Diego Mello authored
- Refactored Message component to use React.memo and re-render only what's necessary - Added a test mode to toggle markdown parse by long press drawer (it'll be removed in the next release)
Diego Mello authored- Refactored Message component to use React.memo and re-render only what's necessary - Added a test mode to toggle markdown parse by long press drawer (it'll be removed in the next release)
realm.js 12.10 KiB
import Realm from 'realm';
// import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';
// Realm.clearTestState();
// AsyncStorage.clear();
const serversSchema = {
name: 'servers',
primaryKey: 'id',
properties: {
id: 'string',
name: { type: 'string', optional: true },
iconURL: { type: 'string', optional: true },
roomsUpdatedAt: { type: 'date', optional: true },
version: 'string?'
const settingsSchema = {
name: 'settings',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
valueAsString: { type: 'string', optional: true },
valueAsBoolean: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
valueAsNumber: { type: 'int', optional: true },
_updatedAt: { type: 'date', optional: true }
const permissionsSchema = {
name: 'permissions',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
roles: 'string[]',
_updatedAt: { type: 'date', optional: true }
const roomsSchema = {
name: 'rooms',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
name: 'string?',
broadcast: { type: 'bool', optional: true }
const subscriptionSchema = {
name: 'subscriptions',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
f: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
t: 'string',
ts: { type: 'date', optional: true },
ls: { type: 'date', optional: true },
name: { type: 'string', indexed: true },
fname: { type: 'string', optional: true },
rid: { type: 'string', indexed: true },
open: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
alert: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
roles: 'string[]',
unread: { type: 'int', optional: true },
userMentions: { type: 'int', optional: true },
roomUpdatedAt: { type: 'date', optional: true },
ro: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
lastOpen: { type: 'date', optional: true },
lastMessage: { type: 'messages', optional: true },
description: { type: 'string', optional: true },
announcement: { type: 'string', optional: true },
topic: { type: 'string', optional: true },
blocked: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
blocker: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
reactWhenReadOnly: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
archived: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
joinCodeRequired: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
notifications: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
muted: 'string[]',
broadcast: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
prid: { type: 'string', optional: true },
draftMessage: { type: 'string', optional: true },
lastThreadSync: 'date?'
const usersSchema = {
name: 'users',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
username: 'string',
name: { type: 'string', optional: true }
const attachmentFields = {
name: 'attachmentFields',
properties: {
title: { type: 'string', optional: true },
value: { type: 'string', optional: true },
short: { type: 'bool', optional: true }
const attachment = {
name: 'attachment',
properties: {
description: { type: 'string', optional: true },
image_size: { type: 'int', optional: true },
image_type: { type: 'string', optional: true },
image_url: { type: 'string', optional: true },
audio_size: { type: 'int', optional: true },
audio_type: { type: 'string', optional: true },
audio_url: { type: 'string', optional: true },
video_size: { type: 'int', optional: true },
video_type: { type: 'string', optional: true },
video_url: { type: 'string', optional: true },
title: { type: 'string', optional: true },
title_link: { type: 'string', optional: true },
// title_link_download: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
type: { type: 'string', optional: true },
author_icon: { type: 'string', optional: true },
author_name: { type: 'string', optional: true },
author_link: { type: 'string', optional: true },
text: { type: 'string', optional: true },
color: { type: 'string', optional: true },
ts: { type: 'date', optional: true },
attachments: { type: 'list', objectType: 'attachment' },
fields: {
type: 'list', objectType: 'attachmentFields', default: []
const url = {
name: 'url',
primaryKey: 'url',
properties: {
// _id: { type: 'int', optional: true },
url: { type: 'string', optional: true },
title: { type: 'string', optional: true },
description: { type: 'string', optional: true },
image: { type: 'string', optional: true }
const messagesReactionsSchema = {
name: 'messagesReactions',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
emoji: 'string',
usernames: 'string[]'
const messagesEditedBySchema = {
name: 'messagesEditedBy',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: { type: 'string', optional: true },
username: { type: 'string', optional: true }
const messagesSchema = {
name: 'messages',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
msg: { type: 'string', optional: true },
t: { type: 'string', optional: true },
rid: { type: 'string', indexed: true },
ts: 'date',
u: 'users',
alias: { type: 'string', optional: true },
parseUrls: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
groupable: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
avatar: { type: 'string', optional: true },
attachments: { type: 'list', objectType: 'attachment' },
urls: { type: 'list', objectType: 'url', default: [] },
_updatedAt: { type: 'date', optional: true },
status: { type: 'int', optional: true },
pinned: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
starred: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
editedBy: 'messagesEditedBy',
reactions: { type: 'list', objectType: 'messagesReactions' },
role: { type: 'string', optional: true },
drid: { type: 'string', optional: true },
dcount: { type: 'int', optional: true },
dlm: { type: 'date', optional: true },
tmid: { type: 'string', optional: true },
tcount: { type: 'int', optional: true },
tlm: { type: 'date', optional: true },
replies: 'string[]',
mentions: { type: 'list', objectType: 'users' },
channels: { type: 'list', objectType: 'rooms' }
const threadsSchema = {
name: 'threads',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
msg: { type: 'string', optional: true },
t: { type: 'string', optional: true },
rid: { type: 'string', indexed: true },
ts: 'date',
u: 'users',
alias: { type: 'string', optional: true },
parseUrls: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
groupable: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
avatar: { type: 'string', optional: true },
attachments: { type: 'list', objectType: 'attachment' },
urls: { type: 'list', objectType: 'url', default: [] },
_updatedAt: { type: 'date', optional: true },
status: { type: 'int', optional: true },
pinned: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
starred: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
editedBy: 'messagesEditedBy',
reactions: { type: 'list', objectType: 'messagesReactions' },
role: { type: 'string', optional: true },
drid: { type: 'string', optional: true },
dcount: { type: 'int', optional: true },
dlm: { type: 'date', optional: true },
tmid: { type: 'string', optional: true },
tcount: { type: 'int', optional: true },
tlm: { type: 'date', optional: true },
replies: 'string[]',
draftMessage: 'string?'
