# **Chat Groups of the FairCoop Ecosystem**
This wiki page is deprecated. We now maintain it here https://wiki.fair.coop/en:communication:chat_groups:start |
(NB 'TK' means that the Chat group is missing and must be either located or created.)
The goal of this list is to show the people in FairCoop all the active groups for discussing and collaborating together in various tasks.
You can join Telegram with your computer using the desktop version by installing it from [https://desktop.telegram.org](https://desktop.telegram.org)
or the web version at [https://web.telegram.org](https://web.telegram.org).
Also you can use an app on your smartphone. Be aware that Telegram is taking a copy of your adressbook to match contacts, unless you forbid Telegram to read the address book.
We started to mirror some chat groups to fairchat (based on Rocket.Chat) in fall 2017. There you can **read all messages without installing an app or logging in**. You can join with a fairlogin single-sign-on account. It also offers automatic language translation (right side bar). No attachments mirrored yet.
### Welcome to FairCoop - Q&A - Bienvenida a Faircoop
Group for newly arrived people.
Ask questions about the FairCoop resourses, tools, freedomcoop, etc.
[https://t.me/askfaircoop](https://t.me/askfaircoop) fairchat mirror: https://fairchat.net/channel/ask-faircoop-welcome
**FairCoop pregúntanos!** - para conocer de FairCoop y su funcionamiento.
Resolver dudas en castellano.
### FairCoop Teenagers' Group
For young people interested in FairCoop.
FairCoop Para Adolescentes.
### Off-Topic
Anyone interested to share info not directly related to FairCoop should join. Any language is welcome. If you don't understand a message just ignore it.
You can also ask to be added to a group on [coop@fair.coop](mailto:coop@fair.coop)
### FairCoop
Main group: **FairCoop** is the general group where all the members are discussing about FairCoop and many things related to it! A good place to publish news, proposals and news for everyone. 183 persons at July 2017. You can join the discussion about many different things connected with the FairCoop ecosystem.
[https://t.me/joinchat/AInyBEIa_1-hQVstWWCqzA](https://t.me/joinchat/AInyBEIa_1-hQVstWWCqzA) fairchat mirror: https://fairchat.net/channel/faircoop-general
### Global Assemblies
Open Assemblies are every third Thursday of the month at 19.00 CET. This group is only active during assemblies. You can ask to join this group as above. 235 members in January 2018.
[https://t.me/joinchat/B0S3OkT5VcP-PazMNoNdaA](https://t.me/joinchat/B0S3OkT5VcP-PazMNoNdaA) fairchat mirror: https://fairchat.net/channel/faircoop-assemblies
### Multicurrency Ecosystem
Specific group for monetary questions, to share all questions, experiences, and proposals connected to the relation between Faircoin and other currencies. Especially to discuss and learn how to make Faircoin interact with local and regional currencies and facilitate the role of offices of exchange within this multicurrency ecosystem.
### Faircoin Economic Strategies
Build a sustainable and coherent to FairCoop values strategy around FairCoin.
[https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEIe0a70SwS4CNstBw](https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEIe0a70SwS4CNstBw) fairchat mirror: https://fairchat.net/channel/faircoin-economy-strategies
### FairFunds
Building a proposal and a roadmap on using the Funds that FairCoop has since it begun.
[https://t.me/joinchat/CSeivEoUrgjW_o-rjShe1Q] (https://t.me/joinchat/CSeivEoUrgjW_o-rjShe1Q)
### FairCoop Welfare System
Building of a community health insurance system
[https://t.me/joinchat/A9k9vkb4wbKR6bReuvVDPA] (https://t.me/joinchat/A9k9vkb4wbKR6bReuvVDPA)
### Democracy
FairCoop group for developing tools for assemblies and democratic participation.
### FairCoop Makers
For discussions about collaborations and making of hardware for the FairCoop ecosystem.
### Open Coop Work
Group for open coop work to start developing the strategy and setting the priorities for the FairCoop ecosystem and to improve our self-organization.
