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  • Diego Mello's avatar
    Merge 4.14.1 into master (#2891) · 197b78e8
    Diego Mello authored
    * [FIX] getSettings not catching errors (#2271)
    * [REGRESSION] Jitsi Call doesn't send message link (#2277)
    * [FIX] Messages hidden behind MessageBox (#2281)
    * fix: package.json & yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities (#2275)
    The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add missing german strings (#2278)
    * cleaned mixed usage of "du" and "Sie"
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] CircleCI Upgrades (#2269)
    * Upgrade nvm
    * Upgrade XCode
    * Use nvm's default installed version of node (LTS)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Sign in with Apple (#2282)
    * Add expo-apple-authentication
    * Button
    * Create new provisioning profiles
    * Login with Apple
    * Change provisioning profile
    * Button color based on theme
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [FIX] MessageBox not being shown on ShareView when Preview is a video (#2283)
    * Wrap video preview with ScrollView so Messagebox is shown properly
    * Fix border color
    * [TESTS] Test in docker (#2290)
    * Add docker env with orchestration
    * Update detox, update mocha config format
    * One simulator at a time - mocha won't run parallel
    * Docker runner, with test changes to match RC data
    * Better error trapping in infrastructure control script
    * Swap user provisioning from Mongo to RC API to work against existing servers
    * Add docker to e2e readme
    * Stop using for emails
    * Default detox to the tests directory
    * Add working configs for both run scenarios
    * Add some optional forcing of data.js version for Docker
    * [CHORE] Consistent Rocket.Chat Branding (#2293)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * Bump version to 4.10.0 (#2305)
    * [FIX] Room Info actions doesn't check permissions/settings enabled (#2292)
    * [FIX] Show Call Button only when Jitsi Enabled (RoomInfoView)
    * [FIX] Show user info
    * [FIX] Show message button only if it's possible
    * [FIX] Create direct only when needed
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Read receipts on tablet (#2297)
    * fixes not working read receipts on tablet (#2295)
    * fixing last commit it to make it work on both tablet and phone
    * fix missing close button on tablet's modal view
    * Update app/views/ReadReceiptView/index.js
    * remove unnecessary param
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Clear image cache when clear cache (#2300)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Clear image cache when clear cache
    * use fork instead
    * react-native-fast-image ->
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] In-app notification tap when deep in the stack not redirecting to the room (#2302)
    * [FIX] Markdown preview causes app stuck (#2303)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update commonmark libs (#2306)
    * [CHORE] Update commonmark fork and relateds
    * [CHORE] Update commonmark.js
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * Bump lodash from 4.17.16 to 4.17.19 (#2310)
    Bumps [lodash]( from 4.17.16 to 4.17.19.
    - [Release notes](
    - [Commits](
    Signed-off-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
    * [FIX] MessagesView duplicating content (#2307)
    * Fix Pagination duplicacy
    * Fix MessageView Duplicate Content
    * [FIX] Return fetch func
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * Update dependencies (#2301)
    * Update RN to 0.63.0-rc.1
    * Updating
    * Fix keyboard
    * Fix native stuff on Messagebox
    * Update to RN 0.63.1
    * Update pods
    * Update patches
    * Update minors
    * Majors
    * Remove base-64 in favour of js-base64
    * others
    * Pods
    * Flipper
    * Yarn
    * Fix setInput
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Native sort and limit queries (#2249)
    * Update WatermelonDB to 0.18.0
    * Low onEndReachedThreshold
    * Query experiment
    * Query or fetch data
    * Reorder class functions
    * Reset variables
    * Hide system messages
    * Change this.count behaviour
    * Starting on RoomsListView
    * unsubscribeQuery
    * onEndReached
    * Separate queries
    * Reusable where clause
    * Refactoring
    * Refactor RoomItem to accept item as prop
    * Comment RoomItem tests just so jest passes
    * Fix alert and status
    * onPress
    * Unnecessary diff
    * react-fast-compare
    * Native limit on ShareListView
    * Tweak item description
    * Lint
    * Fix on foreground crash
    * Suggested changes
    * [FIX] Style not being applied on RoomsListView header subtitle (#2319)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Improve our PR Template (#1893)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Improve our PR Template
    * Few changes
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * Revert "[CHORE] Update commonmark.js " (#2331)
    * [TESTS] Idempotence for e2e tests (#2308)
    * Idempotence for Assorted
    * Idempotence for Onboarding
    * Idempotence for Rooms
    * Remove redundant expects
    * Fixes and improvements
    * Remove unneeded sleeps
    * Make stable following merge
    * Try solving early taps without long sleep
    Try solving early taps without long sleep (cont)
    Temporary CircleCI hack for quicker testing
    Add screenshots to CircleCI for failed tests
    Try solving early taps without long sleep (cont. 2)
    Revert "Temporary CircleCI hack for quicker testing"
    This reverts commit 4abef3a5827910c05b12ac8b8380275b60e8af4f.
    * Fix flaky test with a fluent wait on the tap
    * Add some new sleeps to workaround #2324
    * Add test artifacts to gitignore
    * More longpress for dodgy taps, wait for pin response
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Log events from Onboarding, NewServer, Login and Register screens (#2169)
    * Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
    * Track Onboarding view
    * Track NewServer view
    * Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
    * Track default login and all the oAuth options
    * Track default sign up in RegisterView
    * Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
    * Track the remaining login services
    * Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
    * Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
    * Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Keyboard not focusing on TwoFactor component (#2314)
    * Improve 2fa visual hierarchy
    * Show 2fa keyboard by scheduling focus method after all interactions
    * Remove unrelated styling improvements
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] TwoFactor component styling (#2328)
    * Improve 2fa visual hierarchy
    * Show 2fa keyboard by scheduling focus method after all interactions
    * Remove unrelated styling improvements
    * Improve 2fa component title hierarchy
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Admin panel not logging in automatically (#2330)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * Bump codecov from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1 (#2323)
    Bumps [codecov]( from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1.
    - [Release notes](
    - [Commits](
    Signed-off-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Skip waiting for build processing on TestFlight upload (#2320)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-firebase (#2336)
    * Remove firebase
    * Install firebase/app
    * Install analytics
    * Crashlytics
    * Android
    * Fix mocks
    * Edit scheme to Debug build configuration
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [REGRESSION] Invite links stopped working after #2154 (#2338)
    * [REGRESSION] Invite links stopped working after #2154
    * Clear invite links token when close NewServerView
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [TESTS] Fix some simple text (#2332)
    * Clearer infrastructure wait message
    * Use a generic mailbox rather than spamming Diego
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] i18n being called outside render (#2334)
    * Fix I18n usage in ThemeView
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix I18n usage in NotificationPreferencesView
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix some I18n wrong uses
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] MessagesView title not working (#2294)
    * Set title in header of room actions view items
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Remove unneeded spaces
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Set header title on constructor
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Remove unused navigation options
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [TESTS] Stabilise Room Actions test (#2333)
    * Stabilise Room Actions test
    * Fix Create Room test
    * Be more tolerant of slow starting apps in CI
    * Be more tolerant of slow running apps in CI
    * Switch visibility checks ti stabilise Room Create test in CI
    * Move slow simulator readiness waiting to initial navigateToX methods rather than repeatedly in tests without description of purpose
    * [CHORE] Update icon names (#2318)
    * [CHORE] Move Detox to Github Actions (#2340)
    * Initial workflow for iOS detox tests
    * Increase timeout
    * Parallelise tests and optimise when to build
    * Refine GH Actions logic
    * Improve Detox App caching
    * Upload failed test artifacts
    * Rate limiting aware data setup
    * Remove detox tests from Circle CI
    * Revert "Rate limiting aware data setup"
    This reverts commit d115604270f719de775018b9b06e89f2bfdc2dc7.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Push notification data privacy (#2213)
    * [WIP] Notification Service
    * [WIP] Android push notification privacy
    * [WIP] Retry request when it fails (iOS)
    * [WIP] Override notification bundle
    * [CHORE] Remove unnecessary import
    * [WIP] Check notification Type (iOS)
    * [WIP] Change to notification endpoint
    * eof
    * fix unwrap conditional value
    * turn run request synchronous
    * fix bundle info
    * eof
    * remove extra tab
    * undo unnecessary change
    * remove not working code for a while
    * fix notification title
    * change endpoint and received/sent data
    * message-id-only working properly on android
    * notification privacy working on ios
    * invalidate circleCI yarn cache
    * Fix provisioning profiles
    * fix notification service version
    * fix unwrap nil
    * compatibility older servers android
    * show received notification when cant fetch content from server
    * undo some android changes
    * prevent group & reply fallback notifications
    * dont show more than one fallback notification by server
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Apply new mention colors (#2351)
    * New mention colors
    * Increase letterSpacing for mentions
    * Refactor
    * UnreadBadge
    * Add migration
    * [FIX] Missing icons (#2353)
    * [FIX] Long press gestures not working properly on Android (#2354)
    * [FIX] In-app notification showing while in a Jitsi call (#2345)
    * Hide in app notification when focused on JitsiMeetView
    * Hide notifications from different rooms
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug (#2347)
    * Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
    * ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
    * [CHORE] Update Flipper to 0.51.0 (#2356)
    * Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
    * ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
    * Update Flipper to latest 0.51 for Android
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Log events from RoomsList, SideDrawer and Profile (#2190)
    * Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
    * Track Onboarding view
    * Track NewServer view
    * Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
    * Track default login and all the oAuth options
    * Track default sign up in RegisterView
    * Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
    * Track the remaining login services
    * track add server, change server and search
    * Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
    * Track profile events and handle exceptions
    * Track create channel flux
    * Track send message to user via NewMessageView
    * Track create direct message flux
    * Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
    * Track create discussion flux
    * Track navigate to directory and its actions
    * Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
    * Track all channels sorting and grouping
    * Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
    * Remove unused events file
    * Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
    * Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
    * Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
    * Improve the logging of sidebar events
    * Improve events from onboarding and newserver
    * Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
    * Improve NewMessageView events
    * Improve CreateChannel events
    * Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
    * Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
    * Improve ProfileView events
    * Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
    * Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Add missing keys to push get payload (#2358)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add deep link to Jitsi calls (#2223)
    * [WIP] Jitsi Deep Links
    * [WIP] Add app links
    * save uniqueID servers database
    * add serverInfoKey of uniqueID
    * search server by call url
    * open jitsi deeplink poc
    * improve jitsi url
    * fix
    * improve comment
    * add missing android scheme
    * handle host not found
    * Allow app links to be matched on parseDeepLinking
    * Fix push notification of a call
    * Minor fix
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App hanging on splash screen when deep link params are wrong (#2359)
    * Add rule when there's no host on the deep link params
    * Add fallbackNavigation()
    * Fix insecure hosts
    * [FIX] More missing icons (#2360)
    * [NEW] Log events from Room, Settings and Edit status (#2206)
    * Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
    * Track Onboarding view
    * Track NewServer view
    * Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
    * Track default login and all the oAuth options
    * Track default sign up in RegisterView
    * Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
    * Track the remaining login services
    * track add server, change server and search
    * Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
    * Track profile events and handle exceptions
    * Track create channel flux
    * Track send message to user via NewMessageView
    * Track create direct message flux
    * Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
    * Track create discussion flux
    * Track navigate to directory and its actions
    * Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
    * Track all channels sorting and grouping
    * Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
    * Remove unused events file
    * Remove unused events file
    * log proposed Room events
    * Log proposed Message actions events
    * Log EditStatus proposed events
    * Log Settings proposed events
    * Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
    * Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
    * Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
    * Move all non-logic and non-data dependent logEvent to the top of code block
    * Improve the logging of sidebar events
    * Improve events from onboarding and newserver
    * Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
    * Improve NewMessageView events
    * Improve CreateChannel events
    * Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
    * Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
    * Improve ProfileView events
    * Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
    * Improve SettingsView events
    * Log more events from ScreenLockConfigView
    * Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
    * Improve StatusView events
    * Improve RoomView events
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Vertically centralize RoomItem when `Store_Last_Message` is disabled (#2363)
    * Split RoomItem into container and component
    * Refactor RoomItem
    * Fix wrong status
    * Tests
    * Wrapper
    * [NEW] Omnichannel inquiry queue (#2352)
    * [WIP] Omnichannel queue
    * Request inquiry when login
    * Show take inquiry queued room
    * Queue List as a Screen
    * Poc using unread badge
    * Prevent navigation to empty list
    * Remove chat from queue when taked
    * Fix header status on omnichannel preview room
    * Fix room actions view to preview queued chat
    * Use isOmnichannelPreview and dont show actions when is preview
    * Filter queue chats taken by other people
    * Fix room info to omnichannel preview room
    * Handle show Queue
    * Reset inquiry store when change server
    * Improve queue logic
    * Disable swipe on RoomItem when is a Queue Item
    * Add unreadBadge style
    * Move unread badge to presentation folder
    * Cleanup inquiry reducers
    * Move take saga to rocketchat function
    * Remove comments
    * Add relevant comments
    * Subscribe to public stream if is livechat manager or doesnt have departments
    * Add pt-br and improve queue empty message
    * Fix take when dont have view-livechat-manager permission
    * Add missing events
    * Create selector for inquiry queue
    * Minor fixes
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Wrap logEvent in a try/catch (#2361)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Minor i18n issues (#2335)
    * Add new translations to ptBr
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix update language in headers
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use parsed EJSON info on load notification (#2370)
    * [NEW] Log remaining events (#2368)
    * Change NAVIGATE_TO for GO_TO to reduce event size
    * Log RA JitsiMeet events and join / terminate
    * Log more RoomView events
    * Log slash commands and handle fail
    * Log RoomActions events
    * Change from GO_TO to just GO
    * Log RoomInfoEdit events
    * Log InviteUsers and InviteUsersEdit events
    * Log AutoTranslate events
    * Log NotificationPreferences events
    * Log remaining routes from RoomActions
    * Log RoomAction toggle block user
    * Fix command event
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] WorkspaceView not looking for the correct image path (#2376)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGabriel Henriques <>
    * [FIX] Android targeting wrong SDK version (#2375)
    * [FIX] Mentions crashing without username (#2374)
    * [FIX] Missing delete icon on MessageErrorActions (#2373)
    * [FIX] Quote not working on Group DM (#2372)
    * [DOCS] Add Whitelabel (#2379)
    * Update readme (#2381)
    * Update (#2378)
    * Update
    * Update
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [DOCS] Refactor Readme (#2382)
    * Refactoring
    * Detail docs
    * Contributing
    * Update
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * Merge beta into master (#2388)
    * Sync develop on master (#275)
    * Create LICENSE
    * Sync master (#721)
    * Merge 1.13.0 into Master (#936)
    * fix last messages (#239)
    * fix last messages
    * Room actions (#231)
    * Layout
    * Empty starred list
    * Favorite room
    * Pinned messages
    * fix last messages
    * fix date on pinned messages
    * fix package
    * [NEW] OAuth (#241)
    * Layout
    * tmp
    * test iscordova
    * Webview redirecting
    * Open and Close login actions
    * Login services saved on redux
    * OAuth Github
    * Server regex fix
    * OAuth modal style
    * - Twitter login
    - Remove services from redux
    - Open login saga fix
    * - Facebook login
    - Fixed user agent
    - Reactions fix
    - Message url unique key fix
    * Google login
    * Email keyboard removed from messagebox
    * - Login buttons refactored
    - RoomList header
    * Layout improvements
    * Meteor login redirect_uri changed
    * fix
    * Random credentialToken state
    * [NEW] Room actions: Mentioned messages and Room Members (#242)
    * Mentioned messages
    * Starred and pinned actions debounce
    * Room members
    * Open room on member touch
    * [WIP] Improves (#245)
    *  hotfix for ios
    *  hotfix for ios
    * Update config.yml
    * Workaround for RN 0.54 on iOS (#246)
    * Update iOS to RN 0.54 (#248)
    * Update iOS to RN 0.54
    * [WIP] Audio message functionality (#247)
    * [NEW] Add module react-native-audio
    * [WIP] Audio message basic UI
    * [NEW] Record audio message
    * Use cordova repository to get certificates
    * Icon 1024
    * [NEW] Room actions: block user, snippet messages, room files and leave room (#250)
    * - Block user
    - Load room members async
    - fixed reactive change of room's read only flag
    * Snippet messages
    * - Room files
    - Dismiss Video component on back button press
    - Improvements on Image component
    * Improvement on Video component
    * Leave room
    * Missing message types
    * lint
    * Reactotron working (#249)
    * [NEW] Room info and Room info edit (#254)
    * - Block user
    - Load room members async
    - fixed reactive change of room's read only flag
    * Snippet messages
    * - Room files
    - Dismiss Video component on back button press
    - Improvements on Image component
    * Improvement on Video component
    * Leave room
    * Missing message types
    * lint
    * - Room info (read only)
    - Missing message types
    * Room info scroll
    * - Tap on room header opens room info
    - Layout tweaks
    * - Room info edit
    - iOS Toast fixed
    * - Style not implemented actions as disabled
    * Edit room permission
    * - Save all room settings in a single call
    - Implemented roomType and readOnly
    * - Allow reacting when room is read only
    * Message type added: room_changed_privacy
    * Erase room
    * Created TextInput and SwitchContainer components for reuse and readability
    * - hasPermission method
    * - Archive/Unarchive room
    - Set Join Code
    * Twitter keyboard type on iOS
    * Archived room
    * reactWhenReadOnly permission on message
    * Active users refactored
    * User roles
    * - Subscribe to roles (in order to get role description info: e.g. 'core-team' to 'Rocket.Chat Team')
    - Save roles to realm (for offline access)
    - Save roles to redux (and get data from realm on app init)
    * Lint
    * code style
    * password show/hide feature
    * fix show/hide password
    * password show/hide
    * Crashlytics (#258)
    * Fabric iOS
    * Fabric configured on iOS and Android
    * login tracked
    * more logs
    * fix reaction
    * CI fix
    * Bug fixes (#261)
    * Layout fixes
    * RoomsListView's SafeAreaView
    * Unhandled promise rejection fix
    * Prevent navigation from opening scenes twice
    * Create channel fixes
    * Create LICENSE
    * Beta (#265)
    * Fabric iOS
    * Fabric configured on iOS and Android
    * - react-native-fabric configured
    - login tracked
    * README updated
    * Run scripts from README updated
    * README scripts
    * get rooms and messages by rest
    * user status
    * more improves
    * more improves
    * send pong on timeout
    * fix some methods
    * more tests
    * rest messages
    * Room actions (#266)
    * Toggle notifications
    * Search messages
    * Invite users
    * Mute/Unmute users in room
    * messages
    * Room topic layout fixed
    * Starred messages loading onEndReached
    * Room actions onEndReached
    * Unnecessary login request
    * Login loading
    * Login services fixed
    * User presence layout
    * ïmproves on room actions view
    * Removed unnecessary data from SelectedUsersView
    * load few messages on open room, search message improve
    * fix loading messages forever
    * Removed state from search
    * Custom message time format
    * secureTextEntry layout
    * Reduce android app size
    * Roles subscription fix
    * Public routes navigation
    * fix reconnect
    * - New login/register, login, register
    * proguard
    * Login flux
    * App init/restore
    * Android layout fixes
    * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
    * Nested attachments
    * Nested attachments
    * fix check status
    * New login layout (#269)
    * Public routes navigation
    * New login/register, login, register
    * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
    * Nested attachments
    * Button component
    * TextInput android layout fixed
    * Register fixed
    * Thinner close modal button
    * Requests /me after login only one time
    * Static images moved
    * fix reconnect
    * fix ddp
    * fix custom emoji
    * New message layout (#273)
    * Grouping messages
    * Message layout
    * Users typing animation
    * Image  attachment layout
    * Fabric and image fix (#284)
    * Fixed images not showing
    * Keyboard libs updated
    * Fabric fix and location removed (#286)
    * Proguard disabled
    * message with list + links fixed (#288)
    * Better image cache component (#292)
    * react-native-img-cache removed
    * Improve list render
    * Support <http://link/Text> inside markdown
    * Deep linking (#291)
    * deep linking
    * Basic deep link working
    * Deep link routing
    * Multiple servers working
    * Send user to the room
    * Avatar initials and room type icon (#298)
    * Deep linking fix and more (#294)
    * Fix - Any https link was deep linking to RocketChat
    * Keyboard dismiss after add new server
    * Room info bug fix
    * Opacity animation
    * Navigation when adding server fixed
    * Throttle for unnecessary render on receiving several messages
    * Search inputs without autocorrect and autocapitalize
    * Search messages fixed
    * Messagebox unnecessary render and spotlight fixed
    * react-native-keyboard-input updated
    * Lint
    * Tests updated
    * Update all dependencies (#299)
    * Update react-navigation to the latest version 🚀 (#293)
    * fix(package): update react-navigation to version 2.0.0
    * Code updated to support breaking changes of react-navigation
    * Detox tests E2E (#283)
    * RoomsListView re-render (#304)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    - [x] Removed unnecessary re-renders on RoomsListView
    * [NEW] Broadcast channels (#301)
    * Broadcast channels
    * e2e tests
    * New markdown (#306)
    Our current markdown is causing a lot of issues on Android devices, since it wraps everything inside a Text component.
