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  • Diego Mello's avatar
    Merge 4.15.0 into master (#2984) · f5b013f4
    Diego Mello authored
    * [FIX] MessagesView title not working (#2294)
    * Set title in header of room actions view items
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Remove unneeded spaces
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Set header title on constructor
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Remove unused navigation options
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [TESTS] Stabilise Room Actions test (#2333)
    * Stabilise Room Actions test
    * Fix Create Room test
    * Be more tolerant of slow starting apps in CI
    * Be more tolerant of slow running apps in CI
    * Switch visibility checks ti stabilise Room Create test in CI
    * Move slow simulator readiness waiting to initial navigateToX methods rather than repeatedly in tests without description of purpose
    * [CHORE] Update icon names (#2318)
    * [CHORE] Move Detox to Github Actions (#2340)
    * Initial workflow for iOS detox tests
    * Increase timeout
    * Parallelise tests and optimise when to build
    * Refine GH Actions logic
    * Improve Detox App caching
    * Upload failed test artifacts
    * Rate limiting aware data setup
    * Remove detox tests from Circle CI
    * Revert "Rate limiting aware data setup"
    This reverts commit d115604270f719de775018b9b06e89f2bfdc2dc7.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Push notification data privacy (#2213)
    * [WIP] Notification Service
    * [WIP] Android push notification privacy
    * [WIP] Retry request when it fails (iOS)
    * [WIP] Override notification bundle
    * [CHORE] Remove unnecessary import
    * [WIP] Check notification Type (iOS)
    * [WIP] Change to notification endpoint
    * eof
    * fix unwrap conditional value
    * turn run request synchronous
    * fix bundle info
    * eof
    * remove extra tab
    * undo unnecessary change
    * remove not working code for a while
    * fix notification title
    * change endpoint and received/sent data
    * message-id-only working properly on android
    * notification privacy working on ios
    * invalidate circleCI yarn cache
    * Fix provisioning profiles
    * fix notification service version
    * fix unwrap nil
    * compatibility older servers android
    * show received notification when cant fetch content from server
    * undo some android changes
    * prevent group & reply fallback notifications
    * dont show more than one fallback notification by server
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Apply new mention colors (#2351)
    * New mention colors
    * Increase letterSpacing for mentions
    * Refactor
    * UnreadBadge
    * Add migration
    * [FIX] Missing icons (#2353)
    * [FIX] Long press gestures not working properly on Android (#2354)
    * [FIX] In-app notification showing while in a Jitsi call (#2345)
    * Hide in app notification when focused on JitsiMeetView
    * Hide notifications from different rooms
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug (#2347)
    * Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
    * ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
    * [CHORE] Update Flipper to 0.51.0 (#2356)
    * Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
    * ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
    * Update Flipper to latest 0.51 for Android
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Log events from RoomsList, SideDrawer and Profile (#2190)
    * Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
    * Track Onboarding view
    * Track NewServer view
    * Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
    * Track default login and all the oAuth options
    * Track default sign up in RegisterView
    * Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
    * Track the remaining login services
    * track add server, change server and search
    * Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
    * Track profile events and handle exceptions
    * Track create channel flux
    * Track send message to user via NewMessageView
    * Track create direct message flux
    * Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
    * Track create discussion flux
    * Track navigate to directory and its actions
    * Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
    * Track all channels sorting and grouping
    * Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
    * Remove unused events file
    * Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
    * Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
    * Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
    * Improve the logging of sidebar events
    * Improve events from onboarding and newserver
    * Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
    * Improve NewMessageView events
    * Improve CreateChannel events
    * Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
    * Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
    * Improve ProfileView events
    * Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
    * Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Add missing keys to push get payload (#2358)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add deep link to Jitsi calls (#2223)
    * [WIP] Jitsi Deep Links
    * [WIP] Add app links
    * save uniqueID servers database
    * add serverInfoKey of uniqueID
    * search server by call url
    * open jitsi deeplink poc
    * improve jitsi url
    * fix
    * improve comment
    * add missing android scheme
    * handle host not found
    * Allow app links to be matched on parseDeepLinking
    * Fix push notification of a call
    * Minor fix
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App hanging on splash screen when deep link params are wrong (#2359)
    * Add rule when there's no host on the deep link params
    * Add fallbackNavigation()
    * Fix insecure hosts
    * [FIX] More missing icons (#2360)
    * [NEW] Log events from Room, Settings and Edit status (#2206)
    * Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
    * Track Onboarding view
    * Track NewServer view
    * Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
    * Track default login and all the oAuth options
    * Track default sign up in RegisterView
    * Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
    * Track the remaining login services
    * track add server, change server and search
    * Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
    * Track profile events and handle exceptions
    * Track create channel flux
    * Track send message to user via NewMessageView
    * Track create direct message flux
    * Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
    * Track create discussion flux
    * Track navigate to directory and its actions
    * Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
    * Track all channels sorting and grouping
    * Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
    * Remove unused events file
    * Remove unused events file
    * log proposed Room events
    * Log proposed Message actions events
    * Log EditStatus proposed events
    * Log Settings proposed events
    * Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
    * Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
    * Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
    * Move all non-logic and non-data dependent logEvent to the top of code block
    * Improve the logging of sidebar events
    * Improve events from onboarding and newserver
    * Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
    * Improve NewMessageView events
    * Improve CreateChannel events
    * Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
    * Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
    * Improve ProfileView events
    * Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
    * Improve SettingsView events
    * Log more events from ScreenLockConfigView
    * Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
    * Improve StatusView events
    * Improve RoomView events
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Vertically centralize RoomItem when `Store_Last_Message` is disabled (#2363)
    * Split RoomItem into container and component
    * Refactor RoomItem
    * Fix wrong status
    * Tests
    * Wrapper
    * [NEW] Omnichannel inquiry queue (#2352)
    * [WIP] Omnichannel queue
    * Request inquiry when login
    * Show take inquiry queued room
    * Queue List as a Screen
    * Poc using unread badge
    * Prevent navigation to empty list
    * Remove chat from queue when taked
    * Fix header status on omnichannel preview room
    * Fix room actions view to preview queued chat
    * Use isOmnichannelPreview and dont show actions when is preview
    * Filter queue chats taken by other people
    * Fix room info to omnichannel preview room
    * Handle show Queue
    * Reset inquiry store when change server
    * Improve queue logic
    * Disable swipe on RoomItem when is a Queue Item
    * Add unreadBadge style
    * Move unread badge to presentation folder
    * Cleanup inquiry reducers
    * Move take saga to rocketchat function
    * Remove comments
    * Add relevant comments
    * Subscribe to public stream if is livechat manager or doesnt have departments
    * Add pt-br and improve queue empty message
    * Fix take when dont have view-livechat-manager permission
    * Add missing events
    * Create selector for inquiry queue
    * Minor fixes
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Wrap logEvent in a try/catch (#2361)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Minor i18n issues (#2335)
    * Add new translations to ptBr
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix update language in headers
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use parsed EJSON info on load notification (#2370)
    * [NEW] Log remaining events (#2368)
    * Change NAVIGATE_TO for GO_TO to reduce event size
    * Log RA JitsiMeet events and join / terminate
    * Log more RoomView events
    * Log slash commands and handle fail
    * Log RoomActions events
    * Change from GO_TO to just GO
    * Log RoomInfoEdit events
    * Log InviteUsers and InviteUsersEdit events
    * Log AutoTranslate events
    * Log NotificationPreferences events
    * Log remaining routes from RoomActions
    * Log RoomAction toggle block user
    * Fix command event
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] WorkspaceView not looking for the correct image path (#2376)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGabriel Henriques <>
    * [FIX] Android targeting wrong SDK version (#2375)
    * [FIX] Mentions crashing without username (#2374)
    * [FIX] Missing delete icon on MessageErrorActions (#2373)
    * [FIX] Quote not working on Group DM (#2372)
    * [DOCS] Add Whitelabel (#2379)
    * Update readme (#2381)
    * Update (#2378)
    * Update
    * Update
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [DOCS] Refactor Readme (#2382)
    * Refactoring
    * Detail docs
    * Contributing
    * Update
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * Merge beta into master (#2388)
    * Sync develop on master (#275)
    * Create LICENSE
    * Sync master (#721)
    * Merge 1.13.0 into Master (#936)
    * fix last messages (#239)
    * fix last messages
    * Room actions (#231)
    * Layout
    * Empty starred list
    * Favorite room
    * Pinned messages
    * fix last messages
    * fix date on pinned messages
    * fix package
    * [NEW] OAuth (#241)
    * Layout
    * tmp
    * test iscordova
    * Webview redirecting
    * Open and Close login actions
    * Login services saved on redux
    * OAuth Github
    * Server regex fix
    * OAuth modal style
    * - Twitter login
    - Remove services from redux
    - Open login saga fix
    * - Facebook login
    - Fixed user agent
    - Reactions fix
    - Message url unique key fix
    * Google login
    * Email keyboard removed from messagebox
    * - Login buttons refactored
    - RoomList header
    * Layout improvements
    * Meteor login redirect_uri changed
    * fix
    * Random credentialToken state
    * [NEW] Room actions: Mentioned messages and Room Members (#242)
    * Mentioned messages
    * Starred and pinned actions debounce
    * Room members
    * Open room on member touch
    * [WIP] Improves (#245)
    *  hotfix for ios
    *  hotfix for ios
    * Update config.yml
    * Workaround for RN 0.54 on iOS (#246)
    * Update iOS to RN 0.54 (#248)
    * Update iOS to RN 0.54
    * [WIP] Audio message functionality (#247)
    * [NEW] Add module react-native-audio
    * [WIP] Audio message basic UI
    * [NEW] Record audio message
    * Use cordova repository to get certificates
    * Icon 1024
    * [NEW] Room actions: block user, snippet messages, room files and leave room (#250)
    * - Block user
    - Load room members async
    - fixed reactive change of room's read only flag
    * Snippet messages
    * - Room files
    - Dismiss Video component on back button press
    - Improvements on Image component
    * Improvement on Video component
    * Leave room
    * Missing message types
    * lint
    * Reactotron working (#249)
    * [NEW] Room info and Room info edit (#254)
    * - Block user
    - Load room members async
    - fixed reactive change of room's read only flag
    * Snippet messages
    * - Room files
    - Dismiss Video component on back button press
    - Improvements on Image component
    * Improvement on Video component
    * Leave room
    * Missing message types
    * lint
    * - Room info (read only)
    - Missing message types
    * Room info scroll
    * - Tap on room header opens room info
    - Layout tweaks
    * - Room info edit
    - iOS Toast fixed
    * - Style not implemented actions as disabled
    * Edit room permission
    * - Save all room settings in a single call
    - Implemented roomType and readOnly
    * - Allow reacting when room is read only
    * Message type added: room_changed_privacy
    * Erase room
    * Created TextInput and SwitchContainer components for reuse and readability
    * - hasPermission method
    * - Archive/Unarchive room
    - Set Join Code
    * Twitter keyboard type on iOS
    * Archived room
    * reactWhenReadOnly permission on message
    * Active users refactored
    * User roles
    * - Subscribe to roles (in order to get role description info: e.g. 'core-team' to 'Rocket.Chat Team')
    - Save roles to realm (for offline access)
    - Save roles to redux (and get data from realm on app init)
    * Lint
    * code style
    * password show/hide feature
    * fix show/hide password
    * password show/hide
    * Crashlytics (#258)
    * Fabric iOS
    * Fabric configured on iOS and Android
    * login tracked
    * more logs
    * fix reaction
    * CI fix
    * Bug fixes (#261)
    * Layout fixes
    * RoomsListView's SafeAreaView
    * Unhandled promise rejection fix
    * Prevent navigation from opening scenes twice
    * Create channel fixes
    * Create LICENSE
    * Beta (#265)
    * Fabric iOS
    * Fabric configured on iOS and Android
    * - react-native-fabric configured
    - login tracked
    * README updated
    * Run scripts from README updated
    * README scripts
    * get rooms and messages by rest
    * user status
    * more improves
    * more improves
    * send pong on timeout
    * fix some methods
    * more tests
    * rest messages
    * Room actions (#266)
    * Toggle notifications
    * Search messages
    * Invite users
    * Mute/Unmute users in room
    * messages
    * Room topic layout fixed
    * Starred messages loading onEndReached
    * Room actions onEndReached
    * Unnecessary login request
    * Login loading
    * Login services fixed
    * User presence layout
    * ïmproves on room actions view
    * Removed unnecessary data from SelectedUsersView
    * load few messages on open room, search message improve
    * fix loading messages forever
    * Removed state from search
    * Custom message time format
    * secureTextEntry layout
    * Reduce android app size
    * Roles subscription fix
    * Public routes navigation
    * fix reconnect
    * - New login/register, login, register
    * proguard
    * Login flux
    * App init/restore
    * Android layout fixes
    * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
    * Nested attachments
    * Nested attachments
    * fix check status
    * New login layout (#269)
    * Public routes navigation
    * New login/register, login, register
    * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
    * Nested attachments
    * Button component
    * TextInput android layout fixed
    * Register fixed
    * Thinner close modal button
    * Requests /me after login only one time
    * Static images moved
    * fix reconnect
    * fix ddp
    * fix custom emoji
    * New message layout (#273)
    * Grouping messages
    * Message layout
    * Users typing animation
    * Image  attachment layout
    * Fabric and image fix (#284)
    * Fixed images not showing
    * Keyboard libs updated
    * Fabric fix and location removed (#286)
    * Proguard disabled
    * message with list + links fixed (#288)
    * Better image cache component (#292)
    * react-native-img-cache removed
    * Improve list render
    * Support <http://link/Text> inside markdown
    * Deep linking (#291)
    * deep linking
    * Basic deep link working
    * Deep link routing
    * Multiple servers working
    * Send user to the room
    * Avatar initials and room type icon (#298)
    * Deep linking fix and more (#294)
    * Fix - Any https link was deep linking to RocketChat
    * Keyboard dismiss after add new server
    * Room info bug fix
    * Opacity animation
    * Navigation when adding server fixed
    * Throttle for unnecessary render on receiving several messages
    * Search inputs without autocorrect and autocapitalize
    * Search messages fixed
    * Messagebox unnecessary render and spotlight fixed
    * react-native-keyboard-input updated
    * Lint
    * Tests updated
    * Update all dependencies (#299)
    * Update react-navigation to the latest version 🚀 (#293)
    * fix(package): update react-navigation to version 2.0.0
    * Code updated to support breaking changes of react-navigation
    * Detox tests E2E (#283)
    * RoomsListView re-render (#304)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    - [x] Removed unnecessary re-renders on RoomsListView
    * [NEW] Broadcast channels (#301)
    * Broadcast channels
    * e2e tests
    * New markdown (#306)
    Our current markdown is causing a lot of issues on Android devices, since it wraps everything inside a Text component.
    On Android, Text doesn't support View as a child.
    This PR adds react-native-markdown-renderer, that uses View as wrapper and may be better.
    * Fixed audio recording issues (#310)
    * Fix for "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unexpected url" (#313)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    User was able to add an invalid instance of Rocket.Chat by pressing submit button instead of "Connect" button.
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * I18n (#312)
    * Unread and date separator layout improved (#319)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    - [x] Unread and date separator layout
    - [x] "Start of conversation"/"Loading messages" label
    ![screen shot 2018-05-30 at 18 10 43](
    ![screen shot 2018-05-30 at 18 09 05](
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] iOS Universal links (#318)
    * [NEW] Drawer (#322)
    * [FIX] invalid user muted value
    * Ddp fixes (#324)
    * [NEW] User Profile (#323)
    * Drawer layout
    * Drawer changes
    * Profile
    * Profile avatar
    * Set language
    * Tests
    * Custom fields
    * Readme updated
    * fix invalid user muted value
    * Fix for "Cannot add a child that doesn't have a YogaNode to a parent without a measure function! (Trying to add a 'RCTVirtualText' to a 'RCTView')"
    * Settings/Permissions improvements (#325)
    * Changed the way we read RocketChat settings since setting.type won't be returned from server anymore
    * Permissions
    * Unnecessary action sheet render
    * Update gradle and targetSdkVersion (#328)
    * Changed the way we read RocketChat settings since setting.type won't be returned from server anymore
    * Permissions
    * Unnecessary action sheet render
    * Update gradle
    * Switched testServer to use blob
    * RoomsListHeader search fixed
    * Runs loadMessagesForRoom only if room has at least 20 rows
    * - Logout if user's token expired
    - Removed update avatar logic
    - Profile dialog border on android
    * - Animations disabled
    - CircleCI set
    * Tests updated
    * "eventType argument is required" fix
    * Switch push notification lib (#346)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #342 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Allow x-instance-id and X-Instance-ID header (#354)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #137 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    Some server configurations may send x-instance-id header with different case.
    * Image upload improvements (#368)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    - [x] Crop image
    - [x] Type image description (like web)
    - [x] Show upload progress
    - [x] "Try again" in case of error
    - [x] Cancel upload while in progress
    - [x] [Android] Zoom on photos
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Room Loading(#372)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] Empty room name for livechat (#375)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #320 
    Closes #209 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Reply preview (#374)
    * Updated to React Native 0.56
    * Reply Preview
    * [FIX] Close websocket (#379)
    * Fixed a bug when closing websocket
    * removeListener fixed
    * [I18N] Russian translation (#381)
    [I18N] Russian translation file
    * [NEW] Icon (#383)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] Android 8 notifications (#382)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #380 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Added CocoaPods to manage react-native-image-crop-picker (#373)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    react-native-image-crop-picker raised an error when uploading to TestFlight.