const threadMessagesSchema = {
name: 'threadMessages',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
msg: { type: 'string', optional: true },
t: { type: 'string', optional: true },
rid: { type: 'string', indexed: true },
ts: 'date',
u: 'users',
alias: { type: 'string', optional: true },
parseUrls: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
groupable: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
avatar: { type: 'string', optional: true },
attachments: { type: 'list', objectType: 'attachment' },
urls: { type: 'list', objectType: 'url', default: [] },
_updatedAt: { type: 'date', optional: true },
status: { type: 'int', optional: true },
pinned: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
starred: { type: 'bool', optional: true },
editedBy: 'messagesEditedBy',
reactions: { type: 'list', objectType: 'messagesReactions' },
role: { type: 'string', optional: true }
const frequentlyUsedEmojiSchema = {
name: 'frequentlyUsedEmoji',
primaryKey: 'content',
properties: {
content: { type: 'string', optional: true },
extension: { type: 'string', optional: true },
isCustom: 'bool',
count: 'int'
const customEmojisSchema = {
name: 'customEmojis',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
name: 'string',
aliases: 'string[]',
extension: 'string',
_updatedAt: { type: 'date', optional: true }
const rolesSchema = {
name: 'roles',
primaryKey: '_id',
properties: {
_id: 'string',
description: { type: 'string', optional: true }
const uploadsSchema = {
name: 'uploads',
primaryKey: 'path',
properties: {
path: 'string',
rid: 'string',
name: { type: 'string', optional: true },
description: { type: 'string', optional: true },
size: { type: 'int', optional: true },
type: { type: 'string', optional: true },
store: { type: 'string', optional: true },
progress: { type: 'int', default: 1 },
error: { type: 'bool', default: false }
const usersTypingSchema = {
name: 'usersTyping',
properties: {
rid: { type: 'string', indexed: true },
username: { type: 'string', optional: true }
const activeUsersSchema = {
name: 'activeUsers',
primaryKey: 'id',
properties: {
id: 'string',
name: 'string?',
username: 'string?',
status: 'string?',
utcOffset: 'double?'
const schema = [
const inMemorySchema = [usersTypingSchema, activeUsersSchema];
class DB {
databases = {
serversDB: new Realm({
path: 'default.realm',
schema: [
schemaVersion: 8,
migration: (oldRealm, newRealm) => {
if (oldRealm.schemaVersion >= 1 && newRealm.schemaVersion <= 8) {
const newServers = newRealm.objects('servers');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
for (let i = 0; i < newServers.length; i++) {
newServers[i].roomsUpdatedAt = null;
inMemoryDB: new Realm({
path: 'memory.realm',
schema: inMemorySchema,
schemaVersion: 2,
inMemory: true
deleteAll(...args) {
return this.database.write(() => this.database.deleteAll(...args));
delete(...args) {
return this.database.delete(...args);
write(...args) {
return this.database.write(...args);
create(...args) {
return this.database.create(...args);
objects(...args) {
return this.database.objects(...args);
objectForPrimaryKey(...args) {
return this.database.objectForPrimaryKey(...args);
get database() {
return this.databases.activeDB;
get memoryDatabase() {
return this.databases.inMemoryDB;
setActiveDB(database = '') {
const path = database.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//, '');
return this.databases.activeDB = new Realm({
path: `${ path }.realm`,
schemaVersion: 11,
migration: (oldRealm, newRealm) => {
if (oldRealm.schemaVersion >= 3 && newRealm.schemaVersion <= 11) {
const newSubs = newRealm.objects('subscriptions');
const newMessages = newRealm.objects('messages');
const newThreads = newRealm.objects('threads');
const newThreadMessages = newRealm.objects('threadMessages');
if (newRealm.schemaVersion === 9) {
const newEmojis = newRealm.objects('customEmojis');
const newSettings = newRealm.objects('settings');
const db = new DB();
export default db;
// Realm workaround for "Cannot create asynchronous query while in a write transaction"
// inpired from https://github.com/realm/realm-js/issues/1188#issuecomment-359223918
export function safeAddListener(results, callback, database = db) {
if (!results || !results.addListener) {
console.log('⚠️ safeAddListener called for non addListener-compliant object');
if (database.isInTransaction) {
setTimeout(() => {
safeAddListener(results, callback);
}, 50);
} else {