							<React.Fragment>
+								<View style={styles.dropdownSeparator} />
+								<View style={[styles.dropdownItemContainer, styles.globalUsersContainer]}>
+									<View style={styles.globalUsersTextContainer}>
+										<Text style={styles.dropdownItemText}>{I18n.t('Search_global_users')}</Text>
+										<Text style={styles.dropdownItemDescription}>{I18n.t('Search_global_users_description')}</Text>
+									</View>
+									<Switch value={globalUsers} onValueChange={toggleWorkspace} />
+								</View>
+							</React.Fragment>
+						)
+						: null}
+				</Animated.View>
+			</React.Fragment>
+		);
+	}
diff --git a/app/views/DirectoryView/index.js b/app/views/DirectoryView/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..60a12932eaed3e7344995a11d46a75d9aa2fddd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/DirectoryView/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import {
+	View, FlatList, Text
+} from 'react-native';
+import { connect } from 'react-redux';
+import { SafeAreaView } from 'react-navigation';
+import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat';
+import DirectoryItem from './DirectoryItem';
+import sharedStyles from '../Styles';
+import I18n from '../../i18n';
+import Touch from '../../utils/touch';
+import SearchBox from '../../containers/SearchBox';
+import { CustomIcon } from '../../lib/Icons';
+import StatusBar from '../../containers/StatusBar';
+import RCActivityIndicator from '../../containers/ActivityIndicator';
+import debounce from '../../utils/debounce';
+import log from '../../utils/log';
+import Options from './Options';
+import styles from './styles';
+@connect(state => ({
+	baseUrl: state.settings.Site_Url || state.server ? state.server.server : '',
+	user: {
+		id: state.login.user && state.login.user.id,
+		token: state.login.user && state.login.user.token
+	},
+	isFederationEnabled: state.settings.FEDERATION_Enabled
+export default class DirectoryView extends React.Component {
+	static navigationOptions = () => ({
+		title: I18n.t('Directory')
+	})
+	static propTypes = {
+		navigation: PropTypes.object,
+		baseUrl: PropTypes.string,
+		isFederationEnabled: PropTypes.bool,
+		user: PropTypes.shape({
+			id: PropTypes.string,
+			token: PropTypes.string
+		})
+	};
+	constructor(props) {
+		super(props);
+		this.state = {
+			data: [],
+			loading: false,
+			text: '',
+			total: -1,
+			showOptionsDropdown: false,
+			globalUsers: true,
+			type: 'channels'
+		};
+	}
+	componentDidMount() {
+		this.load({});
+	}
+	onSearchChangeText = (text) => {
+		this.setState({ text });
+	}
+	onPressItem = (item) => {
+		const { navigation } = this.props;
+		try {
+			const onPressItem = navigation.getParam('onPressItem', () => {});
+			onPressItem(item);
+		} catch (error) {
+			console.log('DirectoryView -> onPressItem -> error', error);
+		}
+	}
+	// eslint-disable-next-line react/sort-comp
+	load = debounce(async({ newSearch = false }) => {
+		if (newSearch) {
+			this.setState({ data: [], total: -1, loading: false });
+		}
+		const {
+			loading, text, total, data: { length }
+		} = this.state;
+		if (loading || length === total) {
+			return;
+		}
+		this.setState({ loading: true });
+		try {
+			const { data, type, globalUsers } = this.state;
+			const query = { text, type, workspace: globalUsers ? 'all' : 'local' };
+			const directories = await RocketChat.getDirectory({
+				query,
+				offset: data.length,
+				count: 50,
+				sort: (type === 'users') ? { username: 1 } : { usersCount: -1 }
+			});
+			if (directories.success) {
+				this.setState({
+					data: [...data, ...directories.result],
+					loading: false,
+					total: directories.total
+				});
+			} else {
+				this.setState({ loading: false });
+			}
+		} catch (error) {