    The lib highly recommends CocoaPods for production builds.
    * Added single-server to readme (#390)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #386 
    Closes #295 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Improve RoomsList render time (#384)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    - [x] Added FlatList.getItemLayout() to improve list render time
    - [x] Some texts were breaking lines at sidebar
    - [x] Removed onPress from links at RoomsListView
    - [x] Added eslint rule to prevent unused styles
    - [x] Fixed auto focus bug at CreateChannel and NewServer
    - [x] Fix change server bug
    - [x] Fixed a bug when resuming in ListServer
    - [x] I18n fixed
    - [x] Fixed a bug on actionsheet ref not being created
    - [x] Reply wasn't showing on Android
    - [x] Use Notification.Builder.setColor/getColor only after Android SDK 23
    - [x] Listen to app state only when inside app
    - [x] Switched register push token position in order to improve login performance
    - [x] When deep link changes server, it doesn't refresh rooms list
    - [x] Added SafeAreaView in all views to improve iPhone X experience
    - [x] Subpath regex #388
    * [NEW] Empty room background (#412)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #398 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-09-2018 11-35-32](
    ![aug-09-2018 11-35-16](
    * Add roadmap (#406)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #45 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Onboarding (#407)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #392 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-50](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-35](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-13](
    * [NEW] Updated Logo on Splash screen (#409)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #399 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-07-2018 17-39-44](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-31-12](
    * [FIX] Only single attachment rendered (#417)
    * [NEW] Rooms list layout (#413)
    * RoomsListView layout
    * Rooms list layout
    * Sort component
    * Header icons
    * Default header colors
    * Add server dropdown
    * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
    * UserItem
    * Room type icon
    * Search working
    * Tests updated
    * Android layout
    * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
    * Animation duration
    * Fixed render bug
    * [NEW] Create channel layout (#420)
    * RoomsListView layout
    * Rooms list layout
    * Sort component
    * Header icons
    * Default header colors
    * Add server dropdown
    * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
    * UserItem
    * Room type icon
    * Search working
    * Tests updated
    * Android layout
    * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
    * Animation duration
    * Fixed render bug
    * - NewMessageView
    - backButtonTitle always empty
    - SearchBox created
    * New create channel layout
    * Search refactored
    * loginSuccess dismiss modal
    * Tests working
    * [FIX] Open unsupported videos on browser (#422)
    * 1.1
    * Sort/group rooms local only (#425)
    * Update android api from ci
    * Sort local only
    * [FIX] Missing current server (#427)
    * server.current removed
    * Increased area of touch on header
    * Hide search when sort dropdown is tapped
    * default server icon url
    * 1.1.1
    * [NEW] Experimental Icon (#430)
    * [NEW] Message layout (#426)
    * message container/component
    * Separator component
    * Reply
    * Url
    * tests updated
    * Minor changes
    * Audio component
    * Broadcast button
    * Minor touches
    * Reply preview
    * Edited
    * Minor bug fixes
    * - Update roadmap
    - Bump version to 1.2
    * Onboarding styles fix
    * [FIX] Drawer navigation won't refresh chats (#432)
    * Avoid errors on Audio/Image/Video (#443)
    * Bump version to 1.2.1 (#444)
    * Stop supporting Android 4.4 and lower (#447)
    * Several fixes for 1.2.1 (#448)
    * Fix user.roles
    * Better onLongPress handle on messages
    * Indicator position
    * Fix role undefined in system messages
    * Add baseUrl in case of file attachments
    * Join room fixed
    * RoomView params
    * Broadcast fixes
    * Add server layout changes
    * Use native images
    * Subscribe to not joined channels
    * Fix alerts without i18n
    * Tests updated
    * Bump version to 1.2.2 (#449)
    * [NEW] Use community JSC for Android (#450)
    * [NEW] Use community JSC for Android
    * Quick fix on unread chats
    * [NEW] Show app version (#454)
    * [NEW] Portuguese translation (#452)
    * [NEW] Portuguese translation
    * Remove servers from sidebar
    * Update dependencies (#431)
    * Update dependencies
    * Lint and test
    * Added react-native fork
    * rn 57
    * Lint and tests updated
    * Update xcode on circleci
    * Use legacy build system
    * Update tests
    * Use inline requires (#459)
    * Update dependencies
    * Lint and test
    * Added react-native fork
    * rn 57
    * Lint and tests updated
    * Update xcode on circleci
    * Use legacy build system
    * Update tests
    * Inline requires
    * Fix eslint and remove temp gradle
    * Unnecessary renders
    * Update isNotch and Readme
    * Tests updated
    * Bump version to 1.3.0 (#461)
    * Better touch handling on rooms list (#462)
    * Use react-native-gesture-handler at RoomItem
    * Fixed info message author
    * Edit message render improvement
    * Fix ws to http replace
    * Bump version to 1.3.1 (#463)
    * Composer layout tweaked (#464)
    * Composer layout tweaked
    * Fix localization error
    * Bump version to 1.3.2
    * [FIX] Handle deleted messages (#466)
    * [FIX] Handle deleted messages
    * Fix rest error
    * Fix some connection issues
    * [FIX] Search rooms (#468)
    * Bump version to 1.3.3 (#469)
    * Connecting to DDP badge (#471)
    * Display custom fields on user info (#476)
    * Render custom fields on user info
    * renderCustomFields fix
    * Display custom fields in user info
    * Fix lint error
    * [FIX] DDP badge wasn't hiding on fast connections (#477)
    * Use Rocket.Chat JS SDK (#481)
    * JS SDK
    * API working
    * Multiple servers
    * Bump version to 1.4.0 (#482)
    * [FIX] 2FA and LDAP (#488)
    * [FIX] Unread rooms group order (#487)
    * Use grouping setting on temp messages (#486)
    * [FIX] Delete room error (#485)
    * Rename to Rocket.Chat Experimental (#483)
    * Update dependencies (#484)
    * Bump version to 1.4.0 (#482)
    * test
    * one more test
    * Fix build
    * Regression: Wait for unmount to delete database after logout (#489)
    * Bump version to 1.4.1 (#490)
    * Regression: Crash on Android search (#492)
    * Bump version to 1.4.2 (#493)
    * Update Rocket.Chat.js.SDK (#494)
    * Bump version to v1.4.3 (#495)
    * [FIX] OAuth (#496)
    * Smaller header icons inside the room (#499)
    * [FIX] Logout (#497)
    * [FIX] Logout
    * Removed realm instances on rooms list
    * Bump version to 1.4.4 (#498)
    * Update navigation library (#501)
    * v2
    * Working on Android 0.57.3
    * Drawer working
    * Removing v1 navigator
    * - Splash screen
    - Icons changed
    * Deeplink
    * Remove EventEmitter from CreateChannelView
    * Android search
    * Android notifications
    * OAuth
    * Fix search props
    * Lint and tests fixed
    * Fix android build
    * Improvements on iPhone X* usage
    * Fix detox
    * Fix android build
    * Room.f added to RoomView.shouldComponentUpdate
    * Animations on RoomsListView and RoomView
    * Fix topbar buttons on Android
    * Bump version to 1.5.0 (#503)
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY availability in CircleCI (#506)
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY in CircleCI
    * Remove config scripts
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY availability in CircleCI for iOS (#507)
    * [I18n] Add Simplified Chinese(zh-CN) locale (#505)
    * [FIX] iOS pop gesture not working properly (#509)
    * Check if lastMessage has an attachment and show "User sent an attachment" at RoomsList (#510)
    * [FIX] Messages not being loaded properly (#513)
    * Fetch avatar initials from server (#512)
    * Fix iOS pop gesture and open sidemenu gesture (#511)
    * Bump version to 1.5.1 (#516)
    * [NEW] Room header layout (#521)
    * Clear iOS notification on resume/open (#520)
    * [FIX] Flashing avatars on Android after #512 (#519)
    * [FIX] App connects to previous server instead of the recent added (#518)
    * [FIX] Room view header crashes when destructuring reducer (#523)
    * [FIX] Dismiss keyboard on room close (#530)
    * [FIX] Composer composer's send icon slowness (#528)
    * [WIP] New Authentication layout (#536)
    New Authentication layout
    * Regression: Resend messages with error (#532)
    * DDP Connection badge animation changed (#533)
    * [FIX] Upload buttons on Android (#541)
    * Bump version to 1.6.0 (#543)
    * I18n: Add missing translation of simplified Chinese (#539)
    * Update dependencies (#544)
    * AndroidManifest changes
    * Regression: Deep linking stopped working after react-native-navigation update (#549)
    * [FIX] Android stuck on splash screen after hardware back button is pressed (#550)
    * [FIX] Android stuck on splash screen after hardware button is pressed
    * Fix empty user at asyncstorage
    * Remove unused subscribe
    * [FIX] x-instance-id header prop is case insensitive (#551)
    * Bump version to 1.6.1 (#553)
    * [FIX] x-instance-id header prop is case insensitive
    * Use Rest API calls (#558)
    * Chats: Don't show group header if none of the filters is selected (#560)
    * [CHORE] Update Xcode image version on CircleCI (#561)
    * Bump version to 1.7.0 (#562)
    * [FIX] Load messages on notification tap (#564)
    * Use Rest API pt 2 (#568)
    * Room files
    * Pinned messages
    * Starred messages
    * Mentioned messages
    * Search messages
    * Bug fixes
    * Profile
    * Livechat
    * Block/unblock user
    * Erase room
    * Archive room
    * Remove unused method
    * Bug fix
    * [CHORE] Add hold step on CircleCI before TestFlight (#572)
    * [FIX] GET /info to check if it's a valid server instead of x-instance-id (#573)
    * Bump version to 1.7.1 (#574)
    * Unnecessary re-renders removed (#570)
    * shouldComponentUpdate
    * Rooms list shouldcomponentupdate
    * RoomView shouldComponentUpdate
    * Messagebox and Message shouldComponentUpdate
    * EmojiPicker shouldComponentUpdate
    * RoomActions shouldComponentUpdate
    * Room info shouldComponentUpdate
    * Update RNN
    * Use only one Flatlist if none group filter is selected
    * Update fix
    * shouldComponentUpdate
    * Bug fixes
    * ListView changes
    * Bug fix
    * render list bug fix
    * Changes on public channels
    * - RoomView saga leak removed
    - Join room e2e tests added
    * Rest versions
    * Method call versions
    * Min RocketChat version alert
    * Update dependencies (#587)
    * [FIX] Better message actions (#567)
    * [FIX] Back button press on message actions (#592)
    * Bump version to 1.8.0 (#595)
    * [FIX] LDAP login (#596)
    * Create class to manage navigation (#594)
    * Add Navigation class
    * Place Drawer.js logic inside of Navigation
    * Load less views at startup
    * [FIX] v1.8.0 (#599)
    * Downgrade react-native-fast-image
    * Update iOS permission usage descriptions
    * [FIX] Delete upload item
    * Update JS SDK version (#602)
    * Add Icons class (#611)
    Creates Icons class to manage when to load icons from native side or react-native-vector-icons.
    It also fixes `react-native run-android` #517
    * Updating room indicator (#609)
    Shows "Updating..." when requesting rooms from Rest API.
    * [FIX] Load avatar on servers that prevent unauthenticated avatar access (#604)
    App would show an empty space on servers that require authentication on avatar access
    * [FIX] 2FA login in a server with LDAP enabled (#612)
    * [FIX] Start loop searching for rooms updates only when connection goes down and SDK has userId (#613)
    * Allow to create empty channel (#615)
    * [FIX] Reply title should break text (#616)
    * Bump version to 1.9.0 (#617)
    * [FIX] SDK issues (#621)
    * Remove listeners from room
    * Properly close connections on change server
    * Minor layout change on connecting badge
    * [CHORE] Add TestFlight invite and update Readme (#623)
    * [FIX] npm -> yarn dependencies migration (#622)
    * I18n: Add French (#629)
    * [FIX] Remove rooms listener (#630)
    * [CHORE] Update issue template (#638)
    * I18n: Add German (#641)
    * Bump version to 1.10.0 (#644)
    * [FIX] Prevent mass is typing dispatchs (#651)
    * [FIX] Handle database errors properly (#650)
    * [FIX] Change actions labels (#654)
    * [FIX] Room members filter (#655)
    * [FIX] uploadProgress is not a function (#656)
    * [FIX] Slow messagebox (#658)
    * Remove drawer (#653)
    * Remove drawer (layout needs to be changed in future releases, though)
    * Don't navigate outside on logout if there's other logged server
    * Update react-native-navigation
    * Message button (#660)
    * Remove touchable opacity when scrolling messages
    * Tap on disable messages closes keyboard
    * Unify vibration
    * Vibrate only on Android
    * [FIX] Fetch rooms date (#662)
    * [FIX] Select emoji error (#666)
    * Update Realm to 2.24 (#667)
    * Update React Native to 0.58.6 (#668)
    * [FIX] Fix some language issues in German language (#664)
    * New icons (#643)
    * New Icons
    * Remove unused assets
    * Change send icon
    * Layout tweaks
    * Refactor Status
    * Styles changed
    * User layout fix
    * Separator layout changes
    * Sidebar status layout fix
    * Fix Message.onLongPress issue
    * Fix code markdown
    * Status lint
    * Fix tests
    * Navigation debounce
    * RoomActions icons
    * Space between components
    * Group text
    * Update tests
    * [CHORE] Remove .debug suffix on Android (#681)
    * [FIX] Fix null native Messagebox component object (#680)
    * Fix null native Messagebox component object
    * [iOS] Fix header alignment
    * Remove unused files
    * Switch to react-navigation (#687)
    * Update readme (#714)
    * Bump to 1.10.1 (#731)
    * [FIX] Deep linking between multiple logged servers (#730)
    * Fix handle invisible status (#692)
    * I18n: Add Portuguese (Portugal) (#722)
    * [FIX] Show ActivityIndicator in RoomMembersView (#686)
    * Bump version to 1.11.0 (#761)
    * Migrate from GCM to FCM (#760)
    * [NEW] Scrollable room name feature (#756)
    * [NEW] Scroll down floating button (#735)
    * [CHORE] Added Storybook documentation (#757)
    * Use FlatList in RoomView (#762)
    * [FIX] iOS requiring location permission (#768)
    * Room item layout (#771)
    * [NEW] Draft message per room (#772)
    * [FIX] Add Realm.safeAddListener (#785)
    * [CHORE] Remove tvOS target (#779)
    * [NEW] Discussions (#696)
    * Bump version to 1.12.0 (#804)
    * [NEW] Threads (#798)
    * RoomsListView improvements (#819)
    * [FIX] Giphy not showing (#810)
    * [FIX] Apply emojify on empty texts (#824)
    * Lock drawer when stack is not on root screen (#825)
    * Room item layout (#835)
    * [FIX] Threads (#838)
    Closes #826
    Closes #827
    Closes #828
    Closes #829
    Closes #830
    Closes #831
    Closes #832
    Closes #833
    * [FIX] Smaller thread title (#846)
    * [FIX] Smaller thread title
    * Remove markdown notation from thread title
    * On message press debounce
    * Align vertical thread title
    * [Regression] Search stopped working on Android after LastMessage refactor (#851)
    * Load legal pages from web (#849)
    * Update fetch permissions api (#850)
    * Update custom emojis endpoint (#852)
    * Update emoji endpoint
    * Use React.memo on Markdown
    * Support RC versions lower than 0.75.0
    * Realm migration
    * Fetch roles from rest api (#853)
    * Fetch roles from rest api
    * Fix RoomInfoView role get
    * Remove roles from redux
    * Bump version to 1.13 (#857)
    * Active users improvements (#855)
    * Remove connection badge (#862)
    * Connecting indicator on RoomsListView header
    * Connecting indicator on RoomView header
    * Remove ConnectionBadge
    * Show updating on RoomView load messages
    * Update dependencies (#863)
    * Minor updates
    * Update jsc-android
    * Update react-native-modal
    * Minor updates
    * Update react-native-fast-image
    * Minor dev updates
    * Few major updates
    * Update react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view
    * Update pods
    * Update android-support
    * Update tests
    * Remove duplicated getRoleDescription function (#866)
    * [FIX] Load local URL image (#871)
    * [FIX] Toggle/follow thread icon (#867)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages layout (#858)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages
    * Update tests
    * Fix quote
    * Prevent from deleting thread start message when positioned inside the thread
    * Remove thread listener from RightButtons
    * Fix error on thread start parse
    * Stop parsing threads on render
    * Check replied thread only if necessary
    * Fix messages don't displaying
    * Fix threads e2e
    * RoomsListView.updateState slice
    * Stop fetching hidden messages on threads
    * Set initialNumToRender to 5
    * [FIX] Check if room is mounted before setting state (#864)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages
    * Update tests
    * Fix quote
    * Prevent from deleting thread start message when positioned inside the thread
    * Remove thread listener from RightButtons
    * Fix error on thread start parse
    * Stop parsing threads on render
    * Check replied thread only if necessary
    * Fix messages don't displaying
    * Fix threads e2e
    * RoomsListView.updateState slice
    * Stop fetching hidden messages on threads
    * Check if RoomView is mounted before rendering
