From 6be7f28baa2a2cd7f30ab3677f17c46e8bddbf92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Diego Mello <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 17:58:47 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Update readme (#714)

--- | 306 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 146 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 110f3f073..65a9a803d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 [![Codacy Badge](](
-[![Known Vulnerabilities](](
 **Supported Server Versions:** 0.66.0+
@@ -24,15 +23,15 @@
 You can signup to our TestFlight builds by acessing this link:
-### Android
+### Google Play beta
-You can get the latest Android builds at [#react-native]( channel.
+You can subscribe to Google Play Beta program and download latest versions:
 ## Reporting an Issue
 [Github Issues]( are used to track todos, bugs, feature requests, and more.
-Also check the community on []( We'd like to help.
+Also check the [#react-native]( community on []( We'd like to help.
 ## Installing dependencies
@@ -49,182 +48,169 @@ Follow the [React Native Getting Started Guide](
 - Run application
-    $ yarn ios
+    $ react-native run-ios
-    $ yarn android
+    $ react-native run-android
 ### Running single server
 If you don't need multiple servers, there is a branch `single-server` just for that.
 Readme will guide you on how to config.
-## Roadmap
-### Current priorities
-1) [NEW] Jitsi integration
-2) [NEW] Slash Commands ([#405][i405])
-3) [NEW] Read receipt ([#542][i542])
-4) [Android] Group notifications by room ([#391][i391])
-### To do
-|    Task              | Status |
-| [NEW] Jitsi integration            |    WIP  | |
-| [NEW] Settings layout ([#396][i396])             |    ❌  |
-| [NEW] Contextual bar layout ([#402][i402])             |    ❌  |
-| [NEW] Slash Commands ([#405][i405])   |  ❌  |
-| [Android] Group notifications by room ([#391][i391])             |    ❌  |
-| Custom icons ([#210][i210])             |    ❌  |
-| Share Extension ([#69][i69])          |    ❌  |
-| Upload files ([#2][i2])             |    ❌  |
+## Current priorities
+1) [NEW] Jitsi integration ([#711][i711])
+2) [NEW] Federation ([#706][i706])
+3) [NEW] Threads ([#707][i707])
+4) [NEW] Record video ([#712][i712])
+5) [NEW] Slash Commands ([#405][i405])
+6) [NEW] Draft message per room ([#708][i708])
+7) [NEW] Share extension ([#391][i391])
 ## Features
-| Feature                                                           | Status             |
-|-----------------------------------------------------------------  |----------------    |
-| Send message                                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via Email                                      	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via Username                                   	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via LDAP                                       	| ✅             	|
-| Message format: Markdown                                      	| ✅             	|
-| Message format: System messages (Welcome, Message removed...) 	| ✅             	|
-| Message format: links                                         	| ✅             	|
-| Message format: images                                        	| ✅             	|
-| Message format: replies                                       	| ✅             	|
-| Message format: alias with custom message (title & text)      	| ✅             	|
-| Messages list: day separation                                 	| ✅             	|
-| Messages list: load more on scroll                            	| ✅             	|
-| Messages list: receive new messages via subscription          	| ✅             	|
-| Subscriptions list                                            	| ✅             	|
-| Segmented subscriptions list: Favorites                       	|  ✅            	|
-| Segmented subscriptions list: Unreads                         	|  ✅            	|
-| Segmented subscriptions list: DMs                             	|  ✅            	|
-| Segmented subscriptions list: Channels                        	|  ✅            	|
-| Subscriptions list: update user status via subscription       	| ✅             	|
-| Numbers os messages unread in the Subscriptions list          	| ✅             	|
-| Status change                                                 	| ✅             	|
-| Upload image                                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Upload video                                                  	|  ❌            	|
-| Take picture & upload it                                      	| ✅             	|
-| 2FA                                                           	| ✅             	|
-| Signup                                                        	| ✅             	|
-| Autocomplete with usernames                                   	| ✅             	|
-| Autocomplete with @all & @here                                	| ✅             	|
-| Autocomplete room/channel name                                	| ✅             	|
-| Upload audio                                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Forgot your password                                          	| ✅             	|
-| Login screen: terms of service                                	| ✅             	|
-| Login screen: privacy policy                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via Google                                     	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via Facebook                                   	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via Twitter                                    	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via GitHub                                     	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via GitLab                                     	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via LinkedIn                                   	| ✅             	|
-| Authentication via Meteor                                     	| ✅ 	            |
-| Authentication via Wordpress                                  	|  ❌            	|
-| Authentication via Custom OAuth                               	|  ❌            	|
-| Authentication via SAML                                       	|  ❌            	|
-| Authentication via CAS                                        	|  ❌            	|
-| Custom Fields on Signup                                       	|  ❌            	|
-| Create channel                                                	| ✅             	|
-| Search Local                                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Search in the API                                             	| ✅             	|
-| Settings -> About us                                          	|  ❌            	|
-| Settings -> Contact us                                        	|  ❌            	|
-| Settings -> License                                           	|  ❌            	|
-| Settings -> App version                                       	|  ✅            	|
-| Autocomplete emoji                                            	| ✅             	|
-| Upload file (documents, PDFs, spreadsheets, zip files, etc)   	| ✅             	|
-| Report message                                                	|  ❌            	|