    On Android, Text doesn't support View as a child.
    This PR adds react-native-markdown-renderer, that uses View as wrapper and may be better.
    * Fixed audio recording issues (#310)
    * Fix for "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unexpected url" (#313)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    User was able to add an invalid instance of Rocket.Chat by pressing submit button instead of "Connect" button.
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * I18n (#312)
    * Unread and date separator layout improved (#319)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    - [x] Unread and date separator layout
    - [x] "Start of conversation"/"Loading messages" label
    ![screen shot 2018-05-30 at 18 10 43](
    ![screen shot 2018-05-30 at 18 09 05](
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] iOS Universal links (#318)
    * [NEW] Drawer (#322)
    * [FIX] invalid user muted value
    * Ddp fixes (#324)
    * [NEW] User Profile (#323)
    * Drawer layout
    * Drawer changes
    * Profile
    * Profile avatar
    * Set language
    * Tests
    * Custom fields
    * Readme updated
    * fix invalid user muted value
    * Fix for "Cannot add a child that doesn't have a YogaNode to a parent without a measure function! (Trying to add a 'RCTVirtualText' to a 'RCTView')"
    * Settings/Permissions improvements (#325)
    * Changed the way we read RocketChat settings since setting.type won't be returned from server anymore
    * Permissions
    * Unnecessary action sheet render
    * Update gradle and targetSdkVersion (#328)
    * Changed the way we read RocketChat settings since setting.type won't be returned from server anymore
    * Permissions
    * Unnecessary action sheet render
    * Update gradle
    * Switched testServer to use blob
    * RoomsListHeader search fixed
    * Runs loadMessagesForRoom only if room has at least 20 rows
    * - Logout if user's token expired
    - Removed update avatar logic
    - Profile dialog border on android
    * - Animations disabled
    - CircleCI set
    * Tests updated
    * "eventType argument is required" fix
    * Switch push notification lib (#346)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #342 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Allow x-instance-id and X-Instance-ID header (#354)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #137 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    Some server configurations may send x-instance-id header with different case.
    * Image upload improvements (#368)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    - [x] Crop image
    - [x] Type image description (like web)
    - [x] Show upload progress
    - [x] "Try again" in case of error
    - [x] Cancel upload while in progress
    - [x] [Android] Zoom on photos
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Room Loading(#372)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] Empty room name for livechat (#375)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #320 
    Closes #209 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Reply preview (#374)
    * Updated to React Native 0.56
    * Reply Preview
    * [FIX] Close websocket (#379)
    * Fixed a bug when closing websocket
    * removeListener fixed
    * [I18N] Russian translation (#381)
    [I18N] Russian translation file
    * [NEW] Icon (#383)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] Android 8 notifications (#382)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #380 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Added CocoaPods to manage react-native-image-crop-picker (#373)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    react-native-image-crop-picker raised an error when uploading to TestFlight.
    The lib highly recommends CocoaPods for production builds.
    * Added single-server to readme (#390)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #386 
    Closes #295 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Improve RoomsList render time (#384)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    - [x] Added FlatList.getItemLayout() to improve list render time
    - [x] Some texts were breaking lines at sidebar
    - [x] Removed onPress from links at RoomsListView
    - [x] Added eslint rule to prevent unused styles
    - [x] Fixed auto focus bug at CreateChannel and NewServer
    - [x] Fix change server bug
    - [x] Fixed a bug when resuming in ListServer
    - [x] I18n fixed
    - [x] Fixed a bug on actionsheet ref not being created
    - [x] Reply wasn't showing on Android
    - [x] Use Notification.Builder.setColor/getColor only after Android SDK 23
    - [x] Listen to app state only when inside app
    - [x] Switched register push token position in order to improve login performance
    - [x] When deep link changes server, it doesn't refresh rooms list
    - [x] Added SafeAreaView in all views to improve iPhone X experience
    - [x] Subpath regex #388
    * [NEW] Empty room background (#412)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #398 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-09-2018 11-35-32](
    ![aug-09-2018 11-35-16](
    * Add roadmap (#406)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #45 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Onboarding (#407)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #392 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-50](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-35](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-13](
    * [NEW] Updated Logo on Splash screen (#409)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #399 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-07-2018 17-39-44](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-31-12](
    * [FIX] Only single attachment rendered (#417)
    * [NEW] Rooms list layout (#413)
    * RoomsListView layout
    * Rooms list layout
    * Sort component
    * Header icons
    * Default header colors
    * Add server dropdown
    * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
    * UserItem
    * Room type icon
    * Search working
    * Tests updated
    * Android layout
    * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
    * Animation duration
    * Fixed render bug
    * [NEW] Create channel layout (#420)
    * RoomsListView layout
    * Rooms list layout
    * Sort component
    * Header icons
    * Default header colors
    * Add server dropdown
    * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
    * UserItem
    * Room type icon
    * Search working
    * Tests updated
    * Android layout
    * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
    * Animation duration
    * Fixed render bug
    * - NewMessageView
    - backButtonTitle always empty
    - SearchBox created
    * New create channel layout
    * Search refactored
    * loginSuccess dismiss modal
    * Tests working
    * [FIX] Open unsupported videos on browser (#422)
    * 1.1
    * Sort/group rooms local only (#425)
    * Update android api from ci
    * Sort local only
    * [FIX] Missing current server (#427)
    * server.current removed
    * Increased area of touch on header
    * Hide search when sort dropdown is tapped
    * default server icon url
    * 1.1.1
    * [NEW] Experimental Icon (#430)
    * [NEW] Message layout (#426)
    * message container/component
    * Separator component
    * Reply
    * Url
    * tests updated
    * Minor changes
    * Audio component
    * Broadcast button
    * Minor touches
    * Reply preview
    * Edited
    * Minor bug fixes
    * - Update roadmap
    - Bump version to 1.2
    * Onboarding styles fix
    * [FIX] Drawer navigation won't refresh chats (#432)
    * Avoid errors on Audio/Image/Video (#443)
    * Bump version to 1.2.1 (#444)
    * Stop supporting Android 4.4 and lower (#447)
    * Several fixes for 1.2.1 (#448)
    * Fix user.roles
    * Better onLongPress handle on messages
    * Indicator position
    * Fix role undefined in system messages
    * Add baseUrl in case of file attachments
    * Join room fixed
    * RoomView params
    * Broadcast fixes
    * Add server layout changes
    * Use native images
    * Subscribe to not joined channels
    * Fix alerts without i18n
    * Tests updated
    * Bump version to 1.2.2 (#449)
    * [NEW] Use community JSC for Android (#450)
    * [NEW] Use community JSC for Android
    * Quick fix on unread chats
    * [NEW] Show app version (#454)
    * [NEW] Portuguese translation (#452)
    * [NEW] Portuguese translation
    * Remove servers from sidebar
    * Update dependencies (#431)
    * Update dependencies
    * Lint and test
    * Added react-native fork
    * rn 57
    * Lint and tests updated
    * Update xcode on circleci
    * Use legacy build system
    * Update tests
    * Use inline requires (#459)
    * Update dependencies
    * Lint and test
    * Added react-native fork
    * rn 57
    * Lint and tests updated
    * Update xcode on circleci
    * Use legacy build system
    * Update tests
    * Inline requires
    * Fix eslint and remove temp gradle
    * Unnecessary renders
    * Update isNotch and Readme
    * Tests updated
    * Bump version to 1.3.0 (#461)
    * Better touch handling on rooms list (#462)
    * Use react-native-gesture-handler at RoomItem
    * Fixed info message author
    * Edit message render improvement
    * Fix ws to http replace
    * Bump version to 1.3.1 (#463)
    * Composer layout tweaked (#464)
    * Composer layout tweaked
    * Fix localization error
    * Bump version to 1.3.2
    * [FIX] Handle deleted messages (#466)
    * [FIX] Handle deleted messages
    * Fix rest error
    * Fix some connection issues
    * [FIX] Search rooms (#468)
    * Bump version to 1.3.3 (#469)
    * Connecting to DDP badge (#471)
    * Display custom fields on user info (#476)
    * Render custom fields on user info
    * renderCustomFields fix
    * Display custom fields in user info
    * Fix lint error
    * [FIX] DDP badge wasn't hiding on fast connections (#477)
    * Use Rocket.Chat JS SDK (#481)
    * JS SDK
    * API working
    * Multiple servers
    * Bump version to 1.4.0 (#482)
    * [FIX] 2FA and LDAP (#488)
    * [FIX] Unread rooms group order (#487)
    * Use grouping setting on temp messages (#486)
    * [FIX] Delete room error (#485)
    * Rename to Rocket.Chat Experimental (#483)
    * Update dependencies (#484)
    * Bump version to 1.4.0 (#482)
    * test
    * one more test
    * Fix build
    * Regression: Wait for unmount to delete database after logout (#489)
    * Bump version to 1.4.1 (#490)
    * Regression: Crash on Android search (#492)
    * Bump version to 1.4.2 (#493)
    * Update Rocket.Chat.js.SDK (#494)
    * Bump version to v1.4.3 (#495)
    * [FIX] OAuth (#496)
    * Smaller header icons inside the room (#499)
    * [FIX] Logout (#497)
    * [FIX] Logout
    * Removed realm instances on rooms list
    * Bump version to 1.4.4 (#498)
    * Update navigation library (#501)
    * v2
    * Working on Android 0.57.3
    * Drawer working
    * Removing v1 navigator
    * - Splash screen
    - Icons changed
    * Deeplink
    * Remove EventEmitter from CreateChannelView
    * Android search
    * Android notifications
    * OAuth
    * Fix search props
    * Lint and tests fixed
    * Fix android build
    * Improvements on iPhone X* usage
    * Fix detox
    * Fix android build
    * Room.f added to RoomView.shouldComponentUpdate
    * Animations on RoomsListView and RoomView
    * Fix topbar buttons on Android
    * Bump version to 1.5.0 (#503)
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY availability in CircleCI (#506)
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY in CircleCI
    * Remove config scripts
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY availability in CircleCI for iOS (#507)
    * [I18n] Add Simplified Chinese(zh-CN) locale (#505)
    * [FIX] iOS pop gesture not working properly (#509)
    * Check if lastMessage has an attachment and show "User sent an attachment" at RoomsList (#510)
    * [FIX] Messages not being loaded properly (#513)
    * Fetch avatar initials from server (#512)
    * Fix iOS pop gesture and open sidemenu gesture (#511)
    * Bump version to 1.5.1 (#516)
    * [NEW] Room header layout (#521)
    * Clear iOS notification on resume/open (#520)
    * [FIX] Flashing avatars on Android after #512 (#519)
    * [FIX] App connects to previous server instead of the recent added (#518)
    * [FIX] Room view header crashes when destructuring reducer (#523)
    * [FIX] Dismiss keyboard on room close (#530)
    * [FIX] Composer composer's send icon slowness (#528)
    * [WIP] New Authentication layout (#536)
    New Authentication layout
    * Regression: Resend messages with error (#532)
    * DDP Connection badge animation changed (#533)
    * [FIX] Upload buttons on Android (#541)
    * Bump version to 1.6.0 (#543)
    * I18n: Add missing translation of simplified Chinese (#539)
    * Update dependencies (#544)
    * AndroidManifest changes
    * Regression: Deep linking stopped working after react-native-navigation update (#549)
    * [FIX] Android stuck on splash screen after hardware back button is pressed (#550)
    * [FIX] Android stuck on splash screen after hardware button is pressed
    * Fix empty user at asyncstorage
    * Remove unused subscribe
    * [FIX] x-instance-id header prop is case insensitive (#551)
    * Bump version to 1.6.1 (#553)
    * [FIX] x-instance-id header prop is case insensitive
    * Use Rest API calls (#558)
    * Chats: Don't show group header if none of the filters is selected (#560)
    * [CHORE] Update Xcode image version on CircleCI (#561)
    * Bump version to 1.7.0 (#562)
    * [FIX] Load messages on notification tap (#564)
    * Use Rest API pt 2 (#568)
    * Room files
    * Pinned messages
    * Starred messages
    * Mentioned messages
    * Search messages
    * Bug fixes
    * Profile
    * Livechat
    * Block/unblock user
    * Erase room
    * Archive room
    * Remove unused method
    * Bug fix
    * [CHORE] Add hold step on CircleCI before TestFlight (#572)
    * [FIX] GET /info to check if it's a valid server instead of x-instance-id (#573)
    * Bump version to 1.7.1 (#574)
    * Unnecessary re-renders removed (#570)
    * shouldComponentUpdate
    * Rooms list shouldcomponentupdate
    * RoomView shouldComponentUpdate
    * Messagebox and Message shouldComponentUpdate
    * EmojiPicker shouldComponentUpdate
    * RoomActions shouldComponentUpdate
    * Room info shouldComponentUpdate
    * Update RNN
    * Use only one Flatlist if none group filter is selected
    * Update fix
    * shouldComponentUpdate
    * Bug fixes
    * ListView changes
    * Bug fix
    * render list bug fix
    * Changes on public channels
    * - RoomView saga leak removed
    - Join room e2e tests added
    * Rest versions
    * Method call versions
    * Min RocketChat version alert
    * Update dependencies (#587)
    * [FIX] Better message actions (#567)
    * [FIX] Back button press on message actions (#592)
    * Bump version to 1.8.0 (#595)
    * [FIX] LDAP login (#596)
    * Create class to manage navigation (#594)
    * Add Navigation class
    * Place Drawer.js logic inside of Navigation
    * Load less views at startup
    * [FIX] v1.8.0 (#599)
    * Downgrade react-native-fast-image
    * Update iOS permission usage descriptions
    * [FIX] Delete upload item
    * Update JS SDK version (#602)
    * Add Icons class (#611)
    Creates Icons class to manage when to load icons from native side or react-native-vector-icons.
    It also fixes `react-native run-android` #517
    * Updating room indicator (#609)
    Shows "Updating..." when requesting rooms from Rest API.