    * Refactor navigation events on RoomsListView
    * Fix lint
    * Fix listener
    * [FIX] Typing not getting cleared after popping a room (#873)
    * [CHORE] Remove e2e tests from CI (#875)
    * [FIX] Remove listeners on RoomView header unmount (#874)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1055)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨 Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1082)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨 Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Swipe animations (#1044)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive (#1049)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * [i18n] Add missing de translations (#1040)
    * [CHORE] Switch to react-native-localize (#1043)
    * Bump version to 1.17.0 (#1057)
    * Load views as needed (#1056)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Change "resend" icon position (#1048)
    * [NEW] Video support (#801)
    * [NEW] File upload (#882)
    * [NEW] Share extension (#942)
    * [FIX] Share extension CI build (#1060)
    * Change bundleID
    * Provisioning
    * get provisioning profile
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reusable toast (#1065)
    * [FIX] Moment locales (#1066)
    * [FIX] Share Extension issues (#1064)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1077)
    * Merge branch 'master' into develop (#1079)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1080)
    * Create utils to media (canUpload)
    * Fix variable name
    * [CHORE] Update README (#1081)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1088)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨
     Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Swipe animations (#1044)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive (#1049)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * [i18n] Add missing de translations (#1040)
    * [CHORE] Switch to react-native-localize (#1043)
    * Bump version to 1.17.0 (#1057)
    * Load views as needed (#1056)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Change "resend" icon position (#1048)
    * [NEW] Video support (#801)
    * [NEW] File upload (#882)
    * [NEW] Share extension (#942)
    * [FIX] Share extension CI build (#1060)
    * Change bundleID
    * Provisioning
    * get provisioning profile
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reusable toast (#1065)
    * [FIX] Moment locales (#1066)
    * [FIX] Share Extension issues (#1064)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1077)
    * Merge branch 'master' into develop (#1079)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1080)
    * Create utils to media (canUpload)
    * Fix variable name
    * [CHORE] Update README (#1081)
    * [FIX] Media share type (#1086)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1142)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1174)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1282)
    * Merge beta into master (#1461)
    * Merge beta into master (#1637)
    * Merge beta into master (#1759)
    * Merge beta into master (#1897)
    * [FIX] Close SortDropdown on sort select (#1230)
    * [FIX] Cancel upload and check failed upload (#1232)
    * [FIX] Slash commands not cleaning is typing and not using state (#1233)
    * [FIX] Dispatch roomsRequest on app foreground event even if not connected (#1234)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet (#1235)
    * [FIX] Regex on run slash command (#1223)
    * Update React Native to 0.61.1 (#1236)
    * Update React Native to 0.61.1
    * Update patch to SSL Pinning
    * Revert storybook
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-safe-area-view (#1219)
    * [FIX] Try/catch JSON.parse XHR response (#1238)
    * [FIX] Change messagebox icon immediate on change text (#1241)
    * [FIX] Update last open on message stream received (#1240)
    * [FIX] Remove animation from RoomsListView.willFocus (#1239)
    * [FIX] Delete message on thread (#1214)
    * [REGRESSION] Markdown text (#1242)
    * [FIX] Jest (#1243)
    * [FIX] Avatar shown when useRealName is activated (#1162)
    * Fix avatar when use real name
    * Wrong indentation
    * [DOCS] Add (#1244)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-reanimated to 1.3.0 (#1246)
    * [FIX] Run credentials migration only once (#1245)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet to 2.0.1 (#1249)
    * [FIX] Messagebox onChangeText issues (#1252)
    * Stop ongoing debounces on messagebox unmount
    * Immediately change send icon, but keep debouncing others
    * Make CustomEmoji stateless function
    * Fix mentions keyExtractor
    * [FIX] Room subscription issues (#1255)
    * [FIX] Reaction press (#1258)
    * [FIX] Channel avatars not showing after application unloads (#1264)
    * Revert react-native-safe-area-view (#1265)
    * [FIX] Remove console on production mode (#1268)
    * [FIX] Messages preview issues (#1257)
    * [FIX] Select user from native credentials (#1266)
    * [FIX] Some issues on preview message (#1271)
    * [FIX] Audio player track and thumb not rendering on Android (#1273)
    * [FIX] Record audio message throws exception when FileSystem.getInfoAsync is called (#1272)
    * [FIX] China shouldn't use CallKit (#1274)
    * [FIX] Watermelon batches (#1277)
    * Bump version to 1.20.1 (#1285)
    * [CHORE] Remove memoize-one (#1284)
    * [FIX] End Jitsi call on unmount (#1291)
    * [FIX] Allow self-signed certificates (#1310)
    * [FIX] Set User-Agent  (#1318)
    * Set User-Agent Fetch & Websocket & XHR
    * Set User-Agent
    * Custom User Agent on fetch/websocket
    * Fix names
    * Use DeviceInfo
    * fix server with subpath (#1322)
    * [FIX] Server with https:\\ instead of https:// (#1320)
    * [FIX] Server dropdown not closing after changing stack (#1299)
    * [FIX] Invalid server version (#1319)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Respect "Hide counter" preference (#1306)
    * [FIX] Pass isFocused as a function to Messagebox (#1309)
    * [CHORE] Remove icons folder (#1290)
    * [CHORE] Refactor RoomItem touchable (#1331)
    * [FIX] Unnecessary rerender on RoomItem when status is undefined (#1336)
    * [UPDATE DEPS] react-navigation and react-navigation-stack (#1337)
    * [FIX] Avatars not loading on share extension when Accounts_AvatarBlockUnauthenticatedAccess is enabled (#1339)
    * Bump version to 1.20.2 (#1340)
    * [FIX] Remove some unnecessary re-renders on Messagebox (#1341)
    * [REGRESSION] Use LayoutAnimation instead of Transition API (#1338)
    * [FIX] Remove setState from notifications view causing watermelon object to be updated outside an action (#1342)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Save last message as message when subscription is updated (#1344)
    * [UPDATE DEPS] Update RN to 0.61.3 (#1345)
    * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1346)
    * [CHORE] Remove react-native-scrollable-tab-view fork (#1352)
    * [FIX] URL preview (#1360)
    * [REGRESSION] Decrease list view memory size (#1361)
    * [FIX] Paste (#1350)
    * [CHORE] Update gems (#1365)
    * Bump version to 1.20.3 (#1366)
    * [FIX] Use Ruby 2.4 on TestFlight upload (#1368)
    * [FIX] Parse Urls (#1371)
    * [FIX] Parse image URL only if it's not empty (#1372)
    * [FIX] Load messages issues (#1373)
    * Bump version to 1.21.0 (#1376)
    * [FIX] Crowd login (#1381)
    * [FIX] Clicking user avatar in thread previews crashes app (#1363)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Error messages on connect (#1379)
    * [FIX] ProfileView input navigation error when custom fields aren't set (#1383)
    * [FIX] Batch server deletion on logout (#1382)
    * Bump app to 1.22.0 (#1387)
    * [FIX] Server Version (#1392)
    * Update patch and minor deps (#1386)
    * [FIX] Crash when open thread (#1395)
    * Bump version to 1.23.0 (#1394)
    * [I18N] Update ru.js (#1384)
    * [FIX] CAS building wrong URL (#1362)
    * [FIX] Delete messages (#1399)
    * [FIX] In-app notification showing wrong content on channels (#1400)
    * Bump version to 1.24.0 (#1404)
    * [FIX] Prevent server with whitespace (#1402)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Keyboard and content type on login (#1403)
    * [FIX] Messages stop loading (#1410)
    * [NEW] Tablet support (#1300)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Authentication via deep linking (#1418)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Markdown performance when identifying emoji only content (#1422)
    * [FIX] BackHandler remove random failing on development (#1423)
    * Bump version to 1.25.0 (#1424)
    * [CHORE] Update CI Xcode Image (#1430)
    * [FIX] Rooms grouping not working properly (#1435)
    * [FIX] Take a video (#1437)
    * [NEW] Themes (#1298)
    * [FIX] Share extension doesn't reconnect to previous selected server on Android (#1429)
    * [FIX] Init local settings on notification tap (#1438)
    * Bump version to 1.26.0 (#1450)
    * [FIX] Emoji parser not working on Hermes  (#1445)
    * [NEW] Enable Hermes (#1446)
    * [FIX] Automatic theme repeating (#1457)
    * [CHORE] Sync Experimental and Official app versions (#1458)
    * [DOCS] Update readme (#1459)
    * [FIX] Messages being sent but showing as temp status (#1469)
    * [FIX] Missing messages after reconnect (#1470)
    * [FIX] Few fixes on themes (#1477)
    * [I18N] Missing German translations (#1465)
    * Missing German translation
    * adding a missing space behind colon
    * added a missing space after colon
    * and another attempt to finally fix this – got confused by all the branches
    * some smaller fixes for the translation
    * better wording
    * fixed another typo
    * [FIX] Crash while displaying the attached image with http on file name (#1401)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Tap app and server version to copy to clipboard (#1425)
    * [NEW] Reply notification (#1448)
    * [FIX] Incorrect background color login on iPad (#1480)
    * [FIX] Prevent multiple tap on send (Share Extension) (#1481)
    * [NEW] Image Viewer (#1479)
    * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1485)
    * [FIX] Jitsi with Hermes Enabled (#1523)
    * [FIX] Draft messages not working with themed Messagebox (#1525)
    * [FIX] Go to direct message from members list (#1519)
    * [FIX] Make SAML wait for idp token instead of creating it on client (#1527)
    * [FIX] Server Test Push Notification (#1508)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update to new server response (#1509)
    * [FIX] Insert messages with blank users (#1529)
    * Bump version to 4.2.1 (#1530)
    * [FIX] Error when normalizing empty messages (#1532)
    * [REGRESSION] CAS (#1570)
    * Bump version to 4.2.2 (#1571)
    * [FIX] Add username block condition to prevent error (#1585)
    * Bump version to 4.2.3
    * Bump version to 4.2.4
    * Bump version to 4.3.0 (#1630)
    * [FIX] Channels doesn't load (#1586)
    * [FIX] Channels doesn't load
    * [FIX] Update roomsUpdatedAt when subscriptions.length is 0
    * [FIX] Remove unnecessary changes
    * [FIX] Improve the code
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Make SAML to work on Rocket.Chat < 2.3.0 (#1629)
    * [NEW] Invite links (#1534)
    * [FIX] Set the http-agent to the form that Rocket.Chat requires for logging (#1482)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] "Following thread" and "Unfollowed Thread" is hardcoded and not translated (#1625)
    * [FIX] Disable reset button if form didn't changed (#1569)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Header title of RoomInfoView (#1553)
    * [I18N] Gallery Permissions DE (#1542)
    * [FIX] Not allow to send messages to archived room (#1623)
    * [FIX] Profile fields automatically reset (#1502)
    * [FIX] Show attachment on ThreadMessagesView (#1493)
    * [NEW] Wordpress auth (#1633)
    * [CHORE] Add Start Packager script (#1639)
    * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5 (#1638)
    * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5
    * [CHORE] Update react-native patch
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * Bump version to 4.3.1 (#1641)
    * [FIX] Change force logout rule (#1640)
    * Bump version to 4.4.0 (#1643)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use MessagingStyle on Android Notification (#1575)
    * [NEW] Request review (#1627)
    * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomView (#1657)
    * [FIX] Unsubscribe from room (#1655)
    * [FIX] Server with subdirs (#1646)
    * [NEW] Clear cache (#1660)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Memoize and batch subscriptions updates (#1642)
    * [FIX] Disallow empty sharing (#1664)
    * [REGRESSION] Use HTTPS links for sharing and markets protocol for review (#1663)
    * [FIX] In some cases, share extension doesn't load images (#1649)
    * [i18n] DE translations for new invite function and some minor fixes (#1631)
    * [FIX] Remove duplicate jetify step (#1628)
    minor: also remove 'cd' calls
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] Read messages (#1666)
    * [i18n] German translations missing (#1670)
    * [FIX] Notifications crash on older Android Versions (#1672)
    * [i18n] Added Dutch translation (#1676)
    * [NEW] Omnichannel Beta (#1674)
    * [NEW] Confirm logout/clear cache (#1688)
    * [I18N] Add es-ES language  (#1495)
    * [NEW] UiKit Beta (#1497)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use reselect (#1696)
    * [FIX] Notification in Android API level less than 24 (#1692)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Send tmid on slash commands and media (#1698)
    * [FIX] Unhandled action on UIKit (#1703)
    * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomsList (#1701)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reset app when language is changed (#1702)
    * [FIX] Small fixes on UIKit (#1709)
    * [FIX] Spotlight (#1719)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-image-crop-picker (#1712)
    * [FIX] Messages Overlapping (Android) and MessageBox Scroll (iOS) (#1720)
    * [REGRESSION] Remove @ and # from mention (#1721)
    * [NEW] Direct message from user info (#1516)
    * [FIX] Delete slash commands (#1723)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hold URL to copy (#1684)
    * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes (#1724)
    * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes
    * Upload sourcemaps after build
    * [REVERT] Show emoji keyboard on Android (#1738)
    * [FIX] Stop logging react-native-image-crop-picker (#1745)
    * [FIX] Prevent toast ref error (#1744)
    * [FIX] Prevent reaction map error (#1743)
    * [FIX] Add missing calls to user info (#1741)
    * [FIX] Catch room unsubscribe error (#1739)
    * [i18n] Missing German keys (#1735)
    * [FIX] Missing i18n on MessagesView title (#1733)
    * [FIX]  UIKit Modal: Weird behavior on Android Tablet (#1742)
    * [i18n] Missing key on German (#1747)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add Italian (#1736)
    * [CHORE] Improve (#2390)
    * Bump version to 4.11.0 (#2392)
    * [i18n] Update fr.js (#2380)
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Add to internal lane instead of alpha (#2400)
    * [CHORE] Remove Google Services files from repo (#2405)
    * Android
    * iOS
    * [FIX] Fix broken StatusView on tablet (#2407)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * [FIX] REST for method calls not raising errors (#2408)
    * [FIX] REST for Method calls not raising erorrs
    * Remove unnecessary lint disable
    * [NEW] Encrypt user credentials and preferences (#2247)
    * install react-native-mmkv-storage
    * wip ios migration
    * change all js rn-user-defaults -> react-native-mmkv-storage
    * remove all rn-user-defaults native references (iOS)
    * android migration from rn-user-defaults to react-native-mmkv-storage
    * ios app group accessible mmkv
    * handle get errors
    * remove access of credentials from legacy native apps
    * remove data of user defaults
    * remove no longer necessary import
    * js mmkv encryption
    * run migration only once
    * reply from notification android
    * fix app group key access at native level ios
    * encrypt user credentials using a specific key
    * ios encrypt with random key
    * use a random key at the first encryption
    * encrypt migrated data on js land
    * remove unused function
    * reply notifications ios should be working
    * use fix instanceID
    * android ejson retrieve encrypted data
    * remove encryption migrated data for a while
    * encryption working between app and share extension
    * fix patch react-native-notifications
    * ssl pinning working using mmkv encrypted data
    * improve react-native-notifications
    * run encrypt migration data only once
    * fix build
    * fix patches magic string
    * fix mmkv id
    * mmkv -> userPreferences
    * fix instance id on android migration
    * cast our oldest sharedPreferences string into an object
    * revert log remove
    * create currentServer Rocket.Chat key
    * wrap mmkv api class
    * change the get logic
    * move userPreferences to lib
    * move encrypt migrated data to userPreferences class
    * check if the new object is new before insert
    * invalidate ci yarn cache
    * fix sort migration from android shared preferences
    * fix splashscreen forever
    * invalidate yarn cache
    * invalidate yarn cache
    * fix patch
    * Minor change
    * fix android notifications looking for wrong mmkv instance
    * Fix some issues on iOS mmkv native access
    * Remove unnecessary code
    * Fix notification reply and ssl pinning
    * WIP NotificationService use MMKV credentials
    * Add KeychainGroup
    * Notification idOnly get credentials from mmkv
    * Some fixes
    * Invalidate yarn cache
    * Pods
    * Use MMKVAppExtension on NotificationService
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use font icons on login services (#2412)
    * Replace font
    * Use CustomIcon
    * Remove native assets
    * [FIX] SharedPreferences data migration (#2413)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Move directory to header (#2414)