-| Copy message                                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Pin message                                                   	| ✅             	|
-| Unpin message                                                 	| ✅             	|
-| Channel Info screen -> Members                                	| ✅             	|
-| Channel Info screen -> Pinned                                 	| ✅             	|
-| Channel Info screen -> Starred                                	| ✅             	|
-| Channel Info screen -> Uploads                                	| ✅            	    |
-| Star message                                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Unstar message                                                	| ✅             	|
-| Channel Info screen -> Topic                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Channel Info screen -> Description                            	| ✅             	|
-| Star a channel                                                	| ✅             	|
-| Message format: videos                                        	| ✅             	|
-| Message format: audios                                        	| ✅             	|
-| Block user (local only)                                       	| ✅             	|
-| Edit message                                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Delete a message                                              	| ✅             	|
-| Reply message                                                 	| ✅             	|
-| Quote message                                                 	| ✅             	|
-| Record Audio                                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Record Video                                                  	|  ❌            	|
-| Muted state                                                   	| ✅             	|
-| Admin panel                                                   	|  ❌            	|
-| Offline reading                                               	| ✅             	|
-| Offline writing                                               	|  ❌            	|
-| Edit profile                                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Reactions                                                     	| ✅             	|
-| Custom emojis                                                 	| ✅             	|
-| Commands                                                      	|  ❌            	|
-| Accessibility (Basic)                                         	| ✅             	|
-| Accessibility (Medium)                                        	|  ❌            	|
-| Accessibility (Advanced)                                      	|  ❌            	|
-| Reply message from notification                               	|  ❌            	|
-| Tap notification, go to the channel                           	| ✅             	|
-| Deep links: Authentication                                    	| ✅             	|
-| Deep links: Rooms                                             	| ✅             	|
-| Draft per room                                                	|  ❌            	|
-| Localized in Portuguese (pt-BR)                               	| ✅             	|
-| Localized in Russian                                          	| ✅             	|
-| Localized in English                                          	| ✅                 |
-| Full name setting                                             	|  ✅            	|
-| Read only rooms                                               	| ✅             	|
-| Typing status                                                 	| ✅             	|
-| Create channel/group                                          	| ✅             	|
-| Disable registration setting                                  	| ✅             	|
-| Unread red line indicator on message list                     	| ✅             	|
-| Unread counter banner on message list                         	| ✅             	|
-| Share Extension                                               	|  ❌            	|
-| Search Messages in Channel                                    	| ✅             	|
-| Mentions List                                                 	| ✅             	|
-| Attachment List                                               	| ✅             	|
-| Notifications Preferences                                     	| ✅             	|
-| Read receipt                                                  	|  ❌            	|
+| Feature                                                   	    | Status 	|
+|---------------------------------------------------------------	|--------	|
+| Jitsi Integration                                             	| ❌    	|
+| Federation (Directory)                                        	| ❌    	|
+| Threads                                                       	| ❌    	|
+| Record Audio                                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Record Video                                                  	| ❌    	|
+| Commands                                                      	| ❌    	|
+| Draft message per room                                        	| ❌    	|
+| Share Extension                                               	| ❌    	|
+| Notifications Preferences                                     	| ✅    	|
+| Edited status                                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Upload video                                                  	| ❌    	|
+| Grouped messages                                              	| ✅    	|
+| Mark room as read                                             	| ❌    	|
+| Mark room as unread                                           	| ❌    	|
+| Tablet Support                                                	| ❌    	|
+| Read receipt                                                  	| ❌    	|
+| Broadbast Channel                                             	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via SAML                                       	| ❌    	|
+| Authentication via CAS                                        	| ❌    	|
+| Custom Fields on Signup                                       	| ❌    	|
+| Report message                                                	| ❌    	|
+| Theming                                                       	| ❌    	|
+| Settings -> Review the App                                    	| ❌    	|
+| Settings -> Default Browser                                   	| ❌    	|
+| Admin panel                                                   	| ❌    	|
+| Reply message from notification                               	| ❌    	|
+| Unread counter banner on message list                         	| ✅    	|
+| E2E                                                           	| ❌    	|
+| Join a Protected Room                                         	| ❌    	|
+| Optional Analytics                                            	| ❌    	|
+| Settings -> About us                                          	| ❌    	|
+| Settings -> Contact us                                        	| ❌    	|
+| Settings -> Update App Icon                                   	| ❌    	|
+| Settings -> Share                                             	| ❌    	|
+| Accessibility (Medium)                                        	| ❌    	|