+			log('err_load_directory', error);
+			this.setState({ loading: false });
+		}
+	}, 200)
+	search = () => {
+		this.load({ newSearch: true });
+	}
+	changeType = (type) => {
+		this.setState({ type, data: [] }, () => this.search());
+	}
+	toggleWorkspace = () => {
+		this.setState(({ globalUsers }) => ({ globalUsers: !globalUsers, data: [] }), () => this.search());
+	}
+	toggleDropdown = () => {
+		this.setState(({ showOptionsDropdown }) => ({ showOptionsDropdown: !showOptionsDropdown }));
+	}
+	goRoom = async({ rid, name, t }) => {
+		const { navigation } = this.props;
+		await navigation.navigate('RoomsListView');
+		navigation.navigate('RoomView', { rid, name, t });
+	}
+	onPressItem = async(item) => {
+		const { type } = this.state;
+		if (type === 'users') {
+			const result = await RocketChat.createDirectMessage(item.username);
+			if (result.success) {
+				this.goRoom({ rid: result.room._id, name: item.username, t: 'd' });
+			}
+		} else {
+			this.goRoom({ rid: item._id, name: item.name, t: 'c' });
+		}
+	}
+	renderHeader = () => {
+		const { type } = this.state;
+		return (
+			<React.Fragment>
+				<SearchBox
+					onChangeText={this.onSearchChangeText}
+					onSubmitEditing={this.search}
+					testID='federation-view-search'
+				/>
+				<Touch onPress={this.toggleDropdown} testID='federation-view-create-channel'>
+					<View style={[sharedStyles.separatorVertical, styles.toggleDropdownContainer]}>
+						<CustomIcon style={styles.toggleDropdownIcon} size={20} name={type === 'users' ? 'user' : 'hashtag'} />
+						<Text style={styles.toggleDropdownText}>{type === 'users' ? I18n.t('Users') : I18n.t('Channels')}</Text>
+						<CustomIcon name='arrow-down' size={20} style={styles.toggleDropdownArrow} />
+					</View>
+				</Touch>
+			</React.Fragment>
+		);
+	}
+	renderSeparator = () => <View style={[sharedStyles.separator, styles.separator]} />;
+	renderItem = ({ item, index }) => {
+		const { data, type } = this.state;
+		const { baseUrl, user } = this.props;
+		let style;
+		if (index === data.length - 1) {
+			style = sharedStyles.separatorBottom;
+		}
+		const commonProps = {
+			title: item.name,
+			onPress: () => this.onPressItem(item),
+			baseUrl,
+			testID: `federation-view-item-${ item.name }`,
+			style,
+			user
+		};
+		if (type === 'users') {
+			return (
+				<DirectoryItem
+					avatar={item.username}
+					description={item.username}
+					rightLabel={item.federation && item.federation.peer}
+					type='d'
+					{...commonProps}
+				/>
+			);
+		}
+		return (
+			<DirectoryItem
+				avatar={item.name}
+				description={item.topic}
+				rightLabel={I18n.t('N_users', { n: item.usersCount })}
+				type='c'
+				{...commonProps}
+			/>
+		);
+	}
+	render = () => {
+		const {
+			data, loading, showOptionsDropdown, type, globalUsers
+		} = this.state;
+		const { isFederationEnabled } = this.props;
+		return (
+			<SafeAreaView style={styles.safeAreaView} testID='directory-view' forceInset={{ bottom: 'never' }}>
+				<StatusBar />
+				<FlatList
+					data={data}
+					style={styles.list}
+					contentContainerStyle={styles.listContainer}
+					extraData={this.state}
+					keyExtractor={item => item._id}
+					ListHeaderComponent={this.renderHeader}
+					renderItem={this.renderItem}
+					ItemSeparatorComponent={this.renderSeparator}
+					keyboardShouldPersistTaps='always'
+					ListFooterComponent={loading ? <RCActivityIndicator /> : null}
+					onEndReached={() => this.load({})}
+				/>
+				{showOptionsDropdown
+					? (
+						<Options
+							type={type}
+							globalUsers={globalUsers}
+							close={this.toggleDropdown}
+							changeType={this.changeType}
+							toggleWorkspace={this.toggleWorkspace}
+							isFederationEnabled={isFederationEnabled}
+						/>