    * [FIX] Android crashing on receive a notification (#2415)
    * [NEW] User notification preferences (#2403)
    * Button to preferences view
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Create screen to preferences and listItem to notifications
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Refactoring NotificationPreferencesView
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * List notification preferences
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Adding translations to labels
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * SetUserPreferences api call
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Saving new user preference in API
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix lint
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Add in-app notification test
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix in app mentions preference
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Improve object in testInAppNotification
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Removing improper options for NotificationpreferencesView
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Adding API version
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Use redux in UserNotificationPrefView
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Remove in app test
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Use components from another view
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Removing verification for testing in-app notifications
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Move to ProfileView
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Verify Enterprise status on Omnichannel (#2399)
    * Add enterpriseModules on Redux
    * Fetch enterprise modules and put on redux
    * hasLicense
    * Clear modules
    * Hide omnichannel rooms
    * Minor refactor
    * Hide omnichannel toggle
    * Check license on user status
    * Apply on search
    * lint
    * Look for 'livechat-enterprise'
    * One module is enough to enable the features
    * Unhide omnichannel rooms
    * Sort tweaks
    * Move omnichannel toggle to RoomsListView
    * Remove omnichannel toggle from SettingsView
    * Fix toggle
    * Ask to enable omnichannel
    * Lint
    * Fix issues found on review
    * [FIX] Change some icons (#2419)
    * [FIX] User Preferences (#2418)
    * [FIX] User Preferences
    * PreferencesView -> UserPreferencesView
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Customize Sign in with Apple button (#2420)
    * [Snyk] Security upgrade lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.20 (#2416)
    The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Add to F-Droid (#2171)
    * create play and foss build
    * update package.json to generate each build
    * check1
    * requested changes
    * initial commit
    * Update config.yml
    * minor changes
    * remove bugsnag from foss build
    * remove bugsnag tasks from foss job
    * fix stuck screen
    * fixes
    * update
    * fix lint
    * finalise 🚀
    * requested changes
    * share app for fdroid
    * update
    * use negation for builds
    * requested change
    * update share app
    * fix issues due to latest sync
    * add extra line
    * fix lint
    * update
    * update
    * fix bugsnag issue
    * Update config.yml
    * Fix store url
    * Foss release instead of debug
    * Add hold for foss
    * Fix build
    * requested changes
    * update name and icons
    * update
    * fix
    * Revert "Bump version to 4.11.0 (#2392)"
    This reverts commit ea287980
    * finalise
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Commit pods after #2171 (#2424)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add subscription and room events on the same batch queue (#2423)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add subscription and room events on the same batch queue
    * Send both params
    * Unused var
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Show "Chats in Progress" group (#2425)
    * [NEW] Logout from other logged in locations (#2386)
    * Logout from other logged in locations
    * Add UI feedback for the request result
    * Refactor request to use the proper REST API
    * Change backgroundColor
    * I18n
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App can't reopening a room in some cases (#2429)
    * [FIX] Logout from custom oauth (#2377)
    * New field in table of users
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Saving when the user logged in with email and password
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Saving login method info
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Ask for the user to clear cookies
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix lint
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Removing loginMethod from redux and add I18n
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Using async/await instead of then/catch
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix lint
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Pods
    * Added dismissText on showConfirmationAlert
    * Fix iOS
    * Rename function
    * I18n tweaks
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Wrong date and time shown in file section (#2409)
    * Adding missing prop to item object
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Resolving the missing date in the files section in a more elegant way
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Using ts attribute always inside of an item object
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Verify useRealName setting on files screen (#2427)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Apply theme on Directory description (#2428)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Wrong merge resolution after #2171 (#2431)
    * [FIX] Upload to internal looking for the wrong path after #2171 (#2432)
    * [FIX] Detox tests (#2433)
    * Spotlight issues
    * Fix room tests
    * Fix roomactions tests
    * [FIX] Crashlytics reportError not working after #2171 (#2436)
    * [FIX] Logout from custom oauth when using password (#2435)
    * [FIX] Logout from custom oauth when using password
    * Remove an useless const
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Move toggle and inquiry to Enterprise Edition license (#2426)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Move toggle and inquiry to Enterprise
    * Move inquiry stream to ee
    * Emit inquiry subscribe
    * imports to ee last
    * Add readme to ee
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [CHORE] App Group path as a iOS constant (#2439)
    * [FIX] Chrome debugging
    * Remove rn-fetch-blob
    * [CHORE] Use Rocket.Chat JS SDK's official repo (#2440)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Disable HTTP for production on Android (#2357)
    * Only enable HTTP and user CAs on debug builds and
    * Allow User CAs in prod
    * Add config on debug
    * Add lint
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] E2E Encryption (#2394)
    * Add E2EKey to Subscription Model
    * Install react-native-simple-crypto
    * Install bytebuffer
    * Add translations
    * CreateChannel Encrypted toggle
    * Request E2E_Enabled setting
    * Add some E2E API methods
    * POC E2E Encryption
    * Garbage remove
    * Remove keys cleaner
    * Android cast JWK -> PKCS1
    * Initialize E2E when Login Success
    * Add some translations
    * Add e2e property to Message model
    * Send Encrypted messages
    * (iOS) PKCS1 -> JWK & e2e.setUserPublicAndPrivateKeys
    * (Android) PKCS1 -> JWK & e2e.setUserPublicAndPrivateKeys
    * Create an encrypted channel
    * Fix app crashing on RoomsList
    * Create room key
    * Set Room E2E Key (Android)
    * Edit room encrypted
    * Show encrypted icon on messages
    * logEvents
    * Decrypt pending subscriptions & messages
    * Handle user cancel e2e password entry
    * E2ESavePasswordView
    * Update Snapshot
    * Add encrypted props to message on Send
    * Thread messages encryption
    * E2E -> Encryption
    * Share Extension: Share encrypted text
    * (POC) Search messages on Encrypted room
    * Provide room key to new users
    * Request roomKey on stream-notify-room-users
    * Add e2eKeyId to Room Model
    * (WIP) E2E Encryption Screens
    * Remove encryption subscription file
    * Move E2E_Enable to Server Model
    * Encryption List Banner
    * Move Encryption init to Sagas
    * Show banner only when enabled
    * Use RocketChat/react-native-simple-crypto
    * Search on WM only when is an Encrypted channel
    * (WIP) Encryption Banner
    * Encryption banner
    * Patch -> Fork
    * Improve send encrypted message
    * Update simple-crypto
    * Not decrypt already decrypted messages
    * Add comments
    * Change eslint disable to inline
    * Improve code
    * Remove comment
    * Some fixes
    * (WIP) Encryption Screens
    * Improve sub find
    * Resend an encrypted message
    * Fix comment
    * Code improvements
    * Hide e2e buttons on features if it is not enabled
    * InApp notifications of a encrypted room
    * Encryption stop logic
    * Edit encrypted message
    * DB batch on decryptPending
    * Encryption ready client
    * Comments
    * Handle getRoomInstance errors
    * Multiple messages decrypt
    * Remove unnecessary try/catch
    * Fix decrypt all messages history
    * Just add a questionmark
    * Fix some subscriptions missing decrypt
    * Disable request key logic
    * Fix unicode emojis
    * Fix e2ekey request
    * roomId -> subscription
    * Decrypt subscription after merge
    * E2ERoom -> EncryptionRoom
    * Fix infinite loading
    * Handle import key errors
    * Handle request key errors
    * Move e2eRequestRoomKey to Rocket.Chat
    * WIP handshake when key should be requested
    * Add search messages explanation
    * Remove some TODO and update comments
    * Improvements
    * Dont show message hash to user
    * Handle key request & prevent multiple calls
    * Request E2EKey on decryptSubscription that doesn't exists on database yet
    * Insert decrypted subscription
    * Fix crash after login
    * Decrypt sub when receive the key
    * Decrypt pending messages of a room
    * Encrypted as a switch
    * Buffer to Base64 URI Safe
    * Add a relevant comment
    * Prevent import key without a privateKey
    * Prevent create a new instance when client is not ready
    * Update simple-crypto & remove replace trick
    * More comments
    * Remove useless comment
    * Remove useless try/catch
    * I18n all E2E screens
    * E2ESavePassword -> E2ESaveYourPassword
    * Prevent multiple views on message when is not encrypted
    * Fix encryption toggle not working sometimes
    * follow some suggestions
    * dont rotate icons
    * remove unnecessary condition
    * remove unreachable event
    * create channel comment
    * disable no-bitwise rule for entire file
    * loadKeys -> persistKeys
    * getMasterKey -> generateMasterKey
    * explicit difference between E2EKey & e2eKeyId
    * roomId -> rid
    * group columns
    * Remove server selector
    * missing log events
    * remove comment
    * use stored public key
    * update simple-crypto & remove base64-js patch
    * add some logs
    * remove unreachable condition
    * log errors
    * handle errors on provide key directly on subscription
    * Downgrade RocketChat/react-native-simple-crypto
    * improve get room instance
    * migration of older apps
    * check encrypted status before send a message
    * wait client ready
    * use our own base64-js
    * add more jest tests
    * explain return
    * remove unncessary stop
    * thrown error to caller
    * remove superfluous checks
    * use Encryption property
    * change ready state logic
    * ready -> establishing
    * -> encryptionRoom
    * EncryptionRoom -> Room
    * add documentation
    * wait establishing before provide a room key
    * remove superfluous condition
    * improve error handling logic
    * fallback e2ekey set
    * remove no longer necessary check
    * remove e.g.
    * improve getRoomInstance
    * import from index
    * use batch
    * fix a comment
    * decrypt tmsg
    * dont show hash when message is encrypted
    * Fix detox
    * Apply suggestions from code review
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update run-ios and run-android scripts (#2450)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Show errors on server enter (#2449)
    * Catching errors
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Show errors on server enter
    * "Not rc server" instead of "invalid or insecure url" msg
    * [NEW] Show server history (#2421)
    * Add dropdown
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Adding new table to serverSchema
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Saving if not exists
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * list of visited servers finished
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix lint
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Rename ServerLinks to ServersHistory
    * Refactor
    * Save username
    * Sort servers desc
    * ServerInput
    * Item
    * Refactor
    * Layout tweaks
    * Layout
    * query by text
    * Small refactor
    * Redirecting to login
    * Save username for oauth
    * Fix keyboard persist
    * Add tests
    * Unnecessary yield
    * Stop rendering FlatList logic when there's no servers on history
    * Dismiss keyboard and autocomplete when tapped outside server TextInput
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Toggle analytics events (#2422)
    * Create flow to toggle analytics events on memory
    * Persist toggle analytics events
    * Update crash report to contemplate analytics events
    * Minor tweaks
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Local database searches using non-latin characters (#2462)
    * [FIX] Local database searches using non-latin characters
    * Add tests
    * [FIX] Read receipt crashing in some cases (#2464)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add "Allow_Save_Media_to_Gallery" setting (#2459)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add "Allow_Save_Media_to_Gallery" setting
    * Default true for old servers
    * [FIX] Jitsi breaking changes (#2468)
    * [FIX] Jitsi breaking changes
    * Update yarn cache
    * Update WatermelonDB to 0.19.0 (#2469)
    * [FIX] Jitsi breaking changes
    * Update yarn cache
    * Update watermelon to 0.19
    * [FIX] SanitizeLikeString util crashes for empty strings (#2471)
    * [i18n] Add Traditional Chinese (zh_TW)  (#2465)
    * I18n: Add Traditional Chinese language file(zh_TW)
    * Minor fixes
    * I18n: Add missing translation and fix some weird words
    * fix escape char
    * Fix minor issues
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18n] Improve Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) (#2466)
    * I18n: Improve Simplified Chinese(zh_CN) language file
    * I18n: Add missing translation
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Simplify i18n files (#2472)
    * [FIX] Remove assets from share extension on iOS (#2473)
    * [CHORE] Change database location to Experimental Apps (#2483)
    * change database location of experimental apps
    * fix migration from older versions
    * [FIX] WatermelonDB caching Date as String (#2484)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] E2E Encryption push (Android) (#2481)
    * poc push encryption android
    * eof
    * format code
    * react-native-simple-crypto update
    * prevent find sub twice
    * remove storage and use ejson storage
    * invalidate yarn cache
    * Bump crypto and fix db path
    * Fix google-services path
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Language set by web client (#2488)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Improve Chinese translation (zh-TW, zh-CN) (#2486)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add missing italian strings (#2487)
    fix some existing ones too
    * [NEW] E2E Encryption push (iOS) (#2463)
    * link pods to notification service
    * push encryption poc
    * decrypt room key poc
    * read user key from mmkv and cast into a pkcs
    * push decrypt poc (iOS)
    * expose needed watermelon methods
    * watermelon -> database
    * indent & simple-crypto update
    * string extensions
    * storage
    * toBase64 -> toData
    * remove a forced unwrap
    * remove unused import
    * database driver
    * improvement
    * folder structure & watermelon bridge
    * more improvement stuff
    * watermelon -> database
    * reuse database instance
    * improvement
    * database fix: bypass watermelon cache
    * some code improvements
    * encryption instances
    * start api stuff
    * network layer
    * improve notification service
    * improve folder structure
    * watermelon patch
    * retry fetch logic
    * rocketchat class
    * fix try to decrypt without a roomKey
    * fallback to original content that is translated
    * some fixes to rocketchat logic
    * merge develop
    * remove unnecessary extension
    * [CHORE] Improve reply notification code (iOS)
    * undo sign changes
    * remove mocked value
    * import direct from library
    * send message request
    * reply notification with encrypted message working properly
    * revert apple sign
    * fix api onerror
    * trick to display sender name on group notifications
    * revert change
    * fix some multithread issues
    * use sendername sent by server
    * small improvement
    * Bump crypto lib
    * Update ios/NotificationService/NotificationService.swift
    * add experimental string
    * remove trailing slash
    * remove trailing slash on reply
    * fix decrypt messages
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] HTTP Basic Auth (#2490)
    * [FIX] Logout when install fresh Official and Experimental iOS app (#2493)
    * [FIX] Show images in iOS 14 (#2494)
    * [DOCS] Add Reactotron (#2498)
    * Update about the inspection tool for our app.
    Information about the Reactotron tool was missing in the contribution file.