    * [FIX] Load avatar on servers that prevent unauthenticated avatar access (#604)
    App would show an empty space on servers that require authentication on avatar access
    * [FIX] 2FA login in a server with LDAP enabled (#612)
    * [FIX] Start loop searching for rooms updates only when connection goes down and SDK has userId (#613)
    * Allow to create empty channel (#615)
    * [FIX] Reply title should break text (#616)
    * Bump version to 1.9.0 (#617)
    * [FIX] SDK issues (#621)
    * Remove listeners from room
    * Properly close connections on change server
    * Minor layout change on connecting badge
    * [CHORE] Add TestFlight invite and update Readme (#623)
    * [FIX] npm -> yarn dependencies migration (#622)
    * I18n: Add French (#629)
    * [FIX] Remove rooms listener (#630)
    * [CHORE] Update issue template (#638)
    * I18n: Add German (#641)
    * Bump version to 1.10.0 (#644)
    * [FIX] Prevent mass is typing dispatchs (#651)
    * [FIX] Handle database errors properly (#650)
    * [FIX] Change actions labels (#654)
    * [FIX] Room members filter (#655)
    * [FIX] uploadProgress is not a function (#656)
    * [FIX] Slow messagebox (#658)
    * Remove drawer (#653)
    * Remove drawer (layout needs to be changed in future releases, though)
    * Don't navigate outside on logout if there's other logged server
    * Update react-native-navigation
    * Message button (#660)
    * Remove touchable opacity when scrolling messages
    * Tap on disable messages closes keyboard
    * Unify vibration
    * Vibrate only on Android
    * [FIX] Fetch rooms date (#662)
    * [FIX] Select emoji error (#666)
    * Update Realm to 2.24 (#667)
    * Update React Native to 0.58.6 (#668)
    * [FIX] Fix some language issues in German language (#664)
    * New icons (#643)
    * New Icons
    * Remove unused assets
    * Change send icon
    * Layout tweaks
    * Refactor Status
    * Styles changed
    * User layout fix
    * Separator layout changes
    * Sidebar status layout fix
    * Fix Message.onLongPress issue
    * Fix code markdown
    * Status lint
    * Fix tests
    * Navigation debounce
    * RoomActions icons
    * Space between components
    * Group text
    * Update tests
    * [CHORE] Remove .debug suffix on Android (#681)
    * [FIX] Fix null native Messagebox component object (#680)
    * Fix null native Messagebox component object
    * [iOS] Fix header alignment
    * Remove unused files
    * Switch to react-navigation (#687)
    * Update readme (#714)
    * Bump to 1.10.1 (#731)
    * [FIX] Deep linking between multiple logged servers (#730)
    * Fix handle invisible status (#692)
    * I18n: Add Portuguese (Portugal) (#722)
    * [FIX] Show ActivityIndicator in RoomMembersView (#686)
    * Bump version to 1.11.0 (#761)
    * Migrate from GCM to FCM (#760)
    * [NEW] Scrollable room name feature (#756)
    * [NEW] Scroll down floating button (#735)
    * [CHORE] Added Storybook documentation (#757)
    * Use FlatList in RoomView (#762)
    * [FIX] iOS requiring location permission (#768)
    * Room item layout (#771)
    * [NEW] Draft message per room (#772)
    * [FIX] Add Realm.safeAddListener (#785)
    * [CHORE] Remove tvOS target (#779)
    * [NEW] Discussions (#696)
    * Bump version to 1.12.0 (#804)
    * [NEW] Threads (#798)
    * RoomsListView improvements (#819)
    * [FIX] Giphy not showing (#810)
    * [FIX] Apply emojify on empty texts (#824)
    * Lock drawer when stack is not on root screen (#825)
    * Room item layout (#835)
    * [FIX] Threads (#838)
    Closes #826
    Closes #827
    Closes #828
    Closes #829
    Closes #830
    Closes #831
    Closes #832
    Closes #833
    * [FIX] Smaller thread title (#846)
    * [FIX] Smaller thread title
    * Remove markdown notation from thread title
    * On message press debounce
    * Align vertical thread title
    * [Regression] Search stopped working on Android after LastMessage refactor (#851)
    * Load legal pages from web (#849)
    * Update fetch permissions api (#850)
    * Update custom emojis endpoint (#852)
    * Update emoji endpoint
    * Use React.memo on Markdown
    * Support RC versions lower than 0.75.0
    * Realm migration
    * Fetch roles from rest api (#853)
    * Fetch roles from rest api
    * Fix RoomInfoView role get
    * Remove roles from redux
    * Bump version to 1.13 (#857)
    * Active users improvements (#855)
    * Remove connection badge (#862)
    * Connecting indicator on RoomsListView header
    * Connecting indicator on RoomView header
    * Remove ConnectionBadge
    * Show updating on RoomView load messages
    * Update dependencies (#863)
    * Minor updates
    * Update jsc-android
    * Update react-native-modal
    * Minor updates
    * Update react-native-fast-image
    * Minor dev updates
    * Few major updates
    * Update react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view
    * Update pods
    * Update android-support
    * Update tests
    * Remove duplicated getRoleDescription function (#866)
    * [FIX] Load local URL image (#871)
    * [FIX] Toggle/follow thread icon (#867)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages layout (#858)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages
    * Update tests
    * Fix quote
    * Prevent from deleting thread start message when positioned inside the thread
    * Remove thread listener from RightButtons
    * Fix error on thread start parse
    * Stop parsing threads on render
    * Check replied thread only if necessary
    * Fix messages don't displaying
    * Fix threads e2e
    * RoomsListView.updateState slice
    * Stop fetching hidden messages on threads
    * Set initialNumToRender to 5
    * [FIX] Check if room is mounted before setting state (#864)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages
    * Update tests
    * Fix quote
    * Prevent from deleting thread start message when positioned inside the thread
    * Remove thread listener from RightButtons
    * Fix error on thread start parse
    * Stop parsing threads on render
    * Check replied thread only if necessary
    * Fix messages don't displaying
    * Fix threads e2e
    * RoomsListView.updateState slice
    * Stop fetching hidden messages on threads
    * Check if RoomView is mounted before rendering
    * Refactor navigation events on RoomsListView
    * Fix lint
    * Fix listener
    * [FIX] Typing not getting cleared after popping a room (#873)
    * [CHORE] Remove e2e tests from CI (#875)
    * [FIX] Remove listeners on RoomView header unmount (#874)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1055)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨 Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1082)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨 Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Swipe animations (#1044)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive (#1049)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * [i18n] Add missing de translations (#1040)
    * [CHORE] Switch to react-native-localize (#1043)
    * Bump version to 1.17.0 (#1057)
    * Load views as needed (#1056)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Change "resend" icon position (#1048)
    * [NEW] Video support (#801)
    * [NEW] File upload (#882)
    * [NEW] Share extension (#942)
    * [FIX] Share extension CI build (#1060)
    * Change bundleID
    * Provisioning
    * get provisioning profile
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reusable toast (#1065)
    * [FIX] Moment locales (#1066)
    * [FIX] Share Extension issues (#1064)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1077)
    * Merge branch 'master' into develop (#1079)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1080)
    * Create utils to media (canUpload)
    * Fix variable name
    * [CHORE] Update README (#1081)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1088)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨
     Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Swipe animations (#1044)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive (#1049)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * [i18n] Add missing de translations (#1040)
    * [CHORE] Switch to react-native-localize (#1043)
    * Bump version to 1.17.0 (#1057)
    * Load views as needed (#1056)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Change "resend" icon position (#1048)
    * [NEW] Video support (#801)
    * [NEW] File upload (#882)
    * [NEW] Share extension (#942)
    * [FIX] Share extension CI build (#1060)
    * Change bundleID
    * Provisioning
    * get provisioning profile
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reusable toast (#1065)
    * [FIX] Moment locales (#1066)
    * [FIX] Share Extension issues (#1064)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1077)
    * Merge branch 'master' into develop (#1079)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1080)
    * Create utils to media (canUpload)
    * Fix variable name
    * [CHORE] Update README (#1081)
    * [FIX] Media share type (#1086)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1142)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1174)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1282)
    * Merge beta into master (#1461)
    * Merge beta into master (#1637)
    * Merge beta into master (#1759)
    * Merge beta into master (#1897)
    * [FIX] Close SortDropdown on sort select (#1230)
    * [FIX] Cancel upload and check failed upload (#1232)
    * [FIX] Slash commands not cleaning is typing and not using state (#1233)
    * [FIX] Dispatch roomsRequest on app foreground event even if not connected (#1234)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet (#1235)
    * [FIX] Regex on run slash command (#1223)
    * Update React Native to 0.61.1 (#1236)
    * Update React Native to 0.61.1
    * Update patch to SSL Pinning
    * Revert storybook
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-safe-area-view (#1219)
    * [FIX] Try/catch JSON.parse XHR response (#1238)
    * [FIX] Change messagebox icon immediate on change text (#1241)
    * [FIX] Update last open on message stream received (#1240)
    * [FIX] Remove animation from RoomsListView.willFocus (#1239)
    * [FIX] Delete message on thread (#1214)
    * [REGRESSION] Markdown text (#1242)
    * [FIX] Jest (#1243)
    * [FIX] Avatar shown when useRealName is activated (#1162)
    * Fix avatar when use real name
    * Wrong indentation
    * [DOCS] Add (#1244)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-reanimated to 1.3.0 (#1246)
    * [FIX] Run credentials migration only once (#1245)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet to 2.0.1 (#1249)
    * [FIX] Messagebox onChangeText issues (#1252)
    * Stop ongoing debounces on messagebox unmount
    * Immediately change send icon, but keep debouncing others
    * Make CustomEmoji stateless function
    * Fix mentions keyExtractor
    * [FIX] Room subscription issues (#1255)
    * [FIX] Reaction press (#1258)
    * [FIX] Channel avatars not showing after application unloads (#1264)
    * Revert react-native-safe-area-view (#1265)
    * [FIX] Remove console on production mode (#1268)
    * [FIX] Messages preview issues (#1257)
    * [FIX] Select user from native credentials (#1266)
    * [FIX] Some issues on preview message (#1271)
    * [FIX] Audio player track and thumb not rendering on Android (#1273)
    * [FIX] Record audio message throws exception when FileSystem.getInfoAsync is called (#1272)
    * [FIX] China shouldn't use CallKit (#1274)
    * [FIX] Watermelon batches (#1277)
    * Bump version to 1.20.1 (#1285)
    * [CHORE] Remove memoize-one (#1284)
    * [FIX] End Jitsi call on unmount (#1291)
    * [FIX] Allow self-signed certificates (#1310)
    * [FIX] Set User-Agent  (#1318)
    * Set User-Agent Fetch & Websocket & XHR
    * Set User-Agent
    * Custom User Agent on fetch/websocket
    * Fix names
    * Use DeviceInfo
    * fix server with subpath (#1322)
    * [FIX] Server with https:\\ instead of https:// (#1320)
    * [FIX] Server dropdown not closing after changing stack (#1299)
    * [FIX] Invalid server version (#1319)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Respect "Hide counter" preference (#1306)
    * [FIX] Pass isFocused as a function to Messagebox (#1309)
    * [CHORE] Remove icons folder (#1290)
    * [CHORE] Refactor RoomItem touchable (#1331)
    * [FIX] Unnecessary rerender on RoomItem when status is undefined (#1336)
    * [UPDATE DEPS] react-navigation and react-navigation-stack (#1337)
    * [FIX] Avatars not loading on share extension when Accounts_AvatarBlockUnauthenticatedAccess is enabled (#1339)
    * Bump version to 1.20.2 (#1340)
    * [FIX] Remove some unnecessary re-renders on Messagebox (#1341)
    * [REGRESSION] Use LayoutAnimation instead of Transition API (#1338)
    * [FIX] Remove setState from notifications view causing watermelon object to be updated outside an action (#1342)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Save last message as message when subscription is updated (#1344)
    * [UPDATE DEPS] Update RN to 0.61.3 (#1345)
    * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1346)
    * [CHORE] Remove react-native-scrollable-tab-view fork (#1352)
    * [FIX] URL preview (#1360)
    * [REGRESSION] Decrease list view memory size (#1361)
    * [FIX] Paste (#1350)
    * [CHORE] Update gems (#1365)
    * Bump version to 1.20.3 (#1366)
    * [FIX] Use Ruby 2.4 on TestFlight upload (#1368)
    * [FIX] Parse Urls (#1371)
    * [FIX] Parse image URL only if it's not empty (#1372)
    * [FIX] Load messages issues (#1373)
    * Bump version to 1.21.0 (#1376)
    * [FIX] Crowd login (#1381)
    * [FIX] Clicking user avatar in thread previews crashes app (#1363)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Error messages on connect (#1379)
    * [FIX] ProfileView input navigation error when custom fields aren't set (#1383)
    * [FIX] Batch server deletion on logout (#1382)
    * Bump app to 1.22.0 (#1387)
    * [FIX] Server Version (#1392)
    * Update patch and minor deps (#1386)
    * [FIX] Crash when open thread (#1395)
    * Bump version to 1.23.0 (#1394)
    * [I18N] Update ru.js (#1384)
    * [FIX] CAS building wrong URL (#1362)
    * [FIX] Delete messages (#1399)
    * [FIX] In-app notification showing wrong content on channels (#1400)
    * Bump version to 1.24.0 (#1404)
    * [FIX] Prevent server with whitespace (#1402)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Keyboard and content type on login (#1403)
    * [FIX] Messages stop loading (#1410)
    * [NEW] Tablet support (#1300)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Authentication via deep linking (#1418)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Markdown performance when identifying emoji only content (#1422)
    * [FIX] BackHandler remove random failing on development (#1423)
    * Bump version to 1.25.0 (#1424)
    * [CHORE] Update CI Xcode Image (#1430)
    * [FIX] Rooms grouping not working properly (#1435)
    * [FIX] Take a video (#1437)
    * [NEW] Themes (#1298)
    * [FIX] Share extension doesn't reconnect to previous selected server on Android (#1429)
    * [FIX] Init local settings on notification tap (#1438)
    * Bump version to 1.26.0 (#1450)
    * [FIX] Emoji parser not working on Hermes  (#1445)
    * [NEW] Enable Hermes (#1446)
    * [FIX] Automatic theme repeating (#1457)
    * [CHORE] Sync Experimental and Official app versions (#1458)
    * [DOCS] Update readme (#1459)
    * [FIX] Messages being sent but showing as temp status (#1469)
    * [FIX] Missing messages after reconnect (#1470)
    * [FIX] Few fixes on themes (#1477)
    * [I18N] Missing German translations (#1465)
    * Missing German translation
    * adding a missing space behind colon
    * added a missing space after colon
    * and another attempt to finally fix this – got confused by all the branches
    * some smaller fixes for the translation
    * better wording
    * fixed another typo
    * [FIX] Crash while displaying the attached image with http on file name (#1401)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Tap app and server version to copy to clipboard (#1425)
    * [NEW] Reply notification (#1448)
    * [FIX] Incorrect background color login on iPad (#1480)
    * [FIX] Prevent multiple tap on send (Share Extension) (#1481)
    * [NEW] Image Viewer (#1479)
    * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1485)
    * [FIX] Jitsi with Hermes Enabled (#1523)
    * [FIX] Draft messages not working with themed Messagebox (#1525)
    * [FIX] Go to direct message from members list (#1519)
    * [FIX] Make SAML wait for idp token instead of creating it on client (#1527)
    * [FIX] Server Test Push Notification (#1508)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update to new server response (#1509)
    * [FIX] Insert messages with blank users (#1529)
    * Bump version to 4.2.1 (#1530)
    * [FIX] Error when normalizing empty messages (#1532)
    * [REGRESSION] CAS (#1570)
    * Bump version to 4.2.2 (#1571)
    * [FIX] Add username block condition to prevent error (#1585)
    * Bump version to 4.2.3
    * Bump version to 4.2.4
    * Bump version to 4.3.0 (#1630)
    * [FIX] Channels doesn't load (#1586)
    * [FIX] Channels doesn't load
    * [FIX] Update roomsUpdatedAt when subscriptions.length is 0
    * [FIX] Remove unnecessary changes
    * [FIX] Improve the code
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Make SAML to work on Rocket.Chat < 2.3.0 (#1629)
    * [NEW] Invite links (#1534)
    * [FIX] Set the http-agent to the form that Rocket.Chat requires for logging (#1482)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] "Following thread" and "Unfollowed Thread" is hardcoded and not translated (#1625)
    * [FIX] Disable reset button if form didn't changed (#1569)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Header title of RoomInfoView (#1553)
    * [I18N] Gallery Permissions DE (#1542)
    * [FIX] Not allow to send messages to archived room (#1623)
    * [FIX] Profile fields automatically reset (#1502)
    * [FIX] Show attachment on ThreadMessagesView (#1493)
    * [NEW] Wordpress auth (#1633)
    * [CHORE] Add Start Packager script (#1639)
    * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5 (#1638)
    * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5
    * [CHORE] Update react-native patch
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * Bump version to 4.3.1 (#1641)
    * [FIX] Change force logout rule (#1640)
    * Bump version to 4.4.0 (#1643)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use MessagingStyle on Android Notification (#1575)
    * [NEW] Request review (#1627)
    * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomView (#1657)
    * [FIX] Unsubscribe from room (#1655)
    * [FIX] Server with subdirs (#1646)
    * [NEW] Clear cache (#1660)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Memoize and batch subscriptions updates (#1642)
    * [FIX] Disallow empty sharing (#1664)
    * [REGRESSION] Use HTTPS links for sharing and markets protocol for review (#1663)
    * [FIX] In some cases, share extension doesn't load images (#1649)
    * [i18n] DE translations for new invite function and some minor fixes (#1631)
    * [FIX] Remove duplicate jetify step (#1628)
    minor: also remove 'cd' calls
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] Read messages (#1666)
    * [i18n] German translations missing (#1670)
    * [FIX] Notifications crash on older Android Versions (#1672)
    * [i18n] Added Dutch translation (#1676)
    * [NEW] Omnichannel Beta (#1674)
    * [NEW] Confirm logout/clear cache (#1688)
    * [I18N] Add es-ES language  (#1495)
    * [NEW] UiKit Beta (#1497)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use reselect (#1696)
    * [FIX] Notification in Android API level less than 24 (#1692)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Send tmid on slash commands and media (#1698)
    * [FIX] Unhandled action on UIKit (#1703)
    * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomsList (#1701)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reset app when language is changed (#1702)
    * [FIX] Small fixes on UIKit (#1709)
    * [FIX] Spotlight (#1719)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-image-crop-picker (#1712)
    * [FIX] Messages Overlapping (Android) and MessageBox Scroll (iOS) (#1720)
    * [REGRESSION] Remove @ and # from mention (#1721)
    * [NEW] Direct message from user info (#1516)
    * [FIX] Delete slash commands (#1723)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hold URL to copy (#1684)
    * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes (#1724)
    * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes
    * Upload sourcemaps after build
    * [REVERT] Show emoji keyboard on Android (#1738)
    * [FIX] Stop logging react-native-image-crop-picker (#1745)
    * [FIX] Prevent toast ref error (#1744)
    * [FIX] Prevent reaction map error (#1743)
    * [FIX] Add missing calls to user info (#1741)
    * [FIX] Catch room unsubscribe error (#1739)
    * [i18n] Missing German keys (#1735)
    * [FIX] Missing i18n on MessagesView title (#1733)
    * [FIX]  UIKit Modal: Weird behavior on Android Tablet (#1742)
    * [i18n] Missing key on German (#1747)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add Italian (#1736)
    * [CHORE] Improve (#2390)