+					)
+					: null}
+			</SafeAreaView>
+		);
+	}
diff --git a/app/views/DirectoryView/styles.js b/app/views/DirectoryView/styles.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59e60da2b0f82fe8e4ee6e4b7a76af4a1e3b36a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/DirectoryView/styles.js
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
+import { COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_SEPARATOR, COLOR_PRIMARY } from '../../constants/colors';
+import { isIOS } from '../../utils/deviceInfo';
+import sharedStyles from '../Styles';
+export default StyleSheet.create({
+	safeAreaView: {
+		flex: 1,
+		backgroundColor: isIOS ? '#F7F8FA' : '#E1E5E8'
+	},
+	list: {
+		flex: 1
+	},
+	listContainer: {
+		paddingBottom: 30
+	},
+	separator: {
+		marginLeft: 60
+	},
+	toggleDropdownContainer: {
+		height: 47,
+		backgroundColor: COLOR_WHITE,
+		flexDirection: 'row',
+		alignItems: 'center'
+	},
+	toggleDropdownIcon: {
+		color: COLOR_PRIMARY,
+		marginLeft: 20,
+		marginRight: 17
+	},
+	toggleDropdownText: {
+		flex: 1,
+		color: COLOR_PRIMARY,
+		fontSize: 17,
+		...sharedStyles.textRegular
+	},
+	toggleDropdownArrow: {
+		...sharedStyles.textColorDescription,
+		marginRight: 15
+	},
+	dropdownContainer: {
+		backgroundColor: COLOR_WHITE,
+		width: '100%',
+		position: 'absolute',
+		top: 0
+	},
+	backdrop: {
+		...StyleSheet.absoluteFill,
+		backgroundColor: '#000000'
+	},
+	dropdownContainerHeader: {
+		height: 47,
+		borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
+		borderColor: COLOR_SEPARATOR,
+		alignItems: 'center',
+		backgroundColor: isIOS ? COLOR_WHITE : '#54585E',
+		flexDirection: 'row'
+	},
+	dropdownItemButton: {
+		height: 57,
+		justifyContent: 'center'
+	},
+	dropdownItemContainer: {
+		flex: 1,
+		flexDirection: 'row',
+		alignItems: 'center'
+	},
+	dropdownItemText: {
+		fontSize: 18,
+		flex: 1,
+		...sharedStyles.textColorNormal,
+		...sharedStyles.textRegular
+	},
+	dropdownItemDescription: {
+		fontSize: 14,
+		flex: 1,
+		marginTop: 2,
+		...sharedStyles.textColorDescription,
+		...sharedStyles.textRegular
+	},
+	dropdownToggleText: {
+		fontSize: 15,
+		flex: 1,
+		marginLeft: 15,
+		...sharedStyles.textColorDescription,
+		...sharedStyles.textRegular
+	},
+	dropdownItemIcon: {
+		width: 22,
+		height: 22,
+		marginHorizontal: 15,
+		...sharedStyles.textColorDescription
+	},
+	dropdownSeparator: {
+		height: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
+		backgroundColor: COLOR_SEPARATOR,
+		marginHorizontal: 15,
+		flex: 1
+	},
+	directoryItemButton: {
+		height: 54,
+		backgroundColor: COLOR_WHITE
+	},
+	directoryItemContainer: {
+		flex: 1,
+		flexDirection: 'row',
+		alignItems: 'center',
+		justifyContent: 'center',
+		paddingHorizontal: 15
+	},
+	directoryItemAvatar: {
+		marginRight: 12
+	},
+	directoryItemTextTitle: {
+		flexDirection: 'row',
+		alignItems: 'center'
+	},
+	directoryItemTextContainer: {
+		flex: 1,
+		flexDirection: 'column',
+		justifyContent: 'center'
+	},
+	directoryItemName: {
+		flex: 1,
+		fontSize: 17,
+		...sharedStyles.textMedium,
+		...sharedStyles.textColorNormal
+	},
+	directoryItemUsername: {
+		fontSize: 14,
+		...sharedStyles.textRegular,
+		...sharedStyles.textColorDescription
+	},
+	directoryItemLabel: {
+		fontSize: 14,
+		paddingLeft: 10,
+		...sharedStyles.textRegular,
+		...sharedStyles.textColorDescription
+	},
+	inverted: {
+		transform: [{ scaleY: -1 }]
+	},
+	globalUsersContainer: {
+		padding: 15
+	},
+	globalUsersTextContainer: {
+		flex: 1,
+		flexDirection: 'column'
+	}
diff --git a/app/views/NewMessageView.js b/app/views/NewMessageView.js
index c2f495ea03863c0c121839396960c42f0dbf0c17..cfadd6094e128e44bf160e5aee76177854cd234d 100644
--- a/app/views/NewMessageView.js