    * Update
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] SSL Pinning stopped working after #2449 (#2510)
    * [CHORE] Reset yarn cache (#2512)
    * [FIX] Fastlane iOS (#2513)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add F-Droid modules as AdditionalModules (#2530)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add F-Droid modules as AdditionalModules
    * Fix missing import
    * [CHORE] Use App Store Connect API Key (#2549)
    * [CHORE] Use App Store Connect API Key
    * Update bundle
    * rollback keychain
    * Remove keychain
    * Keychain is actually needed
    * Update gitignore
    * [FIX] Failing iOS build on fork PR (#2558)
    * Fix fastlane build for a fork PR
    * Change the iOS fastlane command to build_fork
    * [FIX] Avatar cache invalidation (#2311)
    * [WIP] Avatar cache invalidation
    * [WIP] Avatar container
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Avatar container
    * [CHORE] Improve code
    * Allow static image on Avatar
    * Fix avatar changing while change username (#1583)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek93a <>
    * Add default props to properly update on Sidebar and ProfileView
    * Fix subscribing on the wrong moment
    * Storyshots update
    * RoomItem using Avatar Component
    * use iife to unsubscribe from user
    * Use component on avatar container
    * RoomItem as a React.Component
    * Move servers models to servers folder
    * Avatar -> AvatarContainer
    * Users indexed fields
    * Initialize author and check if u is present
    * Not was found -> User not found (turn comments more relevant)
    * RoomItemInner -> Wrapper
    * Revert Avatar Touchable logic
    * Revert responsability of LeftButton on Tablet Mode
    * Prevent setState on constructor
    * Run avatarURL only when its not static
    * Add streams RC Version
    * Move entire add user logic to result.success
    * Reorder init on RoomItem
    * onPress as a class function
    * Fix roomItem using same username
    * Add avatar Stories
    * Fix pick an image from gallery on ProfileView
    * get avatar etag on select users of create discussion
    * invalidate ci cache
    * Fix migration
    * Fix sidebar avatar not updating
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek93a <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Channel avatars (#2504)
    * [WIP] Avatar cache invalidation
    * [WIP] Avatar container
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Avatar container
    * [CHORE] Improve code
    * Allow static image on Avatar
    * Fix avatar changing while change username (#1583)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek93a <>
    * Add default props to properly update on Sidebar and ProfileView
    * Fix subscribing on the wrong moment
    * Storyshots update
    * RoomItem using Avatar Component
    * use iife to unsubscribe from user
    * Use component on avatar container
    * RoomItem as a React.Component
    * Move servers models to servers folder
    * Avatar -> AvatarContainer
    * Users indexed fields
    * Initialize author and check if u is present
    * Not was found -> User not found (turn comments more relevant)
    * RoomItemInner -> Wrapper
    * Revert Avatar Touchable logic
    * Revert responsability of LeftButton on Tablet Mode
    * Prevent setState on constructor
    * Run avatarURL only when its not static
    * Add streams RC Version
    * Move entire add user logic to result.success
    * Reorder init on RoomItem
    * onPress as a class function
    * Fix roomItem using same username
    * Add avatar Stories
    * Fix pick an image from gallery on ProfileView
    * Format Avatar URL to use RoomId.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * edit room avatar
    * invalidate cache of room images
    * reinit avatar if something change
    * read avatar cache on search
    * room avatar changed system message
    * add avatar by rid test
    * update snapshot
    * etag cache on select channel
    * reset room avatar
    * increase caching to have a better image quality
    * fix lgtm warn
    * invalidate ci cache
    * get avatar etag on select users of create discussion
    * invalidate ci cache
    * Fix migration
    * Fix sidebar avatar not updating
    * Remove outdated comment
    * Tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek93a <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] List Component (#2506)
    * List.Item
    * section
    * Start removing theme as prop
    * Remove StatusBar theme prop
    * SafeAreaView theme prop
    * Minor fixes
    * List.Container
    * Add translateTitle and translateSubtitle props
    * Storybook
    * Show action indicator
    * Header
    * Info
    * Theme stories
    * FlatList
    * DisplayName
    * Fix settings
    * FlatList tweaks
    * ThemeView
    * Screen Lock Config
    * DefaultBrowserView
    * PickerView and User Prefs
    * Notification Prefs
    * StatusView
    * Auto Translate
    * InviteUsersEdit
    * Visitor
    * Minor fixes
    * Remove Separator
    * Remove iteminfo
    * Font scale
    * Legal
    * Jitsi and e2e
    * Block
    * search, star, etc
    * auto translate and notifications
    * RoomInfo
    * Refactor RoomActions
    * lint
    * Remove DisclosureIndicator
    * padding horizontal 12
    * Detox
    * Tests
    * Address review comments
    * Fix vertical scroll
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [FIX] App always sends auth for Avatar requests (#2517)
    * [FIX] Sending auth for Avatar requests when not necessary
    * fix storybook
    * Fix ShareListView not updating avatars
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] iOS uploads always cropping as squares (#2516)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Mentions layout without background (#2559)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Mentions layout without background
    * Fix RoomItem
    * Fix tests
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Support badge number on header buttons (#2566)
    * Beginning header buttons refactor
    * Add HeaderButtons
    * item with title
    * Refactor
    * Remove lib
    * Refactor
    * Update snapshot
    * Refactor
    * Update tests
    * Lint
    * [NEW] Threads (#2567)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Mentions layout without background
    * Fix RoomItem
    * Fix tests
    * Smaller messagebox
    * Messagebox colors tweak
    * Beginning header buttons refactor
    * Add HeaderButtons
    * item with title
    * Refactor
    * Remove lib
    * Refactor
    * Update snapshot
    * Send to channel on messagebox
    * Add tshow
    * Add showMessageInMainThread to login.user reducer
    * Filter threads on main channel based on user setting
    * Send tshow
    * Add tunread
    * Move unread colors logic away from UnreadBadge component so it can be used on other components
    * Export UnreadBadge on index
    * Add empty test
    * Refactor
    * Update tests
    * Lint
    * Thread unread user and group on RoomItem
    * Thread badge working
    * Started ThreadMessagesView.Item
    * Fix separator
    * Reactivity working
    * Lint
    * custom emojis aren't necessary
    * Basic filter layout
    * Filtering layout
    * Refactor
    * apply filter
    * DropdownItemHeader
    * default all
    * few fixes
    * No data found
    * Fixes list performance issues
    * Use locale on date formats
    * Fixed minor styles
    * Thread badge
    * Refactor getBadgeColor
    * Fix send to channel background color
    * starting search threads
    * Fix lint and tests
    * Bump to 4.12.0 just for testing :)
    * Search input layout
    * query
    * starting threads header
    * fix unnecessary tlm on tmid messages
    * Fix thread header
    * lint
    * Fix thread header on ShareView
    * Add e2e tests
    * Fix subscriptions sort
    * Update stories and minor fixes
    * Fix button sizes on Messagebox
    * Remove comment
    * Unnecessary conditional
    * Add showMessageInMainThread to user collection
    * Fix thread header
    * Fix thread messages not working on tablet
    * Reset Messagebox.tshow after sending a message
    * Allow to send to channel when replying to a thread from main channel
    * Unnecessary theme prop
    * Address comments
    * Remove re-render
    * Fix scroll indicator bug
    * Fix style
    * Minor i18n fix
    * Fix dropdown height
    * I18n ptbr
    * I18n
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Android push notification as a heads-up notification (#2507)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add `Change Encryption Password` and `Reset E2E Key` (#2542)
    * init
    * Basic tests passing
    * Add SecurityPrivacyView
    * List.Item
    * section
    * Start removing theme as prop
    * Remove StatusBar theme prop
    * SafeAreaView theme prop
    * Minor fixes
    * List.Container
    * Add translateTitle and translateSubtitle props
    * Storybook
    * Show action indicator
    * Header
    * Info
    * Theme stories
    * FlatList
    * DisplayName
    * Fix settings
    * FlatList tweaks
    * ThemeView
    * Screen Lock Config
    * DefaultBrowserView
    * PickerView and User Prefs
    * Notification Prefs
    * StatusView
    * Auto Translate
    * InviteUsersEdit
    * Visitor
    * Minor fixes
    * Remove Separator
    * Remove iteminfo
    * Font scale
    * Legal
    * Jitsi and e2e
    * Block
    * search, star, etc
    * auto translate and notifications
    * RoomInfo
    * Refactor RoomActions
    * lint
    * Remove DisclosureIndicator
    * padding horizontal 12
    * Detox
    * Tests
    * SecurityPrivacy
    * E2E encryption sec view
    * stash
    * Reset own key
    * Reset key
    * Change password
    * Hide content
    * Small refactor
    * Fix tests
    * Tests passing
    * Change test order
    * add pt-br
    * Address review comments
    * tests
    * Missing i18n ptbr
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Branding update (#2580)
    * iOS native icons
    * Android native icons
    * Foss native icons
    * Experimental icon iOS
    * Experimental
    * Notification icon
    * Splash screen
    * Splash screen iOS
    * Blue notification text
    * Fix iOS Launch Screen Icon
    * Experimental and foss
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update Xcode to 12.1.0 (#2592)
    * [CHORE] Update Xcode to 12.1.0
    * Remove alpha from Xcode App Store Icon
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Auto search when text changes in directory textfield (#2547)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Rooms header overlapping right icons (#2503)
    takes into account long names on small screen which led to overlapping title and right buttons on the header bar
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Jitsi lean (#2534)
    * 2.10.2
    * update jitsi sdk
    * use our own react-native-jitsi-meet
    * use own android jitsi sdk
    * remove jsc reference
    * use self-builded ios sdk
    * update react-native-jitsi-meet
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] German word fix (#2598)
    Report in German means "The Report" not "to report". Therefor "Melden" ist better suited here.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Improve Chinese translation (#2570)
    * [FIX] App crashing when notification is received/replied (Android) (#2602)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Update react native CLI to support white labeling with XCode 12 (#2560)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add missing German strings (#2571)
    * adding missing German strings
    * resolving conflict
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] Avatars doesn't show up on older servers (< 3.6.0) (#2603)
    * [REGRESSION] Avatars doesn't show up on older servers (< 3.6.0)
    * fix: snapshots tests failing
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Missing locales in moment helper (#2562)
    * [i18n] Add missing Russian strings (#2555)
    * Added waiting for network string translate
    * [i18n] Add missing russian strings
    * Some E2E strings
    * [i18n] Add missing russian strings
    * Some grammatical changes and translate optimizations
    * Add english strings
    * Final translate
    Co-authored-by: default avatarКарлан Антон Андреевич <KarlanAA@global.bcs>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] 'Send to channel' when replying as a quote (#2606)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Android notification on Dark Theme using Official main color (#2604)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Storybook not able to import Avatar (#2607)
    * [FIX] Storybook not able to import Avatar
    * Fix lint
    * Mock
    * Fix RU translation
    * isLegacy -> serverVersion
    * Remove change avatar from room info edit for servers below 3.6
    * Mock for storyshots only
    * lint
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [BUG] App isn't showing message for PDF/file uploads (#2584)
    * Fixed the issue #2531
    In app/containers/message/Reply.js added a View Contaier around the
    Attachment Touchable and Added a Markdown attribute with msg set to
    description of attachment to display the message if any.
    * Added the condition to check if File Description Exists
    Added an if statement to check if file description exists and if yes
    then add a markdown with value msg equal to the description.
    Also tested using 'yarn test -u' to add/update the tests.
    * Made the requested Changes
    Removed the condition to check for attachment description.
    Added the `markdown` inside the touchable and wrapped `attachmentContainer` and the `markdown` inside a `<>` component
    * Added file not showing message issue code in this branch
    * Fixed the mistake in return
    * fix
    * Add tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Header title positioning not changing according to the number of icons (#2608)
    * [DOCS] Update Android Supported versions (#2611)
    * [i18n] Improve Russian translation (#2609)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] User notification preferences throwing an error when select default Email option (#2615)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] MomentJS crashing on Spanish language (#2616)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] AllowBackup manifest attribute causing unexpected behaviour on login (#2617)
    * [FIX] Search messages crashing when show a thread message (#2618)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] F-Droid build for store (#2557)
    * [FIX] F-Droid build for store
    * Trying to make Override custom push notifications on play build only
    * Use play sourceSets
    * Change version code
    * Fix react-native-config-reader
    * [FIX] F-Droid build for store
    * Trying to make Override custom push notifications on play build only
    * Use play sourceSets
    * Change version code
    * Fix react-native-config-reader
    * Remove react-native-device-info Google dependencies / Use LIBRE_BUILD of react-native-jitsi-meet
    * Invalidate CI Cache
    * Set specific jitsi-meet-sdk
    * Specify 2.10.0-libre
    * jitsi-meet using an url based on play build
    * update react-native-jitsi-meet
    * react-native-device-info foss
    * undo some unnecessary changes
    * Fix notifications
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * Merge beta into master (#2621)
    * Sync develop on master (#275)
    * Create LICENSE
    * Sync master (#721)
    * Merge 1.13.0 into Master (#936)
    * fix last messages (#239)
    * fix last messages
    * Room actions (#231)
    * Layout
    * Empty starred list
    * Favorite room
    * Pinned messages
    * fix last messages
    * fix date on pinned messages
    * fix package
    * [NEW] OAuth (#241)
    * Layout
    * tmp
    * test iscordova
    * Webview redirecting
    * Open and Close login actions
    * Login services saved on redux
    * OAuth Github
    * Server regex fix
    * OAuth modal style
    * - Twitter login
    - Remove services from redux
    - Open login saga fix
    * - Facebook login
    - Fixed user agent
    - Reactions fix
    - Message url unique key fix
    * Google login
    * Email keyboard removed from messagebox
    * - Login buttons refactored
    - RoomList header
    * Layout improvements
    * Meteor login redirect_uri changed
    * fix
    * Random credentialToken state
    * [NEW] Room actions: Mentioned messages and Room Members (#242)
    * Mentioned messages
    * Starred and pinned actions debounce
    * Room members
    * Open room on member touch
    * [WIP] Improves (#245)
    *  hotfix for ios
    *  hotfix for ios
    * Update config.yml
    * Workaround for RN 0.54 on iOS (#246)
    * Update iOS to RN 0.54 (#248)
    * Update iOS to RN 0.54
    * [WIP] Audio message functionality (#247)
    * [NEW] Add module react-native-audio
    * [WIP] Audio message basic UI
    * [NEW] Record audio message
    * Use cordova repository to get certificates
    * Icon 1024
    * [NEW] Room actions: block user, snippet messages, room files and leave room (#250)
    * - Block user
    - Load room members async
    - fixed reactive change of room's read only flag
    * Snippet messages
    * - Room files
    - Dismiss Video component on back button press
    - Improvements on Image component
    * Improvement on Video component
    * Leave room
    * Missing message types
    * lint
    * Reactotron working (#249)
    * [NEW] Room info and Room info edit (#254)
    * - Block user
    - Load room members async
    - fixed reactive change of room's read only flag
    * Snippet messages
    * - Room files
    - Dismiss Video component on back button press
    - Improvements on Image component
    * Improvement on Video component
    * Leave room
    * Missing message types
    * lint
    * - Room info (read only)
    - Missing message types
    * Room info scroll
    * - Tap on room header opens room info
    - Layout tweaks
    * - Room info edit
    - iOS Toast fixed
    * - Style not implemented actions as disabled
    * Edit room permission
    * - Save all room settings in a single call
    - Implemented roomType and readOnly
    * - Allow reacting when room is read only
    * Message type added: room_changed_privacy
    * Erase room
    * Created TextInput and SwitchContainer components for reuse and readability
    * - hasPermission method
    * - Archive/Unarchive room
    - Set Join Code
    * Twitter keyboard type on iOS
    * Archived room
    * reactWhenReadOnly permission on message
    * Active users refactored
    * User roles
    * - Subscribe to roles (in order to get role description info: e.g. 'core-team' to 'Rocket.Chat Team')
    - Save roles to realm (for offline access)
    - Save roles to redux (and get data from realm on app init)
    * Lint
    * code style
    * password show/hide feature
    * fix show/hide password
    * password show/hide
    * Crashlytics (#258)
    * Fabric iOS
    * Fabric configured on iOS and Android
    * login tracked
    * more logs
    * fix reaction
    * CI fix
    * Bug fixes (#261)
    * Layout fixes
    * RoomsListView's SafeAreaView
    * Unhandled promise rejection fix
    * Prevent navigation from opening scenes twice
    * Create channel fixes
    * Create LICENSE
    * Beta (#265)
    * Fabric iOS
    * Fabric configured on iOS and Android
    * - react-native-fabric configured
    - login tracked
    * README updated
    * Run scripts from README updated
    * README scripts
    * get rooms and messages by rest
    * user status
    * more improves
    * more improves
    * send pong on timeout
    * fix some methods
    * more tests
    * rest messages
    * Room actions (#266)
    * Toggle notifications
    * Search messages
    * Invite users
    * Mute/Unmute users in room
    * messages
    * Room topic layout fixed
    * Starred messages loading onEndReached
    * Room actions onEndReached
    * Unnecessary login request
    * Login loading
    * Login services fixed
    * User presence layout
    * ïmproves on room actions view
    * Removed unnecessary data from SelectedUsersView
    * load few messages on open room, search message improve
    * fix loading messages forever
    * Removed state from search
    * Custom message time format
    * secureTextEntry layout
    * Reduce android app size
    * Roles subscription fix
    * Public routes navigation
    * fix reconnect
    * - New login/register, login, register
    * proguard
    * Login flux
    * App init/restore
    * Android layout fixes
    * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
    * Nested attachments
    * Nested attachments
    * fix check status
    * New login layout (#269)
    * Public routes navigation
    * New login/register, login, register
    * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
    * Nested attachments
    * Button component
    * TextInput android layout fixed
    * Register fixed
    * Thinner close modal button
    * Requests /me after login only one time
    * Static images moved
    * fix reconnect
    * fix ddp
    * fix custom emoji
    * New message layout (#273)
    * Grouping messages
    * Message layout
    * Users typing animation
    * Image  attachment layout
    * Fabric and image fix (#284)
    * Fixed images not showing
    * Keyboard libs updated
    * Fabric fix and location removed (#286)
    * Proguard disabled
    * message with list + links fixed (#288)
    * Better image cache component (#292)
    * react-native-img-cache removed
    * Improve list render
    * Support <http://link/Text> inside markdown
    * Deep linking (#291)
    * deep linking
    * Basic deep link working
    * Deep link routing
    * Multiple servers working
    * Send user to the room
    * Avatar initials and room type icon (#298)
    * Deep linking fix and more (#294)
    * Fix - Any https link was deep linking to RocketChat
    * Keyboard dismiss after add new server
    * Room info bug fix
    * Opacity animation
    * Navigation when adding server fixed
    * Throttle for unnecessary render on receiving several messages
    * Search inputs without autocorrect and autocapitalize
    * Search messages fixed
    * Messagebox unnecessary render and spotlight fixed
    * react-native-keyboard-input updated
    * Lint
    * Tests updated
    * Update all dependencies (#299)
    * Update react-navigation to the latest version 🚀 (#293)
    * fix(package): update react-navigation to version 2.0.0
    * Code updated to support breaking changes of react-navigation
    * Detox tests E2E (#283)
    * RoomsListView re-render (#304)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    - [x] Removed unnecessary re-renders on RoomsListView
    * [NEW] Broadcast channels (#301)
    * Broadcast channels
    * e2e tests
    * New markdown (#306)
    Our current markdown is causing a lot of issues on Android devices, since it wraps everything inside a Text component.
    On Android, Text doesn't support View as a child.
    This PR adds react-native-markdown-renderer, that uses View as wrapper and may be better.
    * Fixed audio recording issues (#310)
    * Fix for "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unexpected url" (#313)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    User was able to add an invalid instance of Rocket.Chat by pressing submit button instead of "Connect" button.
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * I18n (#312)
    * Unread and date separator layout improved (#319)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    - [x] Unread and date separator layout
    - [x] "Start of conversation"/"Loading messages" label
    ![screen shot 2018-05-30 at 18 10 43](
    ![screen shot 2018-05-30 at 18 09 05](
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] iOS Universal links (#318)
    * [NEW] Drawer (#322)
    * [FIX] invalid user muted value
    * Ddp fixes (#324)
    * [NEW] User Profile (#323)
    * Drawer layout
    * Drawer changes
    * Profile
    * Profile avatar
    * Set language
    * Tests
    * Custom fields
    * Readme updated
    * fix invalid user muted value
    * Fix for "Cannot add a child that doesn't have a YogaNode to a parent without a measure function! (Trying to add a 'RCTVirtualText' to a 'RCTView')"
    * Settings/Permissions improvements (#325)
    * Changed the way we read RocketChat settings since setting.type won't be returned from server anymore
    * Permissions
    * Unnecessary action sheet render
    * Update gradle and targetSdkVersion (#328)
    * Changed the way we read RocketChat settings since setting.type won't be returned from server anymore
    * Permissions
    * Unnecessary action sheet render
    * Update gradle
    * Switched testServer to use blob
    * RoomsListHeader search fixed
    * Runs loadMessagesForRoom only if room has at least 20 rows
    * - Logout if user's token expired
    - Removed update avatar logic
    - Profile dialog border on android
    * - Animations disabled
    - CircleCI set
    * Tests updated
    * "eventType argument is required" fix
    * Switch push notification lib (#346)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #342 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Allow x-instance-id and X-Instance-ID header (#354)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #137 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    Some server configurations may send x-instance-id header with different case.
    * Image upload improvements (#368)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    - [x] Crop image
    - [x] Type image description (like web)
    - [x] Show upload progress
    - [x] "Try again" in case of error
    - [x] Cancel upload while in progress
    - [x] [Android] Zoom on photos
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Room Loading(#372)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] Empty room name for livechat (#375)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #320 
    Closes #209 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Reply preview (#374)
    * Updated to React Native 0.56
    * Reply Preview
    * [FIX] Close websocket (#379)
    * Fixed a bug when closing websocket
    * removeListener fixed
    * [I18N] Russian translation (#381)
    [I18N] Russian translation file
    * [NEW] Icon (#383)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] Android 8 notifications (#382)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #380 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Added CocoaPods to manage react-native-image-crop-picker (#373)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    react-native-image-crop-picker raised an error when uploading to TestFlight.