### FC Summercamps
## 2) AREAS
### Welcome Area
For Welcome ACs. Not a group for newly-arrived members, that would be the Ask Us Anything one.
### Commons Management Area
Provide a collective way to manage and account for every common resource of the ecosystem. Each project (FreedomCoop, Getfaircoin and Local Nodes) who manages money, needs to account their own and bring to the common ecosystem accounting group, as also those which are taking care of payments (expenses) such as in Tech (hosting, domains etc), legal issues and elsewhere.
### Education
Interconnecting the alternative education and the alternative economy movements around Europe and eventually the world.
Self-education initiatives already interested or connected to the FairCoop ecosystem are welcome.
### Media & Communication
For news, and Faircoop's Media Center. We use this group for coordinating day to day tasks related to media and communication. This is only really active amongst people who have signed up to do something regularly in this area. We are always seeking new participants for the media teams!
### Design & Usability (30 people)
Group for designers involved in image and branding of the whole FairCoop ecosystem. Would you like to help with this? You can also have a look at the forum discussions so far on developing a FairCoop style guide.
### Contents and Translations
For creating and taking care of FairCoop content (articles, posts etc), as also coordinate their translation to different languages.
### Extension
* Relation with external media
* Events (look for participators, organize invitations and create new ones)
* Campaigns (coordinate and follow campaigns)
### Social Media Coordination
Ask in the FairCoop Media & Communication group to be added to this group
A group to coordinate and boost the real economy in the Faircoop ecosystem.
### Fairmarket Management
This is where most developers and day-to-day staff solve problems and decide on the details of tasks and communication work. We use the [forums](https://market.fair.coop/forum/questions-help-1) to discuss and debate with site users, and a [monthly assembly](https://market.fair.coop/forum/fairmarket-assemblies-7) as a decision-making body. Tasks agreed at these assemblies are passed to our [task board](http://beacon.somosazucar.org:6080/shared/5dFnjEcWQo-giVSVIM4NRkqoVCb8kJI72V7c8bvHy6H) (also on the currently down beacon site).
If you'd like to join in with the Fairmarket Telegram group you can ask it in the following group (Fairmarket Support), because there is no invitation link.
### Fairmarket Support
There you may get support about:
- Setting up a shop in FairMarket
- Manage your account or payments
- Get information about FairMarket's features
or even get an answer about any other question that might concern your regarding FairMarket.
### Fairmarket Assemblies
This is the group for the monthly online Fairmarket assemblies
### UseFaircoin
Group for Admins of the UseFaircoin website
### FairPay Testing
For information about the FairPay app and the NFC cards connected to it.
### FairPay Management
For managing FairPay system at the global level.
[https://t.me/FairPayManagement] (https://t.me/FairPayManagement)
### Common Routes
Logistic App to replace commercial Blablacar or help with people doing common routes transporting goods that trade with faircoins:
Tech discussion where some admins and programmers are to be found. To join please join the tech group on [https://fair.coop](https://fair.coop) and have a look at the history of this aspect. There is a Telegram group. Also, for technical questions we prefer you use IRC or the main FairCoop group. If you are really clever and have a suggestion or bug fix for one of our packages, we have a shared repo on GitHub, and we have a pad where you can volunteer resources or software evaluations to a shared pool:
[https://t.me/joinchat/A9k9vgaH5Bhx3g1nZuBQkA](https://t.me/joinchat/A9k9vgaH5Bhx3g1nZuBQkA). Group Admins: (Ale Canque, Guy, Enric)
### OCP Admins
Group for coordinating between administrators of Open Collaborative Platform (OCP)
### OCP Testers
Group for members that want to help in testing and debugging Open Collaborative Platform (OCP)
### Faircoin Development
This is a specific group for Faircoin technical development
[https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAAaikf1QW0Lsw6c8Gg](https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAAaikf1QW0Lsw6c8Gg) fairchat mirror: https://fairchat.net/channel/faircoin-development
### Faircoin CVN Operators
Group for technical discussion about how to set up and operate a CVN.
