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  • Diego Mello's avatar
    [FIX] Deep linking and other connectivity issues (#2894) · cc8dc6a7
    Diego Mello authored
    * Navigate from push notification only if necessary
    * Use JS SDK branch
    * Stop reconnecting if it's already connected
    * Fix RoomsListView forever loading after tapping push notification of another server
    * Execute fewer operations on app/index
    * Remove roomsRequest call from onForeground
    * Apply check and reopen
    * Stop opening in-app notification when the app is on backgorund
    * Connecting tweaks
    * Fix deep linking not working if the app is on background
    * Force reset yarn cache
    * Upgrade JS SDK
    * Remove listener on unmount
    * Fix resume on Android after back button is pressed
    * Fix local authentication resume
    * Fix back button android
    * Change JS SDK branch