    The lib highly recommends CocoaPods for production builds.
    * Added single-server to readme (#390)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #386 
    Closes #295 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Improve RoomsList render time (#384)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    - [x] Added FlatList.getItemLayout() to improve list render time
    - [x] Some texts were breaking lines at sidebar
    - [x] Removed onPress from links at RoomsListView
    - [x] Added eslint rule to prevent unused styles
    - [x] Fixed auto focus bug at CreateChannel and NewServer
    - [x] Fix change server bug
    - [x] Fixed a bug when resuming in ListServer
    - [x] I18n fixed
    - [x] Fixed a bug on actionsheet ref not being created
    - [x] Reply wasn't showing on Android
    - [x] Use Notification.Builder.setColor/getColor only after Android SDK 23
    - [x] Listen to app state only when inside app
    - [x] Switched register push token position in order to improve login performance
    - [x] When deep link changes server, it doesn't refresh rooms list
    - [x] Added SafeAreaView in all views to improve iPhone X experience
    - [x] Subpath regex #388
    * [NEW] Empty room background (#412)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #398 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-09-2018 11-35-32](
    ![aug-09-2018 11-35-16](
    * Add roadmap (#406)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #45 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Onboarding (#407)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #392 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-50](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-35](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-13](
    * [NEW] Updated Logo on Splash screen (#409)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #399 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-07-2018 17-39-44](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-31-12](
    * [FIX] Only single attachment rendered (#417)
    * [NEW] Rooms list layout (#413)
    * RoomsListView layout
    * Rooms list layout
    * Sort component
    * Header icons
    * Default header colors
    * Add server dropdown
    * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
    * UserItem
    * Room type icon
    * Search working
    * Tests updated
    * Android layout
    * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
    * Animation duration
    * Fixed render bug
    * [NEW] Create channel layout (#420)
    * RoomsListView layout
    * Rooms list layout
    * Sort component
    * Header icons
    * Default header colors
    * Add server dropdown
    * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
    * UserItem
    * Room type icon
    * Search working
    * Tests updated
    * Android layout
    * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
    * Animation duration
    * Fixed render bug
    * - NewMessageView
    - backButtonTitle always empty
    - SearchBox created
    * New create channel layout
    * Search refactored
    * loginSuccess dismiss modal
    * Tests working
    * [FIX] Open unsupported videos on browser (#422)
    * 1.1
    * Sort/group rooms local only (#425)
    * Update android api from ci
    * Sort local only
    * [FIX] Missing current server (#427)
    * server.current removed
    * Increased area of touch on header
    * Hide search when sort dropdown is tapped
    * default server icon url
    * 1.1.1
    * [NEW] Experimental Icon (#430)
    * [NEW] Message layout (#426)
    * message container/component
    * Separator component
    * Reply
    * Url
    * tests updated
    * Minor changes
    * Audio component
    * Broadcast button
    * Minor touches
    * Reply preview
    * Edited
    * Minor bug fixes
    * - Update roadmap
    - Bump version to 1.2
    * Onboarding styles fix
    * [FIX] Drawer navigation won't refresh chats (#432)
    * Avoid errors on Audio/Image/Video (#443)
    * Bump version to 1.2.1 (#444)
    * Stop supporting Android 4.4 and lower (#447)
    * Several fixes for 1.2.1 (#448)
    * Fix user.roles
    * Better onLongPress handle on messages
    * Indicator position
    * Fix role undefined in system messages
    * Add baseUrl in case of file attachments
    * Join room fixed
    * RoomView params
    * Broadcast fixes
    * Add server layout changes
    * Use native images
    * Subscribe to not joined channels
    * Fix alerts without i18n
    * Tests updated
    * Bump version to 1.2.2 (#449)
    * [NEW] Use community JSC for Android (#450)
    * [NEW] Use community JSC for Android
    * Quick fix on unread chats
    * [NEW] Show app version (#454)
    * [NEW] Portuguese translation (#452)
    * [NEW] Portuguese translation
    * Remove servers from sidebar
    * Update dependencies (#431)
    * Update dependencies
    * Lint and test
    * Added react-native fork
    * rn 57
    * Lint and tests updated
    * Update xcode on circleci
    * Use legacy build system
    * Update tests
    * Use inline requires (#459)
    * Update dependencies
    * Lint and test
    * Added react-native fork
    * rn 57
    * Lint and tests updated
    * Update xcode on circleci
    * Use legacy build system
    * Update tests
    * Inline requires
    * Fix eslint and remove temp gradle
    * Unnecessary renders
    * Update isNotch and Readme
    * Tests updated
    * Bump version to 1.3.0 (#461)
    * Better touch handling on rooms list (#462)
    * Use react-native-gesture-handler at RoomItem
    * Fixed info message author
    * Edit message render improvement
    * Fix ws to http replace
    * Bump version to 1.3.1 (#463)
    * Composer layout tweaked (#464)
    * Composer layout tweaked
    * Fix localization error
    * Bump version to 1.3.2
    * [FIX] Handle deleted messages (#466)
    * [FIX] Handle deleted messages
    * Fix rest error
    * Fix some connection issues
    * [FIX] Search rooms (#468)
    * Bump version to 1.3.3 (#469)
    * Connecting to DDP badge (#471)
    * Display custom fields on user info (#476)
    * Render custom fields on user info
    * renderCustomFields fix
    * Display custom fields in user info
    * Fix lint error
    * [FIX] DDP badge wasn't hiding on fast connections (#477)
    * Use Rocket.Chat JS SDK (#481)
    * JS SDK
    * API working
    * Multiple servers
    * Bump version to 1.4.0 (#482)
    * [FIX] 2FA and LDAP (#488)
    * [FIX] Unread rooms group order (#487)
    * Use grouping setting on temp messages (#486)
    * [FIX] Delete room error (#485)
    * Rename to Rocket.Chat Experimental (#483)
    * Update dependencies (#484)
    * Bump version to 1.4.0 (#482)
    * test
    * one more test
    * Fix build
    * Regression: Wait for unmount to delete database after logout (#489)
    * Bump version to 1.4.1 (#490)
    * Regression: Crash on Android search (#492)
    * Bump version to 1.4.2 (#493)
    * Update Rocket.Chat.js.SDK (#494)
    * Bump version to v1.4.3 (#495)
    * [FIX] OAuth (#496)
    * Smaller header icons inside the room (#499)
    * [FIX] Logout (#497)
    * [FIX] Logout
    * Removed realm instances on rooms list
    * Bump version to 1.4.4 (#498)
    * Update navigation library (#501)
    * v2
    * Working on Android 0.57.3
    * Drawer working
    * Removing v1 navigator
    * - Splash screen
    - Icons changed
    * Deeplink
    * Remove EventEmitter from CreateChannelView
    * Android search
    * Android notifications
    * OAuth
    * Fix search props
    * Lint and tests fixed
    * Fix android build
    * Improvements on iPhone X* usage
    * Fix detox
    * Fix android build
    * Room.f added to RoomView.shouldComponentUpdate
    * Animations on RoomsListView and RoomView
    * Fix topbar buttons on Android
    * Bump version to 1.5.0 (#503)
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY availability in CircleCI (#506)
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY in CircleCI
    * Remove config scripts
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY availability in CircleCI for iOS (#507)
    * [I18n] Add Simplified Chinese(zh-CN) locale (#505)
    * [FIX] iOS pop gesture not working properly (#509)
    * Check if lastMessage has an attachment and show "User sent an attachment" at RoomsList (#510)
    * [FIX] Messages not being loaded properly (#513)
    * Fetch avatar initials from server (#512)
    * Fix iOS pop gesture and open sidemenu gesture (#511)
    * Bump version to 1.5.1 (#516)
    * [NEW] Room header layout (#521)
    * Clear iOS notification on resume/open (#520)
    * [FIX] Flashing avatars on Android after #512 (#519)
    * [FIX] App connects to previous server instead of the recent added (#518)
    * [FIX] Room view header crashes when destructuring reducer (#523)
    * [FIX] Dismiss keyboard on room close (#530)
    * [FIX] Composer composer's send icon slowness (#528)
    * [WIP] New Authentication layout (#536)
    New Authentication layout
    * Regression: Resend messages with error (#532)
    * DDP Connection badge animation changed (#533)
    * [FIX] Upload buttons on Android (#541)
    * Bump version to 1.6.0 (#543)
    * I18n: Add missing translation of simplified Chinese (#539)
    * Update dependencies (#544)
    * AndroidManifest changes
    * Regression: Deep linking stopped working after react-native-navigation update (#549)
    * [FIX] Android stuck on splash screen after hardware back button is pressed (#550)
    * [FIX] Android stuck on splash screen after hardware button is pressed
    * Fix empty user at asyncstorage
    * Remove unused subscribe
    * [FIX] x-instance-id header prop is case insensitive (#551)
    * Bump version to 1.6.1 (#553)
    * [FIX] x-instance-id header prop is case insensitive
    * Use Rest API calls (#558)
    * Chats: Don't show group header if none of the filters is selected (#560)
    * [CHORE] Update Xcode image version on CircleCI (#561)
    * Bump version to 1.7.0 (#562)
    * [FIX] Load messages on notification tap (#564)
    * Use Rest API pt 2 (#568)
    * Room files
    * Pinned messages
    * Starred messages
    * Mentioned messages
    * Search messages
    * Bug fixes
    * Profile
    * Livechat
    * Block/unblock user
    * Erase room
    * Archive room
    * Remove unused method
    * Bug fix
    * [CHORE] Add hold step on CircleCI before TestFlight (#572)
    * [FIX] GET /info to check if it's a valid server instead of x-instance-id (#573)
    * Bump version to 1.7.1 (#574)
    * Unnecessary re-renders removed (#570)
    * shouldComponentUpdate
    * Rooms list shouldcomponentupdate
    * RoomView shouldComponentUpdate
    * Messagebox and Message shouldComponentUpdate
    * EmojiPicker shouldComponentUpdate
    * RoomActions shouldComponentUpdate
    * Room info shouldComponentUpdate
    * Update RNN
    * Use only one Flatlist if none group filter is selected
    * Update fix
    * shouldComponentUpdate
    * Bug fixes
    * ListView changes
    * Bug fix
    * render list bug fix
    * Changes on public channels
    * - RoomView saga leak removed
    - Join room e2e tests added
    * Rest versions
    * Method call versions
    * Min RocketChat version alert
    * Update dependencies (#587)
    * [FIX] Better message actions (#567)
    * [FIX] Back button press on message actions (#592)
    * Bump version to 1.8.0 (#595)
    * [FIX] LDAP login (#596)
    * Create class to manage navigation (#594)
    * Add Navigation class
    * Place Drawer.js logic inside of Navigation
    * Load less views at startup
    * [FIX] v1.8.0 (#599)
    * Downgrade react-native-fast-image
    * Update iOS permission usage descriptions
    * [FIX] Delete upload item
    * Update JS SDK version (#602)
    * Add Icons class (#611)
    Creates Icons class to manage when to load icons from native side or react-native-vector-icons.
    It also fixes `react-native run-android` #517
    * Updating room indicator (#609)
    Shows "Updating..." when requesting rooms from Rest API.
    * [FIX] Load avatar on servers that prevent unauthenticated avatar access (#604)
    App would show an empty space on servers that require authentication on avatar access
    * [FIX] 2FA login in a server with LDAP enabled (#612)
    * [FIX] Start loop searching for rooms updates only when connection goes down and SDK has userId (#613)
    * Allow to create empty channel (#615)
    * [FIX] Reply title should break text (#616)
    * Bump version to 1.9.0 (#617)
    * [FIX] SDK issues (#621)
    * Remove listeners from room
    * Properly close connections on change server
    * Minor layout change on connecting badge
    * [CHORE] Add TestFlight invite and update Readme (#623)
    * [FIX] npm -> yarn dependencies migration (#622)
    * I18n: Add French (#629)
    * [FIX] Remove rooms listener (#630)
    * [CHORE] Update issue template (#638)
    * I18n: Add German (#641)
    * Bump version to 1.10.0 (#644)
    * [FIX] Prevent mass is typing dispatchs (#651)
    * [FIX] Handle database errors properly (#650)
    * [FIX] Change actions labels (#654)
    * [FIX] Room members filter (#655)
    * [FIX] uploadProgress is not a function (#656)
    * [FIX] Slow messagebox (#658)
    * Remove drawer (#653)
    * Remove drawer (layout needs to be changed in future releases, though)
    * Don't navigate outside on logout if there's other logged server
    * Update react-native-navigation
    * Message button (#660)
    * Remove touchable opacity when scrolling messages
    * Tap on disable messages closes keyboard
    * Unify vibration
    * Vibrate only on Android
    * [FIX] Fetch rooms date (#662)
    * [FIX] Select emoji error (#666)
    * Update Realm to 2.24 (#667)
    * Update React Native to 0.58.6 (#668)
    * [FIX] Fix some language issues in German language (#664)
    * New icons (#643)
    * New Icons
    * Remove unused assets
    * Change send icon
    * Layout tweaks
    * Refactor Status
    * Styles changed
    * User layout fix
    * Separator layout changes
    * Sidebar status layout fix
    * Fix Message.onLongPress issue
    * Fix code markdown
    * Status lint
    * Fix tests
    * Navigation debounce
    * RoomActions icons
    * Space between components
    * Group text
    * Update tests
    * [CHORE] Remove .debug suffix on Android (#681)
    * [FIX] Fix null native Messagebox component object (#680)
    * Fix null native Messagebox component object
    * [iOS] Fix header alignment
    * Remove unused files
    * Switch to react-navigation (#687)
    * Update readme (#714)
    * Bump to 1.10.1 (#731)
    * [FIX] Deep linking between multiple logged servers (#730)
    * Fix handle invisible status (#692)
    * I18n: Add Portuguese (Portugal) (#722)
    * [FIX] Show ActivityIndicator in RoomMembersView (#686)
    * Bump version to 1.11.0 (#761)
    * Migrate from GCM to FCM (#760)
    * [NEW] Scrollable room name feature (#756)
    * [NEW] Scroll down floating button (#735)
    * [CHORE] Added Storybook documentation (#757)
    * Use FlatList in RoomView (#762)
    * [FIX] iOS requiring location permission (#768)
    * Room item layout (#771)
    * [NEW] Draft message per room (#772)
    * [FIX] Add Realm.safeAddListener (#785)
    * [CHORE] Remove tvOS target (#779)
    * [NEW] Discussions (#696)
    * Bump version to 1.12.0 (#804)
    * [NEW] Threads (#798)
    * RoomsListView improvements (#819)
    * [FIX] Giphy not showing (#810)
    * [FIX] Apply emojify on empty texts (#824)
    * Lock drawer when stack is not on root screen (#825)
    * Room item layout (#835)
    * [FIX] Threads (#838)
    Closes #826
    Closes #827
    Closes #828
    Closes #829
    Closes #830
    Closes #831
    Closes #832
    Closes #833
    * [FIX] Smaller thread title (#846)
    * [FIX] Smaller thread title
    * Remove markdown notation from thread title
    * On message press debounce
    * Align vertical thread title
    * [Regression] Search stopped working on Android after LastMessage refactor (#851)
    * Load legal pages from web (#849)
    * Update fetch permissions api (#850)
    * Update custom emojis endpoint (#852)
    * Update emoji endpoint
    * Use React.memo on Markdown
    * Support RC versions lower than 0.75.0
    * Realm migration
    * Fetch roles from rest api (#853)
    * Fetch roles from rest api
    * Fix RoomInfoView role get
    * Remove roles from redux
    * Bump version to 1.13 (#857)
    * Active users improvements (#855)
    * Remove connection badge (#862)
    * Connecting indicator on RoomsListView header
    * Connecting indicator on RoomView header
    * Remove ConnectionBadge
    * Show updating on RoomView load messages
    * Update dependencies (#863)
    * Minor updates
    * Update jsc-android
    * Update react-native-modal
    * Minor updates
    * Update react-native-fast-image
    * Minor dev updates
    * Few major updates
    * Update react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view
    * Update pods
    * Update android-support
    * Update tests
    * Remove duplicated getRoleDescription function (#866)
    * [FIX] Load local URL image (#871)
    * [FIX] Toggle/follow thread icon (#867)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages layout (#858)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages
    * Update tests
    * Fix quote
    * Prevent from deleting thread start message when positioned inside the thread
    * Remove thread listener from RightButtons
    * Fix error on thread start parse
    * Stop parsing threads on render
    * Check replied thread only if necessary
    * Fix messages don't displaying
    * Fix threads e2e
    * RoomsListView.updateState slice
    * Stop fetching hidden messages on threads
    * Set initialNumToRender to 5
    * [FIX] Check if room is mounted before setting state (#864)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages
    * Update tests
    * Fix quote
    * Prevent from deleting thread start message when positioned inside the thread
    * Remove thread listener from RightButtons
    * Fix error on thread start parse
    * Stop parsing threads on render
    * Check replied thread only if necessary
    * Fix messages don't displaying
    * Fix threads e2e
    * RoomsListView.updateState slice
    * Stop fetching hidden messages on threads
    * Check if RoomView is mounted before rendering
    * Refactor navigation events on RoomsListView
    * Fix lint
    * Fix listener
    * [FIX] Typing not getting cleared after popping a room (#873)
    * [CHORE] Remove e2e tests from CI (#875)
    * [FIX] Remove listeners on RoomView header unmount (#874)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1055)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨 Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1082)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨 Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Swipe animations (#1044)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive (#1049)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * [i18n] Add missing de translations (#1040)
    * [CHORE] Switch to react-native-localize (#1043)
    * Bump version to 1.17.0 (#1057)
    * Load views as needed (#1056)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Change "resend" icon position (#1048)
    * [NEW] Video support (#801)
    * [NEW] File upload (#882)
    * [NEW] Share extension (#942)
    * [FIX] Share extension CI build (#1060)
    * Change bundleID
    * Provisioning
    * get provisioning profile
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reusable toast (#1065)
    * [FIX] Moment locales (#1066)
    * [FIX] Share Extension issues (#1064)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1077)