### Faircoin Wallets
Group to answer questions about Faircoin wallets (Electrum, Android, Linux, Windows, MacOSX)
[https://t.me/joinchat/CSeivENZL-B0H2ivsZ1XWQ](https://t.me/joinchat/CSeivENZL-B0H2ivsZ1XWQ) fairchat mirror: https://fairchat.net/channel/faircoin-wallets
### FairCoop Website
Discussion about web site relaunch, which went live in December 2017, coordinating also connected subsites like blog or wiki
[https://t.me/joinchat/Bdq2d0KllDg36jUtjUwaCQ] (https://t.me/joinchat/Bdq2d0KllDg36jUtjUwaCQ)
### forum.fair.coop Tech discussions
[https://t.me/joinchat/C7QpPkUtPxiEJDhCE3-aow] (https://t.me/joinchat/C7QpPkUtPxiEJDhCE3-aow)
### Data Analytics
[https://t.me/joinchat/AKm2tQ1K7hHIXl0hVFgevg] (https://t.me/joinchat/AKm2tQ1K7hHIXl0hVFgevg)
### App Faircoin Discovery
[https://t.me/joinchat/CSeivA5Yj7CWhMWrPVN_VA] (https://t.me/joinchat/CSeivA5Yj7CWhMWrPVN_VA)
### UseFaircoin Devs/Admins
[https://t.me/joinchat/C7QpPknN7vHbUWfsO7YfwQ] (https://t.me/joinchat/C7QpPknN7vHbUWfsO7YfwQ)
### Forum Devs/Admins
[https://t.me/joinchat/C7QpPkUtPxiEJDhCE3-aow] (https://t.me/joinchat/C7QpPkUtPxiEJDhCE3-aow)
### Local Nodes
The aim of this group is to have a place where all the local nodes can share experiences, request help... If you are interested in organising a local node, you can join this group and post to get help from other FairCoop nodes participants.
### LN and Physical Materials
Local nodes and physical materials for printing and speech.
### LN POE's group
Group to ask questions about Point of Exchange (cash in or cash out FairCoins to or from your FIAT currency (euro, dollar, etc...)
### Bank of the Commons
Debate about the creation of the Bank of the Commons, an important tool whose vision is to provide shared banking infrastructure to the movement.
This group includes the development of FairPay.
### Bank of the Commons
Bank of the Commons general discussion and monthly assembly.
### Bank of the Commons - Welcome
Welcome new members and make clarifications.
### Bank of the Commons - Wallet Testing
Share issues, comments, suggestions related to the use of the multicurrency wallet.
### Freedom Coop
**European Cooperative Society:**
Group for managing and developing strategies related to the European Cooperative Society we are creating.
### FreedomCoop & Faircoop legal/economic issues
Group to debate and organize Freedom Coop in the economic and legal aspects, and also relevant matters about FairCoop.
### Freedom Coop Admin: group for Freedom Coop admins, related to OCP admin and support.
### Freedom Coop Tech
**European Cooperative Society:**
Group for managing technical activities and project about Freedom Coop. It is strictly technical.
Current membership at [https://ocp.freedomcoop.eu/freedom-coop/](https://ocp.freedomcoop.eu/freedom-coop/)
### CoopFunding
A free and cooperative crowdfunding platform that promotes the self financing of cooperative projects.
[https://t.me/joinchat/A9k9vgZMZ1NUgBBhhoxZPQ] (https://t.me/joinchat/A9k9vgZMZ1NUgBBhhoxZPQ)
### FairCoop Refugees Fund
This group is related to the refugee Crowdfunding campaign and to refugee fund management. if you are interested in any action related to these topics or want to be updated about what is going on, just join.
### Agroecology Group
[https://t.me/joinchat/CaGiuA_9TNZ-eQvfdTgjNQ] (https://t.me/joinchat/CaGiuA_9TNZ-eQvfdTgjNQ)
### Autonomous Housing Group
Developing autonomous housing solutions.