+++ b/app/views/NewMessageView.js
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
 	createChannelIcon: {
 		color: COLOR_PRIMARY,
-		marginHorizontal: 18
+		marginLeft: 18,
+		marginRight: 15
 	createChannelText: {
 		color: COLOR_PRIMARY,
diff --git a/app/views/RoomsListView/Check.js b/app/views/RoomsListView/Check.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 42685ba0a114b4ed85e4cf71368f8935fca50811..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/views/RoomsListView/Check.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { CustomIcon } from '../../lib/Icons';
-import styles from './styles';
-const Check = React.memo(() => <CustomIcon style={styles.sortIcon} size={22} name='check' />);
-export default Check;
diff --git a/app/views/RoomsListView/ListHeader/Directory.js b/app/views/RoomsListView/ListHeader/Directory.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e83ec1753305f4bd48aa6523609812959f8d97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/RoomsListView/ListHeader/Directory.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { CustomIcon } from '../../../lib/Icons';
+import I18n from '../../../i18n';
+import Touch from '../../../utils/touch';
+import styles from '../styles';
+import DisclosureIndicator from '../../../containers/DisclosureIndicator';
+const Directory = React.memo(({ goDirectory }) => (
+	<Touch
+		key='rooms-list-view-sort'
+		onPress={goDirectory}
+		style={styles.dropdownContainerHeader}
+	>
+		<View style={styles.sortItemContainer}>
+			<CustomIcon style={styles.directoryIcon} size={22} name='discover' />
+			<Text style={styles.directoryText}>{I18n.t('Directory')}</Text>
+			<DisclosureIndicator />
+		</View>
+	</Touch>
+Directory.propTypes = {
+	goDirectory: PropTypes.func
+export default Directory;
diff --git a/app/views/RoomsListView/ListHeader/index.js b/app/views/RoomsListView/ListHeader/index.js
index 92743b39d981e96885693f354eaf8983dd6471b9..fd35f0b571e6cbbebe3043bcf27179163d34db0c 100644
--- a/app/views/RoomsListView/ListHeader/index.js
+++ b/app/views/RoomsListView/ListHeader/index.js
@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@ import React from 'react';
 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
 import SearchBar from './SearchBar';
+import Directory from './Directory';
 import Sort from './Sort';
 const ListHeader = React.memo(({
-	searchLength, sortBy, onChangeSearchText, toggleSort
+	searchLength, sortBy, onChangeSearchText, toggleSort, goDirectory
 }) => (
 		<SearchBar onChangeSearchText={onChangeSearchText} />
+		<Directory goDirectory={goDirectory} />
 		<Sort searchLength={searchLength} sortBy={sortBy} toggleSort={toggleSort} />
@@ -17,7 +19,8 @@ ListHeader.propTypes = {
 	searchLength: PropTypes.number,
 	sortBy: PropTypes.string,
 	onChangeSearchText: PropTypes.func,
-	toggleSort: PropTypes.func
+	toggleSort: PropTypes.func,
+	goDirectory: PropTypes.func
 export default ListHeader;
diff --git a/app/views/RoomsListView/ServerDropdown.js b/app/views/RoomsListView/ServerDropdown.js
index 7953446099fc3a295977cb7d0f100997ad563a38..4bc8db9d11b23315388c0e9d45772952df01f026 100644
--- a/app/views/RoomsListView/ServerDropdown.js
+++ b/app/views/RoomsListView/ServerDropdown.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Touch from '../../utils/touch';
 import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat';
 import I18n from '../../i18n';
 import EventEmitter from '../../utils/events';
-import Check from './Check';
+import Check from '../../containers/Check';
 const ROW_HEIGHT = 68;
diff --git a/app/views/RoomsListView/SortDropdown.js b/app/views/RoomsListView/SortDropdown.js
index ea7efaefebe5f14ec341fe7465a46babc2f00ada..163b4d1e732212a57b151727b218a593a8fe2cb5 100644
--- a/app/views/RoomsListView/SortDropdown.js