    * Merge branch 'master' into develop (#1079)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1080)
    * Create utils to media (canUpload)
    * Fix variable name
    * [CHORE] Update README (#1081)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1088)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨
     Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Swipe animations (#1044)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive (#1049)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * [i18n] Add missing de translations (#1040)
    * [CHORE] Switch to react-native-localize (#1043)
    * Bump version to 1.17.0 (#1057)
    * Load views as needed (#1056)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Change "resend" icon position (#1048)
    * [NEW] Video support (#801)
    * [NEW] File upload (#882)
    * [NEW] Share extension (#942)
    * [FIX] Share extension CI build (#1060)
    * Change bundleID
    * Provisioning
    * get provisioning profile
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reusable toast (#1065)
    * [FIX] Moment locales (#1066)
    * [FIX] Share Extension issues (#1064)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1077)
    * Merge branch 'master' into develop (#1079)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1080)
    * Create utils to media (canUpload)
    * Fix variable name
    * [CHORE] Update README (#1081)
    * [FIX] Media share type (#1086)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1142)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1174)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1282)
    * Merge beta into master (#1461)
    * Merge beta into master (#1637)
    * Merge beta into master (#1759)
    * Merge beta into master (#1897)
    * [FIX] Close SortDropdown on sort select (#1230)
    * [FIX] Cancel upload and check failed upload (#1232)
    * [FIX] Slash commands not cleaning is typing and not using state (#1233)
    * [FIX] Dispatch roomsRequest on app foreground event even if not connected (#1234)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet (#1235)
    * [FIX] Regex on run slash command (#1223)
    * Update React Native to 0.61.1 (#1236)
    * Update React Native to 0.61.1
    * Update patch to SSL Pinning
    * Revert storybook
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-safe-area-view (#1219)
    * [FIX] Try/catch JSON.parse XHR response (#1238)
    * [FIX] Change messagebox icon immediate on change text (#1241)
    * [FIX] Update last open on message stream received (#1240)
    * [FIX] Remove animation from RoomsListView.willFocus (#1239)
    * [FIX] Delete message on thread (#1214)
    * [REGRESSION] Markdown text (#1242)
    * [FIX] Jest (#1243)
    * [FIX] Avatar shown when useRealName is activated (#1162)
    * Fix avatar when use real name
    * Wrong indentation
    * [DOCS] Add (#1244)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-reanimated to 1.3.0 (#1246)
    * [FIX] Run credentials migration only once (#1245)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet to 2.0.1 (#1249)
    * [FIX] Messagebox onChangeText issues (#1252)
    * Stop ongoing debounces on messagebox unmount
    * Immediately change send icon, but keep debouncing others
    * Make CustomEmoji stateless function
    * Fix mentions keyExtractor
    * [FIX] Room subscription issues (#1255)
    * [FIX] Reaction press (#1258)
    * [FIX] Channel avatars not showing after application unloads (#1264)
    * Revert react-native-safe-area-view (#1265)
    * [FIX] Remove console on production mode (#1268)
    * [FIX] Messages preview issues (#1257)
    * [FIX] Select user from native credentials (#1266)
    * [FIX] Some issues on preview message (#1271)
    * [FIX] Audio player track and thumb not rendering on Android (#1273)
    * [FIX] Record audio message throws exception when FileSystem.getInfoAsync is called (#1272)
    * [FIX] China shouldn't use CallKit (#1274)
    * [FIX] Watermelon batches (#1277)
    * Bump version to 1.20.1 (#1285)
    * [CHORE] Remove memoize-one (#1284)
    * [FIX] End Jitsi call on unmount (#1291)
    * [FIX] Allow self-signed certificates (#1310)
    * [FIX] Set User-Agent  (#1318)
    * Set User-Agent Fetch & Websocket & XHR
    * Set User-Agent
    * Custom User Agent on fetch/websocket
    * Fix names
    * Use DeviceInfo
    * fix server with subpath (#1322)
    * [FIX] Server with https:\\ instead of https:// (#1320)
    * [FIX] Server dropdown not closing after changing stack (#1299)
    * [FIX] Invalid server version (#1319)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Respect "Hide counter" preference (#1306)
    * [FIX] Pass isFocused as a function to Messagebox (#1309)
    * [CHORE] Remove icons folder (#1290)
    * [CHORE] Refactor RoomItem touchable (#1331)
    * [FIX] Unnecessary rerender on RoomItem when status is undefined (#1336)
    * [UPDATE DEPS] react-navigation and react-navigation-stack (#1337)
    * [FIX] Avatars not loading on share extension when Accounts_AvatarBlockUnauthenticatedAccess is enabled (#1339)
    * Bump version to 1.20.2 (#1340)
    * [FIX] Remove some unnecessary re-renders on Messagebox (#1341)
    * [REGRESSION] Use LayoutAnimation instead of Transition API (#1338)
    * [FIX] Remove setState from notifications view causing watermelon object to be updated outside an action (#1342)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Save last message as message when subscription is updated (#1344)
    * [UPDATE DEPS] Update RN to 0.61.3 (#1345)
    * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1346)
    * [CHORE] Remove react-native-scrollable-tab-view fork (#1352)
    * [FIX] URL preview (#1360)
    * [REGRESSION] Decrease list view memory size (#1361)
    * [FIX] Paste (#1350)
    * [CHORE] Update gems (#1365)
    * Bump version to 1.20.3 (#1366)
    * [FIX] Use Ruby 2.4 on TestFlight upload (#1368)
    * [FIX] Parse Urls (#1371)
    * [FIX] Parse image URL only if it's not empty (#1372)
    * [FIX] Load messages issues (#1373)
    * Bump version to 1.21.0 (#1376)
    * [FIX] Crowd login (#1381)
    * [FIX] Clicking user avatar in thread previews crashes app (#1363)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Error messages on connect (#1379)
    * [FIX] ProfileView input navigation error when custom fields aren't set (#1383)
    * [FIX] Batch server deletion on logout (#1382)
    * Bump app to 1.22.0 (#1387)
    * [FIX] Server Version (#1392)
    * Update patch and minor deps (#1386)
    * [FIX] Crash when open thread (#1395)
    * Bump version to 1.23.0 (#1394)
    * [I18N] Update ru.js (#1384)
    * [FIX] CAS building wrong URL (#1362)
    * [FIX] Delete messages (#1399)
    * [FIX] In-app notification showing wrong content on channels (#1400)
    * Bump version to 1.24.0 (#1404)
    * [FIX] Prevent server with whitespace (#1402)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Keyboard and content type on login (#1403)
    * [FIX] Messages stop loading (#1410)
    * [NEW] Tablet support (#1300)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Authentication via deep linking (#1418)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Markdown performance when identifying emoji only content (#1422)
    * [FIX] BackHandler remove random failing on development (#1423)
    * Bump version to 1.25.0 (#1424)
    * [CHORE] Update CI Xcode Image (#1430)
    * [FIX] Rooms grouping not working properly (#1435)
    * [FIX] Take a video (#1437)
    * [NEW] Themes (#1298)
    * [FIX] Share extension doesn't reconnect to previous selected server on Android (#1429)
    * [FIX] Init local settings on notification tap (#1438)
    * Bump version to 1.26.0 (#1450)
    * [FIX] Emoji parser not working on Hermes  (#1445)
    * [NEW] Enable Hermes (#1446)
    * [FIX] Automatic theme repeating (#1457)
    * [CHORE] Sync Experimental and Official app versions (#1458)
    * [DOCS] Update readme (#1459)
    * [FIX] Messages being sent but showing as temp status (#1469)
    * [FIX] Missing messages after reconnect (#1470)
    * [FIX] Few fixes on themes (#1477)
    * [I18N] Missing German translations (#1465)
    * Missing German translation
    * adding a missing space behind colon
    * added a missing space after colon
    * and another attempt to finally fix this – got confused by all the branches
    * some smaller fixes for the translation
    * better wording
    * fixed another typo
    * [FIX] Crash while displaying the attached image with http on file name (#1401)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Tap app and server version to copy to clipboard (#1425)
    * [NEW] Reply notification (#1448)
    * [FIX] Incorrect background color login on iPad (#1480)
    * [FIX] Prevent multiple tap on send (Share Extension) (#1481)
    * [NEW] Image Viewer (#1479)
    * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1485)
    * [FIX] Jitsi with Hermes Enabled (#1523)
    * [FIX] Draft messages not working with themed Messagebox (#1525)
    * [FIX] Go to direct message from members list (#1519)
    * [FIX] Make SAML wait for idp token instead of creating it on client (#1527)
    * [FIX] Server Test Push Notification (#1508)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update to new server response (#1509)
    * [FIX] Insert messages with blank users (#1529)
    * Bump version to 4.2.1 (#1530)
    * [FIX] Error when normalizing empty messages (#1532)
    * [REGRESSION] CAS (#1570)
    * Bump version to 4.2.2 (#1571)
    * [FIX] Add username block condition to prevent error (#1585)
    * Bump version to 4.2.3
    * Bump version to 4.2.4
    * Bump version to 4.3.0 (#1630)
    * [FIX] Channels doesn't load (#1586)
    * [FIX] Channels doesn't load
    * [FIX] Update roomsUpdatedAt when subscriptions.length is 0
    * [FIX] Remove unnecessary changes
    * [FIX] Improve the code
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Make SAML to work on Rocket.Chat < 2.3.0 (#1629)
    * [NEW] Invite links (#1534)
    * [FIX] Set the http-agent to the form that Rocket.Chat requires for logging (#1482)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] "Following thread" and "Unfollowed Thread" is hardcoded and not translated (#1625)
    * [FIX] Disable reset button if form didn't changed (#1569)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Header title of RoomInfoView (#1553)
    * [I18N] Gallery Permissions DE (#1542)
    * [FIX] Not allow to send messages to archived room (#1623)
    * [FIX] Profile fields automatically reset (#1502)
    * [FIX] Show attachment on ThreadMessagesView (#1493)
    * [NEW] Wordpress auth (#1633)
    * [CHORE] Add Start Packager script (#1639)
    * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5 (#1638)
    * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5
    * [CHORE] Update react-native patch
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * Bump version to 4.3.1 (#1641)
    * [FIX] Change force logout rule (#1640)
    * Bump version to 4.4.0 (#1643)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use MessagingStyle on Android Notification (#1575)
    * [NEW] Request review (#1627)
    * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomView (#1657)
    * [FIX] Unsubscribe from room (#1655)
    * [FIX] Server with subdirs (#1646)
    * [NEW] Clear cache (#1660)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Memoize and batch subscriptions updates (#1642)
    * [FIX] Disallow empty sharing (#1664)
    * [REGRESSION] Use HTTPS links for sharing and markets protocol for review (#1663)
    * [FIX] In some cases, share extension doesn't load images (#1649)
    * [i18n] DE translations for new invite function and some minor fixes (#1631)
    * [FIX] Remove duplicate jetify step (#1628)
    minor: also remove 'cd' calls
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] Read messages (#1666)
    * [i18n] German translations missing (#1670)
    * [FIX] Notifications crash on older Android Versions (#1672)
    * [i18n] Added Dutch translation (#1676)
    * [NEW] Omnichannel Beta (#1674)
    * [NEW] Confirm logout/clear cache (#1688)
    * [I18N] Add es-ES language  (#1495)
    * [NEW] UiKit Beta (#1497)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use reselect (#1696)
    * [FIX] Notification in Android API level less than 24 (#1692)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Send tmid on slash commands and media (#1698)
    * [FIX] Unhandled action on UIKit (#1703)
    * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomsList (#1701)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reset app when language is changed (#1702)
    * [FIX] Small fixes on UIKit (#1709)
    * [FIX] Spotlight (#1719)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-image-crop-picker (#1712)
    * [FIX] Messages Overlapping (Android) and MessageBox Scroll (iOS) (#1720)
    * [REGRESSION] Remove @ and # from mention (#1721)
    * [NEW] Direct message from user info (#1516)
    * [FIX] Delete slash commands (#1723)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hold URL to copy (#1684)
    * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes (#1724)
    * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes
    * Upload sourcemaps after build
    * [REVERT] Show emoji keyboard on Android (#1738)
    * [FIX] Stop logging react-native-image-crop-picker (#1745)
    * [FIX] Prevent toast ref error (#1744)
    * [FIX] Prevent reaction map error (#1743)
    * [FIX] Add missing calls to user info (#1741)
    * [FIX] Catch room unsubscribe error (#1739)
    * [i18n] Missing German keys (#1735)
    * [FIX] Missing i18n on MessagesView title (#1733)
    * [FIX]  UIKit Modal: Weird behavior on Android Tablet (#1742)
    * [i18n] Missing key on German (#1747)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add Italian (#1736)
    * [FIX] Notification stream throwing an error when there isn't a message on payload (#2637)
    * [FIX] Threads not being updated and other related issues (#2636)
    * Fix parent title on thread header breaking lines
    * Fix
    * Fix thread badge not being updated
    * [FIX] Minor room header issues (#2630)
    * Add hitSlop to RoomView header
    * Use 1 icon padding for threads header
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [FIX] Whitelabel unable to find package name (#2626)
    * Fixes #2625
    * Fixes #2614
    * Apply resValue on defaultConfig and undo unnecessary changes
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add missing German strings (#2619)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Model columns misplaced (#2640)
    * [FIX] Connect a null server (#2639)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Jitsi users unable to unmute (#2623)
    * [FIX] Jitsi users being muted always
    * fix: bundle is invalid
    * Update jitsi meet sdk with ui improvements
    * Update JitsiMeetSDK ios
    * Centralize toolbox android
    * Fix images on Jitsi
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * Bump version to 4.12.1 (#2641)
    * [FIX] Share extension and save image not working on Android 10 (#2651)
    * Bump version to 4.13.0 (#2657)
    * [FIX] Update Loading logo (#2658)
    * [NEW] Support client certificates for SSL (two-way authentication) (Android) (#2624)
    * wip: Android SSL Pinning
    * Use own SSLPinningModule
    * wip: Use Rocket.Chat own react-native
    * wip: Fresco Images using custom OkHttpClient
    * wip: react-native-webview onReceivedClientCertRequest
    * feat: Save Images of a SSL Pinning protected server
    * chore: SSLPinning package as a interface to iOS & Android implementations
    * chore: update glide
    * feat: load images under a client ssl certificate protected server
    * chore: remove patch
    * feat: Audio & Video under a SSL Client protected server
    * fix: Unpin certificate when change server
    * feat: Fast Image as a patch
    * chore: update fast-image
    * Fix merge
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Channel actions (#2644)
    * room roles
    * handle owner
    * endpoints
    * Leader and Moderator
    * Remove user from room
    * stash ignore
    * Add subscription.ignored column
    * ignore user
    * Fix icons
    * I18n
    * Minor i18n fixes
    * Direct Message and open action sheet after a normal tap
    * Fix icon
    * stash isIgnored
    * isManualUnignored message
    * Fix update
    * Ignored
    * Mute, moderator, leader, owner, remove from room
    * ignore
    * Tests
    * pt-BR
    * Update pods
    * Apply requested changes
    * Add RC version on requests
    * [NEW] Support RTL (#2656)
    * wip: RTL (iOS)
    * wip: RTL (Android)
    * wip: reload bundle when change between RTL languages
    * fix: Stack Animation on Android
    * fix: update snapshot
    * fix: Swipe Room Actions in RTL mode
    * fix: snapshots
    * Move isRTL to i18n
    * Fix styling
    * Update tests
    * Update pods
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Initial users' status is not fetched (#2664)
    * [FIX] Messages overlapping and emoji keyboard not opening (#2670)
    * Replace keyboard libs for react-native-ui-lib
    * Apply Jitsi branch
    * Require keyboard on bundle
    * Update ui-lib
    * chore: update deps
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [CHORE] Force normalized params for 2FA (#2683)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Thread message flickering while thread parent isn't found (#2676)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Light theme not working on Android with Dark Theme set (#2675)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App not prompting join code for password protected channels (#2514)
    * Adding joinCode parameter
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFernando Aguilar <>
    * Insert join code input
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Add joinCode field on db
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Add label i18 pt-br and en-us
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Add insert join code text
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Fix atribute name
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Add join text
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFernando Aguilar <>
    * Fix attributes joinCode, joinCodeRequired and pass attribute param in navigation
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    * Fixing attribute joinCodeRequired pass to goRoom
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    * Changed textinput style
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    * Delete not necessary attribute
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    * Fixing input style
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    * Undo unncessary changes
    * use a join code modal
    * tests: e2e tests to join protected channel
    * fix: undo unnecessary change
    * tests: cancel join code
    * Remove some tests
    * Minor fixes
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFernando Aguilar <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avataryoussef-md <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18n] Add Arabic (#2537)
    * Arabic language setup
    * Added arabic translation
    * Arabic translation Proofreading
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18N] Add missing zh_TW and zh_CN strings (#2680)
    * feat(i18n): add some missing strings and improve some translation
    * fix: add missing server version
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add username on status messages (#2553)
    * 1689 - missing user name for status messages
    * 1689 - missing user name for status messages. Fixed broken e2e test "should pin message".
    * Minor tweak
    * Remove center style
    * Small refactor on User
    * Remove toLowerCase
    * Update tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Filenames are incorrect in non-latin alphabets on upload (#2671)
    * fix: filename on react-native-image-crop-picker
    * fix: use rn-fetch-blob to upload files
    * fix: FileUpload as a service
    * fix: cancel upload on iOS
    * fix: file upload from share extension
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Ease white labelling for Android (#2685)
    * improve white labelling for Android
    * Move application ID to gradle properties
    * Fix CI
    * Point foss sufix to main app
    * Use npx on android-whitelabel script
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Chats order (#2688)
    * Persist highest value on subscription.roomUpdatedAt
    * Update tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [REGRESSION] Re-enable Jitsi Chat (#2687)
    * Fix main jitsi
    * Fix iOS
    * Clear build.gradle cache
    * Don't restore gradle
    * cache is back
    * Use master
    * Point to react-native-jitsi-meet#master
    * [CHORE] Build official apps on CI (#2701)
    * Duplicated target and changed Bridging Header
    * Display name
    * Unnecessary dumb swift file removed
    * Buildable name
    * Reorder Info.plist
    * Rename Official target's bundle id
    * Ignore .mobileprovision
    * Fix provisioning of official app
    * Starting signing
    * stash fastfile
    * starting official ci iOS
    * Uncomment Fastfile keychain
    * Fix CI config
    * allowProvisioningUpdates
    * Changing AppIcon and Splash Screen
    * Remove unnecessary folder inside of Images.xcassets
    * Reorder notificationservice and shareextension plists
    * Fix signing
    * Manual signing style for official
    * Split official signing
    * Update project provisioning
    * Use ENV as profile
    * Output match
    * Keys
    * TestFlight refactor
    * Setting up android
    * android-official-play-build job
    * Start removing unnecessary fastlane tasks on Android
    * Trying to refactor Android jobs
    * android-env
    * Remove foss build for now
    * Fork
    * Fix if conditions
    * Fix push
    * ios-build command
    * Rename Android builds
    * Upload dSYMs
    * Refactoring workflow
    * Reorder upload-to-testflight
    * upload-to-google-play-beta command
    * Fix ci
    * Fix android fork build
    * Fix keystore
    * Fix options on fastlane android
    * Fix keystore
    * Check isOfficial on iOS
    * Check isOfficial on db
    * Remove unused imports
    * Database names on Android
    * Tag fix
    * Minor fixes
    * Set IS_OFFICIAL on CI
    * Fix detox
    * follow review suggestions
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [i18n] Update fr (#2697)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Update fr (#2705)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Empty space on Messagebox (#2704)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Yarn android scripts (#2716)
    * [CHORE] Rename Experimental iOS lane (#2717)
    * Move build_fork to the end
    * Rename release to build_experimental
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use class variable instead of state for List's animated (#2718)
    * [FIX] Bottom sheet being hidden sometimes (#2722)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Match background and text mention colors (#2723)
    * [FIX] App freezing if Markdown preview contains sequential empty spaces (#2726)
    * Remove sequential empty spaces from Markdown preview
    * Use Markdown preview on RepliedThread
    * [FIX] Official app without sharedUserId (#2734)
    * [CHORE] Update React Native to 0.63.4 (#2737)
    * Bump version to 4.13.1 (#2739)
    * [REGRESSION] Multiple uploads not working on iOS (#2738)
    * Update React Native to 0.63.4
    * Fix multiple uploads not working on iOS
    * [FIX] Unable to save attachment on iOS (#2743)
    * Fix rn-fetch-blob's document dir without forward slash
    * Update camera roll
    * [FIX] Generate Jitsi access token when making a call (#2694)
    fixes: #2693
     # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Jitsi notification delay (#2668)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Channels list not following the same sorting logic from web client (#2763)
    * [FIX] Pods lost on Official target (#2764)
    * [FIX] RoomItem using deprecated animated event signature (#2771)
    * [FIX] Server autocomplete text breaking line (#2774)
    * [FIX] ServerDropdown flashing bigger server icon (#2775)
    * [FIX] ServerDropdown flashing bigger server icon
    * Remove unused logo and update image path where needed
    * Minor tweak
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Rooms list not being updated on some cases (#2765)
    * Request subscriptions on RoomsListView.constructor
    * Removes opened rooms from last message persisting
    * Change server reducer
    * Prevent undefined ids causing query error
    * [FIX] Share Extension hitting memory limit on iOS (#2788)
    * [FIX] Disallow swipe to dismiss on share extension
    * Limit query to 20 and clean up props
    * Remove rn-extension-share branch pointer
    * Test new branch
    * Remove branch
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Threads layout tweaks (#2686)
    * improvement: Thread Details
    * fix: re-render Thread Messages Item
    * fix: update snapshots
    * improve: thread details component
    * fix: cast replies length
    * improvement: format date of threads
    * improvement: thread details styles
    * fix: wrap text
    * tests: update snapshot
    * improvement: use same date format for all dates
    * Icon size 24
    * Remove date
    * Remove prop drill
    * Badge position
    * Badge container tweak
    * Fix inline style
    * Move ThreadDetails to containers
    * Update stories
    * Fix lint
    * Remove wrong prop
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Remove some migrations (#2792)
    * Remove force rooms refresh
    * Remove MMKV migration
    * Bump version to 4.14.0 (#2797)
    * [FIX] Messagebox tracking lost on pop gesture navigation (#2799)
    * Use setTimeout instead of InteractionManager
    * Update tracking lib
    * [FIX] Back button closing activity when on root stack screen (#2804)
    * Make hardware back button to behave as home button on root screens
    * Remove unnecessary code
    * Remove handleBackPress from OnboardingView
    * Fix lint
    * [i18n] Add missing German strings (#2715)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Encrypted Discussions  (#2813)
    * I18n key fix
    * Add encrypted switch
    * Remove unused i18n keys
    * Add enabled to encryption reducer
    * Show encrypted option on CreateDiscussionView only when e2e encryption is properly set
    * Add localSearch and use it on search
    * Use encrypted from parent channel
    * Fix method calls as rest api with 2fa enabled
    * Fix logout after reset keys
    * Use encryption reducer instead of lib directly to check render
    * Check for room type logic to display encryption option on create discussion
    * Check toggle-room-e2e-encryption permission on RoomActionsView
    * Check for encryption status instead of setting on server
    * Fix
    * Disable switch instead of hide it
    * Fix spotlight for DMs
    * Fix server test
    * [FIX] Messagebox missing style for text color (#2786)
    * Changing auxilaryTintColor
    * Changed Placeholder color to BodyText color
    * added color prop
    * eslint changes
    * used array for styles
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18N] Update arabic (#2696)
    * Update ar.js
    * Update ar.js
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Workspace input without i18n (#2689)
    * [FIX] Translation of strings in Login page
    * Strings are added for translation.
    fixes: #2620
    * Add pt-BR
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Spotlight returning duplicated entries (#2805)
    * Update rocketchat.js
    * Updated search function
    * Minor improvements
    * Remove atIndex
    * Add remove logic to remove duplicate data from response
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Refactor ServerItem (#2778)
    * Updated ServerDropdown and ServerItem
    * Added ServerItem stories
    * Update ServerDropdown.js
    * Updated ServerItem stories
    * Updated ServerItem stories and ServerItem component
    * Updated SelectServerView, ServerItem and ServerItem stories
    * Updated ServerItem stories
    * Updated ServerItem stories
    * Update tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [DOCS] Updated Quick Start docs link in e2e/readme (#2802)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18N] Add Turkish (#2793)
    * Turkish language support added
    * Update tr.js
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Lint on #2793 (#2818)
    * [I18N] Add missing german strings (#2689) (#2820)
    * [I18N] Add missing italian strings (#2817)
    * [FIX] Server version becoming null on server change (#2821)
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner (#2767)
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner (#2767)
    * Updated SortDropdown, ListHeader, ListItem and added stories for List.Item
    * Updated SortDropdown
    * Removed unused component
    * Updated List.Item and stories
    * Reverted unnecessary changes and updated ListItem stories
    * Fix minor indentation
    * Stop breaking Touch's default underlay color
    * Fix indentation
    * Remove falsy comparison from render
    * Fix left icon
    * Use List.Item on OmnichannelStatus
    * Add missing separator
    * Lint
    * Fix sort dropdown
    * Remove unnecessary styles
    * Fix detox
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App Store using Experimental's app id (#2826)
    * [FIX] Wrong username on push notifications (#2825)
    * [FIX] Share extension memory issues on iOS (#2845)
    * Remove unnecessary class prop
    * Stop rendering servers when there's only one
    * Map and alloc only necessary columns from query
    * Fetch servers count instead of all servers records
    * Fetch only needed servers
    * Separators
    * Remove renderContent
    * Minor fix
    * Refactor query
    * Smaller avatars in memory
    * Fix getItemLayout
    * Add topic
    * Load less pods
    * tests
    * Import only used functions from lodash
    * Fix pods
    * Import only used functions from semver
    * Fix media sharing
    * Update pods
    * Disables preview and thumb on iOS
    * Update expo-video-thumbnail
    * Unnecessary change
    * [FIX] Logout from other locations not prompting confirmation option (#2854)
    * Fixed logout toast bug for the iOS
    * Removing callToAction and replacing with confirmationText
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * Bump version to 4.14.1 (#2859)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Check for focused rooms on in-app notifications (#2857)
    * Update InAppNotification and room reducer
    * Update InAppNotification
    This reverts commit 60330a1e04cfe8d2e5aa311f367083d831682c49.
    * Stop subscribing to threads
    * Remove ref
    * Fix prop-types
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Real name being ignored in SearchMessagesView (#2838)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGerzon Z <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Remove unnecessary share reducer calls (#2861)
    * Remove unnecesary share reducer calls
    * Update Avatar
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Breadcrumbs exceeding characters limit (#2862)
    * [FIX] breadcrumbs exceeding
    * fix.breadcrumbs-exceeding-change-events
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App compressing videos on iOS (#2915)
    * Update index.js
    * Update index.js
    * [FIX] Real name setting ignored on reply preview (#2908)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Reply component sending unused prop to Description (#2900)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] BackdropOpacity based on themes (#2863)
    * Added backdropOpacity based on theme
    * Updated ActionSheet, ReactionsModal, ReactionPicker and Sidebar
    * Updated MultiSelect
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Webview not falling back to default auth challenge when no cert is provided (#2918)
    * [FIX] Android - fallback to default auth challenge handling when no cert is provided
    * If a certificate auth challenge is requested on Android the webview will hang if no certificate is loaded.
      To prevent this, fallback to default Android behavior and cancel the challenge with request.cancel()
    * No client certificate case defaults to super implementation
    * Update react-native-webview
    * Downgrade to previous dependency version
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGerzon Z <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarJan Garaj <>
    * [FIX] Support Jitsi_URL_Room_Hash (#2905)
    * [FIX] Temp attachment files not being flushed after saved to gallery (#2871)
    * Update AttachmentView.js
    * Update AttachmentView.js
    * Update AttachmentView.js
    * Update AttachmentView.js
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update iOS profiles for Experimental app (#2933)
    * [IMPROVE] Deleted thread reply redirects to thread (#2840)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Thread showing typing indicator from main room (#2869)
    * [FIX] Remove typing indicator from thread's header
    * remove unnecessary props and change usersTyping condition
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] DM rooms show typing status from last group room (#2878)
    * [FIX] DM rooms show typing status from last group room
    * Undo changes
    * Check if current typing is from focused room before dispatching to redux
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Can't copy or edit media's description (#2885)
    * [FIX] Image descriptions issues
    * shorten the condition string
    * fix selectedMessage state
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] RightButtonsContainer re-render check not returning default value (#2899)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Remove InteractionManager blocks (#2906)
    * [FIX] Remove InteractionManager blocks
    * Minor fix
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App not sending second argument for EventEmitter.removeListener on some places (#2909)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Temp message ignoring real name (#2919)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] System message of e2e encryption is missing (#2888)
    * [FIX] System message of e2e encryption missing
    * add new encryption string
    * add to stories
    * Add pt-BR
    * Move stories
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Add permissions to Redux (#2914)
    * [FIX] Add permissions to Redux store
    * add only permissions being used in the app
    * add clear permissions reducer
    * call RocketChat.hasPermission from reducer
    * add server version comparison on getPermissions
    * refactor hasPermission function
    * refactor hasPermission function
    * remove uncomment code
    * use Q.experimentalSortBy()
    * add coerce function
    * Change Rocketchat.hasPermission
    * Apply on isReadOnly
    * Apply to RoomInfoEditView
    * Apply to RoomInfoView and RoomInfoEditView
    * canAutoTranslate
    * Unnecessary clear permissions
    * Revert getUpdatedSince
    * Naming fix
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Add hold step for ios and android build experimental (#2943)
    * [CHORE] Add hold step for ios-build-experimental and android-build-experimental
    * Android hold step
    * add ios hold step
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Remove lodash.isEqual (#2893)
    * Added dequal and react-fast-compare as substitutes to lodash.isEqual
    * Update ReplyPreview.js
    * Remove react-fast-compare
    * Removed deep-equal and upgrade babel-eslint dev dependency
    * Fix avatar
    * Fix Messagebox
    * Fix CreateDiscussionView
    * ModalBlockView
    * NewMessageView
    * ProfileView
    * RoomInfoEditView
    * ServerDropdown
    * Return local search as object instead of observable
    * SelectedUsersView
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18N] Add missing Russian strings (#2946)
    * [i18n] Add missing Russian strings
    * Couple fixes
    * Fix Direct_message
    Translate Direct_message as already has been translated
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Use shortcut syntax for get collections (#2932)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Use List.Separator in all places (#2931)
    * [FIX] Use List.Separator in all places
    * add List.Separator
    * change List.Separator
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Limit new message list query size to 50 (#2947)
    * Limit query to 50
    * Remove observable
    * [FIX] Support chats order for older versions of the server (#2934)
    * Update mergeSubscriptionsRooms.js
    * Update mergeSubscriptionsRooms.js
    * Update mergeSubscriptionsRooms.js
    * Minor refactor
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Reactions modal's backdrop color too light (#2949)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * Bump version to 4.15.0 (#2950)
    * [FIX] Share extension not working correctly on Official app (#2963)
    * [FIX] Cannot read property 'some' of undefined on hasPermission (#2966)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Deep linking and other connectivity issues (#2894)
    * Navigate from push notification only if necessary
    * Use JS SDK branch
    * Stop reconnecting if it's already connected
    * Fix RoomsListView forever loading after tapping push notification of another server
    * Execute fewer operations on app/index
    * Remove roomsRequest call from onForeground
    * Apply check and reopen
    * Stop opening in-app notification when the app is on backgorund
    * Connecting tweaks
    * Fix deep linking not working if the app is on background
    * Force reset yarn cache
    * Upgrade JS SDK
    * Remove listener on unmount
    * Fix resume on Android after back button is pressed
    * Fix local authentication resume
    * Fix back button android
    * Change JS SDK branch
    * [FIX] Messagebox's placeholder color is too bright (#2968)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarEzequiel de Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDan Caseley <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarYoussef Muhamad <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGraham Smith <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGabriel Henriques <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarJúlia Grala <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGuilherme Gazzo <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek Jain <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarLucas Siqueira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarCalebe Rios <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPitstopper <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarphriedrich <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGuilherme Siqueira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek Jain <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatardevyaniChoubey <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarBernard Seow <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHiroki Ishiura <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarExordian <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDaanchaam <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarIván Álvarez <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSarthak Pranesh <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMichele Pellegrini <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarTanmoy Bhowmik <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHibikine Kage <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarNeil Agarwal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGovind Dixit <GOVINDDIXIT93@GMAIL.COM>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarZhaubassarova Aruzhan <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAroo <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSarthak Pranesh <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSiddharth Padhi <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarBruno Dantas <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatardevyaniChoubey <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHeng Sok <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSnyk bot <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarnixxou <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid-Tsui <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVincenzo Esposito <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRishabh Gupta <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHendy Irawan <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Naiman <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDani <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarLuis <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarzaphod534 <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarankar84 <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarКарлан Антон Андреевич <KarlanAA@global.bcs>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSaket Mahajan <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRohit Verma <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMarco Jakobs <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFernando Aguilar <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAbdullah Alhamoud <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDave Koo <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFazil Boudjelal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarLucas Dousse <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSumukha Hegde <SUMUKHA214@GMAIL.COM>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGerzon Z <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGerzon Z <>
    Co-authored-by: default avataryash-rajpal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHakan YILMAZ <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarArkadyuti Bandyopadhyay <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAnant Bhasin <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGung Wah <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarBilly Newman <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarJan Garaj <>