### Call Center Greece
A Cooperative project from refugees to refugees (R2R)
### FairRadio
Group chat for FairCoop Radio Programs
### FC - Pylon Network Collaboration
Co-ordinating the collaboration between blockchain energy project Pylon Network and FairCoop.
**Nuevos grupos tras la ultima asamblea en castellano**
Puedes pedir apuntarte a cualquier grupo al email: [mailto:coop@fair.coop](coop@fair.coop)
### FairCoop
Grupo general de FairCoop que permite a los castellano hablantes participar activamente de lo que va sucediendo en FairCoop.
### Asambleas Globales
Facilitar a hispanohablantes la participacion en asambleas globales.
### Feminismos
## 2) AREAS
### Educación y Conocimientos
Todo lo relacionado con la educacion y el conocimiento,también es dónde esta alojada [la biblioteca](https://fairkom.net/owncloud/index.php/s/HFeMLyro73aAQgx).
### Comunicación
### Informatica
Discusiones técnicas en castellano.
### OCP
### Dudas Finanzas y Economía
Para todxs lxs que quieran aprender o enseñar más sobre estos temas, de cara a entender mejor el mundo en el que se mueve el ecosistema FairCoop. Se trata de entender de enonomía para luego poder saber de qué depende la estabilidad del FC, su liquidez, el tipo de cambio.... y todas esas cosillas tan complicadas. A partir de ahora, vamos a intentar llegar entre todos a conclusiones que podamos transmitir a más gente, de forma que se reduzca el analfabetismo económico y financiero en el mundo.
### Intercambios Moneda social(CES, IntegralCES, etc) <> Faircoin
### Faircoop Herramientas Libres
Grupo para testear y debatir sobre nuevas herramientas de comunicación
## 3) Red Local
### Nodos Locales
### FC Mutualidad
### Libros en Faircoin
Grupo de trabajo para coordinar la incorporacion de libros, librerias y editoriales a la economia circular de FairCoop.
### BotC Latinoamerica
Grupo sobre la implementación del Bank of the Commons en América Latina.
# D ) International Groups
You can ask for being added to any group in the email: [coop@fair.coop](mailto:coop@fair.coop]
### FC in Portuguese
Discusion group about Faircoop in Portuguese. Also involving people from Brazil in the process of creating local nodes.
### FC en Francais
### FC / JustaKoop en Esperanto
Riot.im (FLOSS) group: [https://riot.im/app/#/room/#eo-justa-koop:matrix.org](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#eo-justa-koop:matrix.org)
## Nomadic Node
## Africa Group
You can ask to be added to any group using the email: [coop@fair.coop](mailto:coop@fair.coop)
## Europe
### FC Italia (Italy & Malta group)
Group to manage activities and projects running in or related to Italy and Malta.
### Marche LN
Marchigiano region in the center-West of Italy.
### Madrid LN
### FC Catalunya
Grupo de Discusión local. Horario de Atención: Todos los Miércoles de 4-6 pm
### FC Greece
### FC Switzerland
### Jura LN
### Bern LN
### Alpine Rhine Valley (dialect "Rital", mainly Liechtenstein, Vorarlberg)
[https://fairchat.net/channel/faircoop-node-alpine-rhine-valley] (https://fairchat.net/channel/faircoop-node-alpine-rhine-valley)
### Bilbo LN
[Mailing List](https://fair.to/EVUni)
### FC Galiza
### Coruña LN
### FC Andalucia
### FC Croatia
### FC Polsky
### FC Germany
### Valencia LN
### FC Vojvodina
### FC Montenegro
### FC Iberia
## America
### FC Latino America
### Ubatuba LN
### FC Argentina
Grupo Donde Trabajar y debatir: acciones en proceso y Apertura de Nuevos nodos.
### Córdoba LN
email: [cordoba@fair.coop](mailto:cordoba@fair.coop)
### Guatemala LN
### FairCoop North America
## Asia
### FC India
### Rojava LN
### Bakur LN
[https://t.me/joinchat/Gm6tEEMby0FgtKyGGHIPgw](https://t.me/joinchat/Gm6tEEMby0FgtKyGGHIPgw) |
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