+| Accessibility (Advanced)                                      	| ❌    	|
+| Authentication via Meteor                                     	| ❌    	|
+| Authentication via Wordpress                                  	| ❌    	|
+| Authentication via Custom OAuth                               	| ❌    	|
+| Add user to the room                                          	| ✅    	|
+| Send message                                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via Email                                      	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via Username                                   	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via LDAP                                       	| ✅    	|
+| Message format: Markdown                                      	| ✅    	|
+| Message format: System messages (Welcome, Message removed...) 	| ✅    	|
+| Message format: links                                         	| ✅    	|
+| Message format: images                                        	| ✅    	|
+| Message format: replies                                       	| ✅    	|
+| Message format: alias with custom message (title & text)      	| ✅    	|
+| Messages list: day separation                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Messages list: load more on scroll                            	| ✅    	|
+| Messages list: receive new messages via subscription          	| ✅    	|
+| Subscriptions list                                            	| ✅    	|
+| Segmented subscriptions list: Favorites                       	| ✅    	|
+| Segmented subscriptions list: Unreads                         	| ✅    	|
+| Segmented subscriptions list: DMs                             	| ✅    	|
+| Segmented subscriptions list: Channels                        	| ✅    	|
+| Subscriptions list: update user status via subscription       	| ✅    	|
+| Numbers os messages unread in the Subscriptions list          	| ✅    	|
+| Status change                                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Upload image                                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Take picture & upload it                                      	| ✅    	|
+| 2FA                                                           	| ✅    	|
+| Signup                                                        	| ✅    	|
+| Autocomplete with usernames                                   	| ✅    	|
+| Autocomplete with @all & @here                                	| ✅    	|
+| Autocomplete room/channel name                                	| ✅    	|
+| Upload audio                                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Forgot your password                                          	| ✅    	|
+| Login screen: terms of service                                	| ✅    	|
+| Login screen: privacy policy                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via Google                                     	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via Facebook                                   	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via Twitter                                    	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via GitHub                                     	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via GitLab                                     	| ✅    	|
+| Authentication via LinkedIn                                   	| ✅    	|
+| Create channel                                                	| ✅    	|
+| Search Local                                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Search in the API                                             	| ✅    	|
+| Settings -> License                                           	| ✅    	|
+| Settings -> App version                                       	| ✅    	|
+| Autocomplete emoji                                            	| ✅    	|
+| Upload file (documents, PDFs, spreadsheets, zip files, etc)   	| ✅    	|
+| Copy message                                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Pin message                                                   	| ✅    	|
+| Unpin message                                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Channel Info screen -> Members                                	| ✅    	|
+| Channel Info screen -> Pinned                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Channel Info screen -> Starred                                	| ✅    	|
+| Channel Info screen -> Uploads                                	| ✅    	|
+| Star message                                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Unstar message                                                	| ✅    	|
+| Channel Info screen -> Topic                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Channel Info screen -> Description                            	| ✅    	|
+| Star a channel                                                	| ✅    	|
+| Message format: videos                                        	| ✅    	|
+| Message format: audios                                        	| ✅    	|
+| Edit message                                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Delete a message                                              	| ✅    	|
+| Reply message                                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Quote message                                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Muted state                                                   	| ✅    	|
+| Offline reading                                               	| ✅    	|
+| Offline writing                                               	| ✅    	|
+| Edit profile                                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Reactions                                                     	| ✅    	|
+| Custom emojis                                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Accessibility (Basic)                                         	| ✅    	|
+| Tap notification, go to the channel                           	| ✅    	|
+| Deep links: Authentication                                    	| ✅    	|
+| Deep links: Rooms                                             	| ✅    	|
+| Full name setting                                             	| ✅    	|
+| Read only rooms                                               	| ✅    	|
+| Typing status                                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Create channel/group                                          	| ✅    	|
+| Disable registration setting                                  	| ✅    	|
+| Unread red line indicator on message list                     	| ✅    	|
+| Search Messages in Channel                                    	| ✅    	|
+| Mentions List                                                 	| ✅    	|
+| Attachment List                                               	| ✅    	|
+| Join a Room                                                   	| ✅    	|
 ## Detox (end-to-end tests)
 - Build your app
-$ detox build
+$ detox build --configuration ios.sim.release
 - Run tests
-$ detox test
+$ detox test --configuration ios.sim.release
\ No newline at end of file