diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5d2880ba064bcd846392b1ec177babcabcebdbff..bc409328315d9fe4e1cf502d9a4317af8a3df03c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,21 @@
-# faircoind
+# FairCoin.Co faircoind
+FairCoin daemon connected to FairCoin.Co services.
+The service is made for/controlled by gitlab runner.
+## Usage
+Go into gitlab **CI/CD** -> **Pipeline** and **Run Pipeline**
+Enter variable name **CMD**
+#### CMD - commands
+build        # build container ( changes of Dockerfile )
+start        # start container ( changes of scripts )
+stop         # stop container
+uninstall    # remove container without to delete the data
+remove       # remove all data