    * Bump version to 4.11.0 (#2392)
    * [i18n] Update fr.js (#2380)
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    * Update fr.js
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Add to internal lane instead of alpha (#2400)
    * [CHORE] Remove Google Services files from repo (#2405)
    * Android
    * iOS
    * [FIX] Fix broken StatusView on tablet (#2407)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * [FIX] REST for method calls not raising errors (#2408)
    * [FIX] REST for Method calls not raising erorrs
    * Remove unnecessary lint disable
    * [NEW] Encrypt user credentials and preferences (#2247)
    * install react-native-mmkv-storage
    * wip ios migration
    * change all js rn-user-defaults -> react-native-mmkv-storage
    * remove all rn-user-defaults native references (iOS)
    * android migration from rn-user-defaults to react-native-mmkv-storage
    * ios app group accessible mmkv
    * handle get errors
    * remove access of credentials from legacy native apps
    * remove data of user defaults
    * remove no longer necessary import
    * js mmkv encryption
    * run migration only once
    * reply from notification android
    * fix app group key access at native level ios
    * encrypt user credentials using a specific key
    * ios encrypt with random key
    * use a random key at the first encryption
    * encrypt migrated data on js land
    * remove unused function
    * reply notifications ios should be working
    * use fix instanceID
    * android ejson retrieve encrypted data
    * remove encryption migrated data for a while
    * encryption working between app and share extension
    * fix patch react-native-notifications
    * ssl pinning working using mmkv encrypted data
    * improve react-native-notifications
    * run encrypt migration data only once
    * fix build
    * fix patches magic string
    * fix mmkv id
    * mmkv -> userPreferences
    * fix instance id on android migration
    * cast our oldest sharedPreferences string into an object
    * revert log remove
    * create currentServer Rocket.Chat key
    * wrap mmkv api class
    * change the get logic
    * move userPreferences to lib
    * move encrypt migrated data to userPreferences class
    * check if the new object is new before insert
    * invalidate ci yarn cache
    * fix sort migration from android shared preferences
    * fix splashscreen forever
    * invalidate yarn cache
    * invalidate yarn cache
    * fix patch
    * Minor change
    * fix android notifications looking for wrong mmkv instance
    * Fix some issues on iOS mmkv native access
    * Remove unnecessary code
    * Fix notification reply and ssl pinning
    * WIP NotificationService use MMKV credentials
    * Add KeychainGroup
    * Notification idOnly get credentials from mmkv
    * Some fixes
    * Invalidate yarn cache
    * Pods
    * Use MMKVAppExtension on NotificationService
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use font icons on login services (#2412)
    * Replace font
    * Use CustomIcon
    * Remove native assets
    * [FIX] SharedPreferences data migration (#2413)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Move directory to header (#2414)
    * [FIX] Android crashing on receive a notification (#2415)
    * [NEW] User notification preferences (#2403)
    * Button to preferences view
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Create screen to preferences and listItem to notifications
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Refactoring NotificationPreferencesView
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * List notification preferences
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Adding translations to labels
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * SetUserPreferences api call
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Saving new user preference in API
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix lint
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Add in-app notification test
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix in app mentions preference
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Improve object in testInAppNotification
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Removing improper options for NotificationpreferencesView
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Adding API version
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Use redux in UserNotificationPrefView
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Remove in app test
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Use components from another view
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Removing verification for testing in-app notifications
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Move to ProfileView
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Verify Enterprise status on Omnichannel (#2399)
    * Add enterpriseModules on Redux
    * Fetch enterprise modules and put on redux
    * hasLicense
    * Clear modules
    * Hide omnichannel rooms
    * Minor refactor
    * Hide omnichannel toggle
    * Check license on user status
    * Apply on search
    * lint
    * Look for 'livechat-enterprise'
    * One module is enough to enable the features
    * Unhide omnichannel rooms
    * Sort tweaks
    * Move omnichannel toggle to RoomsListView
    * Remove omnichannel toggle from SettingsView
    * Fix toggle
    * Ask to enable omnichannel
    * Lint
    * Fix issues found on review
    * [FIX] Change some icons (#2419)
    * [FIX] User Preferences (#2418)
    * [FIX] User Preferences
    * PreferencesView -> UserPreferencesView
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Customize Sign in with Apple button (#2420)
    * [Snyk] Security upgrade lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.20 (#2416)
    The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Add to F-Droid (#2171)
    * create play and foss build
    * update package.json to generate each build
    * check1
    * requested changes
    * initial commit
    * Update config.yml
    * minor changes
    * remove bugsnag from foss build
    * remove bugsnag tasks from foss job
    * fix stuck screen
    * fixes
    * update
    * fix lint
    * finalise 🚀
    * requested changes
    * share app for fdroid
    * update
    * use negation for builds
    * requested change
    * update share app
    * fix issues due to latest sync
    * add extra line
    * fix lint
    * update
    * update
    * fix bugsnag issue
    * Update config.yml
    * Fix store url
    * Foss release instead of debug
    * Add hold for foss
    * Fix build
    * requested changes
    * update name and icons
    * update
    * fix
    * Revert "Bump version to 4.11.0 (#2392)"
    This reverts commit ea287980
    * finalise
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Commit pods after #2171 (#2424)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add subscription and room events on the same batch queue (#2423)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add subscription and room events on the same batch queue
    * Send both params
    * Unused var
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Show "Chats in Progress" group (#2425)
    * [NEW] Logout from other logged in locations (#2386)
    * Logout from other logged in locations
    * Add UI feedback for the request result
    * Refactor request to use the proper REST API
    * Change backgroundColor
    * I18n
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App can't reopening a room in some cases (#2429)
    * [FIX] Logout from custom oauth (#2377)
    * New field in table of users
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Saving when the user logged in with email and password
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Saving login method info
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Ask for the user to clear cookies
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix lint
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Removing loginMethod from redux and add I18n
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Using async/await instead of then/catch
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix lint
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Pods
    * Added dismissText on showConfirmationAlert
    * Fix iOS
    * Rename function
    * I18n tweaks
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Wrong date and time shown in file section (#2409)
    * Adding missing prop to item object
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Resolving the missing date in the files section in a more elegant way
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Using ts attribute always inside of an item object
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Verify useRealName setting on files screen (#2427)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Apply theme on Directory description (#2428)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Wrong merge resolution after #2171 (#2431)
    * [FIX] Upload to internal looking for the wrong path after #2171 (#2432)
    * [FIX] Detox tests (#2433)
    * Spotlight issues
    * Fix room tests
    * Fix roomactions tests
    * [FIX] Crashlytics reportError not working after #2171 (#2436)
    * [FIX] Logout from custom oauth when using password (#2435)
    * [FIX] Logout from custom oauth when using password
    * Remove an useless const
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Move toggle and inquiry to Enterprise Edition license (#2426)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Move toggle and inquiry to Enterprise
    * Move inquiry stream to ee
    * Emit inquiry subscribe
    * imports to ee last
    * Add readme to ee
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [CHORE] App Group path as a iOS constant (#2439)
    * [FIX] Chrome debugging
    * Remove rn-fetch-blob
    * [CHORE] Use Rocket.Chat JS SDK's official repo (#2440)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Disable HTTP for production on Android (#2357)
    * Only enable HTTP and user CAs on debug builds and
    * Allow User CAs in prod
    * Add config on debug
    * Add lint
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] E2E Encryption (#2394)
    * Add E2EKey to Subscription Model
    * Install react-native-simple-crypto
    * Install bytebuffer
    * Add translations
    * CreateChannel Encrypted toggle
    * Request E2E_Enabled setting
    * Add some E2E API methods
    * POC E2E Encryption
    * Garbage remove
    * Remove keys cleaner
    * Android cast JWK -> PKCS1
    * Initialize E2E when Login Success
    * Add some translations
    * Add e2e property to Message model
    * Send Encrypted messages
    * (iOS) PKCS1 -> JWK & e2e.setUserPublicAndPrivateKeys
    * (Android) PKCS1 -> JWK & e2e.setUserPublicAndPrivateKeys
    * Create an encrypted channel
    * Fix app crashing on RoomsList
    * Create room key
    * Set Room E2E Key (Android)
    * Edit room encrypted
    * Show encrypted icon on messages
    * logEvents
    * Decrypt pending subscriptions & messages
    * Handle user cancel e2e password entry
    * E2ESavePasswordView
    * Update Snapshot
    * Add encrypted props to message on Send
    * Thread messages encryption
    * E2E -> Encryption
    * Share Extension: Share encrypted text
    * (POC) Search messages on Encrypted room
    * Provide room key to new users
    * Request roomKey on stream-notify-room-users
    * Add e2eKeyId to Room Model
    * (WIP) E2E Encryption Screens
    * Remove encryption subscription file
    * Move E2E_Enable to Server Model
    * Encryption List Banner
    * Move Encryption init to Sagas
    * Show banner only when enabled
    * Use RocketChat/react-native-simple-crypto
    * Search on WM only when is an Encrypted channel
    * (WIP) Encryption Banner
    * Encryption banner
    * Patch -> Fork
    * Improve send encrypted message
    * Update simple-crypto
    * Not decrypt already decrypted messages
    * Add comments
    * Change eslint disable to inline
    * Improve code
    * Remove comment
    * Some fixes
    * (WIP) Encryption Screens
    * Improve sub find
    * Resend an encrypted message
    * Fix comment
    * Code improvements
    * Hide e2e buttons on features if it is not enabled
    * InApp notifications of a encrypted room
    * Encryption stop logic
    * Edit encrypted message
    * DB batch on decryptPending
    * Encryption ready client
    * Comments
    * Handle getRoomInstance errors
    * Multiple messages decrypt
    * Remove unnecessary try/catch
    * Fix decrypt all messages history
    * Just add a questionmark
    * Fix some subscriptions missing decrypt
    * Disable request key logic
    * Fix unicode emojis
    * Fix e2ekey request
    * roomId -> subscription
    * Decrypt subscription after merge
    * E2ERoom -> EncryptionRoom
    * Fix infinite loading
    * Handle import key errors
    * Handle request key errors
    * Move e2eRequestRoomKey to Rocket.Chat
    * WIP handshake when key should be requested
    * Add search messages explanation
    * Remove some TODO and update comments
    * Improvements
    * Dont show message hash to user
    * Handle key request & prevent multiple calls
    * Request E2EKey on decryptSubscription that doesn't exists on database yet
    * Insert decrypted subscription
    * Fix crash after login
    * Decrypt sub when receive the key
    * Decrypt pending messages of a room
    * Encrypted as a switch
    * Buffer to Base64 URI Safe
    * Add a relevant comment
    * Prevent import key without a privateKey
    * Prevent create a new instance when client is not ready
    * Update simple-crypto & remove replace trick
    * More comments
    * Remove useless comment
    * Remove useless try/catch
    * I18n all E2E screens
    * E2ESavePassword -> E2ESaveYourPassword
    * Prevent multiple views on message when is not encrypted
    * Fix encryption toggle not working sometimes
    * follow some suggestions
    * dont rotate icons
    * remove unnecessary condition
    * remove unreachable event
    * create channel comment
    * disable no-bitwise rule for entire file
    * loadKeys -> persistKeys
    * getMasterKey -> generateMasterKey
    * explicit difference between E2EKey & e2eKeyId
    * roomId -> rid
    * group columns
    * Remove server selector
    * missing log events
    * remove comment
    * use stored public key
    * update simple-crypto & remove base64-js patch
    * add some logs
    * remove unreachable condition
    * log errors
    * handle errors on provide key directly on subscription
    * Downgrade RocketChat/react-native-simple-crypto
    * improve get room instance
    * migration of older apps
    * check encrypted status before send a message
    * wait client ready
    * use our own base64-js
    * add more jest tests
    * explain return
    * remove unncessary stop
    * thrown error to caller
    * remove superfluous checks
    * use Encryption property
    * change ready state logic
    * ready -> establishing
    * -> encryptionRoom
    * EncryptionRoom -> Room
    * add documentation
    * wait establishing before provide a room key
    * remove superfluous condition
    * improve error handling logic
    * fallback e2ekey set
    * remove no longer necessary check
    * remove e.g.
    * improve getRoomInstance
    * import from index
    * use batch
    * fix a comment
    * decrypt tmsg
    * dont show hash when message is encrypted
    * Fix detox
    * Apply suggestions from code review
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update run-ios and run-android scripts (#2450)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Show errors on server enter (#2449)
    * Catching errors
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Show errors on server enter
    * "Not rc server" instead of "invalid or insecure url" msg
    * [NEW] Show server history (#2421)
    * Add dropdown
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Adding new table to serverSchema
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Saving if not exists
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * list of visited servers finished
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Fix lint
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * Rename ServerLinks to ServersHistory
    * Refactor
    * Save username
    * Sort servers desc
    * ServerInput
    * Item
    * Refactor
    * Layout tweaks
    * Layout
    * query by text
    * Small refactor
    * Redirecting to login
    * Save username for oauth
    * Fix keyboard persist
    * Add tests
    * Unnecessary yield
    * Stop rendering FlatList logic when there's no servers on history
    * Dismiss keyboard and autocomplete when tapped outside server TextInput
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Toggle analytics events (#2422)
    * Create flow to toggle analytics events on memory
    * Persist toggle analytics events
    * Update crash report to contemplate analytics events
    * Minor tweaks
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Local database searches using non-latin characters (#2462)
    * [FIX] Local database searches using non-latin characters
    * Add tests
    * [FIX] Read receipt crashing in some cases (#2464)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add "Allow_Save_Media_to_Gallery" setting (#2459)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add "Allow_Save_Media_to_Gallery" setting
    * Default true for old servers
    * [FIX] Jitsi breaking changes (#2468)
    * [FIX] Jitsi breaking changes
    * Update yarn cache
    * Update WatermelonDB to 0.19.0 (#2469)
    * [FIX] Jitsi breaking changes
    * Update yarn cache
    * Update watermelon to 0.19
    * [FIX] SanitizeLikeString util crashes for empty strings (#2471)
    * [i18n] Add Traditional Chinese (zh_TW)  (#2465)
    * I18n: Add Traditional Chinese language file(zh_TW)
    * Minor fixes
    * I18n: Add missing translation and fix some weird words
    * fix escape char
    * Fix minor issues
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18n] Improve Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) (#2466)
    * I18n: Improve Simplified Chinese(zh_CN) language file
    * I18n: Add missing translation
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Simplify i18n files (#2472)
    * [FIX] Remove assets from share extension on iOS (#2473)
    * [CHORE] Change database location to Experimental Apps (#2483)
    * change database location of experimental apps
    * fix migration from older versions
    * [FIX] WatermelonDB caching Date as String (#2484)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] E2E Encryption push (Android) (#2481)
    * poc push encryption android
    * eof
    * format code
    * react-native-simple-crypto update
    * prevent find sub twice
    * remove storage and use ejson storage
    * invalidate yarn cache
    * Bump crypto and fix db path
    * Fix google-services path
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Language set by web client (#2488)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Improve Chinese translation (zh-TW, zh-CN) (#2486)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add missing italian strings (#2487)
    fix some existing ones too
    * [NEW] E2E Encryption push (iOS) (#2463)
    * link pods to notification service
    * push encryption poc
    * decrypt room key poc
    * read user key from mmkv and cast into a pkcs
    * push decrypt poc (iOS)
    * expose needed watermelon methods
    * watermelon -> database
    * indent & simple-crypto update
    * string extensions
    * storage
    * toBase64 -> toData
    * remove a forced unwrap
    * remove unused import
    * database driver
    * improvement
    * folder structure & watermelon bridge
    * more improvement stuff
    * watermelon -> database
    * reuse database instance
    * improvement
    * database fix: bypass watermelon cache
    * some code improvements
    * encryption instances
    * start api stuff
    * network layer
    * improve notification service
    * improve folder structure
    * watermelon patch
    * retry fetch logic
    * rocketchat class
    * fix try to decrypt without a roomKey
    * fallback to original content that is translated
    * some fixes to rocketchat logic
    * merge develop
    * remove unnecessary extension
    * [CHORE] Improve reply notification code (iOS)
    * undo sign changes
    * remove mocked value
    * import direct from library
    * send message request
    * reply notification with encrypted message working properly
    * revert apple sign
    * fix api onerror
    * trick to display sender name on group notifications
    * revert change
    * fix some multithread issues
    * use sendername sent by server
    * small improvement
    * Bump crypto lib
    * Update ios/NotificationService/NotificationService.swift
    * add experimental string
    * remove trailing slash
    * remove trailing slash on reply
    * fix decrypt messages
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] HTTP Basic Auth (#2490)
    * [FIX] Logout when install fresh Official and Experimental iOS app (#2493)
    * [FIX] Show images in iOS 14 (#2494)
    * [DOCS] Add Reactotron (#2498)
    * Update about the inspection tool for our app.
    Information about the Reactotron tool was missing in the contribution file.
    * Update
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] SSL Pinning stopped working after #2449 (#2510)
    * [CHORE] Reset yarn cache (#2512)
    * [FIX] Fastlane iOS (#2513)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add F-Droid modules as AdditionalModules (#2530)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add F-Droid modules as AdditionalModules
    * Fix missing import
    * [CHORE] Use App Store Connect API Key (#2549)
    * [CHORE] Use App Store Connect API Key
    * Update bundle
    * rollback keychain
    * Remove keychain
    * Keychain is actually needed
    * Update gitignore
    * [FIX] Failing iOS build on fork PR (#2558)
    * Fix fastlane build for a fork PR
    * Change the iOS fastlane command to build_fork
    * [FIX] Avatar cache invalidation (#2311)
    * [WIP] Avatar cache invalidation
    * [WIP] Avatar container
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Avatar container
    * [CHORE] Improve code
    * Allow static image on Avatar
    * Fix avatar changing while change username (#1583)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek93a <>
    * Add default props to properly update on Sidebar and ProfileView
    * Fix subscribing on the wrong moment
    * Storyshots update
    * RoomItem using Avatar Component
    * use iife to unsubscribe from user
    * Use component on avatar container
    * RoomItem as a React.Component
    * Move servers models to servers folder
    * Avatar -> AvatarContainer
    * Users indexed fields
    * Initialize author and check if u is present
    * Not was found -> User not found (turn comments more relevant)
    * RoomItemInner -> Wrapper
    * Revert Avatar Touchable logic
    * Revert responsability of LeftButton on Tablet Mode
    * Prevent setState on constructor
    * Run avatarURL only when its not static
    * Add streams RC Version
    * Move entire add user logic to result.success
    * Reorder init on RoomItem
    * onPress as a class function
    * Fix roomItem using same username
    * Add avatar Stories
    * Fix pick an image from gallery on ProfileView
    * get avatar etag on select users of create discussion
    * invalidate ci cache
    * Fix migration
    * Fix sidebar avatar not updating
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek93a <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Channel avatars (#2504)
    * [WIP] Avatar cache invalidation
    * [WIP] Avatar container
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Avatar container
    * [CHORE] Improve code
    * Allow static image on Avatar
    * Fix avatar changing while change username (#1583)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek93a <>
    * Add default props to properly update on Sidebar and ProfileView
    * Fix subscribing on the wrong moment
    * Storyshots update
    * RoomItem using Avatar Component
    * use iife to unsubscribe from user
    * Use component on avatar container
    * RoomItem as a React.Component
    * Move servers models to servers folder
    * Avatar -> AvatarContainer
    * Users indexed fields
    * Initialize author and check if u is present
    * Not was found -> User not found (turn comments more relevant)
    * RoomItemInner -> Wrapper
    * Revert Avatar Touchable logic
    * Revert responsability of LeftButton on Tablet Mode
    * Prevent setState on constructor
    * Run avatarURL only when its not static
    * Add streams RC Version
    * Move entire add user logic to result.success
    * Reorder init on RoomItem
    * onPress as a class function
    * Fix roomItem using same username
    * Add avatar Stories
    * Fix pick an image from gallery on ProfileView
    * Format Avatar URL to use RoomId.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * edit room avatar
    * invalidate cache of room images
    * reinit avatar if something change
    * read avatar cache on search
    * room avatar changed system message
    * add avatar by rid test
    * update snapshot
    * etag cache on select channel
    * reset room avatar
    * increase caching to have a better image quality
    * fix lgtm warn
    * invalidate ci cache
    * get avatar etag on select users of create discussion
    * invalidate ci cache
    * Fix migration
    * Fix sidebar avatar not updating
    * Remove outdated comment
    * Tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek93a <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarEzequiel De Oliveira <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] List Component (#2506)
    * List.Item
    * section
    * Start removing theme as prop
    * Remove StatusBar theme prop
    * SafeAreaView theme prop
    * Minor fixes
    * List.Container
    * Add translateTitle and translateSubtitle props
    * Storybook
    * Show action indicator
    * Header
    * Info
    * Theme stories
    * FlatList
    * DisplayName
    * Fix settings
    * FlatList tweaks
    * ThemeView
    * Screen Lock Config
    * DefaultBrowserView
    * PickerView and User Prefs
    * Notification Prefs
    * StatusView
    * Auto Translate
    * InviteUsersEdit
    * Visitor
    * Minor fixes
    * Remove Separator
    * Remove iteminfo
    * Font scale
    * Legal
    * Jitsi and e2e
    * Block
    * search, star, etc
    * auto translate and notifications
    * RoomInfo
    * Refactor RoomActions
    * lint
    * Remove DisclosureIndicator
    * padding horizontal 12
    * Detox
    * Tests
    * Address review comments
    * Fix vertical scroll
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [FIX] App always sends auth for Avatar requests (#2517)
    * [FIX] Sending auth for Avatar requests when not necessary
    * fix storybook
    * Fix ShareListView not updating avatars
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] iOS uploads always cropping as squares (#2516)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Mentions layout without background (#2559)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Mentions layout without background
    * Fix RoomItem
    * Fix tests
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Support badge number on header buttons (#2566)
    * Beginning header buttons refactor
    * Add HeaderButtons
    * item with title
    * Refactor
    * Remove lib
    * Refactor
    * Update snapshot
    * Refactor
    * Update tests
    * Lint
    * [NEW] Threads (#2567)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Mentions layout without background
    * Fix RoomItem
    * Fix tests
    * Smaller messagebox
    * Messagebox colors tweak
    * Beginning header buttons refactor
    * Add HeaderButtons
    * item with title
    * Refactor
    * Remove lib
    * Refactor
    * Update snapshot
    * Send to channel on messagebox
    * Add tshow
    * Add showMessageInMainThread to login.user reducer
    * Filter threads on main channel based on user setting
    * Send tshow
    * Add tunread
    * Move unread colors logic away from UnreadBadge component so it can be used on other components
    * Export UnreadBadge on index
    * Add empty test
    * Refactor
    * Update tests
    * Lint
    * Thread unread user and group on RoomItem
    * Thread badge working
    * Started ThreadMessagesView.Item
    * Fix separator
    * Reactivity working
    * Lint
    * custom emojis aren't necessary
    * Basic filter layout
    * Filtering layout
    * Refactor
    * apply filter
    * DropdownItemHeader
    * default all
    * few fixes
    * No data found
    * Fixes list performance issues
    * Use locale on date formats
    * Fixed minor styles
    * Thread badge
    * Refactor getBadgeColor
    * Fix send to channel background color
    * starting search threads
    * Fix lint and tests
    * Bump to 4.12.0 just for testing :)
    * Search input layout
    * query
    * starting threads header
    * fix unnecessary tlm on tmid messages
    * Fix thread header
    * lint
    * Fix thread header on ShareView
    * Add e2e tests
    * Fix subscriptions sort
    * Update stories and minor fixes
    * Fix button sizes on Messagebox
    * Remove comment
    * Unnecessary conditional
    * Add showMessageInMainThread to user collection
    * Fix thread header
    * Fix thread messages not working on tablet
    * Reset Messagebox.tshow after sending a message
    * Allow to send to channel when replying to a thread from main channel
    * Unnecessary theme prop
    * Address comments
    * Remove re-render
    * Fix scroll indicator bug
    * Fix style
    * Minor i18n fix
    * Fix dropdown height
    * I18n ptbr
    * I18n
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Android push notification as a heads-up notification (#2507)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add `Change Encryption Password` and `Reset E2E Key` (#2542)
    * init
    * Basic tests passing
    * Add SecurityPrivacyView
    * List.Item
    * section
    * Start removing theme as prop
    * Remove StatusBar theme prop
    * SafeAreaView theme prop
    * Minor fixes
    * List.Container
    * Add translateTitle and translateSubtitle props
    * Storybook
    * Show action indicator
    * Header
    * Info
    * Theme stories
    * FlatList
    * DisplayName
    * Fix settings
    * FlatList tweaks
    * ThemeView
    * Screen Lock Config
    * DefaultBrowserView
    * PickerView and User Prefs
    * Notification Prefs
    * StatusView
    * Auto Translate
    * InviteUsersEdit
    * Visitor
    * Minor fixes
    * Remove Separator
    * Remove iteminfo
    * Font scale
    * Legal
    * Jitsi and e2e
    * Block
    * search, star, etc
    * auto translate and notifications
    * RoomInfo
    * Refactor RoomActions
    * lint
    * Remove DisclosureIndicator
    * padding horizontal 12
    * Detox
    * Tests
    * SecurityPrivacy
    * E2E encryption sec view
    * stash
    * Reset own key
    * Reset key
    * Change password
    * Hide content
    * Small refactor
    * Fix tests
    * Tests passing
    * Change test order
    * add pt-br
    * Address review comments
    * tests
    * Missing i18n ptbr
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Branding update (#2580)
    * iOS native icons
    * Android native icons
    * Foss native icons
    * Experimental icon iOS
    * Experimental
    * Notification icon
    * Splash screen
    * Splash screen iOS
    * Blue notification text
    * Fix iOS Launch Screen Icon
    * Experimental and foss
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update Xcode to 12.1.0 (#2592)
    * [CHORE] Update Xcode to 12.1.0
    * Remove alpha from Xcode App Store Icon
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Auto search when text changes in directory textfield (#2547)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Rooms header overlapping right icons (#2503)
    takes into account long names on small screen which led to overlapping title and right buttons on the header bar
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Jitsi lean (#2534)
    * 2.10.2
    * update jitsi sdk
    * use our own react-native-jitsi-meet
    * use own android jitsi sdk
    * remove jsc reference
    * use self-builded ios sdk
    * update react-native-jitsi-meet
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] German word fix (#2598)
    Report in German means "The Report" not "to report". Therefor "Melden" ist better suited here.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Improve Chinese translation (#2570)
    * [FIX] App crashing when notification is received/replied (Android) (#2602)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Update react native CLI to support white labeling with XCode 12 (#2560)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add missing German strings (#2571)
    * adding missing German strings
    * resolving conflict
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] Avatars doesn't show up on older servers (< 3.6.0) (#2603)
    * [REGRESSION] Avatars doesn't show up on older servers (< 3.6.0)
    * fix: snapshots tests failing
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Missing locales in moment helper (#2562)
    * [i18n] Add missing Russian strings (#2555)
    * Added waiting for network string translate
    * [i18n] Add missing russian strings
    * Some E2E strings
    * [i18n] Add missing russian strings
    * Some grammatical changes and translate optimizations
    * Add english strings
    * Final translate
    Co-authored-by: default avatarКарлан Антон Андреевич <KarlanAA@global.bcs>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] 'Send to channel' when replying as a quote (#2606)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Android notification on Dark Theme using Official main color (#2604)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Storybook not able to import Avatar (#2607)
    * [FIX] Storybook not able to import Avatar
    * Fix lint
    * Mock
    * Fix RU translation
    * isLegacy -> serverVersion
    * Remove change avatar from room info edit for servers below 3.6
    * Mock for storyshots only
    * lint
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [BUG] App isn't showing message for PDF/file uploads (#2584)
    * Fixed the issue #2531
    In app/containers/message/Reply.js added a View Contaier around the
    Attachment Touchable and Added a Markdown attribute with msg set to
    description of attachment to display the message if any.
    * Added the condition to check if File Description Exists
    Added an if statement to check if file description exists and if yes
    then add a markdown with value msg equal to the description.
    Also tested using 'yarn test -u' to add/update the tests.
    * Made the requested Changes
    Removed the condition to check for attachment description.
    Added the `markdown` inside the touchable and wrapped `attachmentContainer` and the `markdown` inside a `<>` component
    * Added file not showing message issue code in this branch
    * Fixed the mistake in return
    * fix
    * Add tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Header title positioning not changing according to the number of icons (#2608)
    * [DOCS] Update Android Supported versions (#2611)
    * [i18n] Improve Russian translation (#2609)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] User notification preferences throwing an error when select default Email option (#2615)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] MomentJS crashing on Spanish language (#2616)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] AllowBackup manifest attribute causing unexpected behaviour on login (#2617)
    * [FIX] Search messages crashing when show a thread message (#2618)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] F-Droid build for store (#2557)
    * [FIX] F-Droid build for store
    * Trying to make Override custom push notifications on play build only
    * Use play sourceSets
    * Change version code
    * Fix react-native-config-reader
    * [FIX] F-Droid build for store
    * Trying to make Override custom push notifications on play build only
    * Use play sourceSets
    * Change version code
    * Fix react-native-config-reader
    * Remove react-native-device-info Google dependencies / Use LIBRE_BUILD of react-native-jitsi-meet
    * Invalidate CI Cache
    * Set specific jitsi-meet-sdk
    * Specify 2.10.0-libre
    * jitsi-meet using an url based on play build
    * update react-native-jitsi-meet
    * react-native-device-info foss
    * undo some unnecessary changes
    * Fix notifications
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * Merge beta into master (#2621)
    * Sync develop on master (#275)
    * Create LICENSE
    * Sync master (#721)
    * Merge 1.13.0 into Master (#936)
    * fix last messages (#239)
    * fix last messages
    * Room actions (#231)
    * Layout
    * Empty starred list
    * Favorite room
    * Pinned messages
    * fix last messages
    * fix date on pinned messages
    * fix package
    * [NEW] OAuth (#241)
    * Layout
    * tmp
    * test iscordova
    * Webview redirecting
    * Open and Close login actions
    * Login services saved on redux
    * OAuth Github
    * Server regex fix
    * OAuth modal style
    * - Twitter login
    - Remove services from redux
    - Open login saga fix
    * - Facebook login
    - Fixed user agent
    - Reactions fix
    - Message url unique key fix
    * Google login
    * Email keyboard removed from messagebox
    * - Login buttons refactored
    - RoomList header
    * Layout improvements
    * Meteor login redirect_uri changed
    * fix
    * Random credentialToken state
    * [NEW] Room actions: Mentioned messages and Room Members (#242)
    * Mentioned messages
    * Starred and pinned actions debounce
    * Room members
    * Open room on member touch
    * [WIP] Improves (#245)
    *  hotfix for ios
    *  hotfix for ios
    * Update config.yml
    * Workaround for RN 0.54 on iOS (#246)
    * Update iOS to RN 0.54 (#248)
    * Update iOS to RN 0.54
    * [WIP] Audio message functionality (#247)
    * [NEW] Add module react-native-audio
    * [WIP] Audio message basic UI
    * [NEW] Record audio message
    * Use cordova repository to get certificates
    * Icon 1024
    * [NEW] Room actions: block user, snippet messages, room files and leave room (#250)
    * - Block user
    - Load room members async
    - fixed reactive change of room's read only flag
    * Snippet messages
    * - Room files
    - Dismiss Video component on back button press
    - Improvements on Image component
    * Improvement on Video component
    * Leave room
    * Missing message types
    * lint
    * Reactotron working (#249)
    * [NEW] Room info and Room info edit (#254)
    * - Block user
    - Load room members async
    - fixed reactive change of room's read only flag
    * Snippet messages
    * - Room files
    - Dismiss Video component on back button press
    - Improvements on Image component
    * Improvement on Video component
    * Leave room
    * Missing message types
    * lint
    * - Room info (read only)
    - Missing message types
    * Room info scroll
    * - Tap on room header opens room info
    - Layout tweaks
    * - Room info edit
    - iOS Toast fixed
    * - Style not implemented actions as disabled
    * Edit room permission
    * - Save all room settings in a single call
    - Implemented roomType and readOnly
    * - Allow reacting when room is read only
    * Message type added: room_changed_privacy
    * Erase room
    * Created TextInput and SwitchContainer components for reuse and readability
    * - hasPermission method
    * - Archive/Unarchive room
    - Set Join Code
    * Twitter keyboard type on iOS
    * Archived room
    * reactWhenReadOnly permission on message
    * Active users refactored
    * User roles
    * - Subscribe to roles (in order to get role description info: e.g. 'core-team' to 'Rocket.Chat Team')
    - Save roles to realm (for offline access)
    - Save roles to redux (and get data from realm on app init)
    * Lint
    * code style
    * password show/hide feature
    * fix show/hide password
    * password show/hide
    * Crashlytics (#258)
    * Fabric iOS
    * Fabric configured on iOS and Android
    * login tracked
    * more logs
    * fix reaction
    * CI fix
    * Bug fixes (#261)
    * Layout fixes
    * RoomsListView's SafeAreaView
    * Unhandled promise rejection fix
    * Prevent navigation from opening scenes twice
    * Create channel fixes
    * Create LICENSE
    * Beta (#265)
    * Fabric iOS
    * Fabric configured on iOS and Android
    * - react-native-fabric configured
    - login tracked
    * README updated
    * Run scripts from README updated
    * README scripts
    * get rooms and messages by rest
    * user status
    * more improves
    * more improves
    * send pong on timeout
    * fix some methods
    * more tests
    * rest messages
    * Room actions (#266)
    * Toggle notifications
    * Search messages
    * Invite users
    * Mute/Unmute users in room
    * messages
    * Room topic layout fixed
    * Starred messages loading onEndReached
    * Room actions onEndReached
    * Unnecessary login request
    * Login loading
    * Login services fixed
    * User presence layout
    * ïmproves on room actions view
    * Removed unnecessary data from SelectedUsersView
    * load few messages on open room, search message improve
    * fix loading messages forever
    * Removed state from search
    * Custom message time format
    * secureTextEntry layout
    * Reduce android app size
    * Roles subscription fix
    * Public routes navigation
    * fix reconnect
    * - New login/register, login, register
    * proguard
    * Login flux
    * App init/restore
    * Android layout fixes
    * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
    * Nested attachments
    * Nested attachments
    * fix check status
    * New login layout (#269)
    * Public routes navigation
    * New login/register, login, register
    * Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
    * Nested attachments
    * Button component
    * TextInput android layout fixed
    * Register fixed
    * Thinner close modal button
    * Requests /me after login only one time
    * Static images moved
    * fix reconnect
    * fix ddp
    * fix custom emoji
    * New message layout (#273)
    * Grouping messages
    * Message layout
    * Users typing animation
    * Image  attachment layout
    * Fabric and image fix (#284)
    * Fixed images not showing
    * Keyboard libs updated
    * Fabric fix and location removed (#286)
    * Proguard disabled
    * message with list + links fixed (#288)
    * Better image cache component (#292)
    * react-native-img-cache removed
    * Improve list render
    * Support <http://link/Text> inside markdown
    * Deep linking (#291)
    * deep linking
    * Basic deep link working
    * Deep link routing
    * Multiple servers working
    * Send user to the room
    * Avatar initials and room type icon (#298)
    * Deep linking fix and more (#294)
    * Fix - Any https link was deep linking to RocketChat
    * Keyboard dismiss after add new server
    * Room info bug fix
    * Opacity animation
    * Navigation when adding server fixed
    * Throttle for unnecessary render on receiving several messages
    * Search inputs without autocorrect and autocapitalize
    * Search messages fixed
    * Messagebox unnecessary render and spotlight fixed
    * react-native-keyboard-input updated
    * Lint
    * Tests updated
    * Update all dependencies (#299)
    * Update react-navigation to the latest version 🚀 (#293)
    * fix(package): update react-navigation to version 2.0.0
    * Code updated to support breaking changes of react-navigation
    * Detox tests E2E (#283)
    * RoomsListView re-render (#304)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    - [x] Removed unnecessary re-renders on RoomsListView
    * [NEW] Broadcast channels (#301)
    * Broadcast channels
    * e2e tests
    * New markdown (#306)
    Our current markdown is causing a lot of issues on Android devices, since it wraps everything inside a Text component.
    On Android, Text doesn't support View as a child.
    This PR adds react-native-markdown-renderer, that uses View as wrapper and may be better.
    * Fixed audio recording issues (#310)
    * Fix for "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unexpected url" (#313)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    User was able to add an invalid instance of Rocket.Chat by pressing submit button instead of "Connect" button.
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * I18n (#312)
    * Unread and date separator layout improved (#319)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    - [x] Unread and date separator layout
    - [x] "Start of conversation"/"Loading messages" label
    ![screen shot 2018-05-30 at 18 10 43](
    ![screen shot 2018-05-30 at 18 09 05](
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] iOS Universal links (#318)
    * [NEW] Drawer (#322)
    * [FIX] invalid user muted value
    * Ddp fixes (#324)
    * [NEW] User Profile (#323)
    * Drawer layout
    * Drawer changes
    * Profile
    * Profile avatar
    * Set language
    * Tests
    * Custom fields
    * Readme updated
    * fix invalid user muted value
    * Fix for "Cannot add a child that doesn't have a YogaNode to a parent without a measure function! (Trying to add a 'RCTVirtualText' to a 'RCTView')"
    * Settings/Permissions improvements (#325)
    * Changed the way we read RocketChat settings since setting.type won't be returned from server anymore
    * Permissions
    * Unnecessary action sheet render
    * Update gradle and targetSdkVersion (#328)
    * Changed the way we read RocketChat settings since setting.type won't be returned from server anymore
    * Permissions
    * Unnecessary action sheet render
    * Update gradle
    * Switched testServer to use blob
    * RoomsListHeader search fixed
    * Runs loadMessagesForRoom only if room has at least 20 rows
    * - Logout if user's token expired
    - Removed update avatar logic
    - Profile dialog border on android
    * - Animations disabled
    - CircleCI set
    * Tests updated
    * "eventType argument is required" fix
    * Switch push notification lib (#346)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #342 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Allow x-instance-id and X-Instance-ID header (#354)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #137 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    Some server configurations may send x-instance-id header with different case.
    * Image upload improvements (#368)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    - [x] Crop image
    - [x] Type image description (like web)
    - [x] Show upload progress
    - [x] "Try again" in case of error
    - [x] Cancel upload while in progress
    - [x] [Android] Zoom on photos
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Room Loading(#372)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] Empty room name for livechat (#375)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #320 
    Closes #209 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Reply preview (#374)
    * Updated to React Native 0.56
    * Reply Preview
    * [FIX] Close websocket (#379)
    * Fixed a bug when closing websocket
    * removeListener fixed
    * [I18N] Russian translation (#381)
    [I18N] Russian translation file
    * [NEW] Icon (#383)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [FIX] Android 8 notifications (#382)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #380 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Added CocoaPods to manage react-native-image-crop-picker (#373)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    react-native-image-crop-picker raised an error when uploading to TestFlight.
    The lib highly recommends CocoaPods for production builds.
    * Added single-server to readme (#390)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #386 
    Closes #295 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * Improve RoomsList render time (#384)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    - [x] Added FlatList.getItemLayout() to improve list render time
    - [x] Some texts were breaking lines at sidebar
    - [x] Removed onPress from links at RoomsListView
    - [x] Added eslint rule to prevent unused styles
    - [x] Fixed auto focus bug at CreateChannel and NewServer
    - [x] Fix change server bug
    - [x] Fixed a bug when resuming in ListServer
    - [x] I18n fixed
    - [x] Fixed a bug on actionsheet ref not being created
    - [x] Reply wasn't showing on Android
    - [x] Use Notification.Builder.setColor/getColor only after Android SDK 23
    - [x] Listen to app state only when inside app
    - [x] Switched register push token position in order to improve login performance
    - [x] When deep link changes server, it doesn't refresh rooms list
    - [x] Added SafeAreaView in all views to improve iPhone X experience
    - [x] Subpath regex #388
    * [NEW] Empty room background (#412)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #398 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-09-2018 11-35-32](
    ![aug-09-2018 11-35-16](
    * Add roadmap (#406)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #45 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    * [NEW] Onboarding (#407)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #392 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-50](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-35](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-03-13](
    * [NEW] Updated Logo on Splash screen (#409)
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
    Closes #399 
    <!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
    ![aug-07-2018 17-39-44](
    ![aug-07-2018 17-31-12](
    * [FIX] Only single attachment rendered (#417)
    * [NEW] Rooms list layout (#413)
    * RoomsListView layout
    * Rooms list layout
    * Sort component
    * Header icons
    * Default header colors
    * Add server dropdown
    * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
    * UserItem
    * Room type icon
    * Search working
    * Tests updated
    * Android layout
    * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
    * Animation duration
    * Fixed render bug
    * [NEW] Create channel layout (#420)
    * RoomsListView layout
    * Rooms list layout
    * Sort component
    * Header icons
    * Default header colors
    * Add server dropdown
    * Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
    * UserItem
    * Room type icon
    * Search working
    * Tests updated
    * Android layout
    * Using realm queries instead of array iterates
    * Animation duration
    * Fixed render bug
    * - NewMessageView
    - backButtonTitle always empty
    - SearchBox created
    * New create channel layout
    * Search refactored
    * loginSuccess dismiss modal
    * Tests working
    * [FIX] Open unsupported videos on browser (#422)
    * 1.1
    * Sort/group rooms local only (#425)
    * Update android api from ci
    * Sort local only
    * [FIX] Missing current server (#427)
    * server.current removed
    * Increased area of touch on header
    * Hide search when sort dropdown is tapped
    * default server icon url
    * 1.1.1
    * [NEW] Experimental Icon (#430)
    * [NEW] Message layout (#426)
    * message container/component
    * Separator component
    * Reply
    * Url
    * tests updated
    * Minor changes
    * Audio component
    * Broadcast button
    * Minor touches
    * Reply preview
    * Edited
    * Minor bug fixes
    * - Update roadmap
    - Bump version to 1.2
    * Onboarding styles fix
    * [FIX] Drawer navigation won't refresh chats (#432)
    * Avoid errors on Audio/Image/Video (#443)
    * Bump version to 1.2.1 (#444)
    * Stop supporting Android 4.4 and lower (#447)
    * Several fixes for 1.2.1 (#448)
    * Fix user.roles
    * Better onLongPress handle on messages
    * Indicator position
    * Fix role undefined in system messages
    * Add baseUrl in case of file attachments
    * Join room fixed
    * RoomView params
    * Broadcast fixes
    * Add server layout changes
    * Use native images
    * Subscribe to not joined channels
    * Fix alerts without i18n
    * Tests updated
    * Bump version to 1.2.2 (#449)
    * [NEW] Use community JSC for Android (#450)
    * [NEW] Use community JSC for Android
    * Quick fix on unread chats
    * [NEW] Show app version (#454)
    * [NEW] Portuguese translation (#452)
    * [NEW] Portuguese translation
    * Remove servers from sidebar
    * Update dependencies (#431)
    * Update dependencies
    * Lint and test
    * Added react-native fork
    * rn 57
    * Lint and tests updated
    * Update xcode on circleci
    * Use legacy build system
    * Update tests
    * Use inline requires (#459)
    * Update dependencies
    * Lint and test
    * Added react-native fork
    * rn 57
    * Lint and tests updated
    * Update xcode on circleci
    * Use legacy build system
    * Update tests
    * Inline requires
    * Fix eslint and remove temp gradle
    * Unnecessary renders
    * Update isNotch and Readme
    * Tests updated
    * Bump version to 1.3.0 (#461)
    * Better touch handling on rooms list (#462)
    * Use react-native-gesture-handler at RoomItem
    * Fixed info message author
    * Edit message render improvement
    * Fix ws to http replace
    * Bump version to 1.3.1 (#463)
    * Composer layout tweaked (#464)
    * Composer layout tweaked
    * Fix localization error
    * Bump version to 1.3.2
    * [FIX] Handle deleted messages (#466)
    * [FIX] Handle deleted messages
    * Fix rest error
    * Fix some connection issues
    * [FIX] Search rooms (#468)
    * Bump version to 1.3.3 (#469)
    * Connecting to DDP badge (#471)
    * Display custom fields on user info (#476)
    * Render custom fields on user info
    * renderCustomFields fix
    * Display custom fields in user info
    * Fix lint error
    * [FIX] DDP badge wasn't hiding on fast connections (#477)
    * Use Rocket.Chat JS SDK (#481)
    * JS SDK
    * API working
    * Multiple servers
    * Bump version to 1.4.0 (#482)
    * [FIX] 2FA and LDAP (#488)
    * [FIX] Unread rooms group order (#487)
    * Use grouping setting on temp messages (#486)
    * [FIX] Delete room error (#485)
    * Rename to Rocket.Chat Experimental (#483)
    * Update dependencies (#484)
    * Bump version to 1.4.0 (#482)
    * test
    * one more test
    * Fix build
    * Regression: Wait for unmount to delete database after logout (#489)
    * Bump version to 1.4.1 (#490)
    * Regression: Crash on Android search (#492)
    * Bump version to 1.4.2 (#493)
    * Update Rocket.Chat.js.SDK (#494)
    * Bump version to v1.4.3 (#495)
    * [FIX] OAuth (#496)
    * Smaller header icons inside the room (#499)
    * [FIX] Logout (#497)
    * [FIX] Logout
    * Removed realm instances on rooms list
    * Bump version to 1.4.4 (#498)
    * Update navigation library (#501)
    * v2
    * Working on Android 0.57.3
    * Drawer working
    * Removing v1 navigator
    * - Splash screen
    - Icons changed
    * Deeplink
    * Remove EventEmitter from CreateChannelView
    * Android search
    * Android notifications
    * OAuth
    * Fix search props
    * Lint and tests fixed
    * Fix android build
    * Improvements on iPhone X* usage
    * Fix detox
    * Fix android build
    * Room.f added to RoomView.shouldComponentUpdate
    * Animations on RoomsListView and RoomView
    * Fix topbar buttons on Android
    * Bump version to 1.5.0 (#503)
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY availability in CircleCI (#506)
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY in CircleCI
    * Remove config scripts
    * Check $FABRIC_KEY availability in CircleCI for iOS (#507)
    * [I18n] Add Simplified Chinese(zh-CN) locale (#505)
    * [FIX] iOS pop gesture not working properly (#509)
    * Check if lastMessage has an attachment and show "User sent an attachment" at RoomsList (#510)
    * [FIX] Messages not being loaded properly (#513)
    * Fetch avatar initials from server (#512)
    * Fix iOS pop gesture and open sidemenu gesture (#511)
    * Bump version to 1.5.1 (#516)
    * [NEW] Room header layout (#521)
    * Clear iOS notification on resume/open (#520)
    * [FIX] Flashing avatars on Android after #512 (#519)
    * [FIX] App connects to previous server instead of the recent added (#518)
    * [FIX] Room view header crashes when destructuring reducer (#523)
    * [FIX] Dismiss keyboard on room close (#530)
    * [FIX] Composer composer's send icon slowness (#528)
    * [WIP] New Authentication layout (#536)
    New Authentication layout
    * Regression: Resend messages with error (#532)
    * DDP Connection badge animation changed (#533)
    * [FIX] Upload buttons on Android (#541)
    * Bump version to 1.6.0 (#543)
    * I18n: Add missing translation of simplified Chinese (#539)
    * Update dependencies (#544)
    * AndroidManifest changes
    * Regression: Deep linking stopped working after react-native-navigation update (#549)
    * [FIX] Android stuck on splash screen after hardware back button is pressed (#550)
    * [FIX] Android stuck on splash screen after hardware button is pressed
    * Fix empty user at asyncstorage
    * Remove unused subscribe
    * [FIX] x-instance-id header prop is case insensitive (#551)
    * Bump version to 1.6.1 (#553)
    * [FIX] x-instance-id header prop is case insensitive
    * Use Rest API calls (#558)
    * Chats: Don't show group header if none of the filters is selected (#560)
    * [CHORE] Update Xcode image version on CircleCI (#561)
    * Bump version to 1.7.0 (#562)
    * [FIX] Load messages on notification tap (#564)
    * Use Rest API pt 2 (#568)
    * Room files
    * Pinned messages
    * Starred messages
    * Mentioned messages
    * Search messages
    * Bug fixes
    * Profile
    * Livechat
    * Block/unblock user
    * Erase room
    * Archive room
    * Remove unused method
    * Bug fix
    * [CHORE] Add hold step on CircleCI before TestFlight (#572)
    * [FIX] GET /info to check if it's a valid server instead of x-instance-id (#573)
    * Bump version to 1.7.1 (#574)
    * Unnecessary re-renders removed (#570)
    * shouldComponentUpdate
    * Rooms list shouldcomponentupdate
    * RoomView shouldComponentUpdate
    * Messagebox and Message shouldComponentUpdate
    * EmojiPicker shouldComponentUpdate
    * RoomActions shouldComponentUpdate
    * Room info shouldComponentUpdate
    * Update RNN
    * Use only one Flatlist if none group filter is selected
    * Update fix
    * shouldComponentUpdate
    * Bug fixes
    * ListView changes
    * Bug fix
    * render list bug fix
    * Changes on public channels
    * - RoomView saga leak removed
    - Join room e2e tests added
    * Rest versions
    * Method call versions
    * Min RocketChat version alert
    * Update dependencies (#587)
    * [FIX] Better message actions (#567)
    * [FIX] Back button press on message actions (#592)
    * Bump version to 1.8.0 (#595)
    * [FIX] LDAP login (#596)
    * Create class to manage navigation (#594)
    * Add Navigation class
    * Place Drawer.js logic inside of Navigation
    * Load less views at startup
    * [FIX] v1.8.0 (#599)
    * Downgrade react-native-fast-image
    * Update iOS permission usage descriptions
    * [FIX] Delete upload item
    * Update JS SDK version (#602)
    * Add Icons class (#611)
    Creates Icons class to manage when to load icons from native side or react-native-vector-icons.
    It also fixes `react-native run-android` #517
    * Updating room indicator (#609)
    Shows "Updating..." when requesting rooms from Rest API.
    * [FIX] Load avatar on servers that prevent unauthenticated avatar access (#604)
    App would show an empty space on servers that require authentication on avatar access
    * [FIX] 2FA login in a server with LDAP enabled (#612)
    * [FIX] Start loop searching for rooms updates only when connection goes down and SDK has userId (#613)
    * Allow to create empty channel (#615)
    * [FIX] Reply title should break text (#616)
    * Bump version to 1.9.0 (#617)
    * [FIX] SDK issues (#621)
    * Remove listeners from room
    * Properly close connections on change server
    * Minor layout change on connecting badge
    * [CHORE] Add TestFlight invite and update Readme (#623)
    * [FIX] npm -> yarn dependencies migration (#622)
    * I18n: Add French (#629)
    * [FIX] Remove rooms listener (#630)
    * [CHORE] Update issue template (#638)
    * I18n: Add German (#641)
    * Bump version to 1.10.0 (#644)
    * [FIX] Prevent mass is typing dispatchs (#651)
    * [FIX] Handle database errors properly (#650)
    * [FIX] Change actions labels (#654)
    * [FIX] Room members filter (#655)
    * [FIX] uploadProgress is not a function (#656)
    * [FIX] Slow messagebox (#658)
    * Remove drawer (#653)
    * Remove drawer (layout needs to be changed in future releases, though)
    * Don't navigate outside on logout if there's other logged server
    * Update react-native-navigation
    * Message button (#660)
    * Remove touchable opacity when scrolling messages
    * Tap on disable messages closes keyboard
    * Unify vibration
    * Vibrate only on Android
    * [FIX] Fetch rooms date (#662)
    * [FIX] Select emoji error (#666)
    * Update Realm to 2.24 (#667)
    * Update React Native to 0.58.6 (#668)
    * [FIX] Fix some language issues in German language (#664)
    * New icons (#643)
    * New Icons
    * Remove unused assets
    * Change send icon
    * Layout tweaks
    * Refactor Status
    * Styles changed
    * User layout fix
    * Separator layout changes
    * Sidebar status layout fix
    * Fix Message.onLongPress issue
    * Fix code markdown
    * Status lint
    * Fix tests
    * Navigation debounce
    * RoomActions icons
    * Space between components
    * Group text
    * Update tests
    * [CHORE] Remove .debug suffix on Android (#681)
    * [FIX] Fix null native Messagebox component object (#680)
    * Fix null native Messagebox component object
    * [iOS] Fix header alignment
    * Remove unused files
    * Switch to react-navigation (#687)
    * Update readme (#714)
    * Bump to 1.10.1 (#731)
    * [FIX] Deep linking between multiple logged servers (#730)
    * Fix handle invisible status (#692)
    * I18n: Add Portuguese (Portugal) (#722)
    * [FIX] Show ActivityIndicator in RoomMembersView (#686)
    * Bump version to 1.11.0 (#761)
    * Migrate from GCM to FCM (#760)
    * [NEW] Scrollable room name feature (#756)
    * [NEW] Scroll down floating button (#735)
    * [CHORE] Added Storybook documentation (#757)
    * Use FlatList in RoomView (#762)
    * [FIX] iOS requiring location permission (#768)
    * Room item layout (#771)
    * [NEW] Draft message per room (#772)
    * [FIX] Add Realm.safeAddListener (#785)
    * [CHORE] Remove tvOS target (#779)
    * [NEW] Discussions (#696)
    * Bump version to 1.12.0 (#804)
    * [NEW] Threads (#798)
    * RoomsListView improvements (#819)
    * [FIX] Giphy not showing (#810)
    * [FIX] Apply emojify on empty texts (#824)
    * Lock drawer when stack is not on root screen (#825)
    * Room item layout (#835)
    * [FIX] Threads (#838)
    Closes #826
    Closes #827
    Closes #828
    Closes #829
    Closes #830
    Closes #831
    Closes #832
    Closes #833
    * [FIX] Smaller thread title (#846)
    * [FIX] Smaller thread title
    * Remove markdown notation from thread title
    * On message press debounce
    * Align vertical thread title
    * [Regression] Search stopped working on Android after LastMessage refactor (#851)
    * Load legal pages from web (#849)
    * Update fetch permissions api (#850)
    * Update custom emojis endpoint (#852)
    * Update emoji endpoint
    * Use React.memo on Markdown
    * Support RC versions lower than 0.75.0
    * Realm migration
    * Fetch roles from rest api (#853)
    * Fetch roles from rest api
    * Fix RoomInfoView role get
    * Remove roles from redux
    * Bump version to 1.13 (#857)
    * Active users improvements (#855)
    * Remove connection badge (#862)
    * Connecting indicator on RoomsListView header
    * Connecting indicator on RoomView header
    * Remove ConnectionBadge
    * Show updating on RoomView load messages
    * Update dependencies (#863)
    * Minor updates
    * Update jsc-android
    * Update react-native-modal
    * Minor updates
    * Update react-native-fast-image
    * Minor dev updates
    * Few major updates
    * Update react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view
    * Update pods
    * Update android-support
    * Update tests
    * Remove duplicated getRoleDescription function (#866)
    * [FIX] Load local URL image (#871)
    * [FIX] Toggle/follow thread icon (#867)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages layout (#858)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages
    * Update tests
    * Fix quote
    * Prevent from deleting thread start message when positioned inside the thread
    * Remove thread listener from RightButtons
    * Fix error on thread start parse
    * Stop parsing threads on render
    * Check replied thread only if necessary
    * Fix messages don't displaying
    * Fix threads e2e
    * RoomsListView.updateState slice
    * Stop fetching hidden messages on threads
    * Set initialNumToRender to 5
    * [FIX] Check if room is mounted before setting state (#864)
    * Tweaks on sequential threads messages
    * Update tests
    * Fix quote
    * Prevent from deleting thread start message when positioned inside the thread
    * Remove thread listener from RightButtons
    * Fix error on thread start parse
    * Stop parsing threads on render
    * Check replied thread only if necessary
    * Fix messages don't displaying
    * Fix threads e2e
    * RoomsListView.updateState slice
    * Stop fetching hidden messages on threads
    * Check if RoomView is mounted before rendering
    * Refactor navigation events on RoomsListView
    * Fix lint
    * Fix listener
    * [FIX] Typing not getting cleared after popping a room (#873)
    * [CHORE] Remove e2e tests from CI (#875)
    * [FIX] Remove listeners on RoomView header unmount (#874)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1055)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨 Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1082)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨 Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Swipe animations (#1044)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive (#1049)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * [i18n] Add missing de translations (#1040)
    * [CHORE] Switch to react-native-localize (#1043)
    * Bump version to 1.17.0 (#1057)
    * Load views as needed (#1056)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Change "resend" icon position (#1048)
    * [NEW] Video support (#801)
    * [NEW] File upload (#882)
    * [NEW] Share extension (#942)
    * [FIX] Share extension CI build (#1060)
    * Change bundleID
    * Provisioning
    * get provisioning profile
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reusable toast (#1065)
    * [FIX] Moment locales (#1066)
    * [FIX] Share Extension issues (#1064)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1077)
    * Merge branch 'master' into develop (#1079)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1080)
    * Create utils to media (canUpload)
    * Fix variable name
    * [CHORE] Update README (#1081)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1088)
    * Bump version to 1.16.0 (#1014)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Share credentials with Rocket.Chat.iOS (#982)
    *  Create user table
    *  Introduce user table
    * 🔥 Remove unused table
    *  Add userdefaults to storage data
    * 💚 Fix android build
    *  Get credentials from iOS native client
    * 🔥 Remove unused code
    *  Revert sign xcode
    * 🐛 Fix first login-logout
    * 🎨 Use constants to UserDefaults Keys
    * 🐛 Fix clear server-user-info on logout
    * 🐛 Fix filter null value
    * 🚑 Remove user object in logout
    *  Fix get servers from native-client
    * 🚑 Fix error on change server
    * [FIX] Don't run UserDefaults credentials on Android (#1015)
    * 🐛 Fix native credentials (android)
    * Fix migration loop
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hide frequently used emoji tab when empty (#792)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Bigger emoji in emoji only messages (#793)
    * issue #725: bigger emoji in emoji only message
    * issue-725/add storybook for Message/Emoji
    * issue-725: update storybook/Message jest snapshot
    * comment storybook import
    * allow spaces and line breaks in emoji only message
    * merge develop
    * revert unnecessary spacing
    * [FIX] Empty message if contains only a link (#787)
    * Fix empty message if contains only a link
    * 🐛 Fix empty space
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor empty space regex on quote (#1017)
    * 🎨 Improve regex to empty space on quote
    * 🎨
     Improve on regex to empty space on quote
    * [NEW] Custom fields on signup (#1013)
    * added custom feilds on registration
    * added flag as leftIcon and removed lable
    * added try and catch
    * typo
    * [CHORE] Renew provisioning profiles (#1020)
    * [NEW] Auto-translate (#1012)
    * Update realm
    * View original and translate working
    * Read AutoTranslate_Enabled setting
    * RocketChat.canAutoTranslate()
    * AutoTranslateView
    * Save language
    * Auto-translate switch
    * Translate message
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use haptics rather than vibration (#1016)
    * Install expo-haptics
    * Use expo-haptics rather than RN's Vibration module
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use Rest API for file upload (#1005)
    * removed rn-fetch-blob and use native XMLHttpRequest instead
    * removed unnessary changes
    * fix android bug
    * fix android bug
    * added tmid support
    * fix bug
    * fixed isssue with cacel model
    * fix problems with audio
    * done requested changes
    * fix bug with android
    * [CHORE] [CI] [TESTS] update detox to make ci pass (#1026)
    * feat: update detox to 12.11.3 to make CI pass
    * ci: comment all jobs but leave e2e-test job
    * commit to rerun IC e2e-test job
    * ci: uncomment all CI jobs
    * [NEW] Room swipe actions: mark as read/unread, hide, fav (#976)
    * added unread and fav feature
    * changed the layout
    * fix jest
    * done requested changes
    * added requested changes
    * [FIX] Android build (#1027)
    * [FIX] Android build
    * CircleCI error
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build (#1028)
    * [FIX] iOS share credentials build
    * Use `hasMigration` as a string
    * [CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
    * feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
    * install fastlane using 'bundle install'
    * install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
    * uncomment ios build commands
    * run set up google services in ios folder
    * add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
    * remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
    * add save\restore cache for npm modules
    * group save_cache steps
    * cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
    * uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
    * fix: add missing colon
    * use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
    * add names for save\restore steps
    * ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
    * return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
    * fix: add missing curly braces
    * save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
    * add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
    * add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
    * change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
    * remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
    * [FIX] Rooms swipes (#1034)
    * Regression: on press style feedback
    * Action button styles
    * Fix animations
    * Styles changed
    * Update subscription without having to wait for socket
    * Calculate width on RoomsListView instead
    * [FIX] Decrease bigger emoji size to 30 (#1031)
    * [FIX] Append server URL on avatar if necessary (#1038)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Bump version to 1.16.1 (#1045)
    * [FIX] Set UserDefaults AppGroup on notification tap (#1047)
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Swipe animations (#1044)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * Fix favorite button
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive (#1049)
    * Comment removeClippedSubviews
    * Comment width animation
    * Remove redux from RoomItem
    * Fix wrong re-render comparison
    * Remove listener
    * Raise minDeltaX
    * memo actions
    * Spring with native driver
    * Refactor functions
    * Fix props issues
    * Remove RoomItem.height
    * Long swipe
    * Refactor animations
    * this.rowTranslation -> this.transX
    * Moved state to this
    * [FIX] Auto-translate messages as they arrive
    * [i18n] Add missing de translations (#1040)
    * [CHORE] Switch to react-native-localize (#1043)
    * Bump version to 1.17.0 (#1057)
    * Load views as needed (#1056)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Change "resend" icon position (#1048)
    * [NEW] Video support (#801)
    * [NEW] File upload (#882)
    * [NEW] Share extension (#942)
    * [FIX] Share extension CI build (#1060)
    * Change bundleID
    * Provisioning
    * get provisioning profile
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reusable toast (#1065)
    * [FIX] Moment locales (#1066)
    * [FIX] Share Extension issues (#1064)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1077)
    * Merge branch 'master' into develop (#1079)
    * [FIX] Empty white list enables all media types upload (#1080)
    * Create utils to media (canUpload)
    * Fix variable name
    * [CHORE] Update README (#1081)
    * [FIX] Media share type (#1086)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1142)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1174)
    * [RELEASE] Merge beta into master (#1282)
    * Merge beta into master (#1461)
    * Merge beta into master (#1637)
    * Merge beta into master (#1759)
    * Merge beta into master (#1897)
    * [FIX] Close SortDropdown on sort select (#1230)
    * [FIX] Cancel upload and check failed upload (#1232)
    * [FIX] Slash commands not cleaning is typing and not using state (#1233)
    * [FIX] Dispatch roomsRequest on app foreground event even if not connected (#1234)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet (#1235)
    * [FIX] Regex on run slash command (#1223)
    * Update React Native to 0.61.1 (#1236)
    * Update React Native to 0.61.1
    * Update patch to SSL Pinning
    * Revert storybook
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-safe-area-view (#1219)
    * [FIX] Try/catch JSON.parse XHR response (#1238)
    * [FIX] Change messagebox icon immediate on change text (#1241)
    * [FIX] Update last open on message stream received (#1240)
    * [FIX] Remove animation from RoomsListView.willFocus (#1239)
    * [FIX] Delete message on thread (#1214)
    * [REGRESSION] Markdown text (#1242)
    * [FIX] Jest (#1243)
    * [FIX] Avatar shown when useRealName is activated (#1162)
    * Fix avatar when use real name
    * Wrong indentation
    * [DOCS] Add (#1244)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-reanimated to 1.3.0 (#1246)
    * [FIX] Run credentials migration only once (#1245)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet to 2.0.1 (#1249)
    * [FIX] Messagebox onChangeText issues (#1252)
    * Stop ongoing debounces on messagebox unmount
    * Immediately change send icon, but keep debouncing others
    * Make CustomEmoji stateless function
    * Fix mentions keyExtractor
    * [FIX] Room subscription issues (#1255)
    * [FIX] Reaction press (#1258)
    * [FIX] Channel avatars not showing after application unloads (#1264)
    * Revert react-native-safe-area-view (#1265)
    * [FIX] Remove console on production mode (#1268)
    * [FIX] Messages preview issues (#1257)
    * [FIX] Select user from native credentials (#1266)
    * [FIX] Some issues on preview message (#1271)
    * [FIX] Audio player track and thumb not rendering on Android (#1273)
    * [FIX] Record audio message throws exception when FileSystem.getInfoAsync is called (#1272)
    * [FIX] China shouldn't use CallKit (#1274)
    * [FIX] Watermelon batches (#1277)
    * Bump version to 1.20.1 (#1285)
    * [CHORE] Remove memoize-one (#1284)
    * [FIX] End Jitsi call on unmount (#1291)
    * [FIX] Allow self-signed certificates (#1310)
    * [FIX] Set User-Agent  (#1318)
    * Set User-Agent Fetch & Websocket & XHR
    * Set User-Agent
    * Custom User Agent on fetch/websocket
    * Fix names
    * Use DeviceInfo
    * fix server with subpath (#1322)
    * [FIX] Server with https:\\ instead of https:// (#1320)
    * [FIX] Server dropdown not closing after changing stack (#1299)
    * [FIX] Invalid server version (#1319)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Respect "Hide counter" preference (#1306)
    * [FIX] Pass isFocused as a function to Messagebox (#1309)
    * [CHORE] Remove icons folder (#1290)
    * [CHORE] Refactor RoomItem touchable (#1331)
    * [FIX] Unnecessary rerender on RoomItem when status is undefined (#1336)
    * [UPDATE DEPS] react-navigation and react-navigation-stack (#1337)
    * [FIX] Avatars not loading on share extension when Accounts_AvatarBlockUnauthenticatedAccess is enabled (#1339)
    * Bump version to 1.20.2 (#1340)
    * [FIX] Remove some unnecessary re-renders on Messagebox (#1341)
    * [REGRESSION] Use LayoutAnimation instead of Transition API (#1338)
    * [FIX] Remove setState from notifications view causing watermelon object to be updated outside an action (#1342)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Save last message as message when subscription is updated (#1344)
    * [UPDATE DEPS] Update RN to 0.61.3 (#1345)
    * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1346)
    * [CHORE] Remove react-native-scrollable-tab-view fork (#1352)
    * [FIX] URL preview (#1360)
    * [REGRESSION] Decrease list view memory size (#1361)
    * [FIX] Paste (#1350)
    * [CHORE] Update gems (#1365)
    * Bump version to 1.20.3 (#1366)
    * [FIX] Use Ruby 2.4 on TestFlight upload (#1368)
    * [FIX] Parse Urls (#1371)
    * [FIX] Parse image URL only if it's not empty (#1372)
    * [FIX] Load messages issues (#1373)
    * Bump version to 1.21.0 (#1376)
    * [FIX] Crowd login (#1381)
    * [FIX] Clicking user avatar in thread previews crashes app (#1363)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Error messages on connect (#1379)
    * [FIX] ProfileView input navigation error when custom fields aren't set (#1383)
    * [FIX] Batch server deletion on logout (#1382)
    * Bump app to 1.22.0 (#1387)
    * [FIX] Server Version (#1392)
    * Update patch and minor deps (#1386)
    * [FIX] Crash when open thread (#1395)
    * Bump version to 1.23.0 (#1394)
    * [I18N] Update ru.js (#1384)
    * [FIX] CAS building wrong URL (#1362)
    * [FIX] Delete messages (#1399)
    * [FIX] In-app notification showing wrong content on channels (#1400)
    * Bump version to 1.24.0 (#1404)
    * [FIX] Prevent server with whitespace (#1402)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Keyboard and content type on login (#1403)
    * [FIX] Messages stop loading (#1410)
    * [NEW] Tablet support (#1300)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Authentication via deep linking (#1418)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Markdown performance when identifying emoji only content (#1422)
    * [FIX] BackHandler remove random failing on development (#1423)
    * Bump version to 1.25.0 (#1424)
    * [CHORE] Update CI Xcode Image (#1430)
    * [FIX] Rooms grouping not working properly (#1435)
    * [FIX] Take a video (#1437)
    * [NEW] Themes (#1298)
    * [FIX] Share extension doesn't reconnect to previous selected server on Android (#1429)
    * [FIX] Init local settings on notification tap (#1438)
    * Bump version to 1.26.0 (#1450)
    * [FIX] Emoji parser not working on Hermes  (#1445)
    * [NEW] Enable Hermes (#1446)
    * [FIX] Automatic theme repeating (#1457)
    * [CHORE] Sync Experimental and Official app versions (#1458)
    * [DOCS] Update readme (#1459)
    * [FIX] Messages being sent but showing as temp status (#1469)
    * [FIX] Missing messages after reconnect (#1470)
    * [FIX] Few fixes on themes (#1477)
    * [I18N] Missing German translations (#1465)
    * Missing German translation
    * adding a missing space behind colon
    * added a missing space after colon
    * and another attempt to finally fix this – got confused by all the branches
    * some smaller fixes for the translation
    * better wording
    * fixed another typo
    * [FIX] Crash while displaying the attached image with http on file name (#1401)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Tap app and server version to copy to clipboard (#1425)
    * [NEW] Reply notification (#1448)
    * [FIX] Incorrect background color login on iPad (#1480)
    * [FIX] Prevent multiple tap on send (Share Extension) (#1481)
    * [NEW] Image Viewer (#1479)
    * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1485)
    * [FIX] Jitsi with Hermes Enabled (#1523)
    * [FIX] Draft messages not working with themed Messagebox (#1525)
    * [FIX] Go to direct message from members list (#1519)
    * [FIX] Make SAML wait for idp token instead of creating it on client (#1527)
    * [FIX] Server Test Push Notification (#1508)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Update to new server response (#1509)
    * [FIX] Insert messages with blank users (#1529)
    * Bump version to 4.2.1 (#1530)
    * [FIX] Error when normalizing empty messages (#1532)
    * [REGRESSION] CAS (#1570)
    * Bump version to 4.2.2 (#1571)
    * [FIX] Add username block condition to prevent error (#1585)
    * Bump version to 4.2.3
    * Bump version to 4.2.4
    * Bump version to 4.3.0 (#1630)
    * [FIX] Channels doesn't load (#1586)
    * [FIX] Channels doesn't load
    * [FIX] Update roomsUpdatedAt when subscriptions.length is 0
    * [FIX] Remove unnecessary changes
    * [FIX] Improve the code
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Make SAML to work on Rocket.Chat < 2.3.0 (#1629)
    * [NEW] Invite links (#1534)
    * [FIX] Set the http-agent to the form that Rocket.Chat requires for logging (#1482)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] "Following thread" and "Unfollowed Thread" is hardcoded and not translated (#1625)
    * [FIX] Disable reset button if form didn't changed (#1569)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Header title of RoomInfoView (#1553)
    * [I18N] Gallery Permissions DE (#1542)
    * [FIX] Not allow to send messages to archived room (#1623)
    * [FIX] Profile fields automatically reset (#1502)
    * [FIX] Show attachment on ThreadMessagesView (#1493)
    * [NEW] Wordpress auth (#1633)
    * [CHORE] Add Start Packager script (#1639)
    * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5 (#1638)
    * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5
    * [CHORE] Update react-native patch
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * Bump version to 4.3.1 (#1641)
    * [FIX] Change force logout rule (#1640)
    * Bump version to 4.4.0 (#1643)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use MessagingStyle on Android Notification (#1575)
    * [NEW] Request review (#1627)
    * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomView (#1657)
    * [FIX] Unsubscribe from room (#1655)
    * [FIX] Server with subdirs (#1646)
    * [NEW] Clear cache (#1660)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Memoize and batch subscriptions updates (#1642)
    * [FIX] Disallow empty sharing (#1664)
    * [REGRESSION] Use HTTPS links for sharing and markets protocol for review (#1663)
    * [FIX] In some cases, share extension doesn't load images (#1649)
    * [i18n] DE translations for new invite function and some minor fixes (#1631)
    * [FIX] Remove duplicate jetify step (#1628)
    minor: also remove 'cd' calls
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [REGRESSION] Read messages (#1666)
    * [i18n] German translations missing (#1670)
    * [FIX] Notifications crash on older Android Versions (#1672)
    * [i18n] Added Dutch translation (#1676)
    * [NEW] Omnichannel Beta (#1674)
    * [NEW] Confirm logout/clear cache (#1688)
    * [I18N] Add es-ES language  (#1495)
    * [NEW] UiKit Beta (#1497)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use reselect (#1696)
    * [FIX] Notification in Android API level less than 24 (#1692)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Send tmid on slash commands and media (#1698)
    * [FIX] Unhandled action on UIKit (#1703)
    * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomsList (#1701)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Reset app when language is changed (#1702)
    * [FIX] Small fixes on UIKit (#1709)
    * [FIX] Spotlight (#1719)
    * [CHORE] Update react-native-image-crop-picker (#1712)
    * [FIX] Messages Overlapping (Android) and MessageBox Scroll (iOS) (#1720)
    * [REGRESSION] Remove @ and # from mention (#1721)
    * [NEW] Direct message from user info (#1516)
    * [FIX] Delete slash commands (#1723)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Hold URL to copy (#1684)
    * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes (#1724)
    * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes
    * Upload sourcemaps after build
    * [REVERT] Show emoji keyboard on Android (#1738)
    * [FIX] Stop logging react-native-image-crop-picker (#1745)
    * [FIX] Prevent toast ref error (#1744)
    * [FIX] Prevent reaction map error (#1743)
    * [FIX] Add missing calls to user info (#1741)
    * [FIX] Catch room unsubscribe error (#1739)
    * [i18n] Missing German keys (#1735)
    * [FIX] Missing i18n on MessagesView title (#1733)
    * [FIX]  UIKit Modal: Weird behavior on Android Tablet (#1742)
    * [i18n] Missing key on German (#1747)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add Italian (#1736)
    * [FIX] Notification stream throwing an error when there isn't a message on payload (#2637)
    * [FIX] Threads not being updated and other related issues (#2636)
    * Fix parent title on thread header breaking lines
    * Fix
    * Fix thread badge not being updated
    * [FIX] Minor room header issues (#2630)
    * Add hitSlop to RoomView header
    * Use 1 icon padding for threads header
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [FIX] Whitelabel unable to find package name (#2626)
    * Fixes #2625
    * Fixes #2614
    * Apply resValue on defaultConfig and undo unnecessary changes
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Add missing German strings (#2619)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Model columns misplaced (#2640)
    * [FIX] Connect a null server (#2639)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Jitsi users unable to unmute (#2623)
    * [FIX] Jitsi users being muted always
    * fix: bundle is invalid
    * Update jitsi meet sdk with ui improvements
    * Update JitsiMeetSDK ios
    * Centralize toolbox android
    * Fix images on Jitsi
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * Bump version to 4.12.1 (#2641)
    * [FIX] Share extension and save image not working on Android 10 (#2651)
    * Bump version to 4.13.0 (#2657)
    * [FIX] Update Loading logo (#2658)
    * [NEW] Support client certificates for SSL (two-way authentication) (Android) (#2624)
    * wip: Android SSL Pinning
    * Use own SSLPinningModule
    * wip: Use Rocket.Chat own react-native
    * wip: Fresco Images using custom OkHttpClient
    * wip: react-native-webview onReceivedClientCertRequest
    * feat: Save Images of a SSL Pinning protected server
    * chore: SSLPinning package as a interface to iOS & Android implementations
    * chore: update glide
    * feat: load images under a client ssl certificate protected server
    * chore: remove patch
    * feat: Audio & Video under a SSL Client protected server
    * fix: Unpin certificate when change server
    * feat: Fast Image as a patch
    * chore: update fast-image
    * Fix merge
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Channel actions (#2644)
    * room roles
    * handle owner
    * endpoints
    * Leader and Moderator
    * Remove user from room
    * stash ignore
    * Add subscription.ignored column
    * ignore user
    * Fix icons
    * I18n
    * Minor i18n fixes
    * Direct Message and open action sheet after a normal tap
    * Fix icon
    * stash isIgnored
    * isManualUnignored message
    * Fix update
    * Ignored
    * Mute, moderator, leader, owner, remove from room
    * ignore
    * Tests
    * pt-BR
    * Update pods
    * Apply requested changes
    * Add RC version on requests
    * [NEW] Support RTL (#2656)
    * wip: RTL (iOS)
    * wip: RTL (Android)
    * wip: reload bundle when change between RTL languages
    * fix: Stack Animation on Android
    * fix: update snapshot
    * fix: Swipe Room Actions in RTL mode
    * fix: snapshots
    * Move isRTL to i18n
    * Fix styling
    * Update tests
    * Update pods
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Initial users' status is not fetched (#2664)
    * [FIX] Messages overlapping and emoji keyboard not opening (#2670)
    * Replace keyboard libs for react-native-ui-lib
    * Apply Jitsi branch
    * Require keyboard on bundle
    * Update ui-lib
    * chore: update deps
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [CHORE] Force normalized params for 2FA (#2683)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Thread message flickering while thread parent isn't found (#2676)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Light theme not working on Android with Dark Theme set (#2675)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App not prompting join code for password protected channels (#2514)
    * Adding joinCode parameter
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFernando Aguilar <>
    * Insert join code input
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Add joinCode field on db
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Add label i18 pt-br and en-us
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Add insert join code text
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Fix atribute name
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    * Add join text
    Signed-off-by: default avatarVitor.Leal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFernando Aguilar <>
    * Fix attributes joinCode, joinCodeRequired and pass attribute param in navigation
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    * Fixing attribute joinCodeRequired pass to goRoom
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    * Changed textinput style
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    * Delete not necessary attribute
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    * Fixing input style
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    * Undo unncessary changes
    * use a join code modal
    * tests: e2e tests to join protected channel
    * fix: undo unnecessary change
    * tests: cancel join code
    * Remove some tests
    * Minor fixes
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFernando Aguilar <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avataryoussef-md <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18n] Add Arabic (#2537)
    * Arabic language setup
    * Added arabic translation
    * Arabic translation Proofreading
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18N] Add missing zh_TW and zh_CN strings (#2680)
    * feat(i18n): add some missing strings and improve some translation
    * fix: add missing server version
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Add username on status messages (#2553)
    * 1689 - missing user name for status messages
    * 1689 - missing user name for status messages. Fixed broken e2e test "should pin message".
    * Minor tweak
    * Remove center style
    * Small refactor on User
    * Remove toLowerCase
    * Update tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Filenames are incorrect in non-latin alphabets on upload (#2671)
    * fix: filename on react-native-image-crop-picker
    * fix: use rn-fetch-blob to upload files
    * fix: FileUpload as a service
    * fix: cancel upload on iOS
    * fix: file upload from share extension
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Ease white labelling for Android (#2685)
    * improve white labelling for Android
    * Move application ID to gradle properties
    * Fix CI
    * Point foss sufix to main app
    * Use npx on android-whitelabel script
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Chats order (#2688)
    * Persist highest value on subscription.roomUpdatedAt
    * Update tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [REGRESSION] Re-enable Jitsi Chat (#2687)
    * Fix main jitsi
    * Fix iOS
    * Clear build.gradle cache
    * Don't restore gradle
    * cache is back
    * Use master
    * Point to react-native-jitsi-meet#master
    * [CHORE] Build official apps on CI (#2701)
    * Duplicated target and changed Bridging Header
    * Display name
    * Unnecessary dumb swift file removed
    * Buildable name
    * Reorder Info.plist
    * Rename Official target's bundle id
    * Ignore .mobileprovision
    * Fix provisioning of official app
    * Starting signing
    * stash fastfile
    * starting official ci iOS
    * Uncomment Fastfile keychain
    * Fix CI config
    * allowProvisioningUpdates
    * Changing AppIcon and Splash Screen
    * Remove unnecessary folder inside of Images.xcassets
    * Reorder notificationservice and shareextension plists
    * Fix signing
    * Manual signing style for official
    * Split official signing
    * Update project provisioning
    * Use ENV as profile
    * Output match
    * Keys
    * TestFlight refactor
    * Setting up android
    * android-official-play-build job
    * Start removing unnecessary fastlane tasks on Android
    * Trying to refactor Android jobs
    * android-env
    * Remove foss build for now
    * Fork
    * Fix if conditions
    * Fix push
    * ios-build command
    * Rename Android builds
    * Upload dSYMs
    * Refactoring workflow
    * Reorder upload-to-testflight
    * upload-to-google-play-beta command
    * Fix ci
    * Fix android fork build
    * Fix keystore
    * Fix options on fastlane android
    * Fix keystore
    * Check isOfficial on iOS
    * Check isOfficial on db
    * Remove unused imports
    * Database names on Android
    * Tag fix
    * Minor fixes
    * Set IS_OFFICIAL on CI
    * Fix detox
    * follow review suggestions
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    * [i18n] Update fr (#2697)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [i18n] Update fr (#2705)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Empty space on Messagebox (#2704)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Yarn android scripts (#2716)
    * [CHORE] Rename Experimental iOS lane (#2717)
    * Move build_fork to the end
    * Rename release to build_experimental
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Use class variable instead of state for List's animated (#2718)
    * [FIX] Bottom sheet being hidden sometimes (#2722)
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Match background and text mention colors (#2723)
    * [FIX] App freezing if Markdown preview contains sequential empty spaces (#2726)
    * Remove sequential empty spaces from Markdown preview
    * Use Markdown preview on RepliedThread
    * [FIX] Official app without sharedUserId (#2734)
    * [CHORE] Update React Native to 0.63.4 (#2737)
    * Bump version to 4.13.1 (#2739)
    * [REGRESSION] Multiple uploads not working on iOS (#2738)
    * Update React Native to 0.63.4
    * Fix multiple uploads not working on iOS
    * [FIX] Unable to save attachment on iOS (#2743)
    * Fix rn-fetch-blob's document dir without forward slash
    * Update camera roll
    * [FIX] Generate Jitsi access token when making a call (#2694)
    fixes: #2693
     # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Jitsi notification delay (#2668)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Channels list not following the same sorting logic from web client (#2763)
    * [FIX] Pods lost on Official target (#2764)
    * [FIX] RoomItem using deprecated animated event signature (#2771)
    * [FIX] Server autocomplete text breaking line (#2774)
    * [FIX] ServerDropdown flashing bigger server icon (#2775)
    * [FIX] ServerDropdown flashing bigger server icon
    * Remove unused logo and update image path where needed
    * Minor tweak
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Rooms list not being updated on some cases (#2765)
    * Request subscriptions on RoomsListView.constructor
    * Removes opened rooms from last message persisting
    * Change server reducer
    * Prevent undefined ids causing query error
    * [FIX] Share Extension hitting memory limit on iOS (#2788)
    * [FIX] Disallow swipe to dismiss on share extension
    * Limit query to 20 and clean up props
    * Remove rn-extension-share branch pointer
    * Test new branch
    * Remove branch
    * [IMPROVEMENT] Threads layout tweaks (#2686)
    * improvement: Thread Details
    * fix: re-render Thread Messages Item
    * fix: update snapshots
    * improve: thread details component
    * fix: cast replies length
    * improvement: format date of threads
    * improvement: thread details styles
    * fix: wrap text
    * tests: update snapshot
    * improvement: use same date format for all dates
    * Icon size 24
    * Remove date
    * Remove prop drill
    * Badge position
    * Badge container tweak
    * Fix inline style
    * Move ThreadDetails to containers
    * Update stories
    * Fix lint
    * Remove wrong prop
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Remove some migrations (#2792)
    * Remove force rooms refresh
    * Remove MMKV migration
    * Bump version to 4.14.0 (#2797)
    * [FIX] Messagebox tracking lost on pop gesture navigation (#2799)
    * Use setTimeout instead of InteractionManager
    * Update tracking lib
    * [FIX] Back button closing activity when on root stack screen (#2804)
    * Make hardware back button to behave as home button on root screens
    * Remove unnecessary code
    * Remove handleBackPress from OnboardingView
    * Fix lint
    * [i18n] Add missing German strings (#2715)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [NEW] Encrypted Discussions  (#2813)
    * I18n key fix
    * Add encrypted switch
    * Remove unused i18n keys
    * Add enabled to encryption reducer
    * Show encrypted option on CreateDiscussionView only when e2e encryption is properly set
    * Add localSearch and use it on search
    * Use encrypted from parent channel
    * Fix method calls as rest api with 2fa enabled
    * Fix logout after reset keys
    * Use encryption reducer instead of lib directly to check render
    * Check for room type logic to display encryption option on create discussion
    * Check toggle-room-e2e-encryption permission on RoomActionsView
    * Check for encryption status instead of setting on server
    * Fix
    * Disable switch instead of hide it
    * Fix spotlight for DMs
    * Fix server test
    * [FIX] Messagebox missing style for text color (#2786)
    * Changing auxilaryTintColor
    * Changed Placeholder color to BodyText color
    * added color prop
    * eslint changes
    * used array for styles
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18N] Update arabic (#2696)
    * Update ar.js
    * Update ar.js
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Workspace input without i18n (#2689)
    * [FIX] Translation of strings in Login page
    * Strings are added for translation.
    fixes: #2620
    * Add pt-BR
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Spotlight returning duplicated entries (#2805)
    * Update rocketchat.js
    * Updated search function
    * Minor improvements
    * Remove atIndex
    * Add remove logic to remove duplicate data from response
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [CHORE] Refactor ServerItem (#2778)
    * Updated ServerDropdown and ServerItem
    * Added ServerItem stories
    * Update ServerDropdown.js
    * Updated ServerItem stories
    * Updated ServerItem stories and ServerItem component
    * Updated SelectServerView, ServerItem and ServerItem stories
    * Updated ServerItem stories
    * Updated ServerItem stories
    * Update tests
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [DOCS] Updated Quick Start docs link in e2e/readme (#2802)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [I18N] Add Turkish (#2793)
    * Turkish language support added
    * Update tr.js
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] Lint on #2793 (#2818)
    * [I18N] Add missing german strings (#2689) (#2820)
    * [I18N] Add missing italian strings (#2817)
    * [FIX] Server version becoming null on server change (#2821)
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner (#2767)
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner
    * [FIX] Wrong styling on E2E encryption banner (#2767)
    * Updated SortDropdown, ListHeader, ListItem and added stories for List.Item
    * Updated SortDropdown
    * Removed unused component
    * Updated List.Item and stories
    * Reverted unnecessary changes and updated ListItem stories
    * Fix minor indentation
    * Stop breaking Touch's default underlay color
    * Fix indentation
    * Remove falsy comparison from render
    * Fix left icon
    * Use List.Item on OmnichannelStatus
    * Add missing separator
    * Lint
    * Fix sort dropdown
    * Remove unnecessary styles
    * Fix detox
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * [FIX] App Store using Experimental's app id (#2826)
    * [FIX] Wrong username on push notifications (#2825)
    * [FIX] Share extension memory issues on iOS (#2845)
    * Remove unnecessary class prop
    * Stop rendering servers when there's only one
    * Map and alloc only necessary columns from query
    * Fetch servers count instead of all servers records
    * Fetch only needed servers
    * Separators
    * Remove renderContent
    * Minor fix
    * Refactor query
    * Smaller avatars in memory
    * Fix getItemLayout
    * Add topic
    * Load less pods
    * tests
    * Import only used functions from lodash
    * Fix pods
    * Import only used functions from semver
    * Fix media sharing
    * Update pods
    * Disables preview and thumb on iOS
    * Update expo-video-thumbnail
    * Unnecessary change
    * [FIX] Logout from other locations not prompting confirmation option (#2854)
    * Fixed logout toast bug for the iOS
    * Removing callToAction and replacing with confirmationText
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDiego Mello <>
    * Bump version to 4.14.1 (#2859)
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDjorkaeff Alexandre <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHeng Sok <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSnyk bot <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarphriedrich <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDan Caseley <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatardependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRohit Verma <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarNeil Agarwal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarYoussef Muhamad <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarEzequiel de Oliveira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGraham Smith <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGabriel Henriques <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarJúlia Grala <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGuilherme Gazzo <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek Jain <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarLucas Siqueira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarCalebe Rios <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPitstopper <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGuilherme Siqueira <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarPrateek Jain <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatardevyaniChoubey <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarBernard Seow <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHiroki Ishiura <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarExordian <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDaanchaam <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarIván Álvarez <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSarthak Pranesh <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMichele Pellegrini <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarTanmoy Bhowmik <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHibikine Kage <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGovind Dixit <GOVINDDIXIT93@GMAIL.COM>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarZhaubassarova Aruzhan <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAroo <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSarthak Pranesh <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSiddharth Padhi <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarBruno Dantas <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatardevyaniChoubey <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarnixxou <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDavid-Tsui <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVincenzo Esposito <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarRishabh Gupta <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHendy Irawan <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAlexandru Naiman <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDani <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarLuis <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarzaphod534 <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarankar84 <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarКарлан Антон Андреевич <KarlanAA@global.bcs>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSaket Mahajan <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMarco Jakobs <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDaniel Maike <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarVitor Leal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFernando Aguilar <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarAbdullah Alhamoud <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarDave Koo <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarFazil Boudjelal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarLucas Dousse <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSumukha Hegde <SUMUKHA214@GMAIL.COM>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGerzon Z <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarGerzon Z <>
    Co-authored-by: default avataryash-rajpal <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarHakan YILMAZ <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarArkadyuti Bandyopadhyay <>