+++ b/app/views/RoomsListView/SortDropdown.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { setPreference } from '../../actions/sortPreferences';
 import log from '../../utils/log';
 import I18n from '../../i18n';
 import { CustomIcon } from '../../lib/Icons';
-import Check from './Check';
+import Check from '../../containers/Check';
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ export default class Sort extends PureComponent {
 	render() {
 		const translateY = this.animatedValue.interpolate({
 			inputRange: [0, 1],
-			outputRange: [-245, 41]
+			outputRange: [-326, 0]
 		const backdropOpacity = this.animatedValue.interpolate({
 			inputRange: [0, 1],
@@ -117,14 +117,24 @@ export default class Sort extends PureComponent {
 		} = this.props;
 		return (
-			[
+			<React.Fragment>
 				<TouchableWithoutFeedback key='sort-backdrop' onPress={this.close}>
 					<Animated.View style={[styles.backdrop, { opacity: backdropOpacity }]} />
-				</TouchableWithoutFeedback>,
+				</TouchableWithoutFeedback>
 					style={[styles.dropdownContainer, { transform: [{ translateY }] }]}
+					<Touch
+						key='sort-toggle'
+						onPress={this.close}
+						style={styles.dropdownContainerHeader}
+					>
+						<View style={styles.sortItemContainer}>
+							<Text style={styles.sortToggleText}>{I18n.t('Sorting_by', { key: I18n.t(sortBy === 'alphabetical' ? 'name' : 'activity') })}</Text>
+							<CustomIcon style={styles.sortIcon} size={22} name='sort1' />
+						</View>
+					</Touch>
 					<Touch key='sort-alphabetical' style={styles.sortItemButton} onPress={this.sortByName}>
 						<View style={styles.sortItemContainer}>
 							<CustomIcon style={styles.sortIcon} size={22} name='sort' />
@@ -161,18 +171,8 @@ export default class Sort extends PureComponent {
 							{showUnread ? <Check /> : null}
-				</Animated.View>,
-				<Touch
-					key='sort-toggle'
-					onPress={this.close}
-					style={[styles.dropdownContainerHeader, styles.sortToggleContainerClose]}
-				>
-					<View style={styles.sortItemContainer}>
-						<Text style={styles.sortToggleText}>{I18n.t('Sorting_by', { key: I18n.t(sortBy === 'alphabetical' ? 'name' : 'activity') })}</Text>
-						<CustomIcon style={styles.sortIcon} size={22} name='sort1' />
-					</View>
-				</Touch>
-			]
+				</Animated.View>
+			</React.Fragment>
diff --git a/app/views/RoomsListView/index.js b/app/views/RoomsListView/index.js
index d3574c33996b67e726e3542be8ea61536dc8b706..f29d62348f15b3b8290e0791d12829fa73230b37 100644
--- a/app/views/RoomsListView/index.js
+++ b/app/views/RoomsListView/index.js
@@ -379,6 +379,11 @@ export default class RoomsListView extends React.Component {
 		}, 100);
+	goDirectory = () => {
+		const { navigation } = this.props;
+		navigation.navigate('DirectoryView');
+	}
 	getScrollRef = ref => this.scroll = ref
 	renderListHeader = () => {
@@ -390,6 +395,7 @@ export default class RoomsListView extends React.Component {
+				goDirectory={this.goDirectory}
diff --git a/app/views/RoomsListView/styles.js b/app/views/RoomsListView/styles.js
index 95c1116647af0ea63dd53a2f619c23b4dd3c4601..0c19c11ee48fcdba422cbbfade2d94b7bcaf56c7 100644
--- a/app/views/RoomsListView/styles.js
+++ b/app/views/RoomsListView/styles.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
 import { isIOS } from '../../utils/deviceInfo';
 import {
 } from '../../constants/colors';
 import sharedStyles from '../Styles';
@@ -147,5 +147,17 @@ export default StyleSheet.create({
 		height: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth,
 		backgroundColor: COLOR_SEPARATOR,
 		marginLeft: 72
+	},
+	directoryIcon: {
+		width: 22,
+		height: 22,
+		marginHorizontal: 15,
+	},
+	directoryText: {
+		fontSize: 15,
+		flex: 1,
+		...sharedStyles.textRegular