Phase 1 Create project
This project is for maintain, improve and documented how we want to see and write in website, in blog and wiki...
For main website my only concern is, needs for documenting and some issues like security and some errors in multilanguage scripts happens sometimes and the browser gives nº500 error.
Another concern is that @bernini wants to leave the main website to do some other projects.
For Blog, Fairkom wants to split their work on drupal from and that now is in a multisite place with some issues with multilanguage, some difficulties in edition for communication people and the theme is not complete yet with the mockup @bernini design.
For wiki, I started installing and importing some documents and creating a structure for wiki and starting too the user manual but not finish and some user have some issues to understand the dokuwiki syntax.
The this project have an option to finish this work correctly and well documented or change all we want basing in the same design @bernini did before and create structure and well documented project.
The project is create using scrum method and I try to follow this structure:
Phase 1 Project (estimated time 18h)
Create the project - (estimated time 16h)
Description of the project task - (estimated time 2h) - check in 5h Collect needs task - (estimated time 4h) Defined tools task - (estimated time 10h)
Milestone Presented in assembly (estimated 2h)
Phase 2 Development (estimated time 52h)
Define article structure blog / wiki / cover - (estimated time 12h) Define how we want the forms (estimated time 4h) Define the design of each form (estimated time 8h) Use the proposed design for each structure (estimate time 40h)
Main cover design task - (estimated time 10h) Addons cover design task - (estimated time 10h) Blog page design task - (estimated time 10h) Wiki design task - (estimated time 10h)
Phase 3 Implementation - (estimated time 275h)
Create code using each tool in 3 environments (dev-testing-production) (estimated time 110h)
Create work environments task - (estimated 5h) CMS installation or reconfiguration tasks - (estimated 5h) Plugins to create or improve tasks - (estimated 100h)
Import or continue all content (estimated time 30h)
Import the content task - (estimated 30h)
Create user manuals (admin and user)
Administrator manual task - (estimated 20h) User manual task - (estimated 10h) Milestone Review and presented manuals (estimated 5h) Manual traduction tasks - (estimated 100h)
Phase 4 Maintenance and improve
Maintenance with a responsible and reports Improves before en dev, then in testing finally goes to production...
To start this project from now I created this recommendations to get